e 1 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted M E N N E E D E D for ASSEMBLERS •PLATING * MILLING MACHINES * MAINTENANCE DAY SHIFT ' Phone 338-4400 or Apply inT Person R. C. ALLEN inc. TYPEWRITER DIVISION 300 SEMINARY -- WOODSTOCK GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE, Saturday, September 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shalimar subdivision past Or chard Beach Rd. Breakfast set, tables, chairs, lamps, Early American couch and rug. 9 3/9-5-69 Garage Sale: 1904 North Ave., Lakeland Park, Saturday, Sept. 6th and Sunday, Sept. 7th. Hours 9 a.m. to T p.m. St Mary's girls' uniforms, chem istry set, toys, books, clothes and etc. 9 569 CammunSXî an equal opportunity empoyer 9 5°910 69 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Spacious room for rent in new, modern, air conditioned KENT BUILDING. 3322 W. Elm St. McHenry. Partially furnished and plenty of storage space. Call 385-0269 after 6 p.m. 9 3 69TF12 2 BEDROOM river front home. Close to shopping. No chil dren or pets. Prefer older cou ple. References required. Call 385-5267 or 385-3383. 8 29/9 5 6® APPROXIMATELY 3,000 ft. of warehouse space. Near McHen ry. Call 385-5675 or 385-3031 9 2/95-69 PISTAKEE HILLS AREA Nice 3 bedroom, furnished, fireplace, rec. room. Many other nice features. Must have references. $250 mo. 3 bedroom unfurnished, nice home on large lot, $250 mo. POLLOCK-PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE 8402 W. Elm St McHenry, 111. 885-2500 9-5-69 PETS FOR SALE AKC German Shepherd pups. Have shots. Reasonable. Call 385-6147. 9-5-69 BEAUTIFUL pure breed Sia mese kittens. Seal Point, not registered. Excellent disposi tion, $15. Call 385-9615. 9 5/9-10-69 NOTICE I WILL NOT BE RESPON SIBLE for any debts other than my own as of September 5. 1969. DENNIS E. MURPHY 9-5-69 5 ROOM unfurnished apart ment. No pets. Call 653-9641 after 4 p.m. 9 5 69 COMPLETELY furnished. T room house. Garage. Lake front. References required. Ideal for several bachelors. Call 385-1789. 9 5/9-10-69 COUPLE and l child only. Stove, refrigerator and some furniture. References. No pets, $120. Call 385-2864 9 5 69 IN McHENRY. 5 room home, 2 bedroom and utility room. Near McHenry shopping cen ter. Security deposit Call 312-369-9504. 9569 MATURE woman over 25 to share home. Private bedroom, non smoker. Garage if desired. Write to Box 251, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9 5 69 Wanted To Rent YOUNG WORKING GIRL de sires 2 or 3 room apartment, preferably furnished. Can af ford $80 - $90 per month. Call 385-4069 weekdays after 10 p.m. 9 3/91069 SMALL apartment in McHen ry area. Middle aged woman, steadily employed. Call 385- 4182 after 5 p.m. 9 5/910 69 2 OR 3 bedroom home. Mc Henry or Johnsburg area. Call 385-0180. 9 5/910 69 LOST AND FOUND HAVE A NANCY SPECIAL" on Wednesday and Thurs day during September. Get a complete permanent wave including cut and style for $8.00 Call Nancy at Walli's Beauty Shop 385-7800 8-29-69 SALES Garage 1 Rummagct Backyard List your Garage Rummage, Basement or Backyard Sale in the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identity your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpful. LOST: Man's silver, zodiak, calendar, self-winding wrist- watch. August 30. McHenry area. Reward. Call 459-9107 9569 Wanted To Buy WANTED to buy 2 or 3 bed room house in McHenry area. Under $15,000. Have cash will buy from owners. Write to Box #242. c/o McHenry Plain- 9 3 69TF1 2 BOATS 8c MOTORS 14 FT. run about, 35 h.p. mo tor, tttt trailer and many ex tra items. Excellent condi tion. Call 385-0679. 9 5 69 2 MAN sailing Kayak complete with outrigging, $40. 8* Hydro plane, rarely used, $50. Call 385-289T. ' 9 3/9-5-69 PETS FOB SALE Garage Sale Saturday & Sunday Sept. 13th & 14th 8812 W. WAUKEGAN RD. Large oak dining room ta ble, large window fan, wa shing machine, 2 maple chairs, 1 recliner chair, small electric sewing ma chine, large 7 drawer desk, 30" gas stove, 16 cubic foot refrigerator, dinette set with 6 chairs, many other misc. items. 9 3/910-69 Group Rummage Sale: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 5th, 6th, and 7th. Simmons Hide-a bed, clothing, all sizes, many misc items. 8012 Lorraine, Spring Grove, 111. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Call 815-675-2152. 9-5 69 Garage Sale: 4714 Winnebago Dr., Wonder Lake. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 6th and 7th. 9-5-69- GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday, Sept. 5th and 6th. Refrigerator, dinette set, cam era, exercycle, bunk beds, elec tric saw, clothing and many misc. items. 