Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1969, p. 11

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*4* y THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER WED. JUNE 25, 196? - PLAINDEALER - PG, BOATS & MOTORS BOATS & MOTORS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PICK YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED DEADLINES TUESDAY, JULY 1 . Classified Display Friday, June 27, 4 p.m. Straight Classified Monday, June 30, 9:30 a.m. THURSDAY, JULY S Classified Display Tuesday, July 1, 4 p.m. Straight Classified Wednesday, July 2, 9:30 a.m. AUTOS ' Replacement Parts For Can COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 1 BIk. East of the River Bridget Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 pjn. Sundays: 9 a.m, to 1 p.m. " 5-28-69TF1-2 1955 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Radio, heater. Running condition. First $45 drives it away. Call 385-5566. 6-25/6 27 69 1964 FORD Custom, 6 cylinder, automatic, $395. Call 385- 316096. 6-25/6 27 69 a gj *1968 SUZUKI 305 c.c. Less *i than 30 miles on it. Purchased -> (or parades -- never used. Like 2 new. $600 -- with windshield. I 815-385-0306. 6-25/6-27-69 1966 CORVAIR 500, 4 speed, turbo charge. 1966 Honda 305 Scrambler. Very good condition. New tires, etc. Call 385-5879 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 6-25/6-27-69 1964 KARMANN GHIA convertible. Asking $750. Call 385-0259. 6-25/6-27-69 AUTO INSURANCE UP? Ftril coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In\ surance Agency, 815-338-3328. ' 6-25-69TF1-2 1960 CHEVROLET, stick shift. Runs good. CalK385*1670 after 5 p.m. ^ 6-25/6-27-69 t ALFA ROMEO, red sports car. iCall 385=0924. 6-25/6-27-69 !f 1964 FORD Galaxie 500, 6 cyl- : inder, 2 dr. hardtop. Good con- [: dition. $475. Call 653-3792. < 6-25/6-27-69 1961 FORD pick-up truck. Ranchero, $200. Call 815-385- 9680. 6-25/6-27-69 1962 Oldsmobile, 4 door hardtop, power brakes, power steering, air conditioned. Call 385- 7197. 6-25/6-27-69 "iuiMSssravrcS* • HELKARO • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS , © SEA WALLER © B»HT8I!W« New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 885-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (Vz mile east of [bridge across from Dog & Suds) ^ TF1 J. B. DECORATING Service. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 6-25-69TF1-2 This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELPWANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 782, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St, Chicago, HI. 60604. V T 14 FT. Larsen fiberglass runabout, 50 h.p. Mercury. Electric start, tilt trailer. Many extras. Excellent condition. Must sell. Make offer. Call 815-385-6327. ^-25/6-27-69 AUTOS I960 BUG EYES SPRITE. Excellent condition. Call 385-2850. 6-20/6-25-69 BUSINESS SERVICES MISS ANN: Character reader and advisor. Advice given on all affairs of life, love, business, health, etc. For appointment Call 312-359-6433, 408 E. Palatine Rd., Palatine, Illinois 2nd floor. 6-6-69TF1-2 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing \ • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 6-4-6 9TF1-2 HIGH PRICES pafH for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Saturday. 6-4-69TF1-2 CARPENTER WORK WANTED • Additions £& • Remodeling 1 ^ • Garages • Cement Wore CALL 815-385-2195 6-4-69TF1-2 Lake County Blacktop • BLACK TOPPING • NEW DRIVEWAYS 9 PARKING LOTS -- also -- Seal coating, re-surfacing, repairing, also sealer. Big Discounts. Call anytime for free estimates 312-546-5443 6-4-69TF1-2 GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, cement work, painting, roofing, expert workmanship. SUPERCRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. ° Call 385-0662 6-4-69TF1-2 EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed e Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Smith 312-526-8632 6-4-69TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry. Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS I Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. 