Family Honors Mark Motulewicz On Sunday, Aug. 31, fifty- three relatives and friends gathered at the Ed Motulewicz home at Wonder Lake to honor Mark Motulewicz, who leaves Sept. 12 for service. He has enlisted in the air force and will report for training at Lack land Air Force base, Texas. The day was spent in visit ing, outdoor games, boat riding and swimming. A sumptuous buffet dinner was served to guests from Nebraska, Chicago, Worth, Oak Brook, Berwyn, Milwaukee, McHenry and Won der Lake. •new. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN A PERMANENT GIFT! $50 REWARD I ' o i In fo rmat ion load ing to the recovery o f one .V inchoster Vestern Whi te f l yer Trap, Ser ia l No. 2917 taken f rom Mc Henry Spor tsmans C lub . ALL INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL Re p i y to : McHenry P lc i indea le i , P .O. Box 2 JO NEITHER RAIN NOR SNOW KEEPS THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER FROM REACHING YOU GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY !!!! Shop In McHenry FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 3 The opening meeting of the Wonder Lake Harrison School PTA will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 9, promptly at 8 p.m. Because a capacity crowd is expected, it will be held in the auditorium. "Involvement" is the theme for this year. Mrs. Ceil De- Werdt, president, urges par ents to show interest in their children by attending the month ly meetings and also by be coming members of PTA. The group was fortunate to obtain Mai Bellairs as guest speaker. His wife, Jo, will ac company him. They are "neigh bors, " living in the Woodstock area. Mai Bellairs, one of Chica go's most dedicated and ver satile radio personalities, is co-host of WBBM News radio 78's 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. time period. His partner is Mike Stanley. Bellairs is a Chicago insti tution. A member of the WBBM radio staff since 1955, he was already an experienced announ cer, quizmaster, emcee, actor, disc jocWey, producer, re porter, wid sports reporter when he arrived. A native of Cheyenne, Wyo ming, he is a graduate of Col orado State college, where he studied broadcasting and dra matics. After graduation he spent the next few years at the Pasadena Playhouse in Cal ifornia. He served in World War II in the Philippines and later as part of the first Military Gov ernment team in Japan. MAL BELLAIRS Soon after he joined WBBM, his music and later his in- terview-talk show made him an instant household name in the city. In addition to the 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. weekday program, Bel lairs and his wife, Jo, co- host a Sunday afternoon show, 41 Mai and Jo on the Go." The show is a combination of fea tures on travel, entertainment, restaurants, where to take chil dren and what's going on in Chicago. The Bellairs' and their sev en children have made their way of life an asset to their occupation. They belong to a local gourmet society, are en thusiastic travelers, campers DOROTHY AHRENS ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ahrens, Sr., of 3914 W. Miller road, McHenry, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Dorothy, to Dennis Herbst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Herbst of Milwaukee, Wis. An August, 1970,, wedding is planned. The bride attended Richmond high school' and is a student at Valparaiso university. Her fiance is a grad uate of the same university and is now a bacteriologist with a Milwaukee brewery. and hikers and have remodeled three homes. Bellairs has lived in Wyoming, Colorado, Califor nia, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Tex as, Kentucky, Tennessee and Illinois and his experiences with various parts of the country of ten provide background for his news stories. One of his most popular an nual events is his Christmas show, when he plays holiday music from countries all over the world. His show in 1969 will be the fourteenth such pro gram. Miss Schneider; W.F. Messel, Jr. Wed Saturday Saturday, Aug. 30, was the day chosen by pretty Marie Bern- adette Schneider to meet her bridegroom, Walter F. Messel, Jr., at the altar of St. John the Baptist church in Johns- burg, where they exchanged wedding vows before Father John Dording at a 1 o'clock ceremony. Special music in cluded "On This Day O Beau tiful Mother" while the bride placed a bouquet on the al tar of the Blessed Mother. