PG. 4- PLAINDEALER - FRI. SEPT. 26, 1969 INVITE AREA TEACHERS TO CHEMISTRY MEET High school guidance coun selors and chemistry teachers from McHenry schools have been invited to attend the Chem ical Industries council's elev enth annual conference and lun cheon for high school guidance counselors and chemistry tea chers Saturday, Oct. 18. The conference and luncheon will be held in the grand ball room of the Drake hotel, Chi cago, from 10 a.m, until 2:30 p.m. More than 200 teachers from Chicago-area public, pri vate and parochial schools are expected to attend. According to Dr. James H. Gardner, president of Armour Industrial Chemical corpor ation and president of Chemical Industries Council-Midwest, "The conference program is planned to give teachers and counselors new insight on the chemistry of the future and will cover career areas which hold great potential, both in terms of individual advance ment and future contributions to mankind." The morning conference ses sion will present a panel of chemical experts bringing to the counselors and teachers in formation of job areas which in some instances will be new to them. Each member of the panel will cover a job area which has great possibilities for the future, including Com puter Technology, Biochem istry, Environmental Science, Material Science and Chemi cal Technology. The featured speaker for the luncheon session will be Dr. John MelvinGoogin, senior staff consultant for the production operations of Vnion Carbide corporation's Nuclear division in Oak Ridge, Tenn. 7flc(/ee,'A. for MEN When selecting a gift for him .... let us help! 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of October 23, 1962; Sec tion 4369, Title 39, United States Code) 1. Date of Filing: Septem ber 24, 1969. 2. Title of Publication: Mc Henry Plaindealer. / 3. Frequency of issue: Wed nesday and Friday. 4. Location of Known office of Publication: 3812 W. Elm street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. 5. Location of the head quarters or general businfess offices of the publishers: 3812 W. Elm street, McHenry, Ill inois 60050. 6. Names and addresses of publishers, editor, and manage- ing editor. Publisher, Larry E. Lund, McHenry, Illinois, 60050. Editor: Adele Froeh- lich, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Managing Editor: None. 7. Owner: McHenry Publish ing Company, 3812 W. Elm street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. B.F. Shaw Printing Company, 113 Peoria Avenue, Dixon, Ill inois 61021. A.V. Lund, 113 Peoria Avenue, Dixon, Illinois, 61021. 8. Known bondholders mort gagees and other securityhold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None. 10. Extent and Nature of Cir culation: a. Total No. copies printed: Average No. copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 5,820; Single issue nearest to filing date: 5,860. b. Paid circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: Average No. copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 2,119; Single issue nearest to filing date, 2,337; 2. Mail Subscriptions: Average No. copies each issue during preceding 12 months; 3,556; Single issue nearest to filing date; 3,241. c. Total paid circulation: Av erage No. copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 5,675; Single issue nearest to filing date: 5,578. d. Free Distribution: by Mail, Carrier or other means: Aver age No. copies each issue dur ing preceding 12 months: 59; Single issue nearest to filing date: 72. e. Total Distribution: Aver- • age No. copies each issued dur ing preceding 12 months: 5,734; Single issue nearest to filing date: 5,650. f. Office Use, Left-Over, Un accounted, spoiled after print ing: Average No. copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 86; Single issue near est to filing date, 210. g. Total: Average No. Copies each issue during preceding 12 monthiS: 5,820; Single issue nearest to filing date, 5,860. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. LARRY E. LUND PUBLISHER (Pub. Sept. 26, 1969) Servicemen New* Machinist Mate Second Class Robert J. Wittinger, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wit tinger of 7818 Highview drive, Wonder Lake, and husband of the former Miss Linda C. Kear ney of Waukegan, is serving aboard the USS Long Beach in Western Pacific. The ship, a nuclear powered missile cruiser, is serving with the U.S. Seventh Fleet, tt-will serve as an airkraffic control ler off the coast of Vietnam. • ANGELO'S SUNSET INN j f* • it • • As a floating control tower, the Long Beach will be respon sible for air traffic control of U.S. strike aircraft flying from Seventh Fleet aircraft carriers. The ship is homeported in Long Beach, Calif. Sp/4 Harold J. Hunter is now stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Force base, Saigon,,,Vietnam, with the 369th Signal battalion. