PG. 18- PLAINDEALER-WED. SEPT. 17, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Male Help Wanted COMPUTOR OPERATOR to $650 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 838-3200 9-17-69 Female Help Wanted WOMAN to work with small children in child care center. College training or group child care experience necessary. Call 385-2499. 9 12/917 69 LADIES earn $40 to $60 week ly on commission showing new line of home care products. Call 459-0462. 9-17 9 19 £9 JANITORIAL WORK 3:30 P.M. to 12 midnight 5 days week MUST BE RELIABLE -- Apply In Person -- TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. Sheridan Lakemoor McHenry, Illinois 9 3-69TF1-2 ATTENTION Part Time or Full Time Mothers and Housewives Bored with housework? Start your own business selling Rawleigh household products. Area open in McHenry and other com munities close by. For prompt interview call AL GREYER 615 Rt. 31, McHenry, 385-0501 or write the W. T. Rawleigh Co. 223 E. Main, Freeport, 111. 61032 Call 815-232-4161 8 29/9 17 69 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MYCHANIC Experienced, full time. All company benefits. Apply to Collingbourne Buick-Olds * 907 N. Front Si. McHEKRY. ILLINOIS 385-7200 917-9 19 69 Female Help Wanted LAYOUT DRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL We have an interesting opportunity for a draftsman who wants to grow into a more responsible position in en gineering. We want a man who can do layout work and who can assist in the designing and development of hardware products. This is a permanent job and can lead to greater responsi bility. Some understanding of dies and stampings is desirable. A good place to work. Modern plant, excellent pay, liberal insurance plan and other employee benefits. John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. Apply 8 am, to 5 p.m. If not able to come in, please telephone 815-678-2031 for appointment. 917-919 69 FOREMAN Excellent opportunity for a man with a suc cessful record of supervision. We are a multi-plant corporation with medium size plant operation throughout the mid-west. Local plant located in McHenry County. Submit a resume, including salary receiving and expected, to: BOX #256 c/o The McHenry Flalndealer All communications will be held in strict confidence. Your present position will not be jepordized. Write: BOX #256 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 912 69 WE NEED TWO YOUNG MEN in our factory, one Shipping & Receiving Clerk and one general factor^yvorker who will also assist in the Compounding Department. We offer you a nice place to work - new, modern plant, good starting wage (full pay while learning) and a merit increase program plus other excellent company benefits. Come in and see about these openings. Crown Industrial Products Co. HEBRON, ILLINOIS 60034 PHONE: (815) 648-2424 PETS FOR SALE SECRETARIES Here are a few of the many openings located in your immediate area. Secretary To Comptroller Bookkeeping, typing skills, no shorthand required. 35 hour week. Salary $500-$600 mo. Secretary To Vice President Young executive vice presi dent is seeking a secretary with good typing and short hand skills who is capable of handling business con tacts. Must enjoy meeting people. $500 - $600 month Secretary To Salesmanager Will be responsible for sales correspondence, customer service, public contact, etc. Good typing and shorthand skills. $500-$$00 Legal Secretary x^ocal well known attorney needs a skilled secretary. Experienced or will train for legal career. Court du ties involved ' $400-$600 Medical Secretary No medical expereience ne cessary. Typing with light shorthand skills with me dical interest. $500-$550 459-9010 future personnel --Inc. 467 COVENTRY LANE SUITE NO. 126 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 9-5-69 AKC BLACK LABRADOR Retriever pups. For information call 459-6223. 9 12-9 2469 Female Help Wanted LADY to baby sit Saturday evenings and part of Sunday. Call 385-5659. 9 3 69TF1 2 WAITRESS wanted for days. Lamplighter Cafe, 3313 W. Elm, McHenry, 385-6262. 9 12 69TF1 2 Full Time Days Part Time Nights (6 to 11 p.m.) Openings for SOLDERERS WIRERS ASSEMBLERS MAJOR CORP. Rtes. 14 and 31 Crystal Lake, 111. 9 3 69TF12 ̂EXCELLEDOPPOTTUN!rT"| I OFFICE GIRLS' All Kinds Immediate Placement to $600 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock PHONE 338-3200 9-17-69 PETS THAT NEED A. HOME NOTICE RUGS a mess? Clean for less with -- Blue Lustre! Rent electric shampooer $L Ace Hardware. 917 69 To Late To Classify BOATS RIVIERA pontoon, 24 ft boat, 40 h.p. Evinrude motor. Used very little. Call 385-1275. 917.91969 OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY 2 LOVELY kittens, 7 weeks old. TO BE GIVEN AWAT Can 459-4529. 917 69 WAITRESS, hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Apply in person. Rudy's Drive-in, 4621 W. Rt. 120, Mc* Henry, 111. 910 69TF12 5 KITTENS, 3 Call 385-6486. striped, 1 calico, 1 black, 8 weeks old. 917 69 2 SMALL female puppies, Spaniel, Labrador,, Terrier. 6 weeks old. Call 385-5379. Part Springer 917 69 Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted in our Wonder Lake business office for one full time service representative with aptitude for general office work. Some typing experience required. Hours: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday Numerous fringe benefits, automatic wage progressive schedule. Apply to Manager 3810 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, 111. GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF ILLINOIS ! "an equal opportunity employer" 917-9 -9 19 69 SHOP IN McHENRY EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Hours 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Young woman preferred. Jim's Snack Shop. 1206 Green St., McHenry, 111. 