PG 12 - PIAINPEALER - FRI. SEPT. 12, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER guy the REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE •COPY DEADLINE 5 Office Hoar* Daily I' 8:S0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper I Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 pan. | Line Ads -- (Wednesday Paper Tuesday 0:30 a.m., Friday Paper Thursday 0:80 a.m. 9NO Refunds on Prepaid ads| | Situations Wanted, Wanted • Its Rent must be paid in" advance. | The Plaindealer is not re-1 sponsible for errors in das-! lifted ads after the first in-| ssrtion. Check your ad the This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be ob tained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 782, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St, Chicago, Dl. 60604. ! I-tsatton to any mistakes. Phone 885-0170 first week and call our at- BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Effective immediately, the deadline for straight classi fied. advertising will be 4 o'clock Monday & Wednes day afternoons, as it is for classified displays. Straight classified ads will be ac cepted until 9:30 a.m. Tues day & Thursdays as in the past, but any insertions af ter 4 p.m. will not be classified. JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment On the Job Repairs 702 W. Columbus McHenry ,111. 815-385-6195 9 3 69TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur day. 9 3 69TF1 2 REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 9 3 69TF12 AUTOS Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 am to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 9 3 69TF12 1968 COUGAR, 3 speed on floor, low mileage, like new. Call 385-4903 after 5 p.m. 910/912 69 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, vinyl top, automatic. Call 385- 0932. 9 10/9-17-69 EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed • Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Smith 312-526-8632 9 3 69TF12 1968 Rambler American. Call 385-8635 after 6 p.m. 9109 12 69 1956 FORD V8, 6 wheel truck with large tire body. Needs some work. A. Weretka, 317 N. Country Club Dr., McHenry, HI. 910/919-69 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, 1966 Chevrolet Impala, 1966 Ford Galaxie. Call 385-7063 or 385-7834 after 6 p.m. 910/9 12 69 WETTELAND PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the best in decorating CALL 385-3973 9 3 69TF12 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 9 3 69TF12 1959 STUDEBAKER 2 new tires and new battery, 6 mos. ago. $75. Gone to college. Call 385-0116. 9-12-69 1969 CHEVROLET Nova, 4 dr., automatic transmission. Usual accessories, only 10,000 miles, in good condition. Call Dr. Garud, 385-3052 after 6 p.m. 912 69 1956 CHEVROLET, A door se dan. Fair running condition, $75. Call 385-7490. 9-12-69' 1965 MERCEDES BENZ coupe, 230 S.L. Excellent condition, $3800. Call 385-2373. 912 69 ANDERSON BUILDER 385-5483 Will install aluminum sid ing on your home. Will do a 24x30 house complete for $600. Buy now, get insulat ed backing in aluminum siding (free). Also build home, a 24x36 complete for $9,950. Call 385-5483 910 69TF12 , GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, ce ment work, painting, roof ing, expert workmanship. SUPERCRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. Call 385-0662 9 3 69TF12 Master carpenter and builder. Room additions, homes, 20x22 garages, complete with cement and overhead door, $1,095. Call Anderson, 385-5483. 9 3/9-26-69 DAY CARE CENTER OPEN 6:80 un. to 5:80 pan. Monday - Friday Supervised activities of stories, music, games with Bible and Character Build- ing Emphasis. Weekly, daily and hourly rates. Snacks and hot lunch in cluded. State licensed and ap proved. BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 800 Front Street (South on Route 81) Day Phone 885-0088 Night Phone 885-0081 9569TF2 Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 J. B. DECORATING Service. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 9-3-69TF12 FOR SALE WAYNE MEYER lawn mow ing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 9 3 69TF1-2 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE NATIONALLY ft STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. £ Charles St. 885-2200 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS * 95 69TF2 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 885-0258 , 885-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person- 'alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 8500 W. Pearl St. McHenry, ID. 9569TF2 3 BRIDGESTON 175 D.T. motorcycles, brand new. In crate $450 each, set up $475. Call 385-24%. 9-12-69 "BOATS JTMOTORST CHRIS CRAFT inboard. Can be seen at 7508 Wooded Shores Dr., Wonder Lake, 111. 9-12-69 11 FT. hydro boat with con trols, like new, $50. Call 385- 7757 evenings. 