Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1969, p. 3

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V \" \ V • Discuss Qualifications Of Con Con Delegates [ P Candidates for members of the coming constitutional con­ vention filed their petitions July 7 through July 11. The voters' first concern is about the kind of person who will represent them at Con Con when it meets in December. The delegate to the consti­ tutional convention faces a task which is almost unique in the modern history ' of Illinois: to help revise an outmoded state constitution at the request of the people who voted over­ whelmingly in November, 1969, to hold Con Con. These people know that the constitution needs an overhaul, and they must now assign the job by electing two convention members from each senatorial district. What are the characteristics of a good Con Con member? Is he someone special or un­ usual? Does he have or need specific abilities? Can we i- den&fy the characteristics which will make a good dele­ gate? A description of an able del­ egate can be developed. First, look at the convention body as a whole. To work well and to produce a document which will meet the needs of the people and win their approval, Con Con must represent the areas of the state and its major political and economic divisions. It must have both men and women, and it ought to have a wide range of age groups, including serious young people. Its members must be able to devote almost full time for about eight months to the Con Con meetings and com­ mittee sessions. Diligence and deliberate speed are require­ ments. The convention must be •new; BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN A PERMANENT GIFT! peed-A- Gift thorough in its research, de­ bates and decisions. All points of view must be sought and en­ couraged. Party rivalry must be avoided. The public must be ac­ tively involved in the procedure, and recommendations of the convention must be openly de,- bated, thoroughly explained and carefully justified. The pur­ poses of a constitution need to be understood so that the con­ vention can avoid squabbles over trifles and concentrate on the broad outlines of a simple, brief constitution. And Con Con must plan for an active c^m- - CLAIRE HOETTELS An extended illness ended in death for Mrs. Claire B. Hoet- tels, 63, of 2006 W. Indian Ridge drive, Sunnyside Estates, at Mc Henry hospital, Tuesday, July 8. She was born March 28, 1906 in Wausau, Wis., and has lived in this area for 6 years. Her survivors include her husband to whom she was mar­ ried 38 years, a daughter, Mrs. Barbara (George) Ballard of Western Springs and three grandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son fUneral home. Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, at 9:30 Thursday morning. Graveside services and burial were held at St. Mary's cemetery in Bloom - ington Thursday afternoon. The world's oldest flower service, introduces the world's newest gift service. Visit our shop today to see this distinctive brass tea kettle and 11 other beautiful, useful gifts. Within hours, we can have your gift, with flowers, delivered almost anywhere in the U.S.A. Also, pick up your free copy of our FTD Sp«i«2 A Gift Selection booklet for handy reference throughout the year. rr/'f/'.} Area 815 - 3Pr-2300 V m l o w b e a u t i f u l s h o p o t 1213 Nor th Th i rd S t ree t McHenry , I l l i no i s I pooooooocooooooocoooeooooococoocooooooo| WE ARE ADDING 2 NEW OFFICES And wa nedd 2 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen On or before July 1st, we shall open a new office in Woodstock at the corner of Routes 14 and 47. We are transferring a man to this office and we need a new man in our Crystal Lake office to take his place. Or or before October 1st, we'll create a new office in the beautiful red brick Hostead Interiors build­ ing (which we recently purchased) in the Crystal Lake Shopping Plaza. We certainly need another salesman or two for the Crystal Lake office now. We have also purchased a new building in McHenry, moved in an enlarged our McHenry office. We'll soon heed another salesman in that office too. 1 So, if, you have a real estate license, as a salesman or broker, please see us immediately. In relation to total Sales, we have fewer salesmen than most offices so the opportunity here is good indeed -- if you are honest, hardworking, responsible and qualified. Call MR. WTT.l. al (815) 459-4440 N O K I H t H X I I I 1 M H S REALTY SERVICE paign to explain its recommen­ dations so that the people who have the final vote will know the issues. * A good convention is a product of the people--of their deliber­ ate choice of delegates who can actively and effectively partic­ ipate in the decision-making. OPERATE BREWERY MANY