N City Schools Graduate 570 (Continued from page 1) {he Kiwanis award. Speaker for the evening will be Dr. Carl T. Bergstrom, superintendent. Diplomas willbepresentedby Dr. Griesbach, president of the board of education, and Df7 Bergstrom. Class members are as follows: Patricia Ann Alsing Nona Noreen Amour Martin Roy Apel Patricia Joan Arient Patrick Dennis Arnold William Baccia Cheryl Bachechi Howard James Bacon Richard Michael Basile John Dennis Backer Ralph Martin Berent Karen Sue Betts Charles Joseph Blake James Shannon Blundell Gary Steven Boehm Judy Boeker ^ Deborah Jean Borter Judy Ann Bradley Lynn Frances Brda Debra Louise Brendle Andrea K. Broman William George Brut Denise Freda Bucaro Deborah Calvert June Irma Campbell Kolleen Patricia Carroll Joseph Armando Castillo John P. Casey Robert T Chamberlain Alan Carl Cina . Jenise A. Comiskey Steven P. Congdon Annette L. Cooper David Counley John C. Cunat Lynn E. Cygan Karen Ann Davidson Pamela Jof Davis Gustave John DeBuck Edward Patrick Delelio ' :Mark Diedrich Kevin Michael Dorati y Marlene Dowell Martin Duling Chris A. Durkin Frank Ehredt Patricia Emerson Thomas R. Erber Timothy Paul Eternick , Louis Feiring , Thomas M. Fenwick Sherry Finney William J. Fleming Rosemary Foreman Sherie Foute Valerie Frett Diane Fruik Michael D. Gabriel Suzanne Gerstad Thomas Giacomo Judith Gilbert George G. Gilpin Thomas M. Giurlani Wileen Glash Mary Afin Goffo Gregory R Golz James Curtiss Gray Russell A Grover Pegtjy Guettler Lee Allen Hahn George C. Haines Ronald R. Hamil Frank S. Hannemann Marsha Hansen Ellen Harris Colleen Hart James Haufe Patrick Heald Daniel T. Hellios John Alan Henderkmg Alana Jeanne Hendricks Jeffrey Scott Holthusen Jeffrey S. Hoskins Erin Marie Houlihan Beth Louise Howell Kathleen M. Hurst Robert William Hutchinson Charlene M. Jenner Darlene A. Jensen Kerry D. Jensen James D. Johnson Vicky Lynn Johnson Get rich passing up gas stations. Get a SAAB. The fun way to save. We design cars the way we design jet planes. For maximum performance, comfort and safety. Alk Moul our nr> SAAB I-- p r o g r a m / U n w t u t l c «» Frw diliwiy from Sxdin to P OE Ult Coast OF SWEDEN liet 30 miles per gallon in a SAAB. EUROPA MOTORS 3318 W. Pearl McHenry Terry Johnston Michael Joza Krista M.Justen Guy Kammerer Marlene F. Kaiser John S. Kane Katherine Marie Keeney Terry L. Knutson . Thomas S. Knaack Randy Koczor Victoria Koehler Vickie Lee Kommer Michael Kotiw Kurt Edward Kreimier Marjc J. Krein Judy Krich Randy Lamberg Richard Layton April M. Lazalde Michael Steven Leary ;\Barry C. Lescher Darlene Licastro Thomas Lighter Daniel Thomas Liss Geri-Ann Lockwood Janet Long Kathleen Longhway Steven M. Loser George A. Lossmann Roger Ludwig Scott Edward Lundelius Jodie Marchese John F. Matthesius Lawrence B. McCrary Patricia Ann McHale Susan Menolasino Lawrence J. Mersch Pamela A. Messel Douglas Messer Michael Lee Messner Linda Jean Meaurer Donna Louise Meyer James A. Meyer Brian John Miller James Miller Phyllis Miller Baird A. Mitchell Pamela A. Morris Phillip Mowrer Kathy Mueller William Mueller Antoinette Mullen April T. Nasello John F. Nordholz Cheryl L. Nuss Charlotte A. O'Connor Lynn A. O'Day . Janet T Oeffling Dan R. Ohlson Linda Sue Olson Richard Ormord Donald J. Parenti Arlene F Patterson John W Patton Sandra M Patzke Linda Pedraza Mario Pedraza Vicki Lee Peterson Steven A Plucinski Kurt Gregory Pogor Debra Pounders Diane L Powers Norman E Prickett Jame* F Qual Denise Jean Quist Paul Robert Raasch Louis W. Ramer Elnora L. Rhoades Raymori Rivera Madelon E. Roalsen x L<?$h R ^lode Nane'tte Romani Laurie Jean Rudin John A Russell Pam Ryden James Scheid „ Janet Schlofner, Donna Schmunk HOLD 28th MILK DAY EVENTS AT HARVARD JUNE 7 (Continued from page 1) ers as Janet Lynn of Rockford, North American figure ice skating champion, who will crown the 1969 Milk Queen; Eagle Scouts of the Northern Illinois- Southern Wisconsin area who will have a place of honor in the Milk Day parade, Judi Ford of Belvidere, the 1969 Miss America, who will be represented by her father, Virgil Ford, due to a sponsor's commitment in California on June 7; outstanding 4-H, FFA, and WiTlrerrfT Paul Schmidt Paul Michael Schmitt Robert Schmitt Patrick M. Schopp Virginia Schubert Iris Dorothea Seese Margaret J. Sergeant Karen J. Slonina Deborah Anne Slottag Alvian Smith Eleanor Marie Smith Gregory Smith Michael C. Smith Michael