Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1969, p. 12

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PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. JULY 11, 1969 HEL^ WANTED HELP WANTED KEY PUNCH OPERATOR At least 1 year experience operating 034 + 089. Alpha-numeric machines required. Permanent position, exceptional employee benefits, including profit sharing. HOURS 8 a.m. to 4: SO pjn. Monday thru Friday -- Apply7-- - AEROQUIP CORP. BARCO DIVISION 500 N. Hough St. Harrington DUnldrk 1*1700 "an equal opportunity employer" - 73/71169 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Spacious room for rent in new, modern, air conditioned KENT BUILDING, 3322 W. Elm St McHenry. Partially furnished and plenty of storage space.. Call 385-0269 after 6 p.m. 7-2-69TF12 WANTED: 3 Bedroom house. Can furnish ref. Call 385-5839. 5-14-69TF 5 SMALL ROOM apartment. Air conditioned, heated Second floor. Older couple preferred 815 West Blvd. Lilymoor Subdi­ vision. Call 385-770(8. 7 4 69TF1 2 DAIRY FARM (Cash Rent) 250 acres, approximately 200 tillable, modern pipe­ line dairy barn, 3 silos, barn cleaner, silo and hay un- loaders, 53 stanchions and 12 free stalls. Also heater hog barn Modern 4 bed­ room home, double plumb­ ing. Excellent buildings Lo­ cated % mile from schools, shopping and transporta­ tion * Occupancy March 1, 1970 PHONE Richmond, 111. 815-678-6821 7 9/711 69 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, enclosed porch, gas heat, attached ga­ rage. Adults only).no pets. Call 312-824-6500. 7 9/7 11 69 Wanted To Rent APARTMENT or cottage. Lease. Young couple with no children. Call 312-286-0256 after p.m/ 7 9/711 69 BEDROOM apartment, walk­ ing distance to town, Call 675- 2435. 7 11 69 W A N T E D ^ HOUSING FOR TEACHERS McHenry and near by areas. Furnished or un­ furnished rental apart­ ments and homes. Rooms with private families. -- Call -- 815-385-3731 or 815-385-6122 weekends " 7 11 69TF2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No. 15, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that tentative budget for said school district for the fis­ cal year beginning July 1,1969, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, -Illinois, in this school district from and after 8:00 o'clock F.Mf on the 12th day of August 1969, at 3926 W. Main St. in this school district No. 15. Dated this 11th day of July, 1969. Board of Education of School District No. 15 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. BY: Thomas Lawson Secretary (Pub. July 11, 1969) mm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No. 156, in the County of McHenry, "State of Illinois, that tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1969, will be on file and con­ veniently available to public in­ spection at 3926 W. Main Street, McHenry, Illinois, in this school district from and after 8:00 o'clock A.M., on the}20th day of August 1969. Notice is fur­ ther hereby given that a public heading on said budget will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 19th day of August, 1969, at 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, Illinois, in this school district No. 156. Dated this llth day of July, 1969. Board of Education of School District No. 156, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. . BY: Donald Howard Secretary (Pub.-July 11, 1969) 1EGAI NOTICE Due to remodelling of the City Hall building at linN.jpreen Street, the City Counfil of Mc­ Henry wi41 hold meetings, start­ ing July 7/1969, in the McHen­ ry Township Fire Protection District building at 3610 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois. All regular and special meetings will be held at this location un­ til further notice. E\RL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. July 1, 3, 9, 11, 1969) News About Our Servicemen TEACHER and family 3*4 bed­ room home, McHenry College area. August Call Peter Stuc- key, Dixon. 815-284-2490. 