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schneider, 1406 Channel Beach, McHenry, and the groom's par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Messel, 5506 Lucina, Mc Henry. The lovely dress worn by the bride was made by her sister, Mrs. Richard Johnson, of New- hall, Calif. It was empire style with lace trimmed, bell shaped sleeves of imported peau de soie and full length train trim med in lace. A cathedral length veil of bridal illusion, lace trimmed in seed pearls, formed the headpiece. She carried dai sies and baby breath. Her attendants were her sis ters, Celine Sima acting as ma tron of honor and Leonie and Pauline Schneider, brides maids. They wore light yellow, empire line, full length sheaths with daisies around bust line. Their headpieces were made of daisies and they carried bou quets of the same flowers. Robert Messel, Round Lake, was best man for his brother and another brother, Jim Mes sel, and Thomas Hauck of Mc Henry were groomsmen. The bride's mother wore a sky blue dress with matching accessories and a yellow rose corsage. A silver dress with matching accessories and a pink rose corsage were chosen by the groom's mother. A reception for 150 guests was held at the Pistakee High lands community center. The groom, a 1961 graduate of McHenry high school, is em ployed by Borg-Warner Educa tional Systems in Morton Grove. The bride graduated from Mar ian Central Catholic high school in the class of 1966. The bride's sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, flew from California to attend the wedding. There was beauty in abundance, both of the edible variety and for pure visual enjoyment, at the recent Senior Citizens club Flower-Garden show. At left, Quillar Wagner, judge, is shown pointing to a prize sunflower entered by Mrs. Maurice Crouch, "Meet-Greet" Opens New Year Meet and Greet will be the theme for the first meeting of the 1969-70 school year of St. Mary's Home and School as sociation. It will be held on Monday, Sept. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. At this time the new officers andnewfaculty members will be introduced. This will give the parents an opportunity to become acquaint ed with the teachers before the school year is well started. Refreshments will be served. Jim Doran. who has been the talented and faithful ath letic coach for many years, will be present. After many suc cessful seasons, Mr. Doran will no longer be in charge of ath letics. However, he will be on hand to introduce the new coach and give him an assist. The Home and School assoc iation will meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. The objectives of this group are as follows: MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK I Pateients admitted during the past week at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Sandra Goettsche, Helen Caley, Robert Wilkins, Helen Haines, McHen ry; Debbie Schaeffer, Walter Schimke, Wonder Lake; Cindy Baker, Ringwood. HARVARD HOSPITAL Master Bobby Irvin, Mc Henry, was a patient during the past week in Harvard hospital. Annual Parish Family Picnic Set For Sept. 14 St. Patrick's second annual parish family picnic will be held Sunday, Sept. 14, at the V.F.W. park in McHenry, start ing with an outdoor Mass at noon. Each family is asked to bring its own lunch and thpre--will be two free pop tickets for each child. In addition, drinks will be sold on the picnic grounds and coffee will be served free of charge. The day will be filled with baseball, games and prizes. The picnic is a joint endeavor of the Holy Name society, the Altar and Rosary society and the Home and School associa tion. It is hoped that all par ish members will try to attend and make this day a big suc cess. NAIM Chapter To Hold Mass For Deceased St. Margaret's chapter of NAIM will hold a Mass for deceased spouses on Sunday, Sept. 14, at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, at 5 p.m. The Mass will be followed by dinner in the church hall. All widowed persons are wel come to attend both Mass and dinner. Reservations for the dinner must be made by Sept. 9, by calling Elvina Latimer or Mary A. Boetsch. The world's oldest flower service, introduces the world's newest gift service. Visit our shop today to see this distinctive brass tea kettle and 11 other beautiful, useful gifts.) Within hours, we can have your