Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1969, p. 8

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_ PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. JULY 18, 1969 m'n • j •-1. 1 - •" • -*• THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER K£gNr the REAL ESTATE COPY DEADLINE Office Hoars Daily 8:S0 un. to 6:00 pun. Classified Display -- W . - i ? -- v T * « ' • f t r Monday 4 pan. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 pan. line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 9:80 ajn. Friday Paper Thursday 9:30 am. Ns Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted it must be paid in Plalndealer Is not re­ sponsible for errors in clas- rtfled ads after the first in* Cheek your ad the week and call our at* tion to any mistakes. Phone 885-0170. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly aeeept HELP- WANTED ADS that indicate a preference baaed on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information qi*y be ob- tt»e Honr'Divfslon ̂ IJSDL, Room, 182, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St, Chicago, HL 60004. J. B. DECORATING Service. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. - 7-2WF12 AUTOS VIET NAM BOUND 1964 White Pontiac Cata- lina-2 door hardtop. Clean. Take over remaining pay- ments. Call 385-0170 ask <* for Tom. 7 4 69TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur­ day. 7 2 69TF12 Replacement Paris For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 pan. Sundays: 9 aon. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 7-2-69TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 7-2-69TF12 1965 FORD Galaxie 500 4 door Sedan. Full power, radio, heat­ er, white walls. $775. Call 385- 7819. 7-2-69TF1-2 1964 PONTIAC Grand Prix, No rust, good engine, new tires, power steering, power brakes, automatic. $825 or best offer. Call 385-6314. 7-11/7 1869 1964 CORVAIR Spider turbo Corvette, 4 speed. Clean. Call 385-1935 * 711 69TF1-2 1960 DODGE, 4296. >7 $120. Call 385" 7-16/7-18-69 1964 500 C.C. M.S.A. motor­ cycle. Make offer. Call 385-2556 7-16/7-18-69 C A E C O N C R E T E . D r i v e ­ ways, patios, stoops, basement floors, colored concrete and foundation frost walls. Free estimates. Call 385-3596. 7-2-69TF12 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment On the Job Repairs 702 W. Columbus McHenry, HL 815-385-6195 7969TF12 1968 CAMPING trailer, financed. Call 653-9086. $350, 718 69 1966 BSA Victor 441. New double seat, low mileage, never raced. Excellent condition. $600. Call 385-5481. 7-18-69 1965 2 door Valiant, 100. Clean and in good condition. Call 385-0440. 7-18/7 23 69 1957 OLDSMOBILE, 1962 Ford. Call 385-4092 after 5 p.m. 7118 69 1964 CHEVELLE wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic transmis­ sion, $600 or reasonable offer. Call 385-5024. 7-1869 BUSINESS SERVICES D & J ROOFING REPAIR Free estimates 815-385-3650 or 815-385-4247 McHenry, 111. 716/7-18-69 tfaJxofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry -- Call after 4 pan. 385-6027 7 4 69TF2 WETTELAND PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the best in decorating CALL 385-3973 7-18-69TF2 P&K MAINTENANCE COATINGS • Complete Janitorial Service • Residential - Industrial Commerical WAYNE MEYER lawn mow­ ing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 7 2 69TF12 • Day or Night Service 385-5441 after 5 p.m. 7 4 69TF2 BOATS 8c MOTORS BOATS & MOTORS ummer the Fifn Way! 16 FT. OUTBOARD RUNABOUT Wide Beam, Mahogany Deck, Air Horn Windshield, Ski Tow Post, 40 H. P. El­ g in Motor. Storage J ra i l e r Inc luded 111 ^ Call 385-5630 NOW BY OWNER CARPENTER W O R K WANTED • Additions • Remodeling • Garages • Cement Work CALL 815-385-2195 7-2-69TF12 Lake County Blacktop • BLACK TOPPING • NEW DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS -- also -- i Seal coating, re-surfacing, repairing, also sealer. <• Big Discounts. Call anytime for free eethnatea 312-546-5443 7-2-69TF12 EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed • Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Swirtt 312-526-8632 7-2-69TF14J GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, ce­ ment work, painting, roof* ing, expert workmanship. SUPERCRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. Call 385-0662 7-2-69TF12 . J & J SOD 8c BLACKTOPPING • Residential / • Commercial • Industrial Parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, stone, seal coating, gravel. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 312-634-3293 312-526-6564 after 6 P.M. 7-11/8-6-69 . AUTOp \ BUSINESS SERVICES F U R N I T U R • Repairing • Stripping - •' Refinishing BART YEGGE 8810 W. Main Street McHenry after 5 PJB. CALL 3854)159 t MIRANDA AUTO - SENSOR, Roto-tray slide projector. Fully automatic with auto focus. In­ cludes 8 roto slide trays and deluxe screen. Excellent con* dition. Call 385-8688 after 5 p.m. 5 6-25-69TF1-2 ATTENTION! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. WESTERN UNION SERVICE McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-0258 7 4 69TF2 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE NATIONALLY & STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. ft Charles St. 885-2290 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. \ .to 5:30^ .̂ -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 7469TF2 FOR SALE Sofa, matching chair; mar­ tin house with post; con­ sole TV; kitchen set with 6 chairs; pool table; sewiqg machine; artificial fireplace console radio & T.V.; base cabinet; tire on wheel, 8.15 by 15; lamps; misc. items. Complete living room builders samples includes sofa, chairs, tables Apd lamps. $189. Call 312-566-6550. 6-18/7-30-69 NEW SINGER automatic zig- zagger attachment. Call 653- 4389 after 7 p.m. 7-9-69TF12 PATTERNED sofa with rust background. Armstrong flute. Call 385 0962. -T-16/7-18 69 A NEW FLOOR for only •28,r *(A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR COSTS ONLY $16.30) F U R N I T U R E 6 months old. Early American sofa-bed; Early Amer­ ican overstuffed rocker; traditional naugahyde oc­ casional chair and ottaman; maple cocktail and end tables; portable TV set and stand; 20 gaL and 5 gal. aquariums on stand; Effly American kitchenette set with 6 chairs; dehumidifier; Spanish traditional bed­ room suite consisting of queen size bed, triple lresser and mirror and oversized night stand; baby crib with high chair; metal kitchen base cabinet with formica top; pictures. Call between 8 p.m. and f pan. any evening 385-5399 7-16/7-18-69 6 ROOM, 2 bedroom ranch with basement,.- family room and separate dining room, 2 car ga­ rage with automatic door open­ er. Beach privideges, $32,000. By AGENT. Call 385-4836 eve­ nings. 716/7-18 69 3 BEDROOM, full basement, partially finished with bar, pa­ nelled living room, carpeted. Cheery kitchen, 2 car garage. Excellent area near schools. $24,500- By agent. Call 385- 4836 evenings. 7-16/7*18-69 FOR SALE PICK YOUK OWN Strawberries at the VINCENT STRAWBERRY FARM Dally 7 ajn. to 1 pjn. Beginning around June 20th. NQ CHILDREN UNDER 10 3 miles north of Richmond, HL on highway P then turn left onto Highway O. 414-279-6681 7-16/7-18-69 FLOWER and vegetable bed­ ding plants. Geraniums, clem­ atis, mums and potted roses. Schlesser's Green House, 211 E. Rt 120, McHenry. I1L. east of Lakemoor. 6-4-69TF1-2 20 x 30 inch bevel edge plate glass mirror. White upholster­ ed headboard for single bed. Call 385-5630. 7 3 69TF1-2 4 DINING ROOM sets from model homes. All styles. Must sacrifice. Call 312-566-6550 6-13/7-30-69 USED, inflatable rafts and ki yaks, safe and light weight, $10- $35. Call 385-2067. 