LAKE MO OR - LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR 385-2645 Appointments Made By President At Special Village Board Meeting The village of Lakemoor held a special meeting Monday, April 28. The following appointments were made. Treasurer, Larry Booster, Attorney, Thomas Baker, Chief of police, George Johnson, Patrolman, George Watkins, Patrolman trainee, Charles Martin, Radioman, Patrolman, Fr^nk Bit- Barber Shop « • Hair Styling ^ • Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts JAMES by appointment 3S5-7771 terman, Sanitation Inspector Dave Wilcox, Building and Electrial Ifl&pector, Norman Morrison, Municipal Engineers Baxter and Woodman of Crystal Lake. Health Officer, Marcella Foss, Health Assistants Margaret Coughlin and Ann Bolda, Police Matrons Carol Venable and Rita Burton. These matrons will be in charge of the beaches during the summer months. Two vacancies on the zoning board of appeals were filled with the following appointments. They are Harold Freeman and Stan Zabroski. A committee on public affairs was formed. Committee was made with the following appointments to serve Gen McDermott, Helen Para and Rita Casey. Standing committees for the coming year are finance and ordinance Donald Why not, license Harry Brady, public property Alyce Kowal, building and zoning Kenneth Massheimer, streets and roads Alfred Dember, water, septic and sanitation Herb Brossman. All these appointments are from May 1, 1969 to April 30, 1970. Business transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Schuerr submitted a letter withdrawing their petition, withdrawing from the village. The board accepted their withdrawal. Hie president and board of trustees recommended that six (6) properties be condemned which the village inspectors had turned reports in on. These properties have no one living in them, they have been abandoned over a year. The clerk will be sending out letters to notify the owners. Trustee A1 Dember submitted a report on the conditions of the roads throughout the village. The roads committee will be meeting with the engineers to set up a program of repairs within the month. Willard Mix has been asked to stay on as custodian of the fire-community house. Trustee Harry Brady, chairman of the license committee, will be going over the list of businesses and will submit recommendations in their license fee at the next meeting. Next general meeting of the village will be held tomorrow evening Thursday, May 8, at 8 p.m. It will be held at the firecommunity building. Wed. May 7 , 1969 - ^laindealer - Sec. 2> Pg. 5 DANCING TIME Pa and Ma are getting their favorite- dancing shoes out and are making ready for the Spring Fling Saturday, May 17, to be held at the Johnsburg Community hall. TTie dance is sponsored by the Lilymoor association. Anyone who wishes to purchase their tickets and dance along with Pa and Ma, may purchase them from any of the officers of board of directors. They will gladly sell you all the tickets you want to purchase. Tickets will also be available atthe door the evening of the dance. Come one, come all and bring your many friends and have a good time dancing. And you might see Pa and Ma cut up a good old fashion rug. Dancing starts at 8 p.m. Proceeds of the dance will go toward the street lights. OFFICERS AND BOARD Of directors meeting for the Woman's auxiliary will be held Tuesday, May 27, at the home of Shirley Schuerr at 1 p.m. BELATED ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Joe and Nancy Cappoletta who celebrated their fortyrsixth wedding anniversary Tuesday, April 29. Congratulations Joe and Nancy and hope you celebrate many more together. BELATED BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Ralph Anderson who celebrated his eleventh birthday Friday, April 25. » BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Rex Anderson who will celebrate his twelfth birthday Sunday, May 11. Many happy returns, Ralph and Rex. SYMPATHIES No words can express our deepest sympathies to Rufh Carlin on the loss of her husband, William, who passed away Friday, April 25, in New Mexic. Ruth and William ran a local business in Lakemoor. RETURNS TO BASE Jim Bolda left Thursday, May' 1, to take over his duties in the Air Force. Jim enjoyed his leave visiting his family and many friends. SUGGESTED LEGISLATION Legislation classifying snowmobiles as special mobile equipment has been introduced into the current session of the General Assembly and has been recommended for passage < by the House Committee on Highways and Traffic Safety. Under the provisions of the measure, snowmobiles would be eligible for a certificate of title, STUDY QUESTIONNAIRES -- Congressman Robert McClory and