Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1969, p. 5

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MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS 385-0941 BONNIE MORRIS -r «»<»* <i K- AL KANAK CHOSEN HEAD OF CVLLOM- KNOLL CROUP On Sunday, July 13, the Cul- lom-Knoll association held its election of officers at the beach house. The officers are Presi­ dent, A1 Kanak, Vice-president, Gen# Huff, Secretary, Gerry Jensen, Treasurer, Ed Garner, two year Trustees, Ray Lary, George Luto, Jerry Raycraft, Matt nick, and George Scar- brough; 1 year Trustees are Bob Fernandez, Dave Weber, Christine English, and Len Jen­ sen, Jr. Frank Lenz is finishing out his term as 2 year trustee. On Sunday, July 20, there will be a special meeting for all the newly elected officers. It will be a very important meeting. DIRTY TRICK!!! Buz Miyaki was very dis­ appointed recently when some­ one had decided her boys' tent looked pretty sturdy sitting in their back yard and helped themselves to a few posts sip- porting the tent, and recon­ structed the tent with their old ones! The Miyaki boys had saved their money to buy their own tent, and it seems a shame that someone here cannot be trusted. This is the first time since living in the McHenry area for 9 years that something has purposely been taken. Per­ haps whoever helped them­ selves would have a clear con­ science if these posts were pUced back in our yard. Thr; may have the other poles back. The preceding item was giv­ en to me by Buz Miyaki. I would just like to add a few words. This episode is a ter­ rible "welcome to our village" to the Miyaki family from some­ one. The Miyaki family has lived here just a short time, and in my introduction of them Mrs. Miyaki stated how nice people in the village have been to them. Then this happens! Whoever took the poles, you know who you are, do yourself a good turn and return the poles. Let*s show a little respect for ether people's property. VILLAGE CLERK OFFICE TO CLOSE FOR VACATION Our village clerk Jean Gar­ ner reports that her office will be closed from July 21 till Aug. 2. She will be taking a wall deserved rest for those two weeks. Have a nice time. PROGRESS REPORT ON LARRY MURRAY I am very sorry to have to • report that Larry Murray suf­ fered another heart attack while still in the hospital recovering from his first one. Larry had been up and about, and coming along quite well when struck again. He is back in room 305 and will be there for awhile. He is coming along quite well, but could alleys use so**** cheering up. REMINTVER POLICE DEPT. Police Chief Earl Murray asks that when people wish to call the police to please call the police number which is 385- 2161. Many people have been calling the Murrays' private phone, and then complain that they can't reach anyone. Call the police number, 385-2161 and someone will answer. YOUNG LAD HURT IN FALL FROM CAR Scott Chfjsler, 12, of Orchard drive was .severely hurt in a foil from the rack of a moving car, while in the process of helping t his family move. Scott was rushed to the McHenry hospital by the ambulance, and has been in the intensive care unit s fering from a skull fracture and severe concussion. I talked with his mother today, and she reports he has been taken out of intensive care and is craning along much better. Scott is terribly anxious to come home, but it looks like ' he may be in the hospital for a while. How about cheering him up with some cards and let­ ters. Room 323, bed 1!! We're all with you, Scott, keep a stiff upper lip, and we'lj see you soon. BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE BOUND Ken Betts, Jr., and Jim Ches­ ter have left for a two week stay at the Boy Scout Jam ­ boree in Idaho. Last Saturday their dads took them to Ore­ gon, 111., where they caught their train. This train is car­ rying a total of 800 Boy Scouts. While there Ken and Jim should have a most interesting time, mseting Scouts from all over the world. We'll get some stor­ ies on this once the boys get back. » MORE ON CIRCUS TRIP Just a .reminder to register your Idds for the circus trip on July 24. Register at the Mc- Kim residence, 4803 W. McCul­ lom Lake road. This trip is free to the children, because a business firm underwrites the cost of transportation. Shriners such as Jake Levesque and Ben Arvidson donate their tickets, and because of people like Wil- bert Hecht and Allan and Marie McKim who work so hard withe program. This is a great thing for the kids, so get them reg­ istered now. The chaperones for the two busses will be Allan and Marie McKim, Don and Lois Parent!, Gary and myself and two others, so they souldbewell chaperoned. The busses will leave the beach at 5:30 Thurs­ day July 24. They will return about midnight. SPORT SHORTS Sorry to have to report that our Babe Ruth team lost an­ other game on Sunday July 13. The team, better known as the Cubs have had some pretty tough luck so far this year. But