9 3 69TF1 2 GENERAL OFFICE Challenging position offers you inside sales report work and switchboard relief duties. , Some typing and calculating machine experience helpful. Profit sharing, regular progression period increases, excellent group insurance, modern clean building. Apply Personnel Manager CLAUD S. GORDON 5710 Kenosha Richmond, HI. 815-678-2211 91769 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO bookkeeping, pre. pare and send statements, pay roll and correspondence in my home. Experienced in all of fice functions. Will pick up and deliver. Call 385-3774. 912/917 69 WANTED PUPPIES, litters only. Will pick up if brought to McHen ry area. Good home guaran teed. Call 385-7897. 9 3 69TF1-2 Wanted To Buy WANTED to buy 2 or 3 bed room house in McHenry area., Under $15,000. Have cash will buy from owners. Write to Box #242. c/o McHenry Plain 9 369TF12 1969 FIBERGLASS boat, 35 h.p. Mercury motor, with only 10 running hours, with Little Dude trailer. Complete with running lights, horn, spot light, seats 8, blue and white. $1200 or best offer. Call 385- 3068 after 5:30 p.m. 917/9.19 69 OARAGESALE Garage Backyard CHRIS CRAFT inboard. Can be seen at 7508 Wooded Shores Dr., Wonder Lake. 9.1791969 AUTOS 1961 CHEVROLET Impala, 283 stick, chrome reverse, white ovals, $500 or best of fer. Call 385-5564. 917-919 69 1967 BURGANDY Mustang, vinyl top, 289, 3 speed, styled steel wheels, 31,000 miles. Ex cellent, $1650. Call 385-5481. \ 917-919 69 List your Garage Rummage, Basement or* Backyard Sale In the McHENRY 'PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREfi) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpfuL 1969 SIMCA, 1204 stick 4 speed, 5 door. Excellent condi tion, $1750. Call 385-1892. 9-17-9 19 69 1959 PONTIAC Catalina con vertible. Good running condi tion, good tires. $260 or best offer. Call 385-3646 after 6 p.m. 917-919 69 Female Help Wanted ASSISTANT bookkeeper to as sist senior bookkeeper in all phases of company books. Some experience necessary. Apply in person. Rae Motor Corp., Rt. 120, West, McHen ry, 111. 91769 Male Help Wanted BARBER OR APPRENTICE WANTED -- Full or part time Call Joe English 385-5631 or 385-1850. 9 17-919 69 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my relatives and friends for their cards and flowers and visits while I was in the Woodstock Hospital. I also wish to thank Father Petit for his visits and prayers. FRED KUNZ 91769 SHOP IN McHENRV Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 9-17/9-18169 C0I1 AND TRANSFORMER IWINDERS AND ASSEMBLER W O M E N • Experience desired but will • Excellent working conditio: train qualified applicants • All standard benefits.. • Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. ® New Incentive System- SPECIAL HOURS FOR WORKING MOTHERS: 9 KM. TO 3 PM. For those interested in evening work, Triwec is contemplating a small night shift. Hours: 6 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Please apply in person. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. SHERIDAN LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS IT PAYS w.. TO USE THE CLASSIFIEDS Female Help Wanted ASSEMBLERS Openings for Women . for Light Machine, Bench Assembly and Packaging of Paper Air Filter Automatic Wage Increases and Complete Benefit Program Which Includes Free Life and Medical Insurance for Employee and Family Apply FARR CO./ 500 S. Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-6600 917/91969 \X0 rr\cHfcrt*3 VoLo IftKemoQU. 9-17-69 HAVE TOUR GARAGE SALE in the heart of McHenry's business district. Green Street Mall is sponsoring a flea market Sell any used iten^yofrdesireMake space reservations now for Sept. 20 sale. Introductory charge $10 in advance. Contact President Harry Dean at Ben Franklin Store or PHONE 885-0806 910/917 69 Garage Sale: 4222 Riverdale, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20th and 21st. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. furniture, clothing, toys. 917-919 69 GARAGE SALE. Saturday September 20th. Eastwood Manor Barn, Route 120 East. Household appliances, lawn & garden tools, sporting equip ment, furniture, office equip ment, barbeque grills, Sponsored by McHenry Rotary Club. Call 385-5225. 917-91969 MOVING SALE. 23" console T.V., desk, file cabinet, din ing room set, 6 chairs, swing set, 2 mowers, misc. Anytime between Sept. 12th & 19th. 406 W. Rand Rd. McHenry 91769 SEARCHING for little trea sures? Looking for the unu sual? Like surprises? Come to our basement sale. 3111 W. Kinley, McHenry Shores, Sat urday, Sept. 20, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m 917-91969 FEMALE C L E R K with rapid typing. For small office. Excellent benefits. MAJOR CORP. 453-6300 917/919 69 3 Family Garage Sale Aristacrat saxaphone, rabbit hutch Dormeyer deepfat fryer, baby chifforobe and clothes, lawn mower, motors, ice skates, children's games and toys, clothing and misc. items. Sept. 18th, 19th, 20th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8806 Clover Lane Edgebrook 885-0675 917-919 69 Garage 5216 Orchard Dr. McCullom Lake. Friday, Satur day, Sunday, 9 a.m. till ? New washer, electric dryer, bunk beds, clothes, furniture, dishes, odds and ends. 1962 red Ford, good condition. 917-91969 FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 For Rent or For Sale For Rent or For Sale .Modern Factory Building FOR SALE OR LEASE. 600 A.M.P., 3 phase electrical power, natural gas heat, 16,000 sq. ft. Seven miles west of Marengo tollway exit on highway 20. Immediate occupancy. CALL 815-568-7216 or 815-338-0754 912/9-17-69 \