« Construction On Hospital Begins Soon Construction of the $1,367,- 570 addition to Memorial Hos pital for McHenry County will begin within the next two weeks, putting into concrete form the announcement made fifty weeks ago that expansion of the county- wide hospital must take place. Bids were approved at a spec ial meeting of the board of directors last week, and finan cing for the project was con cluded earlier in the summer to give a green light to the ad dition and alteration program conceived by Ganster and Hen- nighausen, Waukegan architec tural firm. Actual start of the project should give a boost to the Wo man's auxiliary Holiday Hospi tality Day project, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 1, since this event is one of the big gest fund-raising projects con ducted in behalf of the hospi tal. The auxiliary, a leader in raising funds for the hospital and for Equipment within the hospital, can be expected to take a key role in providing funds for this latest addition. Mrs. Jane Shoemaker, presi dent, told the board last week that the auxiliary accepts the challenge to boost the contribu tions and aid the project sub stantially. Completion of the new ad dition is expected about April, 1971, since the general contrac tor, estimated it will require eighteen months for the build ing project. Successful bidders wereTon- _ yan Construction company, Mc Henry, general contractor, $753,000; Healy Mechanical Contractors, Peoria and St. Paul, plumbing contract, $100,- 000, and also heating and ven tilating contact, $271,433; Du- AU Insulation company, Chi-, cago, insulation contract, $32,- 137; Divane Brothers Electri cal Construction, Chicago, electrical contract, $164,500; and Automatic Elevator com pany, elevator contract, $40,- 500. Total: $1,367,570. Summarizing board action, Bert Hanson, administrator, said the expansion is a signif icant step forward to provide better service for people of the county. The addition will pro vide thirty-four new beds and will eq?and such services as x- ray, laboratory, medical rec ords, physical therapy, kitchen and business office. It provides the Woman's auxiliary with a larger, all-new area for its Snack Bar. Memorial hospital has re ceived the endorsement of the Hospital Planning council for Metropolitan Chicago to under go this major expansion. Kenneth Schuh, president, said the board is anxious to proceed with the new addition and also to discuss longer- range needs for an area hos pital with others interested. Meetings with representatives of Crystal Lake and McHenry are being held now. The all-new construction will include an L-shaped structure at the northwest corner of the present hospital. Plan Talk On Sex Education A panel discussion concern ing sex education will be held at Hilltop elementary school, Mc Henry, at 8 o'clock Monday, Sept. 22, sponsored by the Hill top Parents organization. Fol lowing the panel discussion, there will be a question and an swer period, followed by the serving of refreshments. Further information con cerning the program will ap pear in Friday's issue. ELAINE SCHMITT AT CLASSES IN REHABILITATION Elaine Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schmitt of Johnsburg, left Friday for Kessler Institute of Rehabili tation, West Orange, N.J., for increased experience in her chosen field of physical ther apy. Miss Schmitt graduated from Marquette university, Milwau kee, this past June. GO CLASSIFIED State Farm Inflation Coverage King-size homeowners policy grows with the replacement cost of your home as it increases the amount of your policy to help keep pace with inflation. See me about details. State Farm Is all you need to know about insurance. "DENNIS CONWAY 3315 WEST ELM ST. PHONE 385-7111 STAT! FARM I N S U R A N C E 2/ WED. SEPT. 17, 1969 - PLAINDEALER- PG. *9. ~ MOODS OF YOUTH --. The various expressions on the faces of these children in their first day of kindergarten at Landmark school reflect the busy minds at work within each of them. This memorable occasion in their lives brings out such emotions as shyness, diligence, amusement and doubt. PLAINDEALER