Pm sure they'll get started pretty soon. Maybe with a few more fans in the stands, they would have better luck. They play their games at the VFW in McHenry. Make an effort to find out when their j^mes are, and attend one. P11 try to get a schedule published in the col­ umn next week. In Little League it is still the Tigers taking advantage of every error to win games. They are undefeated in five games. The Braves are in second with a record of one win and three losses, with the Cubs third but now starting to come alive. The season has just started, so it is too soon to predict anything. If you haven't been to any of the games,youarereally missing something. We have some fine young ball players, and then of course we have us "Little LeaguejMothers". One has to get caught up in the ex­ citement of it ali. Jake Levesque has fearlessly umpired almost every game and has done a commendable job. Pm sure all parents appreciate not only the job he is doing, but also his attitude on "good sportsmanship". Gene Freund put in a turn at umpiring as we dragged him away from his fish­ ing, and Chuck Ingersol was first base umpire one night. We could use more umpires. Make yourself available on Tues­ day and Thursday nights at 6:30 at the beach. TRIP TO AIRSHOW A group of local residents spent a very entertaining Sun­ day afternoon at the annual an­ tique aircraft association air show, held at the DuPage coun­ ty airport on July 13. The group included Jake and Eve Levesque and Matt, John and Eileen Klap- perich, Kathy, Jim Mike, Tim and Diane Klapperich, Gary Brand, and Jack Morris (Mon­ ica's son). Jake went there on Saturday representing the state department of Aeronautics. Eve joined him there Saturday night for the antique aircraft associ-* ation dinner held at St. Charles. Among the honored guests were the Blue Angels precision ty­ ing team, and the family of Dick Schramm, the late Flying Pro­ fessor. On Sunday the Klapperichs joined the Levesques for the thrilling air show. Eve reports that she now knows what the Wright Bros, felt like after she herself went for a very thrill­ ing and breezy ride In an open fuselage plane. The whole show was very exciting. Eve hopes that John Klapperich is still speaking to her after she man­ aged to lose her car in the park­ ing lpt. To save further com­ plications John led the auto­ mobile entourage home. THE BIRTHDAY BEAT With the absence of our c*'- umn last week, we want to go back and wish some belated happy birthdays. First let us go way back to July 4 and 9, when it was happy birthday to Julie and Jo Mpricl...then on the elev­ enth wishes go to Charles Ad­ ams who turned 8 and to Scott Lundy who turned 14...on the thirteenth it was * 7 can­ dles on the cake for Steve Huff.JSusan Lundy reached 19 on the fourteenth and shared the day with Bruce Walter who turned 13..on the fifteenth an­ other Lundy birthday, this time Steve with eighteen candles, al­ so on that day John Frett turn­ ed 9...and on the sixteenth the special day for a special little girl, Tammy Jensen turned a sweet 11 years old. I'm sorry I missed you all, but the heart­ iest of wishes a little late. Now for the up to date wish­ es for the eighteenth go to San­ dy Lundy who turns 17, to Deb­ bie Adams who turns 9, and to Dorene Vycital who turns 14.. on the nineteenth It'^best wish­ es for Vlnce Berry..on the twentieth Marge Stacknlck, Mr. Olsen and Henrietta Vycital share the hopors..Blll Odom has his special day on the twenty-third..and on the twen­ ty-fourth lovely Lynn Gleeson tiirns 12. As we read this part of my column, we must all have the same thought; Mama Joan Lundy must have had her hands full with birthdays!!! Knowing her, Pm sure she came through it all with a smile. EXCUSES FOR NO COLUMN For those who didn't notice, there was no McCullom Lake last 'vfcok. Pro sorry h"* it was beyond my control with a birthday party and vacation. Forthwith my excuses. On Thursday July 3, I hosted two birthday j»rites in honor of my son,. Todd. Todd, who wears a hearing aid, turned 7 and has never, as long as he can remem­ ber had a birthday at home. He has always been at summer speech and hearing clinics at N.I.U., but has progressed So far, that he did not need it this year. So he really had a birth­ day. On the afternoon of the third a group of his friends came to help him celebrate. ' Present were Butch Jordan, Junior Gomez, little George Lu­ to, Cfiris Wfiife, Carol, Mary, Susie, and Danny Hester, broth-v^sgre ers Tom, Louie, and Jay, and otto Tomjs friend, DdUg Miyaki. Gamfcs were played and the tional cake and ice cream served. At night after jr Tom's baseball game, uncles, grandma, cous- and a few odds and ends were present to help Todd eel - ebr&te again. Todd was oO ex­ cited and pleeiwd with every­ thing and everybody and to top it off he discarded his old sec­ ond-hand bike in favor of his new one, complete with ban- , ana seat and high-rise handle­ bars. One very happy little