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter of Crystal Lake road, McHenry, and their ser viceman son recently enjoyed a six-day reunion in Hawaii when the latter was on an R and H frpm active dyty. fcp/4 Hunter, in Vietnam sincf1 last January, recently moved to the new base from Yung Tau. Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- COURTEOUS SERVICE fl 1 Mile North of Wauconda on Old Route 12 Phono JA 6-2929 j l -- _ -- . . . . J OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of Omaha, Nebr., are proud grandparents of an 8 lb., 4 oz., daughter born to their daughter and husband, Marie and Edward Erickson, on Sept. 11. The new baby, who has been named Heather Vales Erickson, is the first great-grandchild of Mrs. Albert Vales of McHenry. WcJJenry jCumt, er C^om pany Invites You To Come In And See Our Many Exciting New Colors In Paneling Many New Features: *Modern Colors and Textures *Easy Installation *Easy on the Budget, Too !! SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND 4x8 CHESTNUT PANEL $Q49 Panel Adhesive Pre-finished Vinyl mold. Pre-f?nished Wood mold. PANELING CLOSEOUT 4x8 -W' ORIENTAL BROWN WAS $6.66 I Now 1 PLUS OTHER RANDOM PANELS AT CLOSEOUT PRICES. SHOPPERS SPECIALS *Random shingles-$2.20 per bdl. *Weather strip specials- 10% OFF •Concrete Mix -$1.40/sx 7 *Clear plastic sheets for storm panels^ 4030 W. MAIN ST McHENRY A D i v i s i o n o f ^priny Cjroi-e oCumber (1ompani), ^9nc. ompany, PHONE 815-385-4600 FALL SEASON OF "ART IN NATURE" COLLEGE OFFERING Among the adult education, non-credit courses offered by McHenry County college for the fall term, will be "Art in Na ture". The class will meet Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 7 p.m. in the Na ture Center building, at 330 North Main street, Crystal l ake, north of Route 176. The classes will be instruc ted by N'orbert Ziemer, Out door Education director for District 47. The program consists of the use of materials from nature and normal media representing nature. The various media used includes wood, clay, dried flow ers, fruits, nuts, berries, grasses, pine cones and plaster ot' Paris. Guest instructors are sched uled for various art and craft areas including dried natural arrangements, clay sculpture, plaster casting, pine cone crafts and Christmas projects. UOSILITAL " hotu McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted this week in McHenry hospital included Baby Giovanna Tonyan, Annette Yell- vington, Randall Johnson, Rus sell Abernathy, Michael Mil- inac, Gayle Bennett, McHenry; Patricia Wenk, Gladys More- ton, Wonder Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK During the week patients ad mitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, were William LESS THAN WEEK TO APPLY FOR SAME LICENSE Less than a week remains now for motorists who wish to retain their present license numbers for 1970 to submit their applications, Secretary of State Paul Powell warned. He emphasized that the law requires the reassignment ap plications to be in^his office "on or before Sept. OT." Mail ing the application on Sept. 30 does not meet the requirement of the law, and may result in the loss of a desired number. At present, a total of $5.3 million has been collected in reassignment fees and depos- Strong, Wonder Lake; William Berry, Carrie Kunzer, Gregory Thornton, McHenry; Gary Lar son, Dorothy Breen, Alfred Huebner, Wonder Lake. ited in the state treasury, Mr.: Powell said. Deposit of thes- funds this year began six earlier than ever before because of up dated procedures and the use of automated equipment, giving the state the advantage of drawing interest on them for that ad ditional period, Secretary Pow ell said. tir»$foii» SNOW TIRES BUY ONE TIRE GET THE SECONDJ ONE AT % PRICE $33.80 BSW 7.75-14 7.75-15 8.25-14 8.25-15 $37.55 JSSW 8.55-14 8.55-15 8.85-14 8.85-15 $41.05 BSW $45.70 BSW Plus F.E.T. PASSENGER, TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRES AND BATTERIES IN ALL SIZES. McHenry Tire Mart ^ 3921 W. MAIN STREET McHENRY PH. 385-0294 jj *2 Outstanding VOIUM | Reversible.' Imported! SKI JACKETS Men's S-MLXL $8.99 Extra warm bulky quilted nylon with knit cuffs and drawstring bottom. Zip-Off Hood BOYS' PARKAS Boys' 6--V $6.99 Heavy twill with warm quilted lining. Cotton knit collar & cuffs. Zip front. •Only merchandise which we have personally compared and checked, and found to be a truly'great value,will be given this indorsement. You can put your trust in us . . BEN FRANKLIN McHenry, Illinois need a NEW tagn? REMEMBER! The Best Place To Finance That New Car is at THE McHENRY STATE BANK A FULL SERVICE BANK 'WHERE FAMILY'MONEY MATTERS" McHenry State Bank 3510 W. Elm ' V 385-1040 V t ; ' V 4