6-4-69TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A - AK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St., McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 6-4-69TF1-2 EXTERIOR PAINTING. Free estimates. Plenty of experience. Call evenings 653-9227 6-6/7-2-69 B&H Water Well WATER WELLS, PUMPS, SALES & SERVICE. 1412 N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. PAUL BARKER Owner and operator 815-385-5487 6-18-69TF 1-2 WAYNE MEYER lawn mowing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 6-4-69TF1-2 C & E CONCRETE. Driveways, patios, stoops, basement floors, colored concrete and foundation frost walls. Free estimates. Call 385-3596. 6-4-69TF1-2 nine trailer. 35 h.p. motor with Carrier, extras. Reasonable. Call 385-4530. 6-25/6-27-69 1965 21 FT. Cruiser Inc., 75 h.p. Johnson. Excellent condition. Loaded. New trailer. $1800 complete. Call 385-4248 after 5 p.m. 6-25/6-2T-§9 21 CUBIC foot upright freezer. BeSt offer. Call 385-3606. 6-25/6-27-69 Business Opportunities It's easy to double your present income with a part time business of your own. Excellent husband-wife business opportunity, students welcome. Are you interested in health and exercise? Demonstrate and take orders for "SLIM-GYM" the •worlds fastest selling home exercise device, now being shown on T.V» For further information and appointment contact MISS EVIE 312-964-4829 or write: 4250 Saratoga, Downers Grove, 111. 60515 6-20/6-25-69 AUCTION AUCTION Peter Arsenty Harvardr*«b AUCTION ^SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1969 lfcGO Noon Fans laemted 4 nilca BM-tli of Harrvd, W-, or. Rte. 14 then 1} miles east on Hebron Roarer 2 Miles Mrtk of AMn, IlL, then 2 miles west on Hebron road. 51 -- Registered and Hdstees -- 51 B COWS, MILKING AGE 25 OPEN HEIFERS (9 cows registered, 14 heifers registered) NIBCO brcediag, ealflMad vaetiaaled £ TB tasted Herd DHIA tested far arer It years, aver 5M Iks. fat far aeveral yean 3 registered Mayers Majesty Dake daaghten, eoe with 577, SSI, 512 anather with (56 k Ml A Win daaghter with S7C (at at 2 yrs* 8 S grade Master daaghters - oae with IK, IMAMS, aaather with M7,5C8 and 515, aaather with 54». 5BJI494. CREDIT AVAILABLE 9 heifers have jast freshened the past II days 4 eows inst fresh Calfhood vaccinated & TB tested DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 3M gallon Dari-Kool bulk tank 4 DeLaval a nits and 3, extra 51 lb. pails DeLaval pomp and motor (t anits) aew style It you need replacements attend this sole. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PITER A. ARSENTY, owner SALE MANAGERS AND AUCTIONEERS A. C. THOMSON WM. (PAT) WILLIAMS BaHiagto*, Illinois HnntJejr, Illinois PM|13l2) S8M788 Phone: (312) CCM9U AUCTION LOCATED at 518 Dowell Road, McHenry, Illinois being about 4 miles South of Route 120 (McHenry); one-half mile North of 176; about 4 miles Northwest of Wauconda; near interns of Dowell and River Road, on aiurday, June 28 at 12:00 noon FARM MACHINERY: 1 Ford 2000 tractor 1963 Diesel Dextra Oliver 77 Tractor; 1 Massey Harris 10' Grain Drill 7' Disc; 1 Massey Harris No. 80 Combine S.P., 10? 2-14 Plow; 1 Massey Harris 2 row Cornpicker S.P. 2 row New Idea Cornpicker; 1 Fairbanks Morse Hammermill Grain Blower; 1 Allis Chalmers 2 row Corn Planter; 1 McM Deering 2A Hay Conditioner; 1 Machinery trailer; 1 Wagon and Box; 1 Cultipacker; 1 Owatonna Elevator 40' w/ gas engine; .1 20' section hay conveyor; 1 4 section steel Drag. LIVESTOCK: 3 sows with pigs. GRAIN: 450 Bu. Oats; 400 Bii. Ear Corn; 1500 Bales Hay; 800 Bales Straw. MISCELLANEOUS: Cattle Oiler (New); 50 ft. aluminum gutter; 1 Farrowing Crate; Doors and Windows; Cement mixer, no motor; Unloading Jack; Steam Jenny; Floor Jack; 2 12' I Beams; Grease Guji; Pair of Bobsled Shoes; 1 K.O. Lee Welden 1 Acetylene torch w/ attach.; 1 Chain saw; valve Grinder w/ motor; 2 300 gal. overhead gas tanks. MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS, WRENCHES, etc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Butter churn; Separator; Parrot Cage; Lawn Mower. L, James Dowell OWNER AUCTIONEER:. William Russell Clerk: McHenry State Bank. Usual bank terms. Not Responsible for Accidents. 