7 11 69 2 BEDROOM home for profes­ sional family. Up to $250. In the McHenry area Call 675- 2435 / 71169 "PETS FOR SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD and Collie puppies. Call 815-653-4761 7-2/7 11 69 BEAGLE PUPPIES, 10 weeks old. Call 815-943-5390 after 12 noon. 7 9/7 25 69 ROOM with private entrance and private bath Everything furnished. No smoking. Avail­ able August 15th. Write to Box 237 c/o McHenry Plain- j dealer 7 9/7 1169 3 BEDROOM apartment. Un­ furnished. Adults only. $145 plus utilities. Cadi 385-4143 7 8/71169 5 ROOM, 2 bedroom unfur­ nished home. River front, Min­ eral Springs. Adults only. Call 385-0243. 7 4 69TF12 AKC German Shepherd pups, $25. Father from Germany, mother, pet. Call 338-0047 7 11 69 4 ROOM, furnished apartment, all utilities included, with lake rights. $150. Call 653-9526. 7 9/71169 4 ROOM apartment with ga­ rage within city limits. ' Call 385-0157 or 385-3403. 7 9*7 11 69 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom a- partment near McHenry clinic. $95 per month. Available Au­ gust 1. Call 459-1647 or after 5 p.m. and week-ends 459-0064. 7-11-69 5 SMALL ROOMS, air condi­ tioned, heated. Second floor. Older couple preferred, $85. Call 385-7708 after 6 p.m. 815 West Blvd., McHenry, 111. 71169 NICELY furnished, clean, wall to wall carpeting, 2 bedroom, 4 room house with porch. Could accommodate 2 or 3. Lady teach­ ers or adult couple. Nice sur­ roundings on Pistakee Lake. Pier and beach. Available Au­ gust 5th. Deposit required. Call 385-1080. 71169 OFFICE FOR RENT Dejuxe modern professional suite of offices in the heart of McHenry. Panelled, air conditioned, stereo system, reception area. Many ex­ tras. Excellent parking fa­ cilities. CALL 312 JU7-0177 or 815 385-5200 7-11/116 69 GERMAN SHORTHAIR Point­ er puppies; show, field and pet; $75 to $100. Champion blood­ lines; pedigree and litter AKC Reg. No. furnished Tel 815- 653-9438 for appointment. 71169 CHAMPION SIRED Leishester line Toy Poodle pups Home raised. Pedigreed and AKC fur­ nished. Call 385-1160 711/71869 TINYwtoy; black with little white, priodle, male, 6 weeks, AKC, wormed, puppy shots, $50. Black female Cocker Span­ iel, 4 years old, AKC, has obed­ ience papers. Won 4 ribbons, very good disposition, house- broken, $35. Call 815*675-2072 71169 Business Opportunities POP CORN STAND. Located on Green Street, McHenry. One year will return $3,000 invest­ ment. Call 385-5269 after 6 p.m. 79/71169 FOR SALE MOVING--4 ton "Philadelphia" chain hoist long chain, $60.00. 200' underground ex. heavy 2 wire cable, $20.00; Long shaft "Chicago" sump pump with split ring cover for catch ba­ sin heavy duty, $70.00; Full 4 ply new W.W. premium tire 8.25-15, $20.00; Set 4 15" chrome wheel covers, $10.00; 660 sq. ft. 8X4" yellow plastic tile, make offer; 200 sq. ft. blue ceramic tile, make offer; plumbing tools, stock dies, vise, cutters etc., 815-385-0657. 71169 SHOP IN McHENRY "V NOTICE NOTICE WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW LAWN BOY authorized Sales and Service Center. « « T. All makes and models serviced. Pick up and delivery service. Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 S. Thomas Ct. ; McHenry, III. 885-5879 or S85-9739 7-4/716 69 Swimming in just 3 to 5 days! Your own private, full size swimming pool, at a sur prtsingly low price! An ou ts tand ing V iny l l i ne r poo l w i t h s tee bo l t ed t oge the r and re i n fo r ced w i t h s tee l A f r ames f o r supe r s t r eng th 1 Because o f expe r i ence and eng inee r i ng know how you w i l l have expe r t i ns ta l l a t i on USAC Poo l s a re a l so ava i l i ab l e f o r t he Do i t you rse l f han dyman A comp le te cons t ruc t i on manua l i s p rov i ded upon reques t rite or phone for a FREE estimate. Enterprises Box 402 60050 McHenry, Illinois PHONE AREA 8l5-385r3703 USAC POOLS a d iv is ion of U S ALUMINUM & CHEMICAL CORP Frankl in Park. I l l inois 60131 Marine Private First Class Clifford C. Bridwell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Brid­ well of 8815 Shady Lane, Won­ der Lake, was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class upon graduation from recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Calif. His promotion recognized his outstanding performance of du­ ties