5116 Orchard Dr., McCullom Lake, 385-0679 9 5 69 AKC registered Pekinese, part colored, white and brown, fe male, 4 months old, $50. Call 9569 LEAVING TOWN? or what ever your plans, if you are selling your household goods, etc., etc., why not hold an AUCTION?? For more in formation on planning a Sale CALL - WIESER & ASSOC. REAL ESTATE & AUCTION SERVICE -- 815-385-4880. 9569 SHOP IN McHENRY WANTED PUPPIES, litters only. Will pick up if brought to McHen> ry area. Good home guaran teed. Call 385-7897. 9 3 69TF1-2 To Late To Claialfy FEMALE HELP WANTED SOME evenings after school and Saturdays. Riverside Laud- dry and Dry Cleaners, 1304 N. Front St., McHenry, HI. 9 3/9-5-69 PERFECT hours for mothers with children in school. 9:tX) a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Apply in person, Riverside Laundry 1304 Front St., McHenry. 9 3/9 5 69 FOR SALE ELECTROLUX vacuum com plete with power mate floor polisher and rug shampooer. Best offer.' Call 385-4024. 9 569 3 PAIR tap dancing shoes. 1 pair boy's size 5, 2 pair girl's size 5V2 & 6%. Just like new. Call 385-4024. 9-5-69 SEPTEMBER 5 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Band - Practice Session, 7 P.M., - East Campus Cafe teria. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 P.M., East Campus Cafeteriar Business Meeting Followed By "A Trip To Hawaii ,With The Jansens". SEPTEMBER 8 V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Meeting--V.F.W. Hall --8p.m. O.E.S. Chapter No. 267--Ad vance Night -- Richmond. Altar and Rosary Society of St. Patrick's -- First Fall Meeting. SEPTEMBER 9 O.E.S. Stated Meeting & In itiation--Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. Women's Auxiliary to Mc Henry Hospital--First United Methodist Church -- 1 p.m. -- Mrs. John Madden, McHen ry Hospital Dietician -- Guest Speaker. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bowling; - McHenry Bowl ing Lanes, - 2 P.M. SEPTEMBER 11 American Legion Auxiliary No. 253 -- Regular Meeting -- Richmond. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Square Dance Group; 7:30 P.M., - East Campus Cafeteria. SEPTEMBER 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Band - Practice Session, 7 P.M., - East Campus Cafet eria. MEN'S Chicago rink skates & case, size 9, $12; ladies J.P. Higgins rink skates and case, size 8, $10; both like new. Oil furnace motor, $15; 2 lamp tables, $1.00 each, girl's bi cycle, $5; baby walker, $1.00; infants seat, $1.00. Call 815- 675-2086. 9 5 69 LARGE Weber barbeque ket tle, cover, cook book, $30. Call 815-653-9312. 9 5 69 FOR RENT COZY, modern 3% room fur- nished bachelor apartment Very reasonable. Call 385- 0740. 9 5 69 THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE IN TOWN- ARE THE ONES WHO SUBSCRIBE TO Q THE < McHENRY PLAINDEALER! PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 Rummage Sale -- Catholic Daughters of America, Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 -- St. Patrick's Church -- Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. SEPTEMBER 13 O.E.S. Chapter No. 267 -- Initiation of Members -- Mas onic Temple -- Richmond. Friendship Club, - First United Methodist Church - 6 P.M., Dining Room. Business Meeting - Entertainment By McHenry Senior Citizens Club Band. SEPTEMBER 14 St. Margaret's Chapter of NAEM Mass for Deceased Spou ses -- St. Patrick's Church -- 5 p.m. Annual Picnic - -St. Patrick's Parish -- V.F.W. Grounds -- 12 Noon Outdoor Mass. SEPTEMBER 17 McHenry Woman's Club -- Fall Luncheon -- Country Squire --„ 12 Noon -- "Hula History of Hawaii" Program. SEPTEMBER 18 McCullom Lake Conservation Club Meeting - 8 P.M., Lake land Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. PETS THAT t NEED A. HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAT TO BE GIVEN AWAT 4 MONTH OLD beautiful Calico female kitten, pan trained. Call 385-3131 93 69 MOTHER and kittens, house trained. Call 385-2566 or come to 8017 W. Route 120 after 4 p.m. 9 3/9-12-69 HALF COLLIE and half German Shepherd, 1 year old male. Good with children. Call 385-3473. 9 5 69 2% MONTH OLD KITTENS, playful and cute. Calico, polkadot and tiger. Call 459-1324. v 9 5 69 4 PUPPIES. Mother is Golden Retriever, 7 weeks old. Call 385-454L 9 5 69 14 MONTH female, spayed, Toy Collie, good with children, needs room to run. Call 385-6531. 9 5 69 7 LOVEABLE hungry .puppies, mixed breed, 7 weeks old. Call 385-6386. 9 569 BROWN mixed breed female dog, 9 months old. Has all shots, housebroken. Call 385-5848. 