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT, 185 h.p. inboard, 30 hours. Good ski boat, trailer. Call 385-5870. 6-20/6-25-69 FOR SALE R.R. Salvage. 15 national brand bedroom Sets. In original carton. Can be purchased at fraction of original cost Call 312- 566\6551. 6-18/7-30-69 BEAUTIFUL Martin House, 47 rooms on^4" x6" 18 ft. pole. New last year. Phone 385-5839. R R. Salvage. 12 pair of lounge chairs. Choice of colors. $34.95 per pair. Call 312-566-6551 6-18/7-30-69 MIRANDA AUTO - SENSOR, Roto-tray slide projector. Fully automatic with auto focus. Includes 6 roto slide trays and deluxe screen. Excellent condition. Call 385-8688 after 5 p.m. 6-25-69TF1-2 ELECTRIC Hammond organ, $200; Craftsman riding lawn mower, both in excellent condition. Call 385-2662. 6-25/6-27-69 ADMIRAL 15 cubic ft. upright self defrosting freezer, $100. Roller rink skates 'with case, size 7, $5; two 670x15 tires, $10; One 775x15 tire, $10; two 775x14 tires, $4. Call 385-3345. 6-25/T-4-69 RIDING MOWER -- 5Vz h.p., air tires, 30 inch cut, Ward's,' forward and reverse, also shift for posi-traction. $100. 385- 4292. 6-25-67 THANKS to Racine's instant use carpet cleaning, Sue's party was a success. Shampoos without water. Rent our new machine. Lakeland Paint. 6-25-69 REDUCE SAFE and fast with .GoBese tablets & E-Vap "water pills" Bolger Drug. 6-25-69 30 IN. Gas Range, excellent condition, $70; fiberglass awnings and hardware, cheap. Call 385-5243. 6-25/6-2T-69 BEAUTIFUL wedding gown, candlelight satin with imported Spanish lace. Call 385-5360 6-25/6-27-69 G.E. electric Americana, double oven range, coppertone. Call 385-3320. 6-25-68 ANTIQUES, glassware and used furniture. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Village Trading Post, Union, 111. 6-25/7-4-69 REMOVE excess body fluid with FLUIDEX tablets,y( only $1.49 at Bolgers Drug. 6-25-69 SACRIFICE Color T.V., living room sofa, 2 end tables, cocktail table, Electrolux vacuum, padded bar, 4 stools, 60" Admiral AM-FM stereo console, Singer zig zag sewing machine, Remington cash register and typewriter, Victor adding machine. Total original cost $7,000. Sacrifice everything for $800 or will separate. Call TED 312-478-2639 or 312*26^3128^ 6-25-69 Strawberries - at the VINCENT STRAWBERRY FARM Daily 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Beginning ErOunu Juiic 2vtii. NO CHILDREN UNDER 10 3 miles north of Richmond, HI. on highway P then turn left onto Highway O. 414-27^-6691 SAVE MORE!! New Furniture!! a<frd Complete living room builders samples includes sofa, chairs, tables and lamps. $189. Call 312-566-6550. 6-18/7-30-69 EARLY AMERICAN maple furniture from five model homes. Living roOfti,' bedroom and dining room. Huge discount, will separate. Call 312- 566-6551. 6-18/7-30-69 FLOWER and vegetable bedding plants. Geraniums, clematis, mums and potted roses. Schlesser's Green House, 211 E. Rt. 120, McHenry, HI., east of Lakemoor. 6-4-69TF1-2 I>LAZA-WlDE SIDEWALK SALE! Full quarter-niile of out-inthe open mark-down bargains! From one end of Crystal Lake Plaza to the other, it's a bargain-hunter's dream come true! Plenty off-free parking! This Friday only, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Don't miss it. June 27 only! 6-25-69 r Picture Frames Original Oil Paintings Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 12b McHenry 385-7100 10-23-67TF 1 Spanish, Modern, Contemporary and Early American Financing and delivery available. 3 of the best r^aspnk why: • REPUTATION • 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN LAKE COUNTY • OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE FAMILY Low overhead, nothing fancy to charge you for. You buy from our bams or semi-trailers. We work hard to save you more. Our success is great. OPEN 3 BIG DAYS Friday - 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ^Saturday and Sunday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or phone for appointment any other time. 385-3896 VOLO SALES BARH AND CO. on highw&yl20, 5 miles east of McHenry mo, ILLINOIS TF1 FOR SALE R. R. Salvage. 