Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1969, p. 5

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FRI, APRIL 25, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 5 MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 LUTO, MURRAY TOP VILLAGE VOTE GETTERS George Luto, who ran for village president on the People's Parly, and Larry Murray, seeking the two year post of trustee, were the top vote accumulators in last week's election. Luto won a large victory over his opponent, Don Parenti, who sought the presidency on the Progressive ticket. The final tally was 205 to 137. Murray, on the Progressive ticket, defeated Tom Damiano 200 to 110. Jean Garner was elected village clerk, defeating Carol Bate man 193 to 137. Trustees elected were Monty Yates -- 180 and Ray Lary -- 167 on the People's Party and Allan McKim -- 167 on the Progressive ticket. Other trustee candidates were James Wyman -- 154, Eugene Frost -- 151 and Bill Gleeson -- 128. Judges for the election were Myra Murray, Carrie Kurth and Emma Pyritz. NOTES FROM THE VILLAGE BOARD A canvass of votes in the last election was conducted last Friday. This action is mandatory, according to State statute, and was taken by the village board, which met Wednesday, April 16, in the beachhouse. All members were present except Gene Huff. The village books were sent to the auditor to prepare them for the new board. The financial picture shows $4,407.60 in the general corporate fund and $9,204.60 in motor fuel tax fund. A special meeting was called for last Wednesday, at which time the newly elected village officials were sworn into office. No committee reports were given, but there was communication from Mrs. Alice Rush, owner of the former Carrie Bennett property, informing the board that the dwelling at 4714 W. Parkview will return to a single family dwelling. In the audience were newly elected officials George Luto and Monty Yates. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Wednesday, May 7, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The public is cordially invited to attend. SCHULTZ -'BENSON NUPTIALS TONIGHT Miss Lynne Diane Schultz, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schultz, will become the bride of Mr. Leonard Benson of Woodstock. Len, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benson, will meet his bride at the altar of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, at 6p.m. tonight (Friday). His uncle the Rev. Echloff of Chicago, andthe Rev. David Allin of Nativity will officate at the double ring ceremony. A reception for invited guests will take place at the McHenry Country Club. Following a brief honeymoon, the new Mr. and Mrs. Len Benson will reside in Carpentersville. May we offer the best that life can hold for these two personable young people. A VERY NECESSARY PAUSE For the time being, there will be no more colums submitted by this reporter. We find it necessary at this time because of the pressure of employment and personal obligations. We sincerely hope you have enjoyed the news but it has been quite some time since we have enjoyed a vacation. It is also a long time ago since the first column was submitted in January, 1953. There have been many pleasurable hioments bringing the news to you and also some very tragic ones. Let us see what the future brings. SURPRISE VISIT One of the nicest of surprises occurred last Monday morning when daughter Chrys drove up the driveway. She will be with us until Sunday morning and came home in order to attend her cousin Lyme's wedding. She was recently reassigned Goodfellow A.F.B., San Angelo, Texas, from Kelly A.F.B., San Antonio. Her new address is as follows: 2 Lt. Chrysande J. Levesque, FV3227306 Box 7365 Goodfellow A.F.B., Texas 76901 CONVALESCING Theresa Schultz continues to New Modern Facilities for Radiator & Cooling System Service Drive-in - Remove & Replace Service for Radiators, Heaters & Gasoline Tanks Adams Bros. Radiator Service COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS 3006 W. I>. 120 385-0783 McHenry make progress; in her recovery and i s eagerly awaiting the marriage of her lovely young daughter. For reasons of her health she was admitted to McHenry hospital, Room 303, on Tuesday. ORCHID OCCASIONS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brostek will mark their twentythird wedding anniversary and natal day congrats to Irene Johnson, April 26...Dawn Meyer turns 6, Nancy Matthesius will be 17, Mark Mass welcomes his seventh year and happy birthday to Elmer Thorp, April 27...Sixteen years for Bruce Thacker, the Branham cousins -- Linda and Dorothy, turn 7 and our daughter Chrys will be 23, April 28...Nine candles an the cake for Daureen Parent!, and Vi and Ben Gates celebrate 30 years of marriage, April 29...Natal day greetings to Mrs. Laura Meyer, April 30...Lois and Don Parent! will be wed 21 years and happy birthday to Ginny Aalto, May 1. Best wishes to all. Display Old Glory on May 1 for Law Day, and we'll see you around, one of these days. 