AUCTION AUCTION FLEMING EQUIPMENT A U C T I O N WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JULY 9.1969 6:30«* LOCATION: 4005 W. Waukegan Rd. (Rt. 120 at railroad tracks) McHenry, 111. * PHONE 815-385-2323 LUNCH ON GROUNDS Inspection date July 7th till sale time. Sale to be held inside. SHOP EQC^kENT 2 air compressers, Farney 180 amp. welder, 2 battery chargers Hamelite generator, Walker floor jack, gear puller, electric drills, socket sets, tool cabinet on wheels, air wrench, parts bins, bolt cabinets and stock, large quantity of mower and chain saw parts, belts, car hoist, chain hoist, bench grinder, shop vice, 4 wheel dolly, drop cords. 1 Peerless, 1 Nehlsen chain saw sharpeners, Oregon chain saw tools and other misc. items. * "T OmiL'E Bqilll»M«!IW - File cabinets, adding machine, billing machine, cash register counters, desk and chair. ' MISC. EQUIPMENT 20 chain saws, 2 Bridgestone 175DT motorcycles (new), Bolens arctic 60 snow blower (new), several other motorcycles and parts. 10 snow blowers, lawn mowers and parts. Gravley tractor w/equipment, 2 E-Z flow grass seed attachments (new) small gas engines, winch, hyd. hoist, Bolen walking tractor, chains, wheels, tires, wire winder. r FARM EQUIPMENT 3 PTO hammer mills, 12 spreaders, Clod buster, 2 Superior side mount mowers, 1 Kosch side mount mower, McCormick F20 tractor, Letz Burr mills, A.C. rear boom, Bradey hay condi tioner, AC WD loader w/7 ft. dozer blade, 2 cultivators and shovels, Lowboy tilt bed trailer w/5x77 bed, 1 Jeep, Ford F5 truck w/8xl6 bed, Gehl chopper box aprons, 3 spreader aprons. Other misc. equipment THO&P SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Usual Thorp Terms HERMAN BEHM, Auctioneer 6-27/7-4-692 . V 3 C WANTED PUPPIES, litters only. Up to 7 weeks old. Will pick up if brought to McHenry area. Good homes guaranteed. Call 3857897 7269TF12 PETS TOR SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD and Collie puppies. Call 815-6534761 7-2/f 1169 A.K.C. REGISTERED black toy male Poodle. Champion stock, 10 weeks old. Call 385-5360. 7-2/7-4 69 CHAMPION BRED Leichester line toy Poodle pups. Pedigree and AKC furnished, $150. Call 395-1160. 7-2/7-9 69 MALTESE PUPPIES, tiny yjow white with black points sired by Champion with a fab ulous pedigree. $100.00. Call 385-2662. 7-2/7 4 69 GERMAN SHORTHAIR Point er puppies; show; field and pet; 575 to $100, Champion blood lines; pedigree and litte^ AKC register no. furnished. Call 815-653-9438 for appointment 7469 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, AKC. Home raised. Champion blood line. Deposit will hold. Call 385-0679. 7-4/7 9 69 AKC COLLIE PUPS. Your pick, $75. Rodewald. Call 385- 4419. , , 7-4-69 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Monday, June 23rd, Lakeland Park. Two 20" bikes. Girl's blue and white. Boy's blue and black. RE WARD. Call 385-2377. . 74/7969 FOUND: Pet Crow in vicinity ot Edgebrook Heights, about June 1st. Owner please .call 385-4543. 7 4 69 V GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE. Miscellaneous items. 4800 Parkview, 385-6354, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 7469 BARN SALE: July 4, 5, 6th. Tractor plus implements, rider mower, storm windows, screens, trucks, 2 cars, freezer, camera plus many misc. articles. 8206 Route 120. % mile west of Wonder Ake Rd. 338-0742. 7469 GARAGE SALE: Saturday, July 5th 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pic nic table and 4 benches, $9; Beauty shop equipment, very reasonable. Oak' dresser, $12; clothing, some antiques, knic- knacs, bookcase, $10, cedar chest $8. 7401 MacArthtr, Wonder Lake, 111. 