9-10/912 69 C&E CONCRETE. Driveways, patios, stoops, basement floors, floors, foundation frost walls, and concrete breaking. Free estimates. Call 385-3596. 9 3 69TF12 Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry Call after 4 pan. FOR SALE: Washer, electric dryer, electric stove, Phone 385-5839. 8-29TF UNDERWOOD electric type writer, stand and cover, $85; one female Siamese kitten, $15. Call 385-4284. 9 10/9-12-69 BOY'S 24" bike, many new parts. Call 385-6225. 910/912 69 TWO tires and wheels, size 775x14. Less than 200 miles, $35. Call 385-5573. 910/9-12-69 TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for 25c or $3.50 bushel. Smith, 2917 W. Lincoln Rd., call 385-7627. 910 69TF12 TWO 3250 bu. capacity Butler grain bins. Call 385-1292. 910/9-19-69 LAWN MOWER, 25" Toro reel mower and power handle, like new, $79. Call 385-2391. 9-10/912 69 KELVINATOR automatic wa sher. Call 385-8635 after 6 p.m. 9 10/912-69 RATTAN furniture. 4 chairs, with foam rubber reversible cushions and matching chair, table. $50 for all or will di vide. Call 385-2818. 910/912 6? LOST bright carpet colors -- restore them with Blue Lus tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Vycital's. 91269 SEARS vacuum with power nozzel; Eureka floor polisher; beige leather recliner, high chair. Call 459-1545. 91269 MAPLE CRIB, complete. Ex* cellent condition. Call 385- 7802. 9-12 69 2 PIECE sand and gold tweed sectional like new, custom cov ers, $35 or best offer. Call 459-4705. 912 69 APARTMENT SIZE Magic Chef gas stove, 1 year old, $50; apartment size refrigerator, 1 year old, $40; Monarch alto saxaphone and case, used 2 years, kind used in school, $100. Call 385-0116. 9 12 69 20 x 30 inch bevel edge plat' glass mirror. White upholster ed headboard for single bed Call 385-5630. 7 3 69TF1-2 F U R N I T U R E • Repairing • Stripping • Refinishing BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main Street McHenry after 5 p.m. CALL 3854)159 WATER ATTENTION: Farm Pond Owners Our patented algae control will keep your lake fresh and clear all year. Also weed control. CUTRINE JOE MORREALE 815-675-2064 7005 N. Pioneer Rd., \ Richmond, Illinois 910/919 69 CARPETS and life too can be beautiful if you use Blue Lus tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Nye Drug. 9-12-69 SHOP IN McHENRY FOR SALE FOR SALE 385-6027 95 69TF2 SHOP IN McHENRY BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW AUTHORIZED LAWN BOY SALES & SERVICE CENTER • All makes and models serviced. • Pick up and Delivery Service. • Now is the time to get your Snow Blower ready for winter. Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 So. Thomas Court McHenry, 111. CALL 885-5879 or 885-8730 9 3 69TF 1-2 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things .«. SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY1 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phon* 3854)170 MeHwr.DL Business Opportunities LARGE CLUB HOUSE FOR RENT Volo area, Lake County on private Sullivan Lake. Bar and restaurant, includes all fixtures. Can handle ban quets up to 700. For information call Niles 312-966-6900 or 312-775-3400 9-5/9-24-69 REAL ESTATE CRYSTAL LAKE AREA Brand new 3 bedroom ranch with basement. Over % acre site by lake, $2L990 $1,390 down, $152.75 per mo. principle and interest. Call 459-2305 or 459-5540 910/919 69 SKxfffAaf Two 4 Bedroom Model Houses with community pool, stable and recreation house, 1% miles east of outdoor theatre on Lincoln Rd. Val- Mar Subdivision, $40-8 Call 385-0457 9 3 69TF12 REAL ESTATE for sale by iwner. Three bedroom home in Porten's subdivision. Large kitchen, dining room, natural Gas heat, full basement Price $16,500 and will sell on con tract. Can be seen by appoint ment. Walking distance of Fox river. 639-4697. 9 3 69TF12 McHENRY, on the river. Large lot and house. Call 385-1668. 910/912 69 MOVING MUST SACRIFICE Lovely 1% story large 3 bedroom home. Wall to wall carpeting, modern cab inet kitchen, modern bath, fireplace in living room, formal dining room, de tached 1% garage. Beach and river rights. Asking $19,000 CALL 385-1160 95 69TF2 L A N D Between Crystal Lake ft McHenry. A "Dandy", wooded, home site. % of an acre, 140 foot frontage. Gas, electricity, and paved road. Priced at 86850 -- Terms ALSO 2 acres 200' x 440*, on Route 31. Zoned for light indus try and commercial. RALPH BRUNS 815-459-2239 910/919 69 P. MATHEWS" REALTORS Needs your farm, vacant acreage or rural property fos its buyers. Call our Rural Property Dept. 385-6341 or 653-2061 9-3-69TF1- BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-69TF12 T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Low priced, compact, 2 bed room home. Natural gas, utilities, hardwood floors, tiled bath, 2 car garage, 111,900 Aluminum sided, well kept 2 bedroom home. Tiled bath, utility room, carport on large open site. |12£00 T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry Family home, 3 bedroom bi-level with large living room and kitchen. 