'Bye for now. BALL PLAYERS MUST REGISTER Boys from 8 to 12 years old who wish to play Little League ball must register immediately with John Klapperich at his home. Young lads, 13 to 15, whp plan to join Babe Ruth league should contact Butch Stacknick. OBSERVE 7STH ANNIVERSARY OF CHILDREN'S HOMES The seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Lake" Bluff/Chicago Homes for Children will be celebrated by the Woman's auxiliary of the home at its annual meeting to be held May 5 at the Art Institute of Chicago. A tour of the Art Institute's Impressionist/Post Impressionist gallery at 10 a.m. will be followed by the meeting and luncheon. Founded in 1894 by three deaconesses, the home was first known as the Methodist Deaconess orphanage. The name was then changed to Lake Bluff orphanage and then to Lake Bluff Children's home. Due to the expanded services now being of- . fered by the home, the name has been changed to Lake Bluff/ Chicago Homes for, Children. Mrs. Henry Tonyan of McHenry is one of the Elgin District Key Women of the Northern Illinois conference. McHENRY 9. I \l si \ | . N K I ' I ' I M I S SCITCI1 iMi'm.. I Barber Shop I I FM Buy-Sell-Trade ADAMS Bros. Repair I 3004 W. Rf. 120 i 385-0783 • Hair Coloring • Hair Styling • Hair Picoes • fl;i7.or Cuts JANE'S hy appointment 385-7771 • RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE | 4605 \V. Rt. 120, McHenry J Wc scrvice all makes | • TVs • Radio | • Stereo " • Tape Recorders j 385-0979 | FREE PARKING I • I I McHENRY j GUN CENTER .Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9 - (i 13325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 Illinois most complete (iun Store with a selection ol over 1,000 Runs in stock GET THE PARTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOl NEED THEM from Community Auto Supply Phone 385-0778 FOR SERVICE - 5 COUNTERMAN Mike Kalfus Frank Meisr^er Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Farm Equipment | George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry j Bus. 385-0420 | Res. 385-0227 | Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Auto Liability Bonds Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine T ^Airfiuyufltd JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AN0 SERVICE Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to PhUIIp's 66 fipert Repair--Facioiv trained mechanics Full stock of genuine factory replacement parts Engine tune up and complete safety check fast precision sharpening -- Complete selection of 68 Jacobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 Adams Repair Shop 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Workmen's Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois, 60050 Garages Any size any style. Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize In room additions. No Money Down-Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake WONDER LAKE GAIL WILLIAMS 653-5371 LOCAL SINGERS PARTICIPATE IN CHORAL PROGRAM This weekend Saturday and Sundayy April 26 and 27, the McHenry Choral club will present their annual spring program at the West campus auditorium on the Crystal Lake blacktop at 8:15 p.m. The following Wonder Lakers are in the chorus: Jo Jirousek, Harriett Bell, Jackie Schau, Jo Pryor, Dolores Carr, Loretta Meadie, Treva Zeek and Judy Hamilton. This event is always a refreshing and very enjoyable evening of music and is entertaining to all ages -- young and old alike. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS The Voyager's hobo party has been cancelled from Sunday April 20 to Sun<tey April 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring a fL&hlight with you. Parade of Dolls" is the theme for the fourth annual mother and daughter banquet, Sunday, May 4, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are available from Joan Preston, Joni Vogt, Ruth Allin, Gladi Bowers, Eleanor Meyer or Marie Lamont. If you don't "own" a daughter, borrow one!! NOTE OF SYMPATHY Our condolences to the family of Mrs. Lewis (Mary) Harrington, McHenry, who passed away April 16 in Woodstock hospital. Among the survivors is a daughter, Mrs. Terese (Marylew) Pitt, Highland Shores. HOSPITALIZED Edna Flott and Guy Ullman were patients this past week at Woodstock hospital. BLESSING FROM HEAVEN Bob and Pat Hager, Jr., Mundelein, welcomed a baby girl, Christine Ann. April 2 at Condell