7-4-69 CARD OF THANKS OUR SINCERE thanks to all our friends and relatives, espec ially our parents, for alK^he kindness shown to us as we leave McHenry. The going away parties, guests and help with the moving only showed us again how much we'll miss everyone. McHenry and our friends will remain a pleasant memory. A visit from some one from McHenry will always be a welcome sight. Our new address will be Rt. 51, Minoc- qua, Wis. 54548. Thank you BILL & JOY NIMSGERN 7-4-69 WE WISH to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who so generously offered prayers, cards and many acts of kind ness in our time of sorrow. Family of Anthony J. Wirtz 7469 MY THANKS to all who re membered me in so many ways during the time I was confined to McHenry hospital and since my return home. RUBY SHEPHARD 7-4-60 LINDA GLADSTONE Students Start European Tour An exciting summer awaits a McHenry teacher and five students from West campus, wHfc are enjoying an eight-week educational tour of Europe. The Spanish teacher and young girls accompanying her plan to at tend classes at the University of Madrid and the University of Barcelona from June 26 through Aug. 9. With Miss Linda Gladstone of McHenry, faculty member at KITTY DUARTE LYNN WEBER MICHELE RASMUSSEN EARLA MARSHALL BOATS & MOTORS 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT, 185 h.p. Good ski boat, 30 hours, $2100. J. Landeraf, Oakhurst McHenry. Call 385-5870. 6-27/7-4-69 1969 HUSTLER 17 ft with MCHS, are Kitty Duarte of 918 Meadowlark drive, McHenry, who will major in business at McHenry County college next fall; Earla Marshall of 3617 W. Maple avenue, McHenry, who enters Northern Illinois univer sity as a Spanish major; Lyn Weber of 1218 W. Bay road and Michele A. Rasmussen of 4807 Barnard Mill road, seniors at the local high school in Sep tember; also Colleen Bates of Lake Villa, a student at Grant high school, Fox Lake. The group will make their tour under a program organized by the Travel Study Interna tional Corp. JThe planned ex cursion inifudes studies in the Spanish "language and culture, as well as tours and recrea tion. Morning study will be in a classroom setting with fac ulty members drawn from European universities. The LEGAL NOTICES Mercury 800. 1969 heavy duty ^^7 " trailer, $1700. WU1 take trade. short tour of France- Call 385-0459 after 6 p.m. 7469 Garage Backyard List your Garage Rummage, Basement or Backyard Sale in the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find brochure helpful. Wanted To Bay GARAGE S Jane 29th through July 5th Items shown. Call for directions. In Hudeks Subdivision 312-639-3986 Cary, Illinois 6-25/7-4-69 GARAGE SALE. July 3, 4, 5. Kitchen set, chairs, radio, misc 605 S. Meadow Rd., McHenry Shores. 7-4-69 DOCTOR and family seek 4-5 bedroom house on water in McHenry or Fox Lake area. C. Joosten, 312-348-5141. 72/7469 16 FT. outboard runabout, wide beam, mahogany deck, air horn, windshield, ski tow post, 40 h.p. Elgin. Storage trail er included. Call 385-5630. 7-4-69TF12 14 FT. SWITZER CRAFT, 60 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer. Just refinished. Sharp. By ap pointment only, call 385-5408 7-2/716 69 WISCONSIN'S Most Exciting Attraction in BAMBOO 12 miles from Wisconsin Dells Mil • 5 huge buildings on 15 colorful acres. • Real live trained animal circus, elephants, ponies, dogs and horses. • Steam calliope and band organ concerts. • Displays of circuses of the world-- • World's largest collection of over 65 magnificent parade wagons displayed in one huge building. • Photograph the 8 Horse Team of Percherons. • • Show of loading and unloading real circus train. • World's largest animated miniature circus. • Large picnic ch^a--with benches. OPEN THRU Sjept. 14 -- 7 days a week COME RAIN OR SHINE -- plan to spend the day j'ust 7- miles from the Mid-Cpntinent Railway Museum in North Freedom S TWO FROM AREA NAMED TO HONOR ROLL AT WESTERN Two McHenry youths were on the third quarter honor roll at Western Illinois university, Macomb, 111. The quarter ended this June. Named to the honor roll were Richard Allan Beck, 1113 North River road, and Michael J. Schumer, 2437 South Highwood drive. 