boy we had here. The morning of the fourth, Gary, myself and our four boys made a trip over to Loren and Dee Gobel's house on the other side of McHenry. There we join­ ed a group of our friends for the housewarmings of the Gobels' new swimming pool. Others from the village who prpsppt wpro T r*ri and G<*r- ry Jensen and family. After the kids wore themselves out in the pool and we had stuffed ourselves with all the great food, we bid our friends fare­ well arfcT left on our long trip to the state of Nebraska. Nat­ urally with four young ones, we took our\time, even to stop in a little town in Iowa to watch fireworks. Gary is from Ne- "* braska originally, so we spent every minute there running a- round visiting relatives. You wouldn't believe a person could have so many relatives, espec­ ially when you have to see them all in two days. And ofcourse a trip like this is good for any parents morale, with grandmas, reat-aunts and uncles, and ier more distant relatives saying things like "My what handsome boys", and "theyare all so well behaved", etc. Of course they are only around them for two hours at a time!! Or when they are sleeping!!! Everything considered we did FRI.. JUlV.18, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 5 VIDEO TAPING MADE AVAILABLE TO AREA COLLEGE The Genral LeamitifeCorpor- ation has made available a vid­ eo taping system for use in courses offered by McHenry County college. Students attending the sum­ mer session at the college will be the first to take advantage of this addendum to their reg­ ularly programmed courses. The system consists of a vid­ eo recorder which uses 20, 30, or 60-minute tapes: a tel­ evision recording camera cap­ able of indoor-outdoor, long or close-up shooting; and a mon­ itor unit which operates alone as a standard televison or as a pcikup for the recorder and camera. The versatility of the port­ able system is, in itself,amaz­ ing. Previously recorded tapes may be played back on the re­ corder and viewed on the mon­ itor; live taping is possible by use of the camera, recorder, and monitor; regularly broad­ cast television programs can be taped directly from the morrr- t5r to the recorder and a dir­ ect camera monitor connection results in instant live closed circuit television. have a nice time, with a min­ imal amount of static from 15 month old Jay. It was good to get away for four days, but it is also nice to get home again. I hope |I get everyone caught up on the news, and didn't forget anything. See you next week! The uses sf the system In the college structure are infin­ ite in both the liberal arts and science programs and the oc­ cupational programs. One use will be in the speech depart­ ment where students will be able • to view tapes of their own - speeches and conduct their own * critiques of strengths and weak­ nesses. In a science or occu­ pational laboratory an instruc­ tor can focus the television camera on a small demon­ stration object and the closed circuit television will allow all the students to view the dem- • ~<vr>'or!ab!y ^.and completely. These educational im. >ve- ments are made possible by a loan of the video taping sys­ tem from the General Learn­ ing corporation to James Ken- na, Chairman of the Humani­ ties division of McHenry Coun­ ty college. Mr. Kenna became acquainted with the General Learning corp ration personnel and the use of the video taping system during his association with the Jobs Corps program in Clinton, Iowa, prior to his ap­ pointment to the faculty of the college. Too many motorists are be­ coming chronic hurry-warts. According to the Institute for Safer Living, haste on the high­ way is seldom justified. Re­ peated tests show little time is gained by exceeding reasonable speeds, crowding the fellow a- head, lane weaving, persistent horn blowing, and shoulder­ ing by on the right. e you to our Unbeatable Plymouth You express yourself so well.. in the Jantzen McShark swimmer. It's one of the Expandables ... elasticized sharkskin to flex and fit and feel like a second skin. Side-piped with white on colors like tarnished green, desert gold, buccaneer blue. Sizes 28-40, $8.00 £ 78% acetate, 16% cotton, 6% Lycra® spandex Jantzen spoken here We!!"**- jantzen 5*TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green McHenty, III 385-0047,' Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri 'fill 9:00 where verything goes / / / / / / / ERY CAR IN OUR NVENTORYAT MOUTH PARTY PRICES Fu/y III 2-Door Hardtop Valiant V-100 2-Door Secan Valiant cut $193. Now costs $2,094.00* CHRYSLER IMOTORS CORPORATION! AUTHORIZED DEALERS Make your goodbuys great buys. "Based on manufacturer's suggested retail price of standard Valiant V-100 2-Door Sedan, including Federal excise and excluding^state and local taxes, destination charges, optional equipment and dealer preparation charges it any s FURY MOTORS, INC. i/2 MUE EAST ON RT.120 - MCHENRY

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