PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER-WED. JULY 30, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER -4 Female Help Wanted | HELP WANTED t f HELP WANTED OFFICE girl, must type and take dictation. Apply rin per-1 •on. Althoffs, 903 N. Front St., McHenry. 7 25/T-30-69 YOUNG woman, experienced waitress. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jim's Snack Shop, 1206 N. Green,, Ask for Jim 7-25/7-30-69 WOMAN or girl, no age limit, to work with details in con struction division. Must type. I Apply in person, Althoffs, 9031 N. Front St., McHenry. 7-25/7-30-69| SECRETARIES Here are a few of the many openings located in your immediate area. Secretary To Comptroller Bookkeeping, typing skills, no shorthand required. 35 hour week. Salary $500-5600 mo. Secretory To Vice President Young executive vice presi dent is seeking a secretary with good typing and short hand Skills who is capable of handling business con tacts. Must enjoy meeting people. $500 - $600 month DO YOU WANT $150-$200 EXTRA PER MONTH? WORKING PART TIME EVENINGS MONDAY - FRIDAY 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. We need men and women to work close to home. Ex cellent hourly rate plus chances for advancement. Must he dependable and have own transportation. For more information call after noon collect. WILLIAM BERITBE 312-824-0144 7-30/8-1-69 MALE or FEMALE O P E R A T O R S * DRILL PRESS - $2.00 • 3.00 per hour * MILLING MACHINE - $2.25 - 3.00 per hour * DeBURRING- $1.75 -2.25 per hour * TOOL ROOM • $2.50 • $4.50 per hour 6 Paid Holidays, Insurance and other Fringe Benefits. - PREM ENTERPRISES, Inc. McHENRY, ILLINOIS (Johnsburg) 815-385-2700 7-25/7-30-69 Secretary To Scdesmanager Will be responsible for sales correspondence, customer service, public contact, etc. Good typing and shorthand skills. $500-$600 WOMEN OR MEN * Drill Press Operators * Coil Winders * Light Machine Work * Assemblers Also night shift 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m (Beginners Welcome) r APPLY IN PERSON • Steady Employment • Air Conditioned Factory • Employee Benefits GEARMASTER, INC. 1809 S. Route 31 McHENRY, ILL.. CARD OF THANKS THANKS to all my friends for the prayers, gifts, cards and visits while I was in the Mc Henry Hospital. Special thahJrs to Rev. Scott, Rev. White and the staff of the hospital. LILAH JORDAN 7-30-69 NOTICE WANT FUN? attend McHenry County's Fair at Woodstock, July 31 tl Aut LTHEWS, Realtors 7-30-69 CLEAN CARPETS with ease. Blue Lustre makes the job a breeze. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 7 30 69 Legal Secretary juocal well known attorney needs a skilled secretary. Experienced or will train for legal career. Court du ties involved $400 -$600 Medical Secretary . No medical expereience ne cessary. Typing with light shorthand skills with me dical interest $500-$550 459-9010 Mure personnel Inc. 467 COVENTRY LANE SUITE NO. t26 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 7-30-69 WAITRESS "wanted, full or part time. Apply in person. The Breakers, 459-9860, Rt. 14, Crystal Lake. 7-18/7 30 69 HELP WANTED IN EXCHANGE for work, 4 I room furnished apartment, all utilities included. Usually rents for $150.00 per month. Rent [free to couple for housekeeping land part time baby sitting (2 school age children.) Man to do yard work and light repair. He may have other employ ment. Permanent References required. Call evenings 815- [ 653-9526. 7-30/8 1 69 PHYSICAL THERAPIST Full or Part Time Permanent or temporary Excellent starting salary, liberal fringe benefits. MRS. LUETH McHENRY MEDIAL GROUP McHenry, 111. 385-1050 7-30/8-1-69 Garage Rummage Backyard HELP WANTED BUS DRIVER, $2.80 per hour. Two lunch room supervisors, $2 per hour. Start September 2.1 Harrison School, Wonder Lake, 111. Call 653-5742. . T 25 69TF1-2 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WORTS TRANSIT 385-1500 7-30-69TF 1-2 EMPLOYERS We have an abundance of top skilled people awaiting your employment. They have been screened, tested and qualified. We send you only the best fitted for your job. Call anytime day or night. WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-SS8-S200 7-30-69 DISHWASHER, full or part time. Apply in person, Al's White House, 2028 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. 