r L v THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER •r ' " S E R V I N G T H E C H A I N - O - t A K E S R E G I O N S I N C E 1 8 7 5 SECTION 2, PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1969 wice TcldTaies FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 18, 1929) The mail car driven by George Stock plunged off the end of the mill pond bridge last Thursday afternoon and hurl ing down the almost perpendic ular embankment came to a stop at the edge of the mill pond in an upright position. The hair raising escape took place when the steering gear of the car broke as George was taking the afternoon mail to the train. The telephone truck hoisted the car up to the pave ment again and the driver es caped without injury. Green street was the scene '"of another robbery on Tues day night of last week when the Buick sedan belonging to John Regner was stolen from Its parking place near the Empire theatre. One of the cement block posts at the base of the steps at the Riverside hotel was completely smashed and the flower filled urn wrecked when it was struck by a car rounding the corner from Elm street onto Riverside drive. Charlie Freund and Arthur Patzke left Tuesday morning on a ten day motor trip to Wisconsin. Charlie is enjoying two weeks vacation from his work at the McHenry Lumber company. Miss Evelyn Karls enter tained a party of friends at her home on Riverside Drive last Thursday afternoon, the event being in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Joseph J. Buch, 61 years old, passed-away at his home in Chicago, July 12, after an ill ness of several months dura tion. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ^AGO (Taken from the files of July 20, 1944) Friends here will be sorry to learn of the death on July 5 of Mrs. Henry L. Hertz, nee Mary Powers, in Chicago after a short illness. She was 87 years of age. Mrs. Hertz had visited McHenry for the past fifty-nine years, she and her husband having purchased the Hollenbach property in 1885. Mr. Hertz was the founder of tfife Pistakee Bay Yacht club be ing commodore from 1897 to 1900. For the first time in history, eating and drinking establish ments throughout the nation will most parts of the U.S. through regional and district OPA price regulations. On Sunday evening the variety club was entertained by the George Johnsons at an outdoor supper served at their home. Feltz, Waukegan •Mrs. Fred street. During the first six months of 1959 there were 702 patients admitted to McHenry hospital average of 117 admissions go under national restaurant '"The gathering also served to regulation July 31. The regula- honor Peter M. Justen on his tion will extend to a country birtjjday anniversary. wide basis the present April In a marriage ceremony per - 4-10, 1943, freeze of restaur- formed July 15 in the LaJunta ant prices now in effect in army air field chapel at La- s -- Junta, Col., Lieut. Eleanor H. Althoff of the army nurse corps mUk If became the bride of Captain 4c Edward J. Wiater, N.C. Chap el lain J.J. Shanahan officiated at 3 the wedding service. * § * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * # ,xO«»Al NATIONALLY ADVERTISED NAME BRAND WOMEN'S TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 23, 1959) Th^ entire community offers congr&tualtions to Mrs. Minnie Block who celebrated her ninety-ninth birthday, July 17, at the home of her daughter, ry county dairty princess re ceived the state crown from last year's winner Mary Ann Gran ger of McHenry. . Among charters granted by the state was one to Joseph Frett and Son, Inc., to con duct and carry on the business of general contractors, etc. Evelyn Patzke, 53, of Foun- day for any one month tain Lane, McCullom Lake, died July 16 at the McHenry hospital after a two months ill ness. The Knaack family held its first family reunion at the La bor Union hall in Crystal Lake on Sunday. At the last band concert of the season July 29 the city band will salute the armed