44 walnut bookcase wall units. In original cartons, like new. $29.95 each Call 312-566-6550. 6-18/7-30-69 Singer electric-sewing machine in beautiful console cabinet, like new. Sews forward and reverse with all attachments for making button-holes, zig-zagging, sewing monograms and fancy stitch designs. Can be seen in your area. Make eight monthly payments of $4.92 or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, 13 University Ave., SJS. (No. 4222), Minneapolis, Minnesota 65414 6-18/6-25-69 . m NOTICE We Offer for Sale 1. White crushed stone 2 Local field stone boulders 3. Imported colored stone crushed-ehunks-boiMers specialty : black and white Georgia Marble boulders. 4. Flagstone in great variety. FOX RIVER STONE CO. Rte. 31 - South Elgin 312-742-6060 We Deliver 6-4-69TF1 4 DINING ROOM sets from model homes. All styles. Must sacrifice. Call 312-566-6550 6-13/7-30-59 91 INCH irridescent brown sofa, $70; maple bunk beds, complete, $45; black sectional, good condition, $20. Call 385- 0233. 6-25-69 i „i .^..1 REAL ESTATE WE ARE OFFERING SOME EXCELLENT 5-10 ACRE HOMESITES on main frontage road, including a 10 acre lot with a fine 3 bedroom ranch home & barn. Ideal riding country, planned bridle paths, good schools. By owner. Call WM. SCHMIDT HOHSE FARM Spring Grove, 111. 675-2200 6-20/7-2-69 SHOP IN McHENRY FOR SALE FOR SALE NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES. These p&tes have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are rc uscablc for a variety of things , . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHsnry, ill. , REAL ESTATE NOW'S THE TIME! Our buyers want your farm, vacant acreage and estate property. Call our Rural Property Department. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS 816-385-6341 or 81&-65S-2081 6-4-fi9TFl-! LOT for sale by Griswold Lake - Holiday Hills, 75'x 145'. Call 312-698-2535. 6*25/6 27-691 T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Interested in . a talented home? This 4 bedroom lake-front hori^has the talent to thrill Mi-Lady. Voluptuous view, airy-brightclosets aplenty. Laor and Master will brighten up at the sight of the workroom, finished bar-rec-room, and thfe towering oaks. Teen age daughter will delight with the guarantee that in one of the .3 baths she will have time to wash her tresses. Young son will approach the lake shore life with long remembered excitement. Extremely well cared for $37,500. A lot of room for an economy minded small family, 2 good sized bedrooms, large kitchen, family room and full basement. This home is in good condition, but bleeds some decorating. Has beenc approved for F.H.A. See it quick before its sold for $12,000. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry Area Cute 2 bedroom home, family room, carpeted living room, garage ONLY $12,500 Split level on the Fox River -- 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage -- 60' frontage, ONLY $30,500 Executive styled country home - quality throughout on 2% rolling acres. Must see to.appreciate! $45,000. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Hebron ^ Here's room at an economy ^ rate! 5 bedrooms - 2 baths, story and a-half. Colonial home JUST! $24,500. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wo&d@? Lake, HL 815-385-6341 815-653-2061 6-25-69 * REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY 4 unit apartment on spacious 1% acres, safely back, from highway. 2 bedrooms each with all fanim-- £ mile east of Powers Lake. DUPLEX. 2 bedroom, adjoining apartment, with full basements, attached garages, plus large vacant lot. All facilities. Modern, just painted. Near schools, % mile east of Powers Lake. Recently remodeled 4 unit building. Overlooking lake. Down town Twin Lakes. 2 bedrooms each. All facilities. WILL FINANCE Call for particulars on above properties 414-877-2097 G-20-69m-2 C \

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