7 30/8-1-69 SHOP IN McBENHY Work in air conditioned comfort. Limited openings now available. ASSEMBLERS LIGHT MACHINE WORK We offer group insurance, attendance bonus and other benefits. Apply in person RAE MOTORS CORP. Rt. 120 Wert McHenry, 111. NEEDED for September, a se cond grade teacher for Saint Patrick's school. College grad uate with teaching experience preferred. Call St. Patrick's Rectory, 385-0025. 7 18 69TF12 I COOK for summer camp for small children. In McHenry, residential. Excellent salary. Call Lee Ahsmann. Saturaay | and Sunday. 312-825-0378. 7-2-69TF12 SITUATION WANTED WILL 4PO' ironing. 8359. 6 Call 385* 7 30/8-1-69 OASAOE SALE Wednesday and Thursday July SO and 81 8 AM. to 8 P.M. 1 block north of Tomasello's along river in Johnsburg. Some antiques, all types of tools, small appliances, paint and wall paper brushes. Men, women's & children's clothes, all aticles, 15c. Full size bed complete, $10. Baby furniture, misc. house hold furnishings. 7-30-69 GARAGE SALE: Saturday, Au gust 2, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2 T.V. sets, lawn mower, metal cabi nets, china cabinet, 10 oak din ing room chairs, antiques and many other items too numerous to list 4819 Barnard Mill Rd. Ringwood, 111. 7-30/8-1-69 Wanted To Bay WANTED -- top quality mixed hay for show horses. Second cutting. Will take all you have. Knolland Farms, Rich mond, 111. Call 815-678-2261 725/8-6-69 WANTED to buy 2 or 3 bed room house in McHenry area. Have cash will buy from own ers. Write to Box #242. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 7-30-69TF1-2 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WANTED PUPPIES, litters only. Up to 7 weeks old. Will pick up if brought to McHenry arga. Good homes guaranteed. Call 385 7897 7 2 69TF12 SHOP IN McHENRY LOST AND FOUND LOST: prescription bifocals at the post office Saturday, July 26, at 4 p.m. Reward. Grandma Radtke, Call 385-4288. 7 30/8-1-69 SHOP IN McHENRY PETS FOR SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD pup- pies, AKC, Champion imported lines, show quality. Sound tem- perment. Reasonable. Black or silver. Call 385-0679. 7-30-69 ENGLISH POINTERS, 4 mos. old Champion blood lines, fine disposition. Ready to start this fall. Call 815-653-9209. 7-30-69TF1-2 AKC St. Bernard, male, 9 wks old Show quality, $150. Call 385-0503. 7-30/8-1-69 AKC German Shepherd pup pies, 7 weeks old. Call 385-6147 7-30/8-1-69 10 MONTH MALE, Weimara- ner Buy now for hunting sea son. $45. Call 312-JU7-2961 eve nings. 7-30/8-1-69 NOTICE NOTICE mmamm Ringwood United Methodist Church ANNUAL CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNER AUGUST 10,1969 • t 11 A.M. till food is sold out. TICKETS $1.50 For advance tickets call MRS. FRANK HARRISON or MRS. WALTER WILCOX| 815-653-9248 815-338-3178 7-30/8-1-69 List your Garage Rummage, Basement or Backyard Sale in the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues at the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpful. WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW LAWN BOY authorised Sales and Service Center. All makes and models serviced. Pick up and delivery service. Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 S. Thomas Ct McHenry, DL 885-5879 or S85-9738 T-25/7-30-69 PICNIC AND WHITE ELEPHANT SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 9,1969 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. Serving full menu Southern Fried Chicken ADULTS *1.50 CHILDREN 90c Games for the kiddies Music EVERYBODY WELCOME Wonder Lake Lookout Point #2 7-30/8-8-69 I * JOHNSBURG WORKSHOP -- What's in the treasure box? Talented pupils participating in the Johnsburg workshop for teachers of multi- talented children anxiously await a surprise. PLAINDEALER PHOTO CcvHmunitkf AUGUST 10 Annual Chicken Barbecue Dinner-Ringwood United Meth odist Church -- Ringwood -- AUGUST 4 11 a*m* tntil Food *s Gone"" McHenry Senior Citizens^*^^81106 