1 car garage. Private beach rights. $23,500 SEPTEMBER SPECIAL! Lakefront 3 bedroom Sum mer Home, large kitchen and living room. Small guest house. ONLY! $15,500. Large home on Pistakee Bay. 4 bedroom 2% baths, 3 car garage. 2 piers, con crete seawall, boat, motor. All for $49,500. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Hebron Colonial, 5 bedroom, car peted foyer and living room, large kitchen, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Only! $24,500 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake* HL 815-385-6341 815-653-2061 912 69 OFFER FOR SALE McHENRY COUNTY 4 BEDROOM HOME for the HANDY-MAN. Needs plenty of work, but the price is only $6900.00. In Spring Grove. 5 BEDROOM HOME on 89' x 110* lot, with City Sewer ft Water. Near shopping ft schools. $21,500.00 In Richmond. 8 BEDROOM NEW BI-LEVEL HOME. Part Base ment suitable for rec. room. Carpeted living room, patio doors from dining area. 1% baths. $28,500.00. In Harvard. ON 4 ACRES this all brick home, with 3 bedrms. ft family room. Private but convenient to nearby towns. Includes horse barn, track, and garage bldg. $36,500.00. North Woodstock. 88 ACRES OF HUNTER'S PARADISE, with elegant 4 bedroom, 4 bath home. All electric heat, central vacuum system. 40" Swim Pool, 6 stall horse barn ft track. Priced in upper $90's, but seller will enter tain an offer due to immediate transfer. An op portunity for the executive buyer. Solon Area. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Professional Office Bldge. In shopping center. Reception rm., entrance hall ft 4 offices, plus store front now leased for added income. Large parking area. $33,500.00. In Richmond. OPENING SOON-NOTTINGHAM WOODS SUBDI VISION, In Spring Grove. Scenic wooded lots approx. \ acre each. See us also for LAKE COUNTY PROPERTIES. A. N. MAY, REALTOR 9716 N. Route 12, Richmond, 111. Phone 815-678-2861 Ask for Hazel Olson 91269 POLLOCK-PHILLIPS Offer 2 • 8 BEDROOM Attractive aluminum sided ranch home with large 2% car garage. 100 ft. x 150 ft lot. $18,500. \ PBTAKKKDULS 3 bedroom, split level, ltt baths, screened patio and family room. $21,900. IN TOWN Attractive 2 bedroom home on double lot 1,428 sq. ft of living space including a large family room. 2 wall air conditioners included in many extras. $21,500. 8 BEDROOM RANCH aluminum siding with attached garage. 1% lots -- community beach and playground close by. You will like this one at $19,900. 4 BEDROOM BRICK in Cooney Heights. Close to everything. Full basement double car garage, cyclone fenced back yard. $34,900. WATERFRONT Completely remodeled, 3 bedroom home on .87 acre on the Fox River. A lovely home at $37,500. FHA-VA FINANCING -- Several of the above properties will qualify for FHA-VA financing. Call us for details to buy with $350 to $L500 down. LISTINGS NEEDED -- We have cash buyers. Call us to sell your home. POLLOCK-PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE 1 i SHOP IN McHENRY REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Lovely Three Bedroom Brick Home. Bull Valley area, with majestic view of valley and woods. Two ceramic tile baths, full basement -- with bomb shelter, etc. Rooms are spacious, has 3 fireplaces, patio, breezeway and 2 car garage. Situ ated on over 2 acres with gorgeous evergreens ft flowering shrubs. It is a home one would be proud to possess. Owner will finance. For appointment Call 385-4204 910/91269 8408 Wert McHenry, minats PHENE: 815-885-2500 hiiuiimmiiiniiiniinniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiii JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE HAS A BETTER BUY FOR YOU. WORTHMOR ESTATES 1 Beautifully landscaped ranch in excellent location. All alum inum sided, this home has 3 large bedrooms, and 1% baths. Large living room with oak parquet hardwood floors. Huge paneled family room is carpeted and has fireplace. Kitchen has builtrins, and plenty of eating space, also a snack bar. Screened in rear porch. All this,. including basement and 2-car garage -- Asking -- $33,500.00 RIVERDALE 3-Bedroom Tri-level on large lot, in excellent condition. 2 baths, 2 car attached garage. Newly carpeted. Includes utility room, front porch and concrete patio. Newly remodeled just 4 years ago. Oven, range and refrigerator also included. Must see to appreciate. Asking, completely furnished -- $21,500.00 HUNTERVILLE PARK Close to town, this 2-bedroom frame ranch is priced for the budget minded. Carpeted living room, kitchen with eating area, and large utility room. Oven and range included asking -- $12,500.00. McHenry, DL OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 5 PJL m JOHN FUHLER ^ REAL ESTATE Crystal 101 N. Mala St 9-1219 V \