ftp 9 " fpjf v " ' ifmv>-M. *#k<W•*. .PRESENT OPERETTA -- These young people from the fourth through sixth grades at Edgebrook school can be seen in the operetta, "The. Man With The Crooked Nose", at Junior high Treasure Hunt = Outing Planned For Y Families The Lake Region YMCA has ! planned an unusual family out- ; ing for Sunday, May 18. It will ; be a road rally and treasure ; hunt. All family members of ; the I-ake Region YMCA and Indian Guide families are invited. The event will begin at 2 p.m. at the big sign in the Crystal I^ake Plaza on Route 14. Registrations will be accepted until 2:30 p.m. Family fun is the purpose of the outing and participants in ; the rally and treasure hunt will ; be asked to find the answers to twelve questions by visiting specific locations. When participants have completed their lists, they will be directed to ! return to the parking lot, east ! of the Crystal Lake Park dis- ; trict lakefront recreation cen- ; ter, for the conclusion of the rally, sociability and refreshments. Registrations can be made for the outing by contacting the Lake Region YMCA, 95 Grant street, Crystal Lake. Four treasures will be nresented to the families with the twelve questions answered correctly and the shortest mileage travelled. Miss Schwingl Jobs Abroad Participant school auditorium at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 15, and Friday, May 16, PLAENDEALER PHOTO PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER FRI. MAY^ 16, 1969 Beautification Group Presents Talk To Club It was the good fortune of the Beautification council to follow entertainment by Mark Romani on the drums, accompanied by Maria Guettler, at a. luncheon meeting of the Mc- Henry Kiwanis, held at the American Legion. home on Monday, May 12. It put everyone in a bright and cheerful mood, and appropriately enough, the last selection was "TTtts Is Your Land, This My Land" because this s up the concern of the tifi cation council. TAKE PRIDE IN McHENRY AID MENTAL HEALTH-- All types of flowers -- individually and in arrangements--are being made by imaginative Fair Diddley workers for the upcoming festival in the Woodstock City Square on June 15. Volunteers are welcome to meet each Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Ralph Robinett to make more flowers, molded fruit and wall hangings. Benefit is for the Mental Health and Family Service for Mc- Henry County Women's auxiliary. From left, foreground: Marilyn Ehlen, Mcllenry; Carol Dingle, Crystal Lake; Ann Teich, Woodstock^ Lou Shook, Woodstock, chairman; and Grace O'Leary, Woodstock. DON PEASLEY PHOTO PAMELA SCHWINGL Pamela J. Schwingl of 3402 W. Kim street. Mcllenry, has been accepted as a participant in the Jobs Abroad program for the summer of 1969. Present plans call for Pamela to be working in England. Pamela is one of the 1500 students who are accepted in the Jobs Abroad international work corps every year. All participants hold salaried jobs, living with Europeans side by side while learning and making new friends. Some do farm work in Switzerland, or wait on tables in resorts in England, Switzerland and France, or even such jobs as packaging cigarettes in a Helgian factory. Most students find that although the work is hard, cultural fringe benefits are an important compensation. They reap the rewards of tourism without its drawbacks, earning enough money for living and sightseeing expenses, polishing up a foreign language, and just having fun. The Jobs Abroad program, sponsored by LST( /LSLS, has welcomed 3,200 young people into its ranks in the past live years. Positions are available in English, French, German and other language areas. More details on programs available can be obtained by writing to the International Society for Training and Culture (LSTCJ, 8f)(J United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017. Altar And Rosary Communion Sunday The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's parish will hold its annual Communion Sunday on May 18 at the H:30 Mass. Breakfast will follow in the church hall. Memebers of the Holy Name society will serve. College Will , Present "Tender Trap May 16-18 The Black Watch Players of Mcllenry County college will be presenting "The Tender Trap", a comedy written by Max Shulman and Robert Smith. The play will be presented in the Student Union. Dates are May 16 and 17 at 8 p.m., and Sunday, May 18, at 2 p.m. MCC students will be admitted iree with I.D.'s. 0SRITAL ilodu McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to Mcllenry hospital during the past week included Clara Malacek, Victor Stanek, John Zick, Sr., Richmond; William Miller, Roxanne Meyer, Alyce Schroeder, Christopher Bennett, James Ambrose, Frank Pechart, Flwood Crane, Virginia Frank, Martin Ziphpl, Edna Zast.raw, The play will star Van Vogel as Charlie Reader, Dan Wakefield as Joe McCall, Deidre Kelley as Julie Gillis, and Ruth Koleto as Sylvia Crewes. Supporting roles are played by Betty Himpelmann, Kathy Clough, Wayne Stebbins and Bob Jeffers. The play would not be possible without the help of people working on various crews. John Goettsche heads the construction crew. Mike Reid and Marc Woodbury are in charge of lighting. The make-up crew is headed by Bev Morgan. Props are being handled by Joan Leahy. The play will be directed by James Kenna and assisted by Meg Sebastian. The stage manager is Barb Adolphus. Raymond Scharlow, Lucille Krzeminski, Andrew Laird, John Pohl and Lillian Engel, all of Mcllenry; and Darrel Adkins of Island Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Vincent Adams, Delores Steiner, Anthony Weyland, Harold Galvin, Thomas Schweder, Mcllenry; Ruth Moore, Donna Olbrich, Janet Miller, Ester Born, Charles Hentges, Marion Laier and Joynce Macaluso, Wonder Lake; and Arline Pearson, Ringwood. HARVARD HOSPITAL Robert Seeber, Mrs. Gerald Do