738 69 V- FORSALE Superior HOUSE PAINT $4.19 gallon Superior Latex HOUSE PAINT $4.19 gallon Superior Latex WALL PAINT $8.89 gallon ACE HARDWARE 8729 W. Elm., McHenry, 111. 885-0722 7469TF2 FREE DEMONSTRATION WFLEbTO seamless «« FLOORING •-- A Permanent Floor . . . PAINT IT ONI Flocto Sotmlm™ is a now pormofimt Mooring system that paints on right over any floorl No osponttvo installation costs . Flocto Seamless™ is a colorful combination of random-shaped flakes laminated between layers of plastic . . . and any housewife con do it without closing down the rooml • Flocto Seamless™ can bo applied owor almost any sur­ face inside or outside. JncRjdinn linoleum, wood, concrete and resil­ ient tile. You can quickly and easily add lasting beauty that never needs waxing to your kitch­ en. bathroom, hallways, patio, ter­ race -- any floor or table topi See a flop demonstration of thir ; system at: Used Comb. Alum. Doors All remaining combination windows, $8,00 also Used Interior Flush Doors and Casement Windows CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR $85-3560 4-4-69TF2 B & H Water Well WATER WELLS, PUMPS, SALES & SERVICE. 1412 N. Beach Rd. McHenry, DL PAUL BARKER Owner and operator 815-385-5487 7-2-69TF12 SMALL appliances repaired. 520 Mineral Springs. Call 385* 7570. 711/72369 ROBBER STAMP SERV&E Made to order rubber stamps, Stamp pads and ink. Stock stamps and marking devices for office - production • com­ mercial discount on quanity. Satisfaction guaranteed 24 hr. service on most items. McHENRY RUBBER STAMP CO. 8509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 < 815-885-0268 v 7469TF2 Ace Hardware 8729 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111 885-0722 «-iM8TF2 HOB ART coffee grinder, $18; Hobart meat cuber, $49; Pay­ master check writer, new, $49; steel rack, new, 2,000 lb. capac­ ity, $49. Call 385-0707. 718/7-23-69 17 FT; INBOARD speedboat, good condition, $300. Black "mi­ niature Poodle, 4 years old, $25. Call 385-2562. ' 718 69 FOR SALE NORMA BASS guitar with two pick-ups. Violin shaped body, steel reinforced neck. Used one month, excellent condition. $70 or best offer. Call 385- 4290. 71869 24 IN. RIDING motor mower. Call 385-5386. 71869 LIKE NEW rust colored, bols­ ter back, sofa bed, 1 year old, $65. Brother walnut console zig zag sewing machine, 6 mos. old, $60. Black and white mod­ ern dinette set, 5 piece, $50. Call 815-653-9984. 7-18/72569 SEASON'S FIRST farm fresh sweet corn. Harms farm, 3 miles north of McHenry on Rt 31 and 4727 W. Crystal Lake Rd. Ice cold watermelon. 7-18-69 IT PATS TO SHOP IN REAL ESTATE KEEP your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $L Nye Drug. 7-18-69 Two 4 Bedroom Model Houses with community pool, stable and recreation house. J.K miles east of outdoor theatre on Lincoln Rd. Val- Mar Subdivision, $40*i Call 385-0457 7-£«9TF12 3 BEDROOMS, fully carpeted ranch home, built-in oven and stove, garbage disposal, 2 baths, basement, gas heat, central air conditioning, 2 car garage, 1 acre lot, near Marengo, $34,000. Call 815-568-6352. 716/71869 LOT in Highland Shores, 6Qx l60\ no interest, minimum down payment. High ground, well wooded. Call 312-BA3-4554 716/7 25 69 CHORD ORGAN, almost new. Call 385-2645 after 6 p.m. 7-16/T-18691 LOFTY pile, free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham­ pooer $1. Vydtal's 7-18-69 8' x 6' GARAGE DOOR, 9 win­ dows and full length screens. Ideal for enclosing a car port. All A-l condition, cheap. 3102 Charlotte Ave., McHenry. 81869 COMPLETE set golf clubs, $25; snow blower, $60; Metal row boat with 3 h.p. motor, $45. 