THE MeHERBY PLAHCDEALER FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PC. 9 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE HAS A BETTEB BUY FOB YOUUI WORTHMOR 'ESTATES Beautifully landscaped ranch in excellent location. All aluminum sided, this home has 3 large bedrooms, and 1% baths. Large living room with oak parquet hardwood floors. Huge paneled family room is car peted and has brick fireplace. Kitchen has built-ins, and plenty of eating space, also a snack bar. Screened in rear porch. All this, including basement and 2-car garage -- $33,500.00. Lovely 2-story with 4 big bedrooms, 2 baths, sep arate dining room. Newly refinished and remodeled family room. 2-car garage and enclosed patio. Full basement, natural fireplace. On Main street in He bron, only 1 block to grade and high schools. Asking only -- $24,000.00. OPEN SUNDAY 12:00 TO 5:00 JOHN FUHLER ̂ REAL ESTATE 1303 Richmond Rd. McHenry, DL 185-3250 Downtown Crystal Lake 101 N. Main St 450-0658 9569 ALWAYS OPEN MCHINRY REALTY 815-3854922 RUN This beautiful 3 B.R. brick and cedar home with fireplace in family room is only one year old and centrally air conditioned to keep you comfortable the year round. It is in keeping with other fine homes^n Edgebrook Heights. Priced realistically at $33,900.00. Frame -- Duplex -- On One-Half Acre! Zoned Business! On the main road in Sunnyside, 2 B.R. in front Apt. and 1 B.R. in rear apt Beamed ceilings, ceramic tiled baths, nice kitchens, taste fully decorated, large yard & patio. On high ground, front apt. air conditioned. Plenty of parking space, cement drive. Could be dental offices. -- $25,000.00 CALL US FIRST FOR THE BARGAINS!! OPEN SUNDAYS ALL DAY McHENRY REALTY WHKN irS YOUR MOVK. WE'LL HKLP YOU! Active member of E.L.S. of McHenry PHONE 385-5922 or 385-0268 3918 West Main Street McHenry* Illinois. U.SJL 9569 WAITING FOR A BARGAIN? You'll he pleased with the large living-dining room and with the 3 bedrooms in this 1% story frame home on a nicely landscaped lot in Mc- Cullom Lake. This well built home is priced ri«ht to settle estate. Easily converted to year- round. $10,900 3-4 BEDROOM BRICK BEAUTY Try this for size. 3 bedroom cape cod expandable to 4. Recreation room in basement. 2*6 baths. 1 car garage. Lovely location in city. $26,500 VACANT RIVERFRONT LOT 80' frontage. $5,000 EARL R. WALSH REAL ESTATE |j 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Phone: 385-3300 or 385-4434 9-5-69 I • icuum 1$ BE WISER - SEEWIESER SOOOI *18,900 BUYS IT Be On The Ball - Call! Ted C urry Realty, Inc. 1 to 7 Bedroom Homes -- $7500 and up Have some fine homes available on contract. 10 Licensed Salesmen to Serve You. Just listed 3 bedroom stone and frame ranch with bsmt. and att. garage, near West Campus High School, only $18,900. LARGE RANCH ON Vi ACRE How's this for country living? 2 bedroom stone and frame ranch with 16'x20' family room with fire place, air cond., large kitchen and ll'6"x23' living room, PLUS full bsmt. Extras? oven/range, refrig erator, carpeting, thermopanes, beam ceiling, cherry wood paneled family room, 2 car att. garage nestled amongst the pines for only $26,900. S f f LOW DOWN PAYMENT f f 8 3106 W. RT. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Just E. of the Bridge 815-385-7190 $350 down to qualified F.H.A. buyers on this cute little 2 bedroom frame house, with enclosed rear porch. This little STEAL had new kitchen cabinets and new Lennox furnace installed a little over a year ago. Owner will pay points on $11,500. IF YOU NEED IT WHY NOT BUY IT. 2 ACRE PONDEROSA Need room to roam? Look at this 4 bedroom older 2 story home with full bsmt., & small bam, near SCHOOL, CHURCH & 2 blocks from C&NW rail transporta tion, only $18,500. MAKE A FORTUNTE We have a good short order grill & restaurant in the heart of town for sale, completely equipped & doing a nice gross. Owner says SELL for $8,500 & he will carry $4,500 at 6%. We also have other restaurants & businesses for SALE. OPEN SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY WIESER AND ASSOCIATES LET US SELL YOUR HOME 1328 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 385-4880 Hz 9569 SHOP IN MCHENRY WHY RENT? SEE KENT 3s 9569 IVOOOOQQflBBafeOOBOOQQOOOOQOOOft! TEAM Real Estate Co. BUNGALOW-STYLED HOME ON 2Vi ACRES near Spring Grove. 2 BR, 2 htd. porches, fireplace, 2-car gar., basement, plus barn. Listed at $27,500. TWO FINE PROPERTIES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE -- Residence has 4 BR, full basement, lVs baths, gar. INCOME PROP. -- all brick incl. 3 BR. apt. up stairs, storefront downstairs. All this for only $19,500. VACANT PROPERTIES -- Waterfront in McHenry Shores -- $5,900. ** Beautiful 2Vz Acre Homesite -- $5,800. Other fine properties available,, some at $500.00 down to qualified buyers. FOR INFORMATION PHONE: 815-385-4233 or call Don or Bernice Musielak: 815-385-2418 TEAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY dUlllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU 5 Neat 2 bedroom with attached garage and fenced E yard. An excellent buy at $15,500.00. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Cute, artificial stone bungalow with single car at tached garage. There are 4 large rooms with cer amic tile bath. Situated on an 80* x 140' lot, this home is priced to sell at $10,900.00. 