we, Herbert Clausen and Ruth Haasl of Mcllenry were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. The program consisted erf a short resume of the council's purpose for being, past achievements and future plans. It appeared to be the concensus that there is a need in McHenry for such a council to assist the city in growing graciously. The Northwestern Railroad station was suggested as a beautification project Kiwanis could agree to undertake. President Dean Cunat advised that this would be taken up at their next board meeting, at which time a decision would be made. The presentation closed on the note that if each person would merely "brighten the corner where I am", McHenry would soon become known as the city with pride. Introduce New Officer Slate For Valley View The Valley View PTO will hold its last meeting of the year on May 22 at 7:30 p.m. Following the business meeting, anew slate of officers for the 1969- 70 year will be introduced. At 8:15, the program will be held in relation to Teachers Appreciation Night. The PTO wiil--host the annual- Her by Notice To Brides In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been announced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days prior to the wedding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional wgek is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement announcement has not beer, published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. Luth eran Ladile s awards presentation. The Herby is described as equal in importance to the teaching profession as the Oscar is to the film industry. Teacher nominees and their families have been invited to attend an evening of rollicking fun. All parents and children of Vally View are invited. Refreshments of cake and coffee and milk for the youngsters will be served. William Wiley, star of four Northwestern university Waa-Mu shows, is shown singing " Burning Statistical Love" to Sharon Anderson. They Woman's CI May Luncheon ub The McHenry Woman's club will hold its annual Spring luncheon on May 21 at the Timber's in Woodstock at noon. There will be installation of new officers: Mrs. George Kleinhans, president; Mrs. George Spindler, first vice-president; Mrs. Albert Woermann, second vicepresident; Mrs. Frank Gans, recording secretary; Mrs. Laverne Spohr, trustee. Guests will be welcome. Reservations must be made to Mrs. Elmer Stange before May 17. An exceptionally fine program will be offered. Three members from the cast of Northwestern university's Waa-Mu show will present excerpts from many of their past annual shows. The three seniors are: Mark Lamos, 969 recipient To Hold Salad Bar Luncheon There will be a salad bar luncheon and card party on Wednesday, May 1, at noon, given by the Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid society in the social hall at the church, Rt. 120 west. Table prizes will be offered. Tickets are available from members or at the door. are two of three featured performers who will appear for the MtHenry Woman's club Spring luncheon on May 21. of the Dramatist's Guild Playwriting award of $1000 for his original musical, "The Time Was Green." Mark has appeared for many summers as the leading man of Warsaw, Indiana's Wagon Wheel Playhouse, starring in many outstanding productions, and is currently starring in the Northwestern production of "The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi." Sharon Anderson has been with the Waa-Mu show for four years and also performed at Warsaw, Ind. She is a featured dancer and singer. William Wiley, 1965 state vocal soloist of Pennsylvania has worked three years in night clubs on Rush street and starred in four years of Waa-Mu shows and other Northwestern productions. OTHER BIRTHS Mrs. Helen Heuser isaproud great-grandmother for the first time. The latest arrival in her family is Kelly Eileen, a 7 lb. 8 oz. daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Achor of Lafayette, Ind., on April 24. SHOP IN McHENRY MR. AND MRS. LEO P. DUSSAULT, JR. WED RECENTLY -- Miss Kathleen'Pierc^, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Willard Pierce of 810 W. Barbara lane, McHenry, and Mr. Leo P. Dussault, Jr., son of the senior Dussaults of Round Lake, were married in ,a lovely vwedding ceremony solemnized in St. Patrick's CathaM^Sehurch, McHenry, on April 12. Rev. Michael > "^ejSney officiated at the afternoon rite. The bridegroom recently returned from Vietnam. The newlyweds will be making their home at Barstow, Calif., where he is stationed with the Marines. HARMONY RESORT Harmony Resort Pistakee Lake Rolling d U\.S lit. 120 featuring JEANNE RANDOLPH on the Hammond Organ SATURDAY NITES Enjov our Bohemian Cooking DUCK DUMPLINGS. SOUR KRAUT POTATO PANCAKES IJOBSTER. TURF & SURF STEAKS sc^r' HI'ECiAL IIATEH I OH I'MVATE IVUITIEH The SECOND at your wedding IS "GAYLORD now most a Call 385-0170 for an appointment to have your memorable day photographed by The Recommended Photographer" Day Camp In McHenry for Boys and Girls Parents We are having day camp again this summer (or boys and girls to 12 years old. You can have peace of mind while you are work* ing, not having to worry about your child roaming the streets or wondering about their whereabouts while you are away. We have a supervised daily program which Includes swimming baseball hiking, indoor games, wood working shop and arts and crafts. We can assure you your child will have an interesting and rewarding time. If you are interested in having your child join our group call immediately for the date you want your child to be enrolled. For further information OPEN JUNE 16TH Call FANTASY FARM Phone 385-2499 $15.00 Per Week Sltoval I £ n • £ in £ z i: ; e • « m » I-- 10 ts O « co -£ 5 S -g g c . s e s = e Jm -s h- co CD . e25 c>o• .eE " It 08 ' £ c •o : ^ p •co ' • S_ o 0> i 3 e CO beaidA JstovaH & • t k