gift, with flowers, delivered almost anywhere in the U.S.A. Also, pick up your free copy of our FTD Speed-A-Gift Selection Guidej booklet for handy reference throughout the year. Areo 815 - 385-2300 Vis i t OIII btauhfu l new shop o t 1 2 1 3 N o r t h T h i r d S t r e e t McHenry, Illinois Harrison PTA To Open Fall Season Sept. 9 REGISTRATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN ^antaiy 5arm CHILD CARE COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping •Playground with Slides, Swing, Merry-Go-Round, etc. •Chickens, Rabbits & Doves for the children to feed and play with. •Story Telling, reading and inside play. •Hot Meals--Morning and Afternoon Snacks •Napping Facilities •An Opportunity for your Child to play with and get along with others. CALL 385-2499 FOR DAILY AND WEEKLY RATES YOU CAN AFFORD State Licensed Located % mile South of McHenry on the old Crystal Lake Black Top Road JANICE SUE ERBIN JEFFREY NELLIS ENGAGED -- Mrs. Dorothy Er- bin of 5802 N. Agatha, McHen ry, announces the engagement of her daughter, Janice Sue, to Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nellis of 4220 Crys tal Lake road. No wedding date has been set. Both young peo ple are 1967 graduates of Mc Henry high school and both are now students at Northern Illinois university. ON DEAN'S LIST Mrs. Nourollah Rowhanl, the former Fran Holsinger of Won der Lake, has been named on the Dean's honor list for the spring semester at Roosevelt university, Chicago. The recog nition for outstanding perfor mance in academic work is a- warded those students whose grade point average is 3.5 or better. Mrs. Rowhani, a sociology major, is a senior at Roos evelt this fall. ** New Classes Start AT Mar Ray Dance Studio TO REGISTER PLEASE CALL 385-6077 Daily 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. OR VISIT OUR STUDIO AT 3919 W. MA IN ST RE ET McHENRY TO RESERVE A PLACE IN ONE OF OUR CLASSES Tap, acrobatic, ballet, toe, modern jazz. Special pre-school classes for tiny tots Advanced - Beginners Tap, and tumbling for Boys ' Member of National Association e of Dance and Affiliated Artists, Inc. ble provided very lovely back ground music jwhich was en joyed by everyone. Viola Boesiger was the win ner of the grand prize award given by the club, and Ruth Krumme was the winner of the floral arrangement. The next regular meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club will be on Monday, Sept. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the East campus cafeteria. After the business meeting the group will enjoy movies, "A Trip to Ha waii with the Jansens". On Sept. 9 the McHenry Sen ior Citiznes club will start bowling at the McHenry Bowl- ling lanes, and continue every Tuesday thereafter at 2 p.m. This bowling group is open to all McHenry Senior Citizens club members, beginners or ex7 perienced bowlers. This will be a mixed group of both women and men and will not be di vided into teams. Everyone will be shooting against his own av erage only. Cake or rolls and coffee will be served after the first game. For further infor mation call Bert Welker or Louise Giel. The McHenry Senior Citizens club square dance group-'will resume on Thursday, Sept. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the East cam pus cafeteria. Those who do not already belong to this square dance group, and are interested in joining, are asked to call Alf Heggeland for particulars. The Senior Citizens clubhand has been hard at work practicing during the hot August weather, and in order to play at the Friendship club meeting on Sept. 13, Dolly Mazzarella, leader, insists that band mem bers be sure to attend the prac tice sessions on Sept. 5 and 12. Tickets for the smorgasbord dinner on Oct. 13 can be se cured from Mrs. Louise Giel. Everyone is urged to get tickets promptly, as quite a number have already been sold and there is a limited seating arrange ment. Those unable to come to the dinner are invited to come for the entertainment at 7:30 p.m., by the Senior Cit izens club band. New Season Mrs. Allan Vogt, Mrs. Richard Mikus and Mrs. Fred Bowers work on posters for the Friendship Tea Sept. 18, sponsored by the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake. Friendship Tea Held By Woman's Club Members of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake have been busy preparing posters to be displayed at various locations. The