THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH WEP. MAV 7, 1969 - PLAI NQEALER - PG. 9 Female Help Wanted JUNIOR SECRETARIES | fiSS J Local company l o o k i n g • for intelligent gal with • good skills & lite experience. 5 WIDE Call Rose Madaus I Ph0B®! I AW §15-888-8200 • tSS Benton 81. I Woodstock, 111. I Penounel, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 Wed. A Thurs. 9:00-7:00 Sat 9:00-Noon SHOP IN McHENRY TYPIST, part time. Apply in person. Blake and Noonan, 3308 W. Elm, McHenry, Illinois. 5-7/5-9-69 SWITCHBOARD RECEPTION «450 Several top companies in the local area are seeking gals with expert- I Female Help Wanted McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP has opening for 2 lull-time Receptionists Excellent starting salary. Many fringe benefits. Call MRS. LUETH at 385-1053 5-2/5-7-69 j" GflAATL. FVRRIIDTkAAYV Be your own boss. Local | company is looking for a - gal with good office background. Lots of variety. Salary open. Call Rose Madaus ence on the S/B. Lite typing* Call Rose Madaus WIDE Phone: JH *15-838-8200 285 Benton St. Woodstock, 111. Penonnd, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 I Sat 9:00-Noon | COUNTER WOMAN for permanent full time work in coffee shop. McHenry Hospital Call 385-2424 for appointment 5-2/5-7-69 I I I | WIDE IS'** I I I . Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 • Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 Sat 9:00-Nopn Phone: 815-888-8200 285 Benton St Woodstock, 111 Penounel, Inc. McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP needs: Switchboard Operator and Receptionist Challenging position for a self-motivated person. Excellent starting salary, many fringe benefits. Call MRS. LUETH at 385-1053 5-2/5-7-69° Female Help Wanted Femal* Help Wanted GIRL to do VARITYPING/PROOF READING In the Art Department of a growing business form company. Air conditioned plant, usual company benefits, etc. PLEASE CALL FOE APPOINTMENT PFEIFFER Business Forms AT 815-675-2392 5-7/5-9-69 SECRETARY We have a requirement for a sharp secretary in our sales department, working with one of our sales administrators. Good shorthand and typing required with substantial telephone duties. Full range of company paid benefits. Excellent education assistance program. Apply to personnel director. MANUFACTURING CO. A OivtsiON Of OAK ELECTRO/NETICS COHP Souih Main Street Phone 459-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER g.-ji/cj_g.£g SALESLADY • Employee discounts • Paid vacations • Low cost insurance • 5 day week • No Sundays Apply In Person To Harry Dean BEN FRANKLIN McHENRY. ILLINOIS Female Help Wanted Female. Help Wanted Z. Male Help Wanted Nil# Help Wanted Halt Help Wasted Malt Help Wanted ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniKiiiiiiiif | BRAKE PARTS COMPANY J | has an immediate opening for a 1 | • KEY PUNCH OPERATOR • jj 5 1 - 2 y e a r s A l p h a - N u m e r i c a l e x p e r i e n c e p r e f e r r e d . E | -- COME IN OR CALL -- 1 = OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. E S Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon: EE | BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1 A Good Place To Work 5 1H0 Jl. IRC08TS1A1.DK. E MEN (BahMTtoMdtafr Matte Plata) = PHONE iiuK-nn E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirH Female Help Wanted CLERK TYPISTS $400 Several openings in the area for well groomed gals with good typing skills. WIDE ^ Rose Madaus sy Phone: |S CPr 81S-S38-3200 v 2S5 Benton St. Woodstock. 111.' Personnel, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 I Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 I Sat. 9:0Q-Noon :.j 5-7/5-9-69 WAITRESSES FULL ft PART HUB Noon day lunch or evening hours available. CZECHO LODGE Rt. 14 Crystal Lake, 111. 459-0125 5-7/5-9-69 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR $450 Experienced or trainees. Work close to home in a new international firm just relocated in this area. Call Rose Madaus WIDE Phone: 81S-SS8-S200 235 Benton St. Woodstock, 111. Peno'inel, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5t00 Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 Sat. 9:00-Noon Female Help Wanted PERFORMANCE PAYS OFF! McHenry couple needs 8 hrs. of housework weekly. If you are proficient and can do work in less time, your salary will be paid on performance and NOT the hours spent. For details call Mrs. Griggs - 385- 2126. 5-7-69 WAITRESS WANTED. Harmony Resort. Call 385-1488. 5-7/5-9-69 SECRETARY, apply in person between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. 3910 W. Main, McHenry. 5-7/5-9-69 Mala Help Wasted RETAIL ROUTE MAN Local Territory Sales background helpful but not necessary, A minimum of $8,000 annually • 5 day week • Free family hospitalization • Pension and Severance Plan • Generous Paid Vacation Program • Steady Employment. Apply In Person LUDWIG MILK CO. 1903 S. Rt. 31 McHENRY. ILL. 5-7/5-16-69 HAVE YOU STOPPED IN TO DISCUSS OUR RATES LATELY? Immediate openings for qualified-- Machine Operators 1st and 2nd Shift Holders 1st and 2nd Shift Fork Lift Operators 1st Shift Stock Men 1st and 2nd Shift Assemblers 1st Shift Part time positions available on both 1st and 2nd shift WE OFFER • Complete insurance program, effective within 30 days • Progressive rate ranges * Night Shift premium • Holiday pay * 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year * Promotional opportunity • Credit Union *paid pension plan • Jury Duty Pay > OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment Wfc CARE ABOUT PEOPLE BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Bahlnd Th. McHanry Market Plus) 815-385-7002 Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted --WOMEN HAVE YOU STOPPED Uf TO DISCU OUR RATES LATELY? Immediate openings for qualified^ Machine Operators 1st an.i 2nd Shift Punch Press Operators 1^1 Shift Order Pickers b •• Shift Assemblers 1st iiiift Packagers 1st Shut Sorters 1st and 2nd Shift Part time positions available on both 1st and 2nd shift WE OFFER • Cbmplete insurance program, effective within 30 days * Progressive rate ranges • Holiday pay * 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year * Promotional opportunity • Jury Duty Pay • Night Shift premium • Credit Union *paid pension plan OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment Wt CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY BRAKE PARTS COMPANY (Behind Th* McHenry Market Pl«o») 815-385*7002 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN to sell 2 top selling cars In the auto industry. Salary plus commission, demonstrator furnished, gas furnished. Profit sharing plan, hospital insurance, good working conditions. ONLY AMBITIOUS, INDUSTRIOUS, QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED NEED APPLY. We want only a man with automobile selling background, prepaired to give recommendations from previous employment. Apply In Person To CLAUDE BASELY Overton Cadillac Pontiac Co. 1112 N. Front St. McHenry/ HL 5-2-69TF1- GENERAL UTILITY MAN RETAIL STORE • Employee Discounts • Paid Vacations • Low Cost Insurance • No Sundays Write to: BOX 221 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 5-7/5-9-69 TWO AUTO MECHANICS • Good Pay, Modern Shop 9 Good working conditions • Hospitalization Insurance • Profit Sharing • Uniforms furnished. Qualified and experienced only need apply. Apply In Person Only to SERVICE MANAGER Overton Cadillac Pontiac Co. 1109 N. Front McHenry, Illinois 5-2-69TF1