L. Smith Roger Guy Smith Laura Marie Spero Nancy Joseph Staley Donna Lee Stanchuk Steven Stanek David M. Stastny . Craig A. Steiner Richard Stepanovic Elizabeth Stephenson . Linda Stevens David Stilling Susan Stromley Bruce Sweeney Jackie Tessar Roger L. Thacker Alexander Thomas Steven Thompson Barbara Jean Tiffany Ronald W. Timm Karen Tomal Lynn F. Tomlinson Timothy D. Tonyan Michael Troka Diane True Lawrence Tucker Ann Van Fleet Elizabeth Vavrik Debra Virgens Dennis Volpendesta Dorene Vycital Rhonda Wahls Gregory W. Watts T\iQ nn Tlfaigo Carol Weldt Keith F. Wheeler Sally Wheelock. Michael R. Whitehead Pamela Jo Wiedrich Kathy Lee Wilcox Michael Williams Nancy Wilson Jamie Witz Robert W. Wohnrade Dennis P. Wool wine Zygmunt S. Wos Kevin M. Wright Sandra J. Wright Deborah J. Wrublewski Roland E. Zabroski Phillip M. Zahn Kathleen M. Zeller McHENRY SERVICE CENTER 3 It Complete Cooling System Services HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. RTE. 120 385-0783 McHenry Plaindealer Now Twice Weekly PHONE 385-0170 for news, sports, adv. PAYTON CHEVROLET SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make > car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Ph. 385 -2155 Barber Shop ^0 • Hair Coloring ^0 • Hair Styling ^0 • Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts JAME' by appointment 385-7771 FM RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Rt. 120, McHenry We service all makes • TVs • Radio • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 \V. Crystal Lake Rd. - McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin fast! Lakeland Park CAB WASH Next to Phillip's 6G utibowyd JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AND SERVICE • Eipert Repair -factory framed mechanics 1 Full stock of genuine factoiy replacement parts ' Engine tune up and complete safety check < Fast precision sharpening -- • Complete selection of 69Jacobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 Adams Repair Shop 3102 N, Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most coniplMe (»un Store with a selection of over 1,000 Runs In stock McHENRY GUN CENTER Daily 9 - 9, Sat. & Sun. 9 - (i 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Aato Liability Bonds Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Workmen's Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300, Residence 385-3421 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois, 60050 Garages Any size any style. Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize In room additions. No Money Down-Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake FHA. Youth who have won state and national recognition; " Officially representing the state of Dlinois will be Lt. Gov. Paul Simon and State Secretary Paul Powell. Invited but as yet unconfirmed for personal visits are Gov. Richard OgilVie, U.S. Senators Pirksen and Percy, and State Agriculture Director John Lewis. Congressman Robert Mc- Clory is expected to be^on hand as usual. The program Saturday starts with the Junior Dairy Cattle Show at the high school grounds at 9 a.m. The downtown program starts at 9:30 a.m. with three chartered buses available to take visitor s on a tour of three typical Milk Center dairy farms. Preceding the big parade at 1 p.m. will be, in front of the reviewing stand, the WGNCountry Fair broadcast at noon,conducted by Orion Samuelson. The parade (\yill start at South Ayer and Washington streets, marching north on Ayer (The Milky Way), crossing Division street (Route 14) at the Five Points one block east to Hart, and north on Hart to the high school grounds. Rockford's WREX-TV President, Joe Baisch, and Orion Samuelson will emcee the afternoon program, culminating at 4:30 with the fateful questions asked of seven lovely queen candidates. Mayor R.J. Morris will conduct an amusing Mayor's Milk Drinking Contest at 4; Lt. Gov. Simon and other guests will be introduced at 3:25. Harvard's Milk Day Farm Family will be introduced at 7:50 to start the evening program featuring the Up with People aggregation of 60 singers and musicians from the University of Illinois, who will make their first appearance Friday night. The fireworks display will conclude the Milk Day program at 9:30 p.m. Hdrrison School FRL J^E6/ • ^AINPEALER- P9. 