posters are announcing the forthcoming Friendship Tea to be held at Nativity Lutheran church, East Wonder Lake road, on Thursday, Sept. 18, at 8 p.m. The folk song music group, the Welcoming Committee, guests at the tea, have appear ed on the Lee Phillips tele vision show, the local VFW club, Moose lodge and the Mc Henry Country club. Members are Mark Bartos, McHenry; Rita Brickley, Harvard; Chuck Gauer, Lake in the Hills; Deb bie Grennan, Woodstock; and Dave Guzzardo, McHenry. The Woman's club is feder ated with the Illinois Federa tion of Women's Clubs. Through Federation, women learn to serve, to improve, to enjoy the community in which they live. The work they do is ex tensive and diversified. Mem bers join because they enjoy putting their talents, time and education to work for causes that benefit their families and their communities; also to gain new friends, add voice to a group working for betterment and to serve in public life with a sense of purpose and ac complishment. Guests are invited to the tea. For further information, con tact Mrs. Fred Bowers, chair man. The Friendship club of the First United Methodist church will hold its first meeting of the fall season on Saturday, Sept. 13, at 6 p.m. in the church dining room. Roster, program and menu schedules have been mailed to all members, and from the listings it looks like another very interesting and entertain ing year. Hosts and hostesses for this meeting include Marie and Al bert Mullere, Ruth and Theron Young and Esther and Walter Sims. Lyda Radisch is in charge of the program for the evening. The entertainment will be fur nished by the McHenry Senior Citizens club band, under the direction of Dolly Mazzarella, assisted by Eleanor Crawford pianist. Clyde Biley, is chairman; Clyde Blackwell, vice-chair man; and Mrs. Lyda Radisch, secretary-treasurer. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bates of Spring Grove became parents of a son Aug. 30. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kow- alski announce the birth of their first child, a son, on Aug. 23 at Great Lakes Naval hospital. He has been named Thomas Eu gene, Jr., and has four sets of grandparents. On the paternal side the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kowalski and the great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Losinski, all of Alpena, Mich. The mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phillips, Sr., of McHenry and the great-grand parents on the mother's side are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crowe of Marshalltown, la. whom he is congratulating. In back of her is Mr. Crouch, and to the right is Mrs. Gertrude Disney. The other photo shows choice blooms which were entered in this first annual show of the club. 1. To help parents and teachers acquire a profound apprecia tion of the ideals of Catholic education. 2 - To promote a clearer un derstanding of the mutual ed ucational responsibilities of parents and teachers. 3 - To encourage the home and school to a greater degree of cooperation in discharging their responsibilities. 4 - To help parents reach agree ment on the best solution of common problems of children's behavior. With new problems arising, and with new children at St. Mary's each year, it is hoped that these meetings will con tinue to be well attended. Friendship Club Opens Present Top Winners At Garden Show The McHenry Senior Citizens club Flower-Garden show re cently far exceeded the exoec- tations of rhe chairmen of the event and the officers of the club. The enthusiasm was con tagious and the exhibitions of beautiful and colorful flowers, and unbelievably large and ex ceptionally perfect vegetables of all varieties, posed a very difficult job for Judge Q. I. Wagner. Over sixty prize a- ward ribbons including blue, red, yellow and white, were given to members. The Flow er-Garden show will probably now be on the agenda as an an nual event. The Northwest String Ensem- PLAN BENEFIT -- A luncheon and fashion revue planned for Sept. 18 at the Crystal Lake Country club will benefit the Men tal Health Center and Family Service Clinic of McHenry County. Pictured above with baskets of flowers which will be used as centerpieces and later sold are Mrs. Paul Henehan and Mrs. Cliff Ganshaw. Tickets may be purchased by contacting Mrs. Jas. Schwarz, Crystal Lake, or Mrs. L.G. Shook, Woodstock no later than Sept. 10. A i k