;<Q>? ,4 Miss Selltnger Wed Saturday The home of the bride was the setting (or a lovely wedding last Saturday evening in which Miss Valerie E. Sellinger was united in marriage with Mr. James B. Meyer. Miss Sell inger is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine A. Sellin ger of 1407 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Meyer, Sr., of 3619 W. Main street, McHenry. Judge John J. Kaufman officiated at the 7 < o'clock nuptial rite. Hie candlelight ceremony was performed in front of a draped French window enhanced by candles on both sides. Given in marriage by her father, Miss Sellinger chose a white crepe, bell-bottom pants suit with tunic trimmed in beads and rhinestones. She car ried a single rose. Miss Marcia Sellinger of 1407 W. Lincoln road and Donald Meyer, Jr., of 3619 W. Main street attended the coqjle. The maid of honor was at tired in a blue Edwardian bell- bottom suit with white turtle- neck shirt, featuring a flow ered fringe waist sash. The bride's mother chose a silver pants dress, while Mrs. Meyers was attired in a black and white print dress. Twenty-one guests attended the wedding, followed by a champagne hour at the Selling er home, after which those in attendance travelled to Floyd's in Carpentersville for dinner. Hie young couple will reside at 1107 Rocky Beach road. Guests attended from St. Louis, Chicago, Arlington Heights and the McHenry area. The bride is a graduate of Marquette university, Milwau kee, Wis., with a major in philosophy. She is teaching En glish at McHenry high school west campus this summer. The bridegroom completed his freshman year at Southern Ill inois university and is working for Jos. Frett & Son, Inc., this summer. Both the bride and groom plan to return to school at Southern university this fall, where she will begin graduate school and he will work toward a degree in ac counting. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted during the past week to Memorial hospi tal, Woodstock, included Ed ward Skelly, Ruth Moore, Dor othy Wanland, Paul Vacula, Wonder Lake; Edwin Vogel, So lon Mills; and Paul Walkington, RingwoodL X-RAY SURVEY VOLUNTEER -- Mrs. Donald W. Gerlitz, left, represented the McHenry Women's club as a volunteer worker on the open ing day of the community X-ray survey in Chi cago's Loop. She and Mrs. A.J. Wilson of Downers Grove helped people to register for their X-rays at the Christmas Seal mobile unit. During the first week of the survey a total of 4,607 got their free chest X-rays. The survey is conducted by the Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook county (the Christmas Seal agency) in cooperation with the Municipal Tu berculosis sanitarium. Sally Shadle A Young Girl On Her Way Up SALLY SHADLE Among seniors honored at the Honors and Awards convoca tion at Rolling Hills high school, Rolling mils Estates, Calif., on June 5 was Sally Shadle, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sha dle, both former residents of this area and graduates of Mc Henry Community high school. Sally is a National Merit fi nalist, a member of the National Mr Hi P i -1X1)1 \ [ 1 K McHENRY PLAINDEA Established 1875 8812 West Elm Street Phone 3854198 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday A Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Publisher Larry E. Lund 1 9 6 9 Adele Froehlich, Editor MEMBER * HEWSMPEM NEN"AL PER Association - Founded 1885 Honor society, a lifetime mem ber of the California Scholar ship federation, and a gold seal bearer. She has been a member of Madrigals, singing honorary, and as a junior was president of the French club. Other club interests have included mem bership in AFS and the German club. In addition to her studies, Sal ly has participated in a drama workshop, and has danced in a little-theatre production of "Guys and Dolls", a summer production of "Hie Pa jama Game" and a ballet studio pro gram. In the summer of 1967 she studied French in Aix-en- Provence, France, at the Un- iversite cPAix-Marseille, and visited her father's birthplace in Stuttgart, Germany, briefly. Next fall Sally plans to attend the University of California at Berkeley, where she has been awarded Honors at Entrance. She plans to major in economics and minor in languages. At present she is on vaca tion from her summer em ployment. Sally is the granddaughter of Mrs. William Pries, Sr. , and the late William Pries, and qf Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle Of Ripgwood. She has been vis iting with her parents and two younger sisters, Christine and Paula, in McHenry to partici pate as a bridesmaid in the wedding of her cousin, Miss Su san Pries, which occurredJune 28. Freund Infant Is Christened Cheryl Leigh Freund, infant