11 To Graduate 59 Next Tuesday FAREWELL TO ARNFINN Open house honoring Arnfinn Stokkan will be held Sunday, June 8, at West campus between 2 and 5 p.m. This will be an opportunity for local residents to bid farewell to the popular young man who has spent the past year in McHenry, attending MCHS. He will return soon to his native Norway. (Continued from page 1) Rev. Richard N. Wright will give the benediction. The following is a list of the graduates: Linda Arndt, Joanne Belch, Deborah Berndt, Marilyn Beverwyk, Barbara Brenner, Linda Bland, Lee Cristy, Roxanne Delfino, Kim Gahagan, Kathleen Kaptain, Susan La Greca, Heather Lamont, Barbara Larson^Barbara Letizia, Debbie MaloPMary McGibbon, Jayne McMUlan, Lynn Moffett, Karen NatscjHn Lora Nielsen, Roberta rasmussen, Rebecca Ritthaler, Mary Sauers, Deborah Schleicher, Linda Schroeder, Karen Treasure and Mary Wines. Also Michael Armbrust, James Cashin, John Curran, Jack Dusthimer, Mark Ehredt, Jerry Fejedelem, Richard Gabrysiak, Ewald Greewood, Rob^ ert Habich, Ralph Hemme, Gary Hummel, William Hunt, Mark Kaefer, Daniel Kinzie, Tenold Kusch, Lawrence Lawniezak, William Legg, Guy Lindgren, Thomas Mathews, Ronald Max- TEACHER HONORED ON RETIREMENT (Gontinued from page 1.) decorated cake carrying a se-. lect quotation from their study of Virgil. They also gave her a rosebush for her rose garden. Mrs. Anglese's corsage and guest book were the gifts of a class member, Carol Curran, who is the fourth member of her family to have studied Latin under her instruction. Among those in attendance were the guest of honor* s daughter, Kathleen Giamalva, her husband, Vincent, and son, Jay, of Barrlngton; her sister, Miss Nellie Doherty, and brother, Paul Doherty, and the latter's wife from McHenry. Alsopresent was Mrs. Mabel Powers, a cousin, who is her godmother. Mrs. Anglese is a graduate of McHenry high school and of Rosary college. She taught for one year at Lincoln rural school and for twenty-eight years instructed Latin and French classes at MCHS. stadt, StevBfi" *McArdl^>James McMillan, Rinhard Mehkhofer, Anthony Panzica, Dale' Peterson, Gregory Pickrum,1 David Sanberg, Ronald Schuster, Walter Truzykowski, Steven Van Kanegan, Raymond C. Wenk, Jr., and Jay Young. Musin' & Meanderin (Continuad on page 11) just won't cooperate! In regard to "relating to!', we became weary of the expression long before we decided to consult a dictionary to> find out just what the new use of the term might indicate. When, we found a proper synonym to be "join", we decided right then and there that our age and conservatism would never permit our relating to the hippies, who ju.^,1 happen to be the folks we want to talk about. Now no one, can argue about the merits of at least one of the favorite Undertakings of many of tijein,^ajid that's the desire for peace snd th© end.of killing on the battle field. We haven't found a person who isn't 100 per cent back of that desire. But v.e'd like to offer another similar concern that we haven't heard them Mention and about which they might have more immediate success. As they counted the traffic fatality toll in the 500-plus column for the holiday weekend, it occurred to us that the long- " haired, bearded youth of the hippie type who fly by us on the highways may very well have been responsible for contributing substantially to this disgraceful toll. It is irksome to hear constant rantings on things over which the average person can accomplish little, when there are other serious problems which , with perserverance and effort, they might help to eradicate. KAF American Express.. Din ers Club, Carte Bianche, Phillips Petroleum, American Oil Credit Cards accepted MNNAS Historic Route 66 RESTAURANT TRAVELLED BY AMERICANS FOR GENERATIONS Luxurious, modern surroundings . . . and all that good, old-fashioned hospitality and comfort to soothe the weary traveler. Drive in ... enjoy yourself on your next trip to St. Louis 100 spacious rooms, free TV, radio, alarm clock, phone in each. room. Free parking. Intimate cocktail lounge, coffee shop, handsome dining room, unique "hourglass" outdoor pool Fully air-conditioned, heated. tmi i«st ^ Western ^ MOJELS Write today to INN AMERICA 3730 S. Lindbergh Blvd. Phone (314) 842-1200 St. Louis,Missouri IF YOU ARE A UNITED PILOT mas? YOU ARE LOOKING FOR US We Have Uniform Service For United Airlines Pilots Charge your uniforms on our "90 Day" charge plan. TOBER'S 51 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, III. Ph. 815-459 0271 SHOP THE FRIENDLY MEN'S STORE OF TORER'S i