T^c'ie^s 0° N®** Club Executive Committee Lun- AUGUST 11 cheon And Meeting -- 12 Noon-- McHenry Senior Citizens Lakeland Park Community club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- House* East Campus Cafeteria--Pro gram "Wilsons' Ireland Trip." AUGUST 6 Annual Tour To Milwaukee- Patrick's Home & School St. Clara Court No. 659-Bus- Association -- Special Meet- ses Leave St. Mary's, 9 a.m. ^ ~~ P«m» Rectory Hall. b y L E E A R M S T R O N G , VI^NG, other POPULAR BRANDS Floor Tile Specials / Pets That Netd A Home VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 21C sq. ft SOLID VINYL 57c sci- ft CERAMIC WALL TILE Complete Installation Service FREE ESTIMATES CALL 385-7310 TILE ft SUPPLY OR ARE Looking For Their Master 5002 W. RTE. 12" McHENRY As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: 1 The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY 4 PUPPIES, 3 months old, half Toy Collie. Call 385-1311. 73069 MALE COLLIE, under l year old. fenced yard. Call 312-342-1653. Good home only, with 7-30-69 FOUND FOUND FOUND Siamese cat. Call 385-3009. 7-30-69 LOST: Brown, clipped Cocker Subdivision, Monday. Reward. Spaniel, vicinity Call 1-459-1492. Shalimar 7-30-69 LOST: Very large black and white Persian cat. black eye. Please call 385-3749. LOST: Strayed on July 27th, female, miniature, Schnauzer, answers «to "Pan'yBody area clipped. From home of Dr. Lee Gladstone, 1614 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry, 385-0923. Reward. T30/8-l-6i9 The SECOND BEST MAN at your wedding "GAYLORD" Call 3854170 now for an appointment to have your most memorable day photographed by "The Recommended Photographer" . AUGUST 13 St. Mary's Home & School Association Fall Fashion Re vue -- Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall -- 12:30 p.m. AUGUST 14 Luncheon - Matinee -- Shady Lane -- 12 Noon -- Reserva tions by Aug. 8 -- Eva Schae- fer, 385-2560 -- LauraSchmitt, .. 385rl243 -- Blessed VirginSo- dality. AUGUST 15-16 Rummage Sale--First United Methodist Church -- Main & Center Streets. AUGUST 16 Steak Fry--McHenry Shores Beach -- Serving Starts at 5 p.m. -- Free Beer And Corn Roast -- Rain Date August 17. AUGUST 17 Wonder Lake Water Ski Show- Hicko ry Fa l l s Beach No . 2 ,-- 2 p.m. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Pro gram "Garden Show*'. - \ BUY IT... THRU THE WANT ADS e LET S LOOK AT THE tt RECORDS J" •» B Y L I N D A N O R R I S S3 3XX3333E The In Person album, by Sandler and Young, as the title suggests, is indeed an entire in-person performance on re cord . . . It is exciting, it's happy, it's alive and it's very, very Sandler and Young . . . Included in this album is their ever-famous and popular 20- minute international tour of the s h o w s t o p p i n g B i l l B a i l e y , featuring the languages and dialects of France, Kngland, Switzerland, Nashville, Italy, Tel Avjy*, the time of .lohann Sebastian Bach and, of course, the good old U.S.A. version . . . Also included is Mala- guena, Watch What Happens, Sweet Georgia Brown and Love Is Blue . . .'It all adds up to an exciting non-stop en t e r t a i n m e n t o f f e r e d b y a p a i r uniquely qualified to give a complete show biz presentation --Sandler and Young. In this decade, everything in music seems to be happen ing . . . The music scene is in fact, literally exploding . . . Jazz and pop are happening, folk rock and psychedelic are a l l t h e n o w s o u n a s . . . T o day's liveliest art is' music. . . It is an exciting time to be listening and one of the most exciting things to be listening tp in this exciting time is the Howard Roberts Quartet which just waxed Out of Sight . . The album features such great songs as I Say a Little Prayer, Love Is Blue, Music to Think By, Spooky, Pretty Butterfly and Make Me Rainbows . . . Howard Roberts ana his Quartet are hip, creative, often humorous and play with mag nificent ease .,. This album is no exception to the theory that Roberts projects fun when he plays jazz, for it shows his ^ v e r - p r e s e n t j o y i n m a k i n g music and takes his playing completely out of sight.