forces. £^fthur Mueller of Wauconda will be guest soloist. McHENRY COUNTY REPRESENTED AT CITIZENSHIP MEET per month, for the period, ac cording to Ben Underwood ad ministrator. The average num ber of patients in the hospital each hit a new height during May 1958 with an average of nine teen patients daily. A young Wonder Lake col lege student, James BrQlin^ 20, who was working as flagman for the state highway department during summer vacation, was pinned against an embankment when two cars collided last Friday afternoon near EastwoqiP Manor subdivision on Rmite 120. For the second successive year McHenry cdBmy has a state dairy princess. Pretty nineteen year old Dorothy 01- brich of Harvard and McHen- - DOLLAR DAYS - Jul / 31, Aug. 1- 2 FRAN DONAHUE Fran Donahue represented McHenry county 4-H girls at the 4-H Citizenship conference held recently at Springfield. This was the first Illinois 4-H Citizenship conference and it was patterned after the Nation al Citizenship conference held each year in Washington, D.C. As a delegate to the confer ence, Fran attended seminars about state and county govern ments,* toured Springfield shrines and visited the office of Gov. Richard Ogilvie. Dur ing one session of the confer ence, Kenneth McMillan, Ill inois Agricultural association, reminded the 4-H group of their responsibilities in his talk, "Who Will Take The Hippies Place?" • 4.. " 4- **/. . • ' • On the last day of the Con ference 4-H delegates evalu ated their work. Plans are al ready under way for next year's Illinois 4-H Citizenship con ference. * SPORTSWEAR $ *LOUNGEWEAR| *SWIMWEAR * ISTER'S Coiffures Ph. 385-7550 3701 W. Elm McHenry, Ubnois u.« iilii »l< A l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * K) MEASURE YOUR SAVINGS SAVE 20^ u ION MADE TO MEASURE DRAPERIES in • Rich antique satins • Practical fiber glass • Casual homespuns • Elegant damasks • Dramatic prints * • Flowing sheers * Imported linens Airy casements Now during our BIGGEST SALE we are offering you a chqnce to save on Draperies tailored especially to your taste. All Draperies are made to your exact measurements and include double side and botton hems, triple tacked pleats, weighted corners and permanent buckram. Finished Draperies will be decorator folded ready for installation. HOW TO MEASURE Width of rod, end to end. Desired length, top of rod down. (Use rigid rule) CARPETING ̂ BEDSPREADS WALLPAPER SHOWER CURTAINS 10% OFF McHENRY DRAPERY & CARPET GCBM STREET MAIL TTT 01 L31253 N. GteEN ST. PH. 385-7531 rnnnnnrinnnnnnfrwmflnnnnnnnnriinnnnnnDODQQQOQd' GEM'S DRYCLEANING Costs You PEANUTS DUR/N6 •• • THUR.-FRI.- SAT. JULY 31, AUG. Professional Cleaning Pressing GARMENTS ONLY THIRD IS Bring in any thiree garments for our top- quality SANITONE cleaning and pressing. We'll charge only for two -- the lowest priced one is FREE -- and we'll give you an EXTRA 10% OFF by permitting use of our Punch Card during this sale too. GO 0N--BE LAZY! INDULGE YOURSELF! Try our wonderful "free 'n easy" drive-in service win dow -- under a 22 by 50 foot canopy -- protected frojn all types of inclement weather. Experts rate our DRIVE- IN Service Area as the finest in the country. Try it -- you'll love it too. NOTICE! GEM CLEANERS formerly located next to Jewel Tea for over 10 years, is McHenry's oldest (Jrycleaner nearly 20 years of service to the McHenry area. This business has been operated con tinuously under the original ownership and direction of Don and Helen Creamer. We recently moved-to larger quarters to bet ter and more conveniently serve you with no parking problems. We appreciate and sincerely thank you for your business, and will continue to strive to pn^erit your pa tronage. 'Smiiiy", Geo. F. Smith, manager GEM One-Hour DRIVE-IN CLEANERS 3004 WEST ROUTE 120 PHONE 385-2231 TWO BLOCKS EAST OF THE BRIDGE NEXT TO THE V. F. W. Open Daily 7AM-8PM Saturdays To 6PM Be sure to use our PUNCH CARD and SAVE 10% OFF regular prices PEOPLE WHO CARE - - SERVING PEOPLE WHO CARE! I I n <0