3 BEDROOM WITH BASEMENT 3 bedroom ranch style with fully paneled, finished basement -- carpeted living room is 27' long. A good buy at $20,750.00. E Many homes listed as FHA-VA eligible. Buy with £ $350.00 to $600.00 down. POLLOCK-PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE 3402 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 815-885*2500 uuuuuui maMauiug FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 In Open Horse Country On 2 beautifully wooded- and landscaped lots, this 3 bedroom home in excellent condition. Basement and garage, paved driveway. Has formal dining room, plus den, wall to wall carpeting. Must see to ap preciate. Owner leaving state. Priced to sell at $26,500 See Today. (RETIREMENT HOME) A 2 bedroom home with garage and part basement, on nicely wooded lot near park and beach. Owner has moved. Priced at $10,500. Make offer. (HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL) In Country club subdivision. 2 bedroom home with new addition. Fireplace, beam ceiling, garage and guest house. River rights across street. Priced at $16,900. Make offer. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR FOR RENT mcMT. THE KENT CORPORATION 8322 W. Elm Street * McHenry, ni- McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office PHONE 885-8800 Since 1923 WOODSTOCK AREA. 4 ACRES OF PRIVACY, with neat, all brick, three bedroom home, including paneled family room in lower level. Includes horse barn, track and garage. A bargain at $36,500.00. Richmond 9-5-69 "PROUD INCOME BUY" This income property offers you 3 big values. (1) Completely redecorated (2) On the Fox River (3) 4 lots with property. Both flats have been completely remodeled. Both have 2 B.R., L.R., D. Area, bath with shower. Kitchen with walk in pantry. Large screen house with fireplace. 2 car detached garage. Pier. A good buy for the money wise. $35,000.00 GLENN DRAPER BEAL ESTATE Heart to MeHcuy Market: 4410 W. RL 120 PHONE 185 5081 FJLA. Financing Available . V. 9-5-69 LARGE: 5 bedroom home, with family room, screened porch, basement, 7 garage. Oil heat. Near shopping center and schools. Lot approx. 89' x 110'. Priced at only $21,500.00. A. N. MAY. REALTOR 9716 N. Route 12, Richmond, 111. Phone 815-678-2861 Ask for Hazel Olson 9 3/95 69 TEAM Real Estate Co. • Sales • Residential • Farms * Lots • Commercial * Management * Financing Bill Dostal, Broker 815-385-4233 or eves. 815-385-4122 * List With TEAM And Be Ready To MOVE TEAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS 9 5 69TF2 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 9569 SHOP IN MCHENRY NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY SERVICE I \ ( O R I ' O R A T I I PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Smartly appointed 3 bedroom ranch on large lot in Pistakee Hills offering immediate possession. Large carpeted living room -- 10x19 patio -- 2 Vi car garage. Call today -- will be sold tomorrow. Only $19,900. TOWERING TREES offer coolness on a warm summer day. The rustic charm of this 2 bedroom home offers year-round liv ing only minutes from town. The large picture win dow of your paneled living room offers a view of the river and the spacious yard. As a bonus -- a 1 bed room cottage to offer extra income -- or for summer time guests -- 20ish. CUTE AS A BUTTON and ready to move in. Exceptional ranch value in Sunnyside Estates. Living room features warmly pan eled walls and carpeting. Family size kitchen -- 3 bedrooms and a front porch for evening conversa tion. Don't pass up this BARGAIN -- Low $20's YEN FOR DECORATING Charming home in Johnsburg is just waiting for that "someone" who loves to put imagination into an older home. 4 huge bedrooms -- 12x31 living room, family size kitchen and 2% car garage. Immediate possession -- $24,500. BOAST -- AND YOU CAN as owner of this exceptionally spacious home. Built of brick/redwood this custom home on % acre offers elegant living for the "Young At Heart" -- 5 bed rooms, 1% baths, plus family room with fireplace and grill -- game room -- and we could go on. Call for an appointment to see for yourself the many other indescribable appointments. Tune in our dally radio program "Adventures In Real Estate" on WCLR at 11:55 A.M. FREE FOR THE ASKING -- Our Septem ber Homes for Living Magazine with pictures and information of currently available homes for sale in the McHenry County Area. Just call or write: NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY SERVICE I N ( O R P O R A T F L TO SERVE YOU •Barbara Lencioni • Jennie McDermott • Norma Hinman •Marvin H. Rodenwald *Don Schutt 8815 W. Elm St. (Corner Route 120 and Route SI) Call u anytime -- 885-2840 -- Area 815 Open 7 Days a Weak , Exclusive Listing Service la McHenry, Illinois Associated Listing Service In Crystal Lake, Winds NATIONAL MULTI LIST SERVICE - NATIONWIDE 9-5-69 McHENRY . NEW ON THE MARKET RANCH with 3 bedrooms, on beautiful PISTAKEE LAKE with large pier and two boat slips, all fenced- in property with garden room attached to garage. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Mid $20's. McHENRY RANCH with 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, family room with fireplace. Separate dining room, % acre lot includes swimming pool enclosed with redwood fence. Many extras. $50's. Call for further details 385-0780 Office Open 10 to 4 p.m. L. RINGER WINNETKA 999 Linden HIS-7274 LOl-4463 95/91069 R E A D T H E C L A S S I E I E D S 1 i 1