during recruit training. He has been sent to Camp Pendleton, Calif., for four weeks of infantry combat train­ ing and four weeks of basic training in his military occupa­ tional specialty. CATHY THOMAS PRESENTS PUPPET SHOW AT FAIR It's art fair time again. Much background work has been done for the local fair scheduled for Friday evening, August 15, all day Saturday, August 16, and all day Sunday, August 17. Hie Women's auxiliary of theCary- Grove hospital association will sponsor the fair which is held at Cary-Grove high school in Cary. Registrar for the event is Mrs. Charles Wallis (Jo­ anne), 114 High Road, Cary. This year the fair will truly be a fair, with many "side shows", such as a^uppet show, an arts and crafts booth, chil­ dren's special art areas, and a silent auction. Cathy Thomas of McHenry will present the puppet show on Saturday and Sunday after­ noons. This is planned espec­ ially for the enjoyment of the children so that parents will be free to browse through the exhibits. The silent auction is a group of items including art work, crafts, hobby items, and anti­ ques which will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Any­ one wishing to contribute ar­ ticles for the silent auction should contact Mrs. John Schneider. Cheaper in the long run. Gas will navar cost you much. (You'd cat to 27 milas to the gallon.) And the amount af ail you usa is Ilka a in the bucket (It only takes 2.7 quarts and al­ most n«ver needs more between ebangot ) And the engine is air-caalad, so you dent have to spend a red cent for anti-freese or rust inhibitors. And you get more than your money's worth out of a set ef tires. But dent think buying a nop Volkswagen is just another get-rich-quick scheme. You have to wait until the second sot of tiros wears eut VOLKSWAGEN® CRYSTAL UKE Ffaute 14, west of Route 31 Open evenings till 9 p.m. Sat. till 5 p.m Closed Sundays Ph. 815-459-7100 A D T H E C L A S S I F I E D S M c H E N R Y C O U N T Y ' S N E W E S T N E W C A R D E A L E R Lead ing H ie t rend in au tomot i ve sa les and serv ice . TRENT Lincoln Mercury 4611 W. Rte . 120 McHenry , M i no I s Phone 385 - 8H 60 Ready for a real pool4? HALLMARK FIBERGLASS POOLS • 15 ye«f Fib«rgl»**gu«r»ntM •gainst chipping cracking.p«el#ig.rotting.ruM. IMring apart • Completely equipped -- skimmar. filter, pump S motor main drain, inlet fitting, all accessories • Any shape or site • Rawtltftd 0*«n» Coming CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE BEN ARVIDS0N & SONS. INC. Building Remodeling Swimming foots 4520 W. Lakewood Rd. DELTA Premium Tire 7.75x14 7.75x15 $21.00 8.25x14 8.25x15 $23.00 8.55x14 $25.00 3921 All sixes ot Tractor, Truck and Passenger Tiree and Batteries. McHftnry Tire Mart W. Main, McHenry / an easy going gives you TOYOTA CORONA CARPETS RUGS Over 500 Rolls of 12 ft. & 15 ft. Wide Carpet ALL FABRICS WOOL, POLYiSM EUROPA MOTORS 3318 W. Pearl McHenry |T1Q| YIOl YIaI) Japan's No. 1 Automobile Manufacturer for an easy going price fully equipped DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS DURING DOLLAR DAYS WITH COUPON for MEN When selecting a gift for hiin. ... let us help! > T O R E f o r M E N JULY 16&17,1969 C O U P O N IORCEN STAMPS Good Only During Dollar Days, July 16 & 17 DOUBLE S & H GREEN STAMPS This coupon is not retroactive - - - good for DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS On rugs and carpeting purchased Dollar Days, July 16 & 17, 1969. ONIBl STAMP® •V«" 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. f Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m; to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ONT S'UNUAYS, USE THE FREE GREEN' STREET PARKING ARKA INDOOR - OUTDOOR CARPETING $3.00 sO. YD. CASH & CARP.V TIDY 0ZITE 12" X 12" CARPET TILES Reg. 69t NOW 39': - ON COLORS IN STOCK ---- CARPETS AND RUGS i 00 Washington St.w--Junction Rtes. 120 and Business Rte. 14-- Woodstock -- Phone 338-1000 Fri. -- Claaatf Sunday Sat. -- • a.m. ta 9:09 a.m. Man., Thwn Regular Hours -- t a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuaa., Wad

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