* IWIELBS" Fatal Crash Among Many Area Weekend Accidents IfARCHING ALONG -- Coming down the home trail in Sunday's colorful Marine festival parade is this color guard unit as it proceeds north out of the River side drive business district. On arrival at this point, the various participants if.* had passed the reviewing stand and had been applauded by several thousand persons. PLAINDEALER PHOTO In McHenry county's only fa tal accident over the weekend, Lester Harrington, 2203 Edge- wood drive, Woodstock, was killed when his car .skidded off Cold Springs road in Bull Val ley and struck a tree on Sun day. Apparently, the 21-year- old Harrington was speeding when he lost control of his meter in the wreck was stuck at 94 mph. Four other accidents in the McHenry area were inves tigated by the McHenry county sheriffs department. None of these mishaps resulted in in juries. Two autos crashed head-on when Margaret Jane Falkner, 180 W. River Terrace, McHen ry, allowed her attention to wander while she was driving along Johns burg road on July 18. According to Mrs, Falkner, she took her eyes off the road for a moment. When she re turned her gaze to the high way, she found herself in the wrong lane of traffic and head ed straight for a car driven by Magdalyn M. Woolfe, 4304 N. Spring Grove, McHenry. Neither woman was able to stop her car to avoid the col lision. Mrs. Falkner was charg ed by sheriffs deputies with driving in the wrong lane of traffic. Spring Grove, was treated in McHenry hospital following a two-car accident on Lincoln road Friday. Cummings was al so charged by McHenry county sheriffs deputies w|pvimprop er lane usage after the man struck a car driven by Mar ion K. Hoffman, 2103 Country Lane, McHenry. * Miss Hoffman had stopped at the stop sign at the intersec tion of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. Travelling west, she saw Cummings' auto in the east- bound lane. After the woman had driven approximately 75 feet beyond the intersection, the rear wheels of Cummings' car lost traction on the wet pavement and the car slid into the opposite lane. After colliding with Miss Hoffman, the island Lake car skidded 100 feet past the point of impact. The woman's car remained at the exact scene of the accident. Northwest Ambulance com- iHmini-tornr" «rst aid .to.' both victims and took Cummings to the hospital. Although she was injured, Miss Hoffman refused treatment at the hospital. Three persons were serious ly injured in a three-car col lision at the intersection of Rt. 120 and River road on July 21 at 10:15 a.m. John Stock, 4839 W. Demming, Chicago, his wife, Jean, and Carl Martin, 1501 Channel avenue, McHenry, were all taken to McHenry hospital. According to a witness at the scene, Stock drove his car through the stop sign on Riv er road. Martin, unable to stop in time. crashed into the side (Confinuea on page 4) THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 tVOL 91 - NO. 99 WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1969 18 PAGES.- 10$ McHenry Hosts 34,000 On Festival Weekend Mutin' and Meanderin' J1 Carrie Jacobs Bond must have had a day like Sunday in mind when she composed her beloved "A Perfect Day". Not only did our astronauts make history on the Moon, but here on earth, in our own com munity, a day with lasting mem ories was experienced by sev eral thousands who call Mc Henry home either year 'round dfr just for this special event, t Everyone has his own par ticular memories and here, tiefly, are our own recollec->ns: 4 ....A long wait at the Country club for Miss America, dur ing which we enjoyed the ex-~ citement of people decidedly in a festive mood, and visiting with several--C. of C. Manager Carl Prosser and his charming wife, first to arrive but last in for a bountiful luncheon, rothy Olbrich Kleckner Harvard, former state Dairy £rihcess, who incidentally helped Judy Ford in her bid for the liiiae&vw genial parents (introduced to us by a thoughtful Mayor Doherty) who filled us in on a number of items too time-consuming for an abbreviated press inter view...Fred Meyer, busy with details to assure a smooth op eration on arrival of the cel ebrities., .the entrance of a beautiful, poised Miss Amer ica, hosted by a lovely Miss McHenry...a relieved Frank tow (general chairman) and |arry Lund (C. of C. pres- Week Marked By Several Thefts While Florence Tussey, 1001* River road, McHenry, was in the hospital, burglars ran- Young Peru Girl To Join Local Family her home and stole a television set. Mrs. Tussey's sister, Ethel Crook, 1817 Beach, McHenry, was keeping watch over the house and re ported the break-in to the Mc Henry county sheriffs depart - ENA MEZA RAMIREZ The McHenry community, and especially students at West campus high school, are an ticipating the arrival this sum mer of a new American Field Service student. She is Ena Meza Ramirez of Peru, who will enter her senior year in school. A petite, dark-haired young lady of 18, Ena will spend year with her host family, (Continued on page V • - ApparenOy. the house was entered sometime during the night of July 18. Going through closets and drawers','ihe bur glars searched for valuables. The T.V. set was the only ^tf&luable item found to be mis sing. The value of the set has not been determined. A boat trailer, worth approx imately $150, was taken from the home of George T. Halka, 1326 Nippersink drive, McHen ry. The trailer was found in the possession of a neighbor of Halka. According to the neighbor,' he took the trailer because he believed nobody else wanted it. Three McHenry area young sters had their bicycles stol en over the weekend. Mine Smith, 2503 Holiday Hills, Mc Henry, reported that his son's bike was stolen on July 18. The bike, a purple, 20-inch boy's model, was probably taken on the night of July 17. Another bi cycle was reported missing from the home of James Ra- chell, 3901 E.Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. Although the third bike was stolen on July 12, Mrs. James LaGreca, 3206 Eastwood drive, Wonder Lake, did not report the theft until July 18. FLAMES GUT TWO ROOMS IN AREA RESIDENCE Fire gutted the home of Wayne Moran, 802 Annabelle, Pistakee Highlands, on Monday. The blaze caused an untotaled a- mount of damage as it swept through the living room and kitchen, destroying furniture, appliances, and a color tel evision set. While Moran slept inthebed- •Smbbw..*, neighbor, Bob Giuck^ 801 Annabelle, was scraping' paint off the side of the house. Suddenly, Gluck saw smoke and flames coming from the liv ing room window. After run ning into the house and awak ing Moran, Gluck and his neigh bor went into the living room and found the Sofa on fire. Spreading Jtt> the drapes and then across the room, the fire burned through to the kitchen by the time firemen arrived. Gluck noticed the fire at ap proximately 5 p.m. He esti mated that it burned fifteen more minutes before the fire department arrived from Mc Henry. He blamed the delay fin he icnceu calling in the alarm. By 5:45 p.m., McHenry fire companies one and two had ex- * tinguished the blaze. From the charred rooms, the firemen were able to rescue Mrs. Mor an's purse and a quarter. The cause of the fire is un determined. "The rooms are too badly burned to readily find the cause", said Assistant Fire Chief George Rodenkirch. An investigation may be held. I ^ ? i ' j i . f '5 S . v m. V*" V • V V I > V JL, 1 .V -N *-< j* w . VICTORIOUS AGAIN -- Drum and bugle corps par excellence, JBS the Cavaliers, once again captured the coveted first place award among entries in Drum Corps Magic on McCracken field Sun day night. Although the landing of the astronauts may have Close Fox River To All Boats Due to the heavy rainfall over the past months, the Fox river is closed to boat traffic until further notice. McHenry County Sheriff John C. Carroll order- ted the closing on Monday after he personally surveyed the rising waters the previous day. Boat traffic has been stopped to protect the property owners along the river front. Over the last several weeks, the sher iffs deparment has been flood ed with complaints by water front home owners about the damages caused by boat wakes striking piers and sea walls. After putting - his patrol boats on overtime duty, the sheriff decided to ban river traffic. The river will remain closed until the water level recedes to a near normal height. Or iginally, boat traffic was for bidden for two days, but the sheriff has decided to extend the ban. Parade Appeal •Of Lures Lad Of 7 After an argument with his mother, seven-year-old Robert (Bobby) Keith Kelly, 804 Col umbus drive, Lilymoor, decided to walk into McHenry and see the Fiesta Day parade by him self. Apparently, the boy left home at approximately 9 a.m. on July 20. ttts mother, Alice Kinsey, reported him missing to the McHenry county sheriffs department and started the search for the blond-haired youngster. Having walked approximately five miles into town, Robert became lost in McHenry and started wandering aimlessly. During his travels, he lost both his shoes in a cow pasture. Eventually, Robert was found by John F. Baumgartner, 1414 N. River road, McHenry. Baum gartner, who had heard a sher iffs description of the boy, found him walking along Highway Although healthy, Robert was sunburned and covered with mosquito bites and mud. Ap proximately seven hours after he left, the boy was returned to his mother. m r\ mm been responsible for a slightly smaller crowd than the pre vious year, the bleachers were almost filled with an enthus iastic crowd to witness a memorable program. * PLAINDEALER PHOTO This beautiful float entered by the Beauty Bazaar carried the very appropriate slogan: With Out-Of-The-World Hair Styles, to win first place among original entries, ine young ladies who stood atop the large float greatly enhanced the general effect. PLAINPSALEB PHQTQ CLOSE BEACH The Superintendent of Pub lic Works and life guards have requested that the city beach be closed for a few days, or possibly a week, due to high waters and strong currents. FESTIVAL TROPHIES Trophies awarded in connec tion with the Marine Festival are being held at the Plain- dealer office, 3812 W. Elm street, where they may be pick ed up. BOY REMAINS CRITICAL AFTER FRIDAY SHOOTING Gregory Sliker, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ger&H|l SHker, 1012 N. Woodland, Is land Lake, is still in the inten sive care unit of McHenry hos pital after he was accidentally shot on July 18. The boy was wounded by his friend, Don ald Cooper, 13, while he was Visiting the Cooper residence at 1225 Park, Island Lake. Young Cooper was showing his friend the automatic .38 •caliber Colt pistol, which he found, when it discharged, hit ting Gregory beneath the rib cage on the left side of his abdomen. The shot was fired at approximately 12:50 a.m. in Donald's basement bedroom. According to Donald, he saw a man in a dark green car throw a bag from the car's window onto the shoulder of a side Toad off" Burnett road. Inside the bag, young Cooper found the fully loaded gun. Af ter he brought it home, the boy showed the pistol to his friend who was staying over night. Island Lake Police Chief Ray mond Krueger found the Colt with eight of its nine shots in the magazine. Gregory was brought to the hospital where, according to Krueger, he was still listed in critical condi tion on July 21. Two Drive-ins Are Vandalized Two drive-in restaurants were vandalized over the week end, according to the McHenry county sheriffs department. Both were in the McHenry area and catered to teen-age cus tomers. Don's Dairy Frost, 3102 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, suffered ap proximately $160 in damages sometime after midnight on July 19. A plate glass window, meas uring 55 x 65 inches was bro ken. A large dog kept behind the restaurant was unleashed and allowed to roam about. Knives were apparently used (Continued on page 4) Top award among McHenry stores was the Gay-Bulls Bitcher shop on Riverside drive, decorated especially for the festival. A plaque denoting first place had been placed on the chopping block, inside tfee store, before this photo was taken. Presiding over the block is a mannequin butcher, standing near the paint ed head of the angry bull. PLAINDEAI ER PHOTO A crowd estimated at 34,000 persons jammed streets and sidew&lks in business districts and residential areas at var ious times last weekend to wit ness events in connection with McHenry* s annual Marine Fes tival. Although uncertain weather conditions caused considerable anxiety among festival officials, only one of the many attractions was seriously handicapped by rain and none was cancelled. „ Because of a steady downpour on Friday evening, the square dancing was transferred to the band shell in the park, where ^ small but enthusiastic group (Continued on pege 4) V3