THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALER WED. SEPT. 17, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 17 Male Help Wanted Y . - ELECTRONIC TECH. to $800 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL £35 Benton St Woodstock PHONE 338-8200 9-17-69 TRUCK DRIVERS Semi or straight to load and haul hay. Full time. Year around. Good wages., John Henricks, Inc. Arlington Heights St Rand Rd. Arlington Heights, 111. 312-253-0185 910/917 69 ELECTRONIC TRAINEES $145 • 165 Seldom found opportunity to move into research group in the communications area. No previous experience needed. Your training will consist of in-plant seminars and on-the- job training with some of the best electronics engineers found anywhere. Any MILITARY or tech school training opens the door to this above average ca reer opportunity. future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 50014 Suits No. 125 PHONI 515-459-9010 Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 917 69 YOUNG MEN WANTED for stock room, shipping and receiving clerk. Steady work. Apply in person. Telvision Laboratories, Inc. 383 Mill St. Wauconda, Illinois 917-9 19 69 DRAFTSMEN and TOOL DESIGNERS to $15,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock CALL 388-3200 9-17-69 Male Help Wanted SHEET METAL M E N Experienced preferred but will train. Excellent benefits. MAJOR CORP. 459-6300 917-919 69 FULL TIME employment for men's clothing store. Draft free, state: age, references and experience. Write to Box 254 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9 10/9-19-69 Male Help Wanted Degreed Accountants Standard Cost Experience to $10,000 ' WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL - 235 Benton St. Woodstock PHONE 338-3200 9-17-69 EXPERIENCED tractor oper ator and work men for general landscape work. McHenry Landscaping, 385-3353 9 5 69TF12 SCHOOL CUSTODIANS Full or Part Time Good working conditions. Modern equipment. Call Mr. Blank McHenry Board of Education 355-7210 9 3 69TF12 DRAFTING TRAINEES $600 - 800 Mo. You will be completely trained in layout and design by one of the leading local firms. If you have had any electrical or me chanical exposure. College helpful. Age open. future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Suit* No. 125 PHONE 515-459-9010 Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 9-17-69 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE MECHANIC TRAINEE STORE MANAGER TRAINEE • Immediate Opportunities in Retail Management • Outstanding Fringe Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Contact MR. COLOMER GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 4400 W. Route 120 McHENRY. ILL. •••••••J SHOP IN MCHENRY Male Help Wanted CREDIT COLLECTION $600 - 750 Mo. Now you can break into this ?ver growing international firm. You will be completely trained on-the-job. Must be draft ex empt. Act now!! Mure personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 55014 Suite No. 125 PHONE 515-459-9015 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 917 69 Male Help Wanted FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 LITE ACCOUNTANT to $800 4 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 338-3200 9-17-69 GENERAL MACHINIST Perform various production and special machining op erations. Should be exper ienced in set-up and oper ation of machine tools. Apply In Person RAE MOTOR CORP. Rt. 120 West McHenry, Illinois 9 17/9 19 69 JUST DISCHARGED? $475 - 675 Before you get in. step and start marching all over the country looking for what you think you would like to do, give us a call. What ever your MOS, AFSC or RATING was with Uncle Sam we can put it to work for you in civilian life. future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 50014 Suite No. 125 PHONE 515-459-9010 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 91769 Male Help Wanted JUNIOR ENGINEERS Research & development team are looking for several bright young men that enjoy a chal lenge to begin in quality con trol lab and work into testing and design. future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Suite No. 125 PHONE 515-459-9010 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 9-17-69 RETIRED MAN to work about 30 hours a week in men's clothing store. State: age, re ferences, experience. Write to Box 255 c/o McHenry Plain- dealer. 9 10/9-19-69 HELP WANTED Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN with some farming exper ience to work steady on large horse and cattle farm. Must have refer ences. WM. SCHMIDT HORSE FARM Spring Grove, 111. 