YEARS IN CITY OF McHENRY * According to the history book, McHenry County 1832-1968, McHenry had a prosperous brewery for many years. The beer making plant was built in 1868 by George Gribbler and was located at the intersec­ tion of Green and Pearl streets. In 1880, it was bought by Gott­ lieb Boley. This brewery was passed down to "Patsy" Boley who operated it at least up to the 1930's. Perhaps it is just as well that McHenry* s brewery didn't last through the depression. "Old McHenry" seems to be a funny name for a beer. MARGARETE BEHNKE WIESE Mrs. Margarete Behnke Wiese, 86, died July 5 in Con- over, Wis. She was born April 27, 1883, in German) and was the mother of Carl (Elsie) Behn­ ke, 1010 N. River road, McHen­ ry. Other survivors include two sons, Alfred of Chicago and Hans, Independence, Mo., and a daughter, Erna, of Conover. She leaves six grandchildren including Mrs. Dorothy (Jack) tiouander, McHenry, and Hans (Louise) Behnke of Mount Dora, Fla.; eleven great-grandchil­ dren and one great-great­ grandchild. Services were held Monday, July 7, at the Gaffney funeral home in Eagle River, Wis., with burial in Hildegard cem­ etery, Conover. F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our pro­ duct called Odrinex. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swal­ lowed. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and a new, large economy size for $5.00. Both are sold with this guarantee: If not satisfied for ai«y rea­ son, just return the package to your druggist $nd get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold wit hthis guarantee by: Bolger Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street. - Mail orders filled. 1-2-9-16-69 I \ ( O H l ' O H M I j 460 Virginia St.,1 Crystal Lake, 111. 60014 fcooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi i ERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George Koltz, Judith and Robert of Pelham, N.Y»,t spent a few days re­ cently in the Robert Thomp­ son home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake en­ joyed a vacation at Starved Rock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Werner of Phoenix, Ariz., called on Miss Ann Frisby Tuesday. Mrs. Stella Gebhart of St. Joe, Mich., is here for an extended visit with her cous­ in, Mrs. Edla Antonson. -Mr. and Mrs. Clem Adams, daughter, Rosann, and Mrs. Amanda Freund were Sunday dinner guests in the Neil Mc­ Donald home in Streamwood. Mr. and Mrs. George H. John­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank John­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Gran­ ger accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of He­ bron helped Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Elgin cele­ brate their forty-fifth wedding anniversary at the home of their son, Gordon Smith, in El­ gin, June 29. Mrs. Mabel Knowles enter­ tained Mrs. Lucille Simpson, Mrs. Anna Brady, Mrs. Marie McGovern of Chicago and Mrs. Luella Davis of Oak Park on Saturday. She took them out to dinner and also to vjsit a friend, Mrs. Henry Grant, at MARINE FESTIVAL LIST OF EVENTS SUNDAY JULY 13 THURSDAY JULY 17 FRIDAY JULY 18 SATURDAY JULY 19 SUNDAY JULY 20 City Beach 1:30 p.m. City Park 7:30 p.m. City Park 8:00 p.m. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Water Fights Family Night Square Dance ALL-America Sidewalk Sale Marine Festival Dance VFW clubrooms - 9 p.m. Miss America luncheon Country Club 11:30 a.m. Marine Festival Parade 2 p.m. Water Ski Show City Beach 4;15 p.m. Drum Corps Magic Show McCracken Field 7 p.m. Specially developed! Full Zenith handcrafted quality! ftitminj ZENITH AFC ArtMMttr Fini -tuning Control .»Color TV with a picture soMiytotune you can do it blladfolded! The DANVILLE • S29MW .Beautiful Contemporary styled compact console in grained Walnut color on select hardwood solids and veneers. Zenith VHF and UHF Spotlite Dials. 5" x 3" Twin-Cone Speaker. : I -- Sensationally Priced I *549 95 Petite Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sand and children returned Monday from a week's vacation in north­ ern Wisconsin. The Peter Weingart fam­ ily visited her parents, the Wil­ liam Dohertys, Sunday, enroute from a vacation in Wisconsin to their home in Arlington Heights. n John Bauer of Tulsa, Okla., and Miss Betty Keckich ofWhi- ting, Ind., visited the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer, Sunday.,, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp­ son and Miss Maud Granger were in LaGrange Saturday where they attended the wed­ ding of the former's grand- niece, Miss Sandra Latshaw, to William Decker, which took place at the First Methodist church with a reception follow­ ing at Seven Oaks restaurant in Forest Park. t Mrs. Helen Heuser was a guest in the home of her son, Henry, in Chicago for several days and while there attended graduation exertfises at the Lake View high school to see her granddaughter, Janet Heu­ ser, receive her diploma. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and FRI. JULY 11, 1969 - PLAINDEAL"ER» PG. 3 Bobby were Sunday visitors ^ SUMMER PROGRAM toi Tw hrw Yorkhomein CONTINUES FOR Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Day, son, YOUTHS, ADULTS Kevin, and daughter, Lynn, re­ turned recently from a vacation in the Ozarks, Summer Color Me Ht V P V PrMNDl -M I R McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 S812 West Elm Street Phone 8854)170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, HI. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Dick Conway of Pontiac and daughter, Virginia, of Fargo, N.D. spent the Fourth , of July holidays in the Robert Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Jimmie and Sandy, vacationed in Wisconsin last week. BUSINESS WOMEN OBSERVE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY "Pride - Promise" - pride in a half-century of achieve­ ment and promise of even great­ er accomplishments as career women in the future - will be the toast at the golden anniver­ sary day dinner of the Crystal Lake Business & Profession­ al Women's Club on, July 16. The club members will join together in this nationwide ob­ servance of the fiftieth anniver­ sary of the National Federation of Business & Professional Wo­ men's Clubs, Inc. which was founded in St. Louis on July 16, 1919 and today includes 180,000 women in 3,812 clubs. Larry E. Lund -- Publisher y / 1 9 6 9 N E W S P A P E R ^ Adele Froehlich, Editor MEMBER N?WA PER Association - Founded 1885 1 Year In McHenry and T -ake Xtounty Subscription Bates .. $7.50 1 Year 89.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County HEARING AIDS New & Recondi t ioned , Repa i r Ser ' i ce , loaners ava i lab le / .h i l e \ou wai t , ea t molds , cords , Mal l - o i and Durace l l Ba t te r ­ i e s fo r a l l inakes . P H O N E 3 8 5 - 0 1 2 5 1407 N. r . r een S t ree t McHenry , I l l ino i s The summer Recreation pro­ gram sponsored by the school- community program is well un­ der way, offering a variety of activities for youth and adults. Thw„swimming classes, ten­ nis lessons, group games, ar­ chery, basketball clinic and ba­ ton lessons have been very popular with the young people. The open gym is available to the public for thpse students and adults who want the use of a sji.i In nl.icii Lo play and ex­ ercise at their convenience. The gym is open from 9 a.m. til 4 p.m., Monday through Fri­ day and Saturday mornings. „ If you would like more in­ formation call 385-7210. This s c h o o l - c o m m u n i t y p r o g r a m will end July 31. Shop In McHenry McHENRY COUNTY'S NEWEST NEW CAR DEALER Leading the t rend in automot ive sa les and serv ice. TRENT Lincoln Mercury 4611 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, I l l ino is Phone 385 - 80 60 BEN^FRANKLIN Vk, * eft's Colorific ^ % SE MI-ANNUAL CANNON' .Morvtlfl CANNONMoi^aJSo LOO^CREST. COLORED N0-IR0N MUSLIN WHITE N0-IR0N MUSLIN • Gay Strip** and Solids ! Twin size, flat or fitted 097 Reg. up to 3.69 4 X Full size, flat or fitted Reg. 4.69 3.77 Striped Pillow Cases One pair 2/2.27 •Cotton and polyostmr blond! ..Twin size, flat or fitted 047 Reg. 2.99 Mm Full $i;e. flat or fitted Reg. 3.79 3.17 Pair of Pillow Cases v Reg. 2/1 ,99 . . . . 2/1.67 WHITE BLEACHED MUSLIN • Finm quality muslin! Twin size, flat or fitted 1 97 Reg. 2.49 I Full size, flat or fitted Reg. 2.69 2 . 1 7 Pair of Pillow Cases Reg'. 2 ^.'2/V/^-r Zenith THAN handcrafted chassis C assures super performance and unrivaled dependability years longer with significant new Zenith engineering advances in solid-state technology combined with ^ proven vacuum tube circiiit design. • Zenith AFC--Automatic Fine-tuning Control a Advanced Zenith Super Video Range Tuning System • New Zenith GYRO-DRIVE UH^ Channel Selector HURRY I Come in todaytj Supply limited! £. & 7i. 'JeCevuion <£ TZadcc SERVICE AND TOWER INSTALLATIONS ALL SERVICE GUARANTEED PHONE 389-0909 OR 2283 COLOR T.V. \J\ ELECTRIC BLANKETS '.84 ' Q3E THERMAL ) BLANKET 72x 90 in A A REG. $4.99 to $6.99 FULL SIZE I 21 x 27-irv sleeping pillow Zip cover SLEEPING PILLOW So soft you can fal l asleep in minutes' Shredded foam f i l l wi th pr inted cover. 18x24- in CHENILLE BEDSPREADS PINK ONLY $3.00 QUILTED MATTRESS PADS REG. $2.98 TWIN REG. $3.98 r'Jll S2.37 $3.37 LAST WEEK OF SALE LADIES PANTIES REG. 69C REG. 79$ NOW 3 for 1.50 3 for 1.77 A 14 N. FRONT STREET MCHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 BENfFRAN KLIN GCEENSTttET MALL 1250 N. GREEN ST. MCHENRY Open Sunday 9;30 to 12:30

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