Your Nearby Osco Drug Is Having A Giant 29c Sale ... ASS'T. COLORS FLOCK DESIGNS o J. P. STEVENS 16" *25 29" SQ REG. 48c Hand Towels ASST'D. COLORS 1500 26" « 9' Gift Wrap REG. 42c Va" x 1500" LePage's Tape ASST'D. PATTERNS SMALL, MED., LGE. & X-LARGE Dr. Denton t o o k | Baby Pants OSCO 1 ' T~~ 2" THROW- paint AWAY Paint Brush 29< WOODEN HANDLE i. J ANCHOR HOCKING Prescut Candy Dish REG 79c ALL BRANDS AND MODELS Vacuum Cleaner ^ Bags 29* 4 OZ. PKG. Rope Caulking 2o< Nail Brush Set REG. 39c PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1969. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. REG 49c mo Z. TUBE Clear Cement RECTANGULAR PLASTIC IN ASST'D COLORS 10 Qt. Waste- basket REG 49c Liquid Solder Tube 29e Your Health is in Good Hands You can trust your registered Osco phar macist to fill your doctor's prescriptions with ut most care and accuracy. His precision is your assurance that your health is in good hands. Take your next prescription to Osco Drug