917-9 19 69 • SYSTEMS ANALYISTS and * PROGRAMMERS to $12,000 FREEE WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL Phone 338-3200 Day or Night 235 BENTON - WOODSTOCK *' 9-17-69 SHOP IN McHENRY help~waSted" E.D.T. SUPERVISOR For tab installation. For day or evening appointment contact: CONTROLLER 815-459-5500 LADD ENTERPRISES 451 Coventry Crystal Lake, 111. 912/917 69 PUNCH PRESS SET-UP Are you looking for a job that will give you an opportunity to advance? We have an excellent, permanent job for a man experienced in set-up of punch presses up to 75 tons and press brakes up to 175 tons. Set-up includes pro gressive dies; Whistler dies and automatic feeds. This job can lead to further advancement if you are qualified to assume more responsibility. A good place to work. Modern plant, excellent pay, liberal insurance plan and other employee benefits. Apply 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or phone for appointment. Personnel office also open Saturday 8 a.m. to noon. John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2031 Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 9 17-919 69 HELP WANTED MALE Day Shift 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Excellent earning opportunity Good fringe benefits. Apply In Person 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday thru Friday or Phone for appointment SIS-MS-S ̂or 815-653-2841 IN/I ODIN 4 miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "an equal opportunity employer" 917 TOMORROW COULD BE TOO LATE! APPLY TODAY IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THESE SPRAY PAINTERS INSPECTORS Male Help Wanted 69 MACHINE OPERATORS Good Poy - Good Benefits APPLY IN PERSON Woodstock Die Casting Division of ELTRA Corporation Woodstock , I l l i no is an equal opportunity employer TTER 0PLE HANGE B.P.C. MULE FEMALE MATERIAL HANDLERS ORDER PICKERS 1st & 2nd shift lst shift MOLDERS MACHINE OPERATORS 1st & 2nd shift 1st shift KIT PACKAGERS 1st shift ASSEMBLERS 1st shift PUNCH PRESS 1st shift ORDER PICKERS 1st shift WE OFFER • Complete insurance program, effective within 30 days • Holiday pay • 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 ye; • Progressive rate ranges Holiday pay * 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year * Promotional opportunity Night Shift premium • Credit Union • Jury, Duty Pay * Paid pension plan OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE K PARTS C0MPAHY QUALITY CONTROL TRAINEES Local company is seeking young men who are draft ex empt, to do quality control lab. work. Will learn to use spec ial instruments and do chem ical analysis in clean modern laboratory. Immediate hire. Salary $500 - $600 mo. to start future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Suite No. 126 PHONE •15-459-9010 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service Is Absolutely Free to Applicants 9 It 69 HSLFWANTED I SCHOOL BUS [ ! DRIVERS I | WORTS TRANSIT | 385-1500 9 3 69TF^2J Experienced DINING ROOM WAITRESSES Friday, Saturday & Sunday, at $1.25 an hour. SNACK SHOP WAITRESSES full or part time, nights. Tel. 385-1475 917/919 69 COOK for summer camp for small children. In McHenry, residential. Excellent salary. Call Lee Ahsmann. Saturday and Sunday. 312-825-0378. 9 3 69TF1 2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 9-17-69 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind Th* McHanry Mark*! PUcc) 815-385-7002 SALES CLERK. Ideal for re tiree. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pop corn stand. Call 385-5269 912/917 69 Work in air conditioned comfort. Limited openings now available. ' ASSEMBLERS •LIGHT MACHINE WORK We offer group insurance, attendance bonus and other benefits. Apply in person RAE MOTORS CORP. Rt. 120 West McHenry, 111. 917/919 69 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS A.M. and P.M. RUNS Good pay. No experience necessary. Apply now so we can have you fully qual ified by the start of the next school term. This is an excellent oppor tunity to make extra money or add to your present in come. For details call: MB. BLANK at 385-7210 9 3 69TF12 MEN or WOMEN HOUSEWIVES, STUDENTS, RETIRED PEOPLE. Earn extra money. Part time and full time. No experience necessary. Salary and commission. Coll Gen 385-1070 - 9-17/919 69 WOMAN OR MAN to cook, part time. Hettermann's Ta vern, call 385-1787. 917 69TF12 r v