9-5-69 Candy Stripers on an outing are shown above: First row: Lyn Thonn, Rose Schillaci, Louise Cox, Susan Dresdow, Carol But ler, Cathy Durkin, Connie Jablonski, Jackie Crosier, Chris Schiller and Terri Kruger; Second row: Margie Orton, Mary Doumakes, Donna Johns, Debbie Olson, Laurie LeBlanc, Janet Harper, Lois Raiford, Lee Harris, Charlene Karlove, Anita Zelvis, Susan Leuth and Gail Bischoff; Third row: Lori Ban- ach, Linnea Blomgren, Sue Vycital, Sue DeCicco, Greta Widen, Theresa Chrisman, Tana Ottoson, Susan Eike, Marcia Handren, Pam Navarroli, Barb McDonagh and Janice Pike. SEPTEMBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Free Card Party for Members; - 7:30 P.M., East Campus Cafeteria. SEPTEMBER 23 O.E.S. Friends Night -- Ac acia Hall -- 8 p.m. OCTOBER 6 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun cheon and Meeting; - Noon - Lakeland Park Community House. OCTOBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Smorgasbord Dinner at 6 P.M., - East Campus Cafe teria. At 7:30 P.M., - Enter tainment by McHenry Senior Citizens Club Band. OCTOBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Halloween Party; - 7:30 P.M., - East Campus Cafeteria. STEVEN HOUGHTON WINS SCOUT INC9 S HIGHEST AWARD Steven Houghton, son of Dale Houghton and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krause of Mc Henry, recently received scout ing* s highest award when he became an Eagle Scout. Steven joined Troop 168, Crystal Lake, in March of 1966. He earned the rank of Ten derfoot the same month; Sec ond class in June of that year; First class in January of 1967; Star in November, 1967; and Life in June of 1968. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow and has attended Camp Lowden and Northwood camp. Steve also attended the Idaho National Jamboree held in July of this year. The young man has served as a patrol leader and is pre sently a senior patrol leader of the troop. In three years. Steven has earned the following merit bad ges: Coin collecting, first aid, home repair, swimming, per sonal fitness, canoeing, citizen ship in the home, reading, cook ing,-citizenship in the commun ity, camping, conservation of natural resources lifesaving, safety, citizenship in the nation, personal finances, nature, fire - manship, automotive, safety, woodworking and forestry. Steven is a freshman this fall in Crystal Lake high school. Candy Stripers Recognized For Fine Service Candy Stripers of the Mc Henry hospital were guests at a barbecue and swim party giv en for them by the Women's auxiliary to the hospital re cently. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Peter Griesbach and Mrs. Rob ert Stanell. Thirty-three girls from Crystal L * \ Barrington and McHenry received awards for their volunteer service. A pin was awarded to Sue Vycital of McHenry for 375 hours. Crescents were awarded to Sue Vycital, Chris Schiller and Jane Miller, all of McHenry, for 250 hours. Stars were awarded to Mary Doumakes and Donna Johns of Barrington, Chrlene Karlove of Crystal Lake and Carol Butler, Susan Dresdow, Barb Mc Donagh, Rose Schillaci and Grete Widen of McHenry for 100 hours. Emblems were awarded to Mary Doumakes and Donna Johns of Barrington, Susan Eike, Marcia Handren, Lee Harris, Charlene Karlove, Tana Ottoson, and Cindy Rooney of Crystal Lake, LoriBanach, Gail Bischoff, Pat Brochett, Carol Butler, Theresa Chrisman, Louise Cox, Susan DeCicco, Susan Dresdiow, Terri Kruger, Karen Kurowski, Susan Leuth, Barb McDonagh, Pam Navarro li, Norma O'Connor, Debbie Ol son, Margie Orton, Janice Pike, Rose Schillaci, Sherrie Swet- man, Lyn Thonn, Diane Wendt and Anita Zelvis of McHenry; Maribeth Hopp from Ringwood; Vicki Bonner of Spring Grove and Judy McGuire of Wood stock for twenty-two hours. Y l r ' H l \ R \ . ! \ D 1 A l l K McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund - Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER NENPAP I PER Aktociation - Founded 1885 1 Year In McHenry and Lake County Subscription Rates . . $7.50 1 Year , $9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County MAGNIFICENT DRIVING MACHINE -- The 1970 Challenger, Dodge Division's all-new entry in the sporty speciatty car field, is built for luxury, performance, an^ comfort This roomiest specialty car goes <>n display in dealer showrooms throughout the country on Thursday, September 25 A complete selection of INVITATIONS INFORMAL NOTES WEDDING ACCESSORIES ^Personalized E WEDDING NAPKINS CAKE BOXES - BAGS BOOK MATCHES WEDDING LINE McHENRY PLAINDEALER i 3812 W. ELM STREET McHENRY ' * ASK TO SEE OUR ELEfiANT WEDDING INVITATIONS 385-0170 t J K I. /