hospital, Libertyville, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 inches long. Christine was welcomed, home by "big" sister CiiKty, 3 years old and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hager, Sr., Wooded Shores. Congratulations to all!! s , ' « w (VIe HCNRV r LAIN PliAU-'.R "r LUNCHEON Eight wom&Ljrom Nativity Lutheran church" attended the district meeting^ of the LCW (Lutheran Church Women) at Bethany Lutheran church, Crystal Lake, last week. and stayed for the luncheon and to talk with Pastor and Jackie Johnson, former pastor of Nativity, now pastor of Bethany. Those at^snding were Nancy Elbersen, Marie Lamont, Lorraine Fejedelem, Joni Vogt, Diane Horn, June Kiddell, Ruby Reynolds and Gail Williams. CAROUSEL Those who attended the Carousel play this past weekend at Marian Central high school, Woodstock, saw a terrific and outstanding performance put on by the high schoolers under the direction of Don Barden, Woodstock. Also Father Ron Conro of Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, was in charge of sc^iery and costumes. --N^Phere ware several Wonder Lakers in the play including Tom and Bob Ruggero and Debbie Christy. SC OUT-O-41AMA Cub Scout Pack 145 and Boy Scout Troop 145 won blue ribbons at the Scout-O-Rama held in McHenry junior high school last Saturday. Explorer troop 145 brought home a red ribbon. McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 Wett Elm Street Phone 3S5-0170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher y/MEMBER \ 4s-.oi 1 9 G 9 Adele Froehlich, MEMBER 'AWPnal E WWPf%PER Association - Founded 1885 Subscription Bates 1 Year $7.50 1 Year In McHenry and Lake ^County $9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County SHOP IN McHENRY TURTLE ISLAND ESTATES SOUTHERN WISCONSIN TURTLE ISLAND CAMP HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED into beautiful almost Vt acre lake parcels. Turtle Island estates on large, scenic PARK LAKE at PARDEEVILLE,. WISCONSIN. Only 130 miles from McHenry These lots offer LARGE STATELY TREES and SANDY BEACH on a lake which is excellent for FISHING, BOATING, WATER SKIING, SWIMMING or |ust plain RELAXING. Office on the site is open weekday afternoon! and all day Saturday and Sunday. PardeeviHe Is 80 miles north of Madison on Highway 22. Take Highway ZZ through main street to north edge of town then follow signs. -- EASY TERMS ARE AVAILABLE -- R E C R E A T I O N L A N D C O . EARL, RHODE, Owner, Broker SPRING SALE SPECIAL APRIL 28th to MAY 3rd To Mark Our 13th Anniversary We Are Offering A Tremendous Savinqs On The General c P 2% Dry Chemical M Fire Extinguisher: «• For Cars, Boats, Trailers., Trucks, Air Planes or Lawn Mowers U.L. Approved. Coast Guard Approved LIST $15.20 SALE $6.75 cash (Recommend Larger Ext. For Home) No Deliveries Cash Only No Dealers KIRCHNER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SALES and SERVICE A Short Life For Every Flame 124 WOODSTOCK ST. CRYSTAL LAKE oe 459-2504 3 owe 4* woo FLOBlSTfl - NURSERY - GARDEN CENTEH ROUTE 14 AT 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 459-6200 -- WE DELIVER OPEN - 7 DAY Till 5 P.M. LOWERING CRABAPPLES *750& Almey - red - scarlet fruit Atrosanguinea - carmine - red fruit Eleyi - dark pink - red fruit Floribunda - pink - yellow fruit Hopa - rose pink - orange red fruit Radiant - rosy red - crimson red fruit Red Silver - Crimson - red fruit up Scheideckeri - pink - yellow fruit Golden Hornet - pink to white - golden yellow fruit Strathmore - dark pink - purplish red fruit Katherine - pink - yellow fruit Vanguard - rosy bloom - red fruit Snowdrift - white - orange red fruit Beverly - white - red fruit Your Choice PRICES ON FLOWERING CRABS 6*7' $ 7.50 y4-l in. $14.50 iy« in. $16.00 1% in. $17.00 1% in. $19.50 2 in. $24.00 2V4 in. $28.00 2V4 in. $33.00 2% in. $38.00 3 in. $45.00 FRUIT TREES DWARF and REGULAR S05O and up Beautiful Plantings (ARE A GROWING INVESTMENT Landscaping, properly planned and executed, will do ihore to increase the value of your home over the years than will any other item you may purchase. Let our experience guide you in planning or renovating your "outdoor living room" . . . help you select the best •varieties of Illinois grown trees and shrubs to fit your budget and enhance your property value. FIELD FRESH! PLANT NOW I Choose from: APPLE-PEAR-CHERRY PEACH-PLUM-APRICOT COMPARE and SAVE CLUMP BIRCH V/2 " - 1%" Balled and Burlapped $ O fl 95 Weekend Special Highbrush Cranberry Beautiful 2%' Potted Flowers Red Fruit 29 SHADE TREES *Shademaster LOCUST • Silver MAPLE • Green ASH • American LINDEN • Norway MAPLE •Pin OAK (Prices are determined by trunk diameter) Regular $5.50 Special . . .

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