PHOTOS VARIED WORK IN BOARD OF HEALTH DUTIES The McHenry County Board of Health has announced that a large boat sales business has now corrected the septic sys tem violation that existed. Sew age was indirectly entering the Fox river near a public beach where children swim. An ad ditional dye test was run to determine whether the repair work was satisfactorily com pleted. A septic violation was re ported near Crystal Lake. The investigation revealed that sew age was being discharged into the back yard near the well. There are fourteen children in the family. An old, unsafe abandoned house located along the Fox River north of Johnsburg is now torn down as ordered by the department. At a recent Board of Health meeting. Dr. Wilt asked the de partment to have the dump on Highway 120, 1 mile west of Mc Henry, eliminated. Many calls were made to various county and state officials in an at tempt to correct the problem. The state agreed to install fenc ing, No Dumping and No Park ing signs along the right of way. The owner agreed to clear the road right-of-way and clean the area. Twenty-five requests for FHA inspections of septic and well facilities were answered this past month. This amount equals the previous high for F.H.A. requests. Several pol luted wells were found during inspections. ENROLLS AT COLLEGE Miss Joann u stnauyw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Schabow, 1620 N. High- view avenue, McHenry, plans to attend Mat-Murray college during the 1989-70 fall >term which began Sept. 14. Mist, Schabow graduated from the. McHenry Community high school. She was a member of- the National Honor society", La tin club and Girls State alter nate. She plans to major in physics at MacMurray college. NUMBER 1 CUSTOMERS DESERVE NUMBER 1 VALUE ... Osco's "Number State Farm Fire and Casualty Company pome Office: Bloomington, Illinois 98c SIZE BTL OF 100 Dicolcium Phosphate Tabs $ 1 1 9 SIZE 14 0Z BTL Listerine ANTISEPTIC PLAIN OR MESH Ml Chic Nylons $1 I 9 SIZE 3 OZ SPRAY Secret $1 50 VALUE Anahist Super Antiperspirant C HONEY a LEMON JACQUARD WOVEN 2 PATTERNS - 6 COLORS 99c SIZE BTL OF 100 Vitamin B Ustemii&E c Terry Dish Towels Complex Complei antiseptic !*" M CI„KI •' $1 05 SIZE 6 75 OZ &;!>)(• 5? ..... rn."". 100 CAPSUU Maldroxal •tablets! 89c SIZE BTL OF 100- 100 mg Vitamin V . BITabs Thiamine ffeadfr m Shoulders REG 79c BTL. OF 100 Mal droxal Tabs 49* 89c SIZE BTL OF 100 250 mg Vitamin C Tabs MEN'S & WOMEN'S IMPORTED Sunglasses reg " 4 9 c shampoo Vitamin REG 88c 8 OZ SQUEEZE BTL Elmer's Glue All $1 10 SIZE 2.7 OZ. TUBE IfedNfe *. SMMAers Shampoo 49c DR DENTON'S. S-M-L Baby Rhumba Pants 98c BALLO$ 1.25 VALUES ORAL, RECTAL. SECURITY £iM£M Thermometer QlUCMl YOUR CHOICE VALUE • r ; l T h i n k t h r a i l h ( h r i n l n u i 15 Ft. Extension f <5if Jr4 ££. d9c I BBS FRF AT CREST KIDDIE Nite Lite 10 OT SIZE RECTANGULAR ASST'D COLORS AVOCADO 1 I OT SIZE REG 68c Waste- Basket PASTEL COLORS Plastic Spout Poi'49c > #'M S.T.P. Gas Treatment Ironing Board Cover lOOZ. CRYSTAL Glass Tumblers PACK A l i n r h t ' i i YOUR CHOICE EKCO Pizza Cutter REG 59 Oil Can Pour Spout 49c t i n y l h i i i / i n t e l a l REG. 59c Magnetic Key Case Pastry Crimper Paring Knife 4 STYLES IN MOD COLORS REG. 83c 7 OZ Behold WITH LEMON Polish OIL TIMELY TOY bancingl •Dollg f49 SPRAY CAN 59c TO pa<-w reserve tAt_M The right to LIMIT QUANTITIES 89c VALUES PRICES GOOD THRU SAT SEPT. 20. 1969. Your Je sco I twites You To Piny » r o r n i i h i i > * . . . I m l \ 1 n m ! Johnee Rock - Sit Carry-All $049 REG S3 49 Your Choice of I IJ>. Dm eh Candies.. * Chocolate Stars Chocolate Bridge Mix 10 MENNEN LIME StlAVE CREAM WIN UP TO >1000 IN CASH STURDY PLASTIC 18 QUART $2 v8 VAtUE Johnee STURDY PLASTIC S2 98 VALUE Johnee No purchoM »««•»•• ry Just flop by any Jwtl or OKO and pick up your fro* gam* card and fro* gam* pi.c.. Thoro aro 9 amcit way* to win. An "In stant Winnor" gm« pitct r.c.iv.t a J.w.l product on tho »pot. If* fun! osco $b?uig • Choc. Covered Peanuts • Choc. Covered Mints FO,L - 6 9 EACH gg 3720 W. Elm McHenry Hours Daily 9-9 Sun. 9-5 30 N. Williams Crystal Lake