60 CLASSIFIED NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS For Work to be Constructed Under The Illinois Highway Code -JL. Time and Place of Open ing Bids. Sealed proposals for the improvement of the thor oughfare described herein will be received at the office of the Council, City of McHenrV, Mc Henry County, Illinois, vuntil 11:00^o'clock A.M., July 14, 1969 and at that time publicly opened and read. 2. Description of " "Work (a) The proposed work is officially known as Section 18T-CSCrys tal Lake Road (S.A. Rte. 6 Extended) from State Rte. 120 to Hanley St., a total distance of 2172 feet, of which 2172 feet, (o.4114 miles) are to be improved. 0)) The proposed improve ment is to be construction of bituminous concrete binder and surface courses, sub-class 1-11 on existing bases, storm sewer, sidewalk, and inciden tal items of work. 3. Instructions to Bidders, (a) Plans and proposal forms may be obtained from the Mun icipal Clerk or Municipal En gineer W.A. Rakow and Assoc iates, Municipal and Civil En gineers, 165 N. Spring St., El gin, Illinois, upon payment of $10.00 non-refundable deposit. (b) All proposals must be ac companied by a bank cashier's check, or bank draft, or cer tified check for not less than ten (10) per cent of the amount of the bid, or as provided in A r t i c l e 1 0 2 . 0 9 o f t h e "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," prepared by the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois. 4. Rejection of Bids. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of The Council of City of McHenry Earl R. Walsh, Clerk July 1, 1969. (Pub. July 3, 9, 1969) Practically no changes were made in farming methods for at least 2,000 years, until the 19th Century, which saw the modern metal plow, rotation of crops, fertilizer, reaper, cotton gin, thresher, and power tools. JULY 3, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. Jl McHENRY HOTEL ON SAME SITE FOR 105 YEARS Hie Riverside Hotel, next to the U.S. 120 bridge, has stood at that location since 1864. It was erected on the site of the Fremont House, a hotel man aged by an early settler named Enoch Baldwin, which burned in 1853. McHenry's second hotel, the Mansion House, was built in 1838 by Horace Long. The Man-; sion House also served as Mc Henry county's first court house until the county seat was re moved to Woodstock in 1844. VACATION PLANNING HAWAIIAN CRUISE HOLIDAY SPECIAL 11 day air sea vacations plus tax $399.00 from California Chain-O-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7500 McHEN 9 Y COUNTY'S NEWEST . NEW CAR DEALER Leading the t rend in automot ive sales and serv ice . TRENT Lincoln Mercury 461 1 W. Rte . 120 McHenry, IHinois Phone 385 - 80 60 ONLY at R0SENTHALS... 30 Day FREE TRIAL OFFER SHOP IN MCHENRY 'jlOOQOQOOflBSQOOOOOQOOOOOCqy., NOTICE NOTICE GOING GATOR JUNE return. some Don, Pat, Sue, Mick, Jack, Jeff, Karen, Doug Dustlmer 6-27/7-2-69 r WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW LAWN BOY authorized Sales and Service Center. All makes and models serviced. Pick up and delivery service. Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 S. Thomas Ct. McHenry, HI. 385-5879 or 885-0788 7-4/71669 7ric(Je0&> for MEN When selecting a gift for hiin.... let us help! $TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS U S E T H E F R E E G R E E N S T R E E T P A R K I N G A R E A ^ (IF NOT SATISFIED WITHIN THAT TIME RETURN THE WEBER (WITH YOUR SALES SLIP) AND WE'RE STILL FRIENDS) SMOKIE JOE *15'5 TABLE MODEL 18" BLACK 23 TEXAS KETTLES $4995 MEDITERRANEAN $ AVOCADO |g" 39 95 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SUNDAYS 9AM to 1PM ROSENTHAL'S HOME PRODUCT CENTER Main and Crystal Lake Ave. CRYSTAL LAKE PHONE 459-2700 SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 '