PG.10 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. APRIL 25, 1969 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Female Help Wanied Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Halp Wanted Female Help Wanted T about a awaits nm mm > • «tmineiSat# opening faiatestgrowing newspaper offering yaa respaasibiUty and the ci>portuntty to meet and serve the publieinaftuiif ywi are willing to work, like to meetpoople, can type and enjcy talking on phone, then I would apin person or write; MARY MILLER Business Office McHeniy Plaindealer FEMALE -3 . MACHINE OPERATORS . PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS 1ST SHIFT POSITIONS Good starting rates plus incentive plan. Excellent company benefits. - COME IN OR CAUL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to Noon BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE A Good Place To Work \ "an equal opportunity employer" 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL, DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-S85-7002 ^ Female Help Wanied Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted to do VARITYPING/PROOF READING In the Art Department of a growing business form company. Air conditioned plant, usual company benefits, etc. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT PFEIFFER Business Forms AT 815-675-2392 SUN ELECTRIC CORPORATION FEMALE - ASSEMBLERS -WIRERS -SOLDERERS FULL TIME 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. We need women to do light assembly, wiring and soldering on our world famous sua tachometers. You will work in the cleanest, most modern wcrk facilities available. Interviewing Hours | Monday Through Fri . 8 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to I P. M. I*####**#*#*******!******************************1**** OR CALL 815-459-7700 For Your Convenient Appointment (JUL ELLQTRIC CORPORATION 3011 EAST ROUTE 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 60014 FEMALE * ASSEMBLERS ' SORTERS 1ST SHIFT POSITIONS „ Good starting rates plus incentive plan. Excellent company benefits. -- COME IN OR CALX. -- OITTCE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE A Good Place To Work "an equal opportunity employer" 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 SALES CORRESPONDENTSECRETARY We have an immediate opening for woman to assist our Consumer Sales Manager. Duties will include typing, taking phone orders, dictation (shorthand or dictaphone), figuring salesmen commissions, eta A very interesting position for the right person. Pleasant working conditions and good company ben* efits. Starting salary commensurate with experience. Please apply in person. Crown Industrial Products Company Stale Line RcL, Hebron, Illinois PHONE: (815) 648-2424 4-23/4-25-69 Female Edp Wanted •oMuaafiaaoMtiMosaMoBcmuaaoa GIRLS 16 and up. I am looking for about 20 personable women desiring part or full time employment. Good pay. Work in your home at your convenience. Ask for MR. UHWAT. Can 312-KI6-2332 4-25-69 Male Help Wanted HIGH SCHOOL boy or man for lawn work. By day or all summer. Home on west side of Pistakee Bay. Call 385- 4525. 4-25-69 Male Help Wanted Earn Approximately $60 to $80 per week PAST TIME Work approximately 2% to 3 hours per day before 7 a.m. delivering Chicago Tribunes in McHenry-Wauconda area. Must be steady, reliable, with good dependable car. For further information phone 312-626*2813 or come to CHICAGO TRIBUNE SERVICE Island Lake Shopping Plaza Rt. 176., bland Lake, HL 4-23/4-25-69 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 4-9-69 SECRETARY FOR PROMOTION DEPARTMENT If you like promotion and advertising field, you will find this position PERFECT for YOU. You should be an excellent typist and have good shorthand ability. 35 hour week with many company benefits. If you qualify call MR. BASMUSSEN for appointment, 812-566-6400. AMERICANA INTERSTATE CORP. 501 East Lange St. Mundelein, 111. 4-23/4-25-69 FEMALE * PACKAGERS * ORDER PICKERS 1ST SHIFT POSITIONS Attractive starting rates. Excellent company benefits. -- COME IN OR CALL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE A Good Place To Work "an equal opportunity employer" 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY * (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 MALE * STOCK MEN * FORK LIFT OPERATORS 1ST SHIFT POSITIONS Good starting rates. Excellent company benefits. -- COME IN OR CALL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE A Good Place To Work "an equal opportunity employer" 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN to sell 2 top selling cars in the auto industry. Salary plus commission, demonstrator furnished, gas furnished. Profit sharing plan, hospital insurance, good working conditions. ONLY AMBITIOUS, INDUSTRIOUS, QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED NEED APPLY. We want only a man with automobile selling background, prepaired to give recommendations from previous employment. Apply In Person To CLAUDE BASELY Overton Cadillac Pontiac Co. 1112 N. Front St. McHenry. I1L 4-25-69TF 1-2 Mai. H«lp Wasted M»h MALE * MACHINE OPERATORS * MOLDERS 1ST & 2ND SHIFT POSITIONS Good starting rates plus incentive plan. Excellent company benefits. -- COME IN OR CALL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE A Good Place To Work ">an equal opportunity employer" 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 4-9-69 V. ASSISTANT BUYER Good opportunity for young man with desire to pursue business career. No experience necessary -- we will train. Perfect job for recently discharged veteran. Good starting salary and employee benefits. -- Apply -- AEROQUIP CORP. BARCO DIVISION 500 N. Hough St. Harrington DUnkirk 1-1700 "an equal opportunity employer" 4-23/4-25-69 TWO AUTO MECHANICS • Good Pay, Modem Shop • Good working conditions • Hospitalization Insurance • Profit Sharing • Uniforms furnished. Qualified and experienced only need apply. Apply In Person Only to SERVICE MANAGER Overton Cadillac Pontiac Co. 1109 N. Front McHenry, Illinois 4-25-69TF 1-2 MACHINE SHOP PERSONNEL Due to expansion of our machine shop operations we have several permanent full time opening* both days and nights, for qualified applicants with a minimum of 2 years experience on: Turret Lathe (set up and operate) Drill Press (set up and operate) PLENTY OF OVERTIME NO LAYOFFS plus full company benefits. Interviewing Hours Monday Through Fri . 8 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to I P. M. OR CALL 815-459-7700 For Your Convenient Appointment J utt ELECTRIC CORPORATION 3011 EAST ROUTC 176 CRYSTALJLAKC. ILLINOIS 60014 yfilf Wanted WELDERS Days 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Nights 4 p.m. -12:30 a jn. • Excellent Starting Pay • Automatic Increases • Paid Holidays • Paid Vacations • FREE Retirement Plan • Steady Work With Overtime e FREE Life and Medical Insurance Apply To FARR CO. 500 S. Main CRYSTAL LAKE 459-6600 an equal opportunity employer 4-23/4-25-69 Male Help Wanted WANTED SALES TRAINEE willing to start as truck driver & warehouse worker and eager to learn all phases of business from bottom up. Apply In Person McHenry Eby Brown 8928 W. West Ave. McHenry, Illinois 4-23/4-25-69 (T PAYS TO USE THE CLASSIFIEDS