staff members, Juanita Young and Grace Orebaugh, receive mailbags of completed questionnaires circulated by the Congressman among Illinois' 12th district residents. More than 15,000 replies are expected to the biennial poll on key national issues. After a June 1 deadline, survey results will be tabulated and published. but exempt from registration. Their operation on highways is prohibited, except to cross a highway when it is safe to do so, but not when lights arte required. Authorization is provided for local authorities to regulate their operation on the same basis as bicycles and requiring the same equipment as required for bicycles. • j GOOBWYEAR MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL! GE Top Load Portable Dishwasher and 11-pc. Cutlery Set...all for the price of the dishwasher % 189 • Two cycles: daily loads; pots and pans • Built-in soft food disposer • Convenient white Textolite work surface 55^ OTHER GOODYEAR VALUES...REGULAR LOW PRICES mmimiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiuimuiiiiuiiiiiimimiiiiwiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiig =jiniiiniimiminiuiinniiiimiinniiniiiiniininiiuinnuiiinniiiniimni I G.E. PERSONAL TV ll£ ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI^ 1 GE BIG i I SCREEN PORTABLE TELEVISION AGKS 105-A Fashionette AIR CONDITIONER \ 79 95 Easily portable--ju»t 10Ms lbs. of viewing pleasure. Use in children's playroom, den, kitchen. All-channel reception. Big 9" screen (diagonal measurement). 95 5000 BTUs s'% Ultra-quiet rotary E compressor S Reusable air filter = Automatic * E thermostat E EE Fresh air E = exchanger EE allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljllllllllllllllllllllllllliiT? 109 • Picture and sound come on quickly with this modern styled portable • 172 square inch picture • All channel UHF-VHF reception 129 95 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirr HOURS 8:30 - 5:00 Fri. till 9 Sat. till 4:30 Goodyear Automotive and Appliance Center 4400 W.'Rt. 120, McHenry McHenry Market Place USE OUR LAY -A-WAY PLAN REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER CLASSES McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE CRYSTAL LAKE PH. 459-6800 1969 Summer Classes Introduction to Anthropology Art Appreciation Painting I r^Hnciples of Accounting I Principles of Accounting n Business Internship Elementary Chemistry 7-10 p.m. 7-10 p.m. 6-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. 7-10 p.m. 35-40 hr.'vvk. Lec: 8-10 a.m. Lab: 8-11 a.m. Introduction to Data Processing Computer Programming I » Computer Programming n Computer Programming in English Composition I 10-12 a-m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. To be arr. 6-12 a.m. T-10 p.m. English Composition II 7-10 p.m. Introduction to English Literature T-10 p.m. Introduction to American Literature T-10 p.m. Laboratory for English Laboratory for Mathematics Laboratory for Reading Nurse Aide. United States History I United States History n Key Punch Operator Training Introduction to Journalism Elements of Mathematics Intermediate Algebra College Algebra College Trigonometry Music Appreciation Fundementals of Biology n Field Natural History United States Government Introduction to Psychology Educational Psychology Typing II Typing in Shorthand II Shorthand in Office Machines Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Speech 8-10 a.m. 10-12 a.m< 10-12 am, 6-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. 12-3 p.m. T-1Q p.m. T-lQp.m. T-lO^.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. Lec: T-10 p.m. Lab: 7-10 p.m. Lec: 10-12 a.rru Lab: 9-12 am. 7-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. 7-10 p.m. 6-9 p.m. 6-9 p.m. 6-9 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. T-10 p.m. 7-10 p.m. TTh TTh MW TTh MW M-F MWF TTh MWF MW TTh TTh MW MW TTh MW TTh MW TTh MW MW MW TTh Th W MW MW TTh TTh MW MW MW TTh MW TTh TTh TTh MW MW MW TTh TTh MW MW MW TTh Television Courses, Channel 11, WTTV Literature (Fiction) 6:30-7:15 p.m. MTWTh Education (American Public 7:15-8:00 p.m. MTWTh School) (June 23-August 15) Appointments can be made with a counselor by rAlHng 459-6800 extension 20, or registration can be completed by sending in the following form McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE MAIL REGISTRATION FORM, SUMMER 1969 Must be mailed before May 20,1969 Name & Social Security Number Street Address City State Zip Code Have you taken courses here? • YES • NO I would like to enroll in the following courses for the 1969 summer session (June 11 - August 6) Course Title Meeting Time Course Title Meeting Time Mail Form To: ADMISSIONS McHenry County College P.O. Box 415 Crystal Lake, 111. 60014