daugjrter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold J. Freund, 407 N. Timothy lane, was christened Sunday, June 29. Officiating at the 2 o'clock rite was the Rev. Law rence Urbaniak in St. Mary's Catholib church. Gocfearents were Mrs. James Hester and Neil Freund, aunt and uncle of the baby. Cheryl wore the long traditional christening gown of the Freund family. A buffet dinner was served to thirty guests in the Freund home, including gramfcarents, Mrs. Anita Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester and fam ily, great-grancfcarents, Mrs. Eva Steffes and John Schae- fer, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Freund, Mr. and Mrs. James Hester and daughter and Cheryl'stwo-and- a half-year old brother, Jay. Mrs. Freund is thaformer Dee- Ann Hester. Senior Citizens In Final Plans For July Picnic The Senior Citizens clubpic- nic is scheduled to start at eleven o'clock the morning of Saturday, July 12, and the Pic nic committee has been busy working arranging games, and contests - the winners to re ceive prizes. Bring your own lunch and table service. Bev erages and ice cream will be served by the club. As you arrive at the picnic, be sure to register to be el igible for the prizes. There will be music through out the day and possibly dan cing. Monday, July 14 is the date of the next regular club meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the East cam* pus cafeteria. The program will be presented by the Morton Salt company, entitled "A Grain of Salt". As usual, following the meeting and program refreshments will be served. Hie Fiesta Day Program committee has been working hard on plans and float for the parade which will be Sunday, July 20. • • Clyde Bailey Named To, Head Friendship CltJb Clyde Bailey was elected president of the Friendship club of the First United Methodist church at the June meeting. Clyde Blackwell accepted the post of vice-president andLyda Radisch was re-elected to ser ve her fourth term as secre tary-treasurer. Forty-four members and one guest were in attendance at the regular meeting. The evening started with a baked ham pot-luck dinner in the dining room. Meditations ware given by Clara Swanson. The program was given by Ruth and John Godtfredsen with their new sound equipment and his new accordion. John's playing was fine and Ruth's singing beautiful as usual. The games delighted everyone, but of course the winners most of all, as they were very pleased with their prizes. Plans were discussed for the picnic on July 27 at Fox Riv er park, north of Wilmot, Wis., to begin at 1 o'clock in the af ternoon, withJordans,Mulleres and Youngs agreeing to provide rides for anyone needing trans portation. The Friendship club will now be in recess until Saturday, Sep. 13, at 6 p.nu, when the fall meetings wi^'resume. McHenry Girl On Deans List At MacMurray Judith Ann Strorigl, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walczynski, 4504 N. Hilltop drive, McHenry, was among the 148 students named to the Dean's list tor the second sem ester of the 1968-'69 academ ic year at MacMurray college, Jacksonville, HI. Hie students on the honor roll are cited for high scholarship and must have taken at least fourteen hours of academic work and received an average of 3.50 or above. Thirty-seven of the 148 re ceived straight A's (4.00). There are sixty-three seniors, thirty-three juniors, thirty-five sophomores and seventeen freshmen cited for this honor. The McHenry girl is a fresh man. * County Girl Miss AMVET JULY 3, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG.^3 - SUSAN WENDT . Susan Wendt of Fox River Grove was crowned Miss Ill inois AMVET at the state con vention in Waukegan. Miss Wendt is the second represen tative of the Cary AMVET post to be elected to the beauty queen post in two years. Susan Vokac, also of Fox River Grove, was Miss Illinois AMVET for 1968-«69. Each of these girls was the queen of Pearl Harbor Memorial Post No. 245 prior to winning the Miss Illinois title. Miss Wendt is to reign over the Hlinois AMVET golf tour^ nament in Pekin next month. Later, she will go to Detroit to compete tor the title of Miss AMVET USA. Florence Cohan, Gustav Miller •* Wed Saturday Mrs. Florence Cohan became the bride of Mr. Gustav Miller at the First Methodist church on Saturday, June 28, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Raymond White officiated at the service. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Mrs. Charlotte Dwyer of Milwaukee, Wis., and the groom's brother, Herman Miller, of Fargo, N.D., was best man. The bride wore a pink lace dress and coat ensemble with matching accessories. Her cor sage was of red and pink roses. Mrs. Dwyer was attired in a pale green dress with red rosebud corsage. A reception was held at the home of the bride at 535 Tia- Juana drive for fifty relatives and friends. •rsonalf IT PAYS TO SHOP IN McHENRY •i I l I i i t t ( I I -a. American Express, Din ers Club, Carte Blanche, Phillips Petroleum, American Oil Credit Cards accepted. Historic Route 66 TRAVELLED BY AMERICANS FOR GENERATIONS Luxurious, modern surroundings . . . and all that good, old-fashioned hos pitality and comfort to soothe the weary traveler. Drive in ... enjoy yourself on your next trip to St. Louis 100 spacious rooms, free TV, radio, alarm clock, phone in each room. Free parking. Intimate coc-ktail lounge, cof fee shop, handsome dining room, unique "hourglass" outdoor pool. Fully air-conditioned, heated. DAN N AS RESTAURANT i TNS (1ST ^ MOTELS Write today to INN AMERICA 3730 S. Lindbergh Blvd. Phone (314) 842-1200 St. Louis,Missouri ̂ Subscription Rates 1 Year • 5T.50 1 Year 19.00 In McHenry and Outside McHenry Lake^County and Lake County 3;i> m - <#!. r 4' & WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM ' . r . ---- New Cur Warranty Maintenance Service ~Y ERNIE SCHOOLEY'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION (STANDARD. .3522 W. ELM STREET , McHENRY 385-9832 I j i j f f n i r HARM'S FARM 3 Miles N. of McHenry on Rt. 31 Ringwood, 111. Vine Ripened TOMATOES 4 "«/ $1.00 New California POTATOES Red or White Wlb/69< CANTALOUPE Jumbo 23 Size - 3/$1.00 New California POTATOES Red or White Wlb/69< CANTALOUPE Jumbo 23 Size - 3/$1.00 i- .. * * " HOME GROWN STRAWBERRIES ICE COLD WATERMELON Phone 653-9994 CHANGE PAIR RULES ' Dairy and beef cattle exhib itors at the McHenry County Fair no longer will need to have a tuberculosis test for their an imals. Dr. J.P. Ostrander ad vised the board that cattle over 30 months old will be required to have a blood test for bru-«. cellosis. Dairy animals under 30 months not vaccinated will be required to have a blood test and as usual all animals will be checked at the gate by Dr. Ostrander, veterinarian, and authorized committee members. » A A A A A A A A A . A A A * A AAAAtt**A*WI*WW*V F A T _ OVERWEIGHT | Available to you without a' doctor's prescription, our pro duct called Odrinex. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swal- 1 lowed. Get rid of excess fat I and live longer. Odrinex' costs $3.00 and a new, large j economy size for $5.00. Both are sold with this guarantee: If not satisfied for any rea- • son, just return the package' to your druggist and get your full money back. No I questions asked. Odrinex is. sold wit hthis guarantee by: Bolger Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street - Mail orders filled. t 1-2-9-16-69 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Redwaip have returned fr-m a two weeks' visit with their son, Sanies Jones, his wife, Hildie, and grandchildren, Mike, Anita afid Leslie, in Citrus Heights, Caltf. They travelled via train and saw beautiful scenery and met many interesting people. While in California, Jim took his parents and family on a several days' camping trip to Yosemite Na tional Park. Hie weather was beautiful and the Waterfalls were unusually spectacular this year due to the heavy snow. " J_ ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fen- wick and family returned the last of the week from a ten- day vacation spent in Washing ton, D.C., and Williamsburg. They enjoyed a tour of the Cap itol building arranged by Rep. Robert McClory of the Twelfth district. Mrs. Robert Bestoso of New port, R.I., is spending two jveeks visiting in the hopie of her moth er, Mrs. Gertrude Justen. Jeffrey and Jennifer Yegge spent the past weekend with their gran (parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Yegge, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yegge, moved from Waukesha, Wis., to Milwaukee where Mr. Yegge is employed. McHENRY COUNTY'S NEWEST N E W C A R D E A L E R Lead ing the t rend in automot ive sa les and serv ice . - TRENT Lincoln Mercury 4611 W. Rte . 120 McHenry, I l l ino is Phone 385 - 80 60 A *.. • W \; I -Jj.i ... , ~ I'O". • I I \.,v? J ;v- ] \i,*: ' ' i . ' ' ' X # . W h - X I, y .iV' vv J ~ Wi-• £K / * <-1 I J -- •* o " 'la *. lrh'gT.-wrii *4*^* You are cordially invited to visit our Golden Dolphin Bath Shop THE BATH SHOP ' Both fixtures D,,th Accessories . Kitchen Cobme*5 l/V .... " i." Come in and browse. Get acquainted with a new concept in home decorating. See how exciting a completely color-coordinated bath can look. You'll get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gifts. Come in s6on, we'd love to see you. y. * r1^ ; -I ~ t-' I l_ { Plumbing | and > | HeaHflg ^ Supplies N/anUfes s HE m i r u - 3 0 1 2 W e s t \ •E* DUvVl Route *120 1 &i0NSJNC.