3917 E. Lake Shore Dr., Won­ der bake. 7-18-69 / ACT NOW! Let our buyers consider your farm, vacint acreage or estate prop­ erty. Call our Rural Property Department. :. P. MATHEWS 815-885-6841 or 815-651-2061 rngMMUm EARLY AMERICAN maple furniture from five model homes. Living room, bedroom and dining room. Huge dis­ count, will separate. Call 312- 566-6551. 6-18/7-30-69 CRYSTAL PAINTING CO. In­ terior and exterior. Free esti­ mates. Call 385-1441. T18/8-29-69 KITCHEN SET with 4 chairs, 6 year crib with 2 matching dressers, boy's bike. Call 385- 1428. 7-16/7-18-69 FOR SALE FOR SALE r NOW ON HANDI For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used: on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things -. . SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS-ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pboi» 385-0170 McH»nry. it, BY OWNER: 2 bedroom, large kitchen, dining room, family room, double lot Semi-private pier. Call 385-1935. 71169TF12 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE D U P L E X 2 bedroom, adjoining apartment, with full basements, attached garages, adjoining vacant lot available if de­ sired. All facilities. Modern, just painted. Near churches, schools, V% mile east of Powers Lake. Will finance with 20% down. Call for particulars on above property 414-877-2097 7-16/7-18-69 AUCTION AUCTION A U C T I O N My lease having expired, I will sell my entire contents and equipment of Golden Tables Pool Hall, on SUNDAY, JULY 20th, 1969 at 1:00 P.M., located at 2109 S. Route 47, Woodstock, Illinois, being between State Route 14 and Route 14 Bypass, the following property, to-wit: 10 AMF 4%' by 9' pool tables; 1 AMF 4tt' by 9' snooker table, complete with cues, ball rack and tray; 1 Calculagrafh Time Clack; 1 glass display counter, 8' long; 1 late model Victor Cash register with tape; 8 12 cue racks; 1 4' table level; 1 10* Horseshoe Bar; 1 Barber Chair; 4 fireproof wastebagkets 5 round tables with chairs; 2 square tables; 4 settees; 4vacuum cleaners, 5 yrs. old; quantity of new and used custom made two piece cues; programmer with mike, 4 speakers and tapes; % h.p. bench grinder; 1 heavy duty vise; customizer, clothes hang­ er and hat rack; cue repair machine; cue tip sander; quantity of new cue bags; quantity of time cards; set of poker balls; talcum powder and dispensers; shake bottles, tally balls, cue tips, chalk,̂ cue points, etc. TERMS: CASH W. H. RUSSEL, Auctioneer. GOLDEN TABLES, Owner 888-1 5 ACRE HOME SITES High and dry, 300 ft of main road frontage. Ideal area for horses, dogs, etc. Good schools, $7500 each. Terms. By owner. Mr. Schmidt Spring Grove, m. 815-675-2200 7-16/7-25-69 V.A. and FMJL Mortgages CALL 385-0133 ' 6-27/7-23-69 MOVING MUST SACRIFICE Lovely 1% story lar^e 3 - bedroom home. Wall to wall carpeting, modern cab­ inet kitchen, modern bath, fireplace in living room, formal dining room, de­ tached 1% garage. Beach and river rights. Asking $19,900 CALL 385-1160 718 69 T.P.MATHEWS WONDER LAKE Older well built 8 room lake- front home. Five bedrooms, one and a half baths, 2 fire­ places, basement, 2 car ga­ rage, wooded, closed porch. Needs attention. $25,000. Very clean, well maintained, 2 bedroom home. Garage, 5 rooms, carpeting, on no out­ let street in nice wooded area. Perfect for newlyweds or re­ tired. 513,900. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHENRY AREA 2 bedroom home in friendly town, near store and train. Aluminum-sided. 1V4 car ga­ rage. $10,200. ATTENTION HORSE LOVERS! \ 6 room country home on 2V4 acres. 3 miles from shopping, schools. Fruit trees. At­ tached 2-car garage. $26,900. T.P.MATHEWS 7*18-69 HXjBRON v Roomy split-level colonial ith 2 car garage On large lbt. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, modern kitchen. $24,500 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Since 1950 •15485-0M1 •15-653-2081 N 7-18-69 &

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