Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1969, p. 11

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REAL ESTATE COUNTRY LIVING c- begins on a large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beautiful land­ scaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus 885*5839 FOr information phone BOATS & MOTORS REAL ESTATE THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER FRI. AUGUST I, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG..JI REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE L 18 FT. Owens fiberglass, with 6ator tilt trailer, Johnson 90 ff.p. Call 385-5572. 730/8-1-69 17 FT. Thompson with 85 h.p. Mercury outboard, like new. &700 or best offer. Call 385 6282. 7 30/8 8 69 CLASS X Scow^Northemcraft fiberglass. Excellent condition, $850 or best offer. Call 385- 1493. 81/8 6 69 New and Used SAILBOATS The Sailors Knot McHenry 111. CLASS N Xll . Hawk Bat J. MOERSCHBAECHEB 815*385-6498 8-1/8 6 69 REAL T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Very clean 2 bedroom home on 2 lots. Basement recrea­ tion room, custom wood cab­ inet kitchen, dining room, ga­ rage, aluminum storms/screens, Si* real sharp. $22,500. This 6 room house has every- *iing. 3 years Old, conveni- . < nt corner lot, full basement, ' 2 car attached garage, bath and a half, 3 bedrooms, ex­ cellent condition. $25,600. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry Air conditioned home with private boat slip and beach rights, on Lake Elizabeth, 8 room top quality home with attached garage. Owner will hold contract. $26,900. Big house on 2 Vi acres on Route 12 just south of Rich­ mond. Ideal place for dog kennel, or other type busi­ ness. Priced low at $25,500. . Sharp, sharp, deluxe 3 bed­ room Ranch, right in town. Has built in kitchen, with large dining area, full base­ ment, 2 car garage, blacktop - drive, full fenced back yard. Ready to go. $27,500. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake* HL 815-385-6341 . 815-653-2061 8169 rflHwe- rnatHl mil.ratal? ra. "Where Service Comes First" 7 THINK ABOUT IT! WHERE CAN YOU FIND A 3 BR. HOME IN A GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD AT LESS rfHAN $18,000.00? PLUS A LARGE 2 CAR GARAGE & A BLACKTOP CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY. We'd be proud to take you through this one! WELL-KEPT TWO BEDROOM HOME in fine area, beautifully land­ scaped, exceptionally well- planned kitchen with plenty of counter space and many cab­ inets. Lovely fixtures, wall- to-wall carpeting, two giant picture windows, patio and at­ tached garage. Priced right! $18,500.00 ATTRACTIVE INSIDE « OUT! 2-3 B.R. RANCH Attached garage, 1% blocks from Lake w/Beach Rights. Lovely tree shaded lot, oceans of shrubs, evergreens, peren­ nials & vegetable garden. LR, very large kitchen with din­ ing space, beautiful .birch cabinets, coppertone oven- range & refrigerator, utility section, 2 big BRs, and panel­ led fam. rm. which can be used for 3rd BR. Almost new air-cohditiOner and new aer­ ial included. IN TIP-TOP CONDITION Asking $19,900.00 SPACIOUS • SPIC a SPAN 3 BR Ranch on beautifully landscaped 90 x 150+ lot with large blue spruce, various trees and shrubs, 2tt car att garage, 27% ft. LR, large kitchen has blt-in oven/ range and plenty of fine birch cabs. 3 nice sized BRs, large util. rm., Gas FA heat, spot­ less hardwood floors thruout. Must be seen to be appreci­ ated! Asking $23,900.00 COUNTRY LIVING -- JUST OUT OF TOWN! Ranch home with family rm, screened porch, garage, loads of extras. Take a peek through all the trees and see it! Located on 2 nicely land­ scaped acres. Asking $31,500 ARE YOU THINKING OF BUILDING T » Come on in, and look over our wonderful selection of vacant building sites! From $900.00 all the way up to $16,500.00. Good choice of waterfront property too! MOON LANDING? No Country Landing in this 3 large bedroom home. Large living room, family-rm., large cabinet kit­ chen, on 2 beautiful acres, full basement, 2 car garage with patio. Asking $28,500. Blacher Real Estate 385-5440 8-1-69 WE HAVE BUYERS For your farm, vacant acreage or estate property. CALL OUR Rural Property Dept. T. P. MATHEWS, Realtors 385-6341 or 653-2061 8169TF12 F00PX- rnstrUnl rral ratal? ro. HOURS DtAlUr»«»5 385-7050 (Across from Jewel Tea ) 3717 W. Dm 166 Virginia St, Crystal Lain -8169 HAS A BETTER BUY FOR YO HEBRON -- A FAMILY HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Charming Cape Cod with 4 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, spacious family room andyjcarpeted living room With fireplace. Includes a 2-c9Pr garage and enclosed patio. City water and sewer. Priced for quick sale at only $24,000.00. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 2 story brick building in excellent business location in McHenry. In&udes 2 stores and 6 room apartment, all presently rented. City water and sewer. Priced 'at only $20,000.00 JOHN FUHLER % REAL ESTATE EXTRA large brick ranch, 31 bedrooms, panelled living room, dining room and rec. room with I bar. Large kitchen, 2Vx car ga­ rage, lake rights. Call 385-64431 7-30/8-1-69 2 LOTS near town, 100x400* each. $4,500 each. NO AG­ ENTS. Call 385-6092. 81/82769 10.7 ACRES, 3 bedroom house, full basement, high above Bull Valley, 4 miles from down town McHenry. Call 385-3268 T-30/8-1-JB9 1303 Richmond Rd. McHenry, 111. 385-3250 SL Downtown Crystal Lake 101 N. Main St. 459 0658 8-16-69 TEAM Real Estate Co. HOMES WITH ACREAGE 3-ACRE GENTLEMEN'S FARM -- 4 B.R., two full baths, electric built-in Jdtchen, dining room, open staircase off parlor. Four additional build­ ings for horses, etc. $37,500. NEAR RICHMOND -- 2 \'i acres, comfortable older home in fine condition, full basement, fire­ place, 2-car garjage, plus barn. $27,500. IX McHENRY -- 1% acres w/natural pond, full basement, 2-car gar., breezeway, built-in kitchen. Many extras. $32,500. REAL ESTATE 7 REAL ESTATE ^ii^ijimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimimmiTiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiuiiiiiiiii McCULLOM LAKE -- Quaint 3 B.R. home in ex­ cellent condition; fireplace, gar. Includes prac­ tically new stove and refrigerator. Only $13,000. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE -- 4 B.R. home in Spring Grove, full basement, 2-car gar. Only $17,500. LARGE 4 BEDROOM HOME W/ATT. INCOME-- BONUS FEATURE, store front, ideal for Antique Shop, Barber Shop, etc. $18,900. McHENRY SHORES -- 3 B.R. ranch, dining room, full fin. basement, 2 baths, att. gar., built-in oven & range. $26,000. " McHENRY -- All brick ranch, full basement, 2-car garage. $26,000. FOR INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER FIXE PROPERTIES Phone: 815-385-4233. Or call Don or Bernice Musielak: 815-385-2418. TEAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY 32,000 REDUCTION ON THHS SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM BI-LEVEL If you are a serious home buyer looking for a bargain, this is for you. Home features wall to wall carpeting and air conditioner in living room, oven and range in kitchen with combined dining room, tiled and pan­ eled family room. Hot air gas heat. Combination storms and screens. Utility room with water softener. Detached \Vt car garage -- $22,900 FHA. y QUIET RETREAT NEAR PISTAKEE BAY Nestled on a heavily wooded lot, this lovely two story home offers privacy and comfort for relaxed and gra­ cious living. Three bedrooms, separate dining room, paneled living room, large screened porch, a ceramic tiled bath and a two car detached garage. Pier, beach and park rights to Pistakee Bay. Ready to move into -- $23,500. I Y, ILLINOIS 8-1-69 5 ACRE HOME SITES High and dry, 300 ft of main road frontage. Ideal area for horses, dogs, etc. Good schools, $7500 each. Terms. By owner. Mr. Schmidt * Spring Grove, 111. 815-675-2200 7 30/8-1-69 BY OWNER: 3 bedroom mod­ ern ranch, built-in kitchen, carpeting, 2 lots. Needs mi­ nor work, $14,000. Call 385-5572 x 730/8 1 69 2 lots in Orchard Heights on Fox River & Sizes 243x60* and 250x60'. Best offer. Call 312- 681-0561. . 7 25/8-1-69 FORCED SALE. Half pric . Lot. 1V2 blocks from McCullom Lake. Call 312-725-0274. 7 30 /8 1 69 wmMKm"" • wmmm | This beautiful one room doll house is available in town = for $21,500.00. Included with the dolk house is a 3 delightful three bedroom ranch home with attached = garago^^all our office to see both. = = 2 bedroom ranch with attached garage located in one | of the best kept residential areas -- immaculate con­ s'-' • dition -- Johnsburg School District. See this one for S>*-«^(elightful living. $18,900.00. SHOP IN MCHENRY I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ALWAYS OPEN We Icohii to McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. MAIN 815-385-5922 E. l£: DON'T MISS THIS ONE!! 2 B.R. DOLL HOUSE in Country Club -- not far from club house -- Excellent neighborhood -- Living room w/dining alcove, cab. kit., tiled bath, utility room, beautiful yard, 1 car det. gar. $17,500. BRIGHT -- SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL Lovely split-level home with carpeted living room and dining area. Spacious kitchen with built-in oven and range. Three twin size, carpeted bedrooms and par­ tial basement Attached garage. Near all conven­ iences -- $23,300. \ TWO ATTRACTIVE BUILDING SITES 1\ Acres in Giant Oaks Estates -- $5,600 5 Acres in beautiful Hebron Acres -- $9,500. Tone In to our radio program "Adventures In Real Estate" daily on WCLR at 11:55 a.m. FREE FOR THE ASKING -- Our August Homes for Living Magazine with pictures and information of currently available homes for sale in the McHenry County argsL/Just call or write: \omiint\ iiuNois REALTY SERVICE I \ ( I I H l ' O K M H ) 8815 W. Elm St. (Corner Route 120 and Rente 81) Gall us anytime -- 885-2340 -- Area 815 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Exclusive Listing Service In McHenry, Illinois Associated listing Service in Crystal Lake, Illinois NATIONAL MULTI-LIST SERVICE - NATIONWIDE I 8-1-69 D U P L E X 2 bedroom, adjoining apartment, with full basements, attached gardges, adjoining vacant lot available if de­ sired. All facilities. Modern, just paihted. Near churches, schools, % mile east of Powers Lake. Will finance with 20% down. Call lor particulars on above property 414-877-2097 730/8-1-69 SHOP IN MCHENRY LOOK AT THIS!! A brick and frame 3 B.R. w/full basement on a quiet street. Large deep lot -- 1 car att. garage -- Humidi­ fier on furnace, color T.V. antenna, cement walk around house to cement patio. W/W carp, and drapes stay, alum, s/s -- Family Room in the basement -- Come and see for yourself -- Reason for selling -- Building -- $22,000. WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE! New Listing. In the city!! -- Close to stores and churches. Immaculate, move-in condition. 3 B.R.'s, beautiful L.R. w/fire- place, L-shaped dining room, cab. kit. w/breakfast area -- full basement -- city water and sewer! Paneled Family Room in basement. 10x15' paneled study off Master Suit<?-- awnings, IV2 car att. garage, beautifully landscaped. $29,500. V "EXCEPTIONAL VIEW ON THE BAY IN SECLUD­ ED AREA"! This new brick ranch has 3 large B.R.'s, L.R., family room w/all Jalousie winodws. Kitchen, D.R., 2 baths, separate^ brick oversized 2% car garage, floored attic capable ofHwo additional rooms. L^shaped new pier, well-groomed landscaping. For gracious living in quiet luxury. Reduced to $45,000 / OPEN SUNDAYS -- NOOr^r&-5lP.M. McHENRY REALTY -Active member of E.L.S. of McHenry >922 or 385-0268 Test Main Street r. Illinois# U.SJV. 8-1-69 For just $15,500.00 you can move into a cozy 2 bed­ room home with attached garage -- close to shopping plaza -- financing available with $500.00 down. POLLOCK PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE E 3402 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois = PHINE: 815-S85-2500 | Ted Curry Realty 815-385-7190 Your First Call Lovely 3 bedroom ranch in excellent location on cor­ ner lot with water rights. Brand new Wedgewood blue carved carpeting, Wedgewood blue and white draperies, large living room with fireplace. The 21x7 carpeted porch with jalousie windows is comfortable and breezy, AND year-around. Attached 2 car garage and very reasonable taxes. $24,900. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED CORNER LOT 2 bedroom home with water rights on over-sized lot. Screened-in porch with fireplace, oven/range, carpet­ ing and draperies. New roof, new 2 Vt car garage, many fruit trees and evergreens. A real buy at $14,500. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES 3 bedroom ranch with full basement in area of fine homes. Large kitchen with eating area, large master bedroom and all double closets. Oven/range and storms and screens included. New roof and attached garage. $23,000. IF YOU'RE ON THE MOVE, WE'LL HELP YOU! Ted C^urry Realty 3106 W. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois 8-1-69 Your family isn't too big -- your house is too small! This 5 bedroom 2 story home will fill the bill even if Grandma comes to visit. Large car­ peted living room overlooks McCullom Lake. Sep­ arate dining room and efficient kitchen. High and dix partial basement plus a new 2 car ga­ rage. We think you ought to try it for size. Lake- front. $24,500. SUMMER HOME Exceptionally well built summer home has 1% stories, 3 bedrooms and a very large living room. Suitable forvjgonversion to year-round occupancy. Beat the high cost J Phone: 385-3300 or 385-4434 S-l-69 ligh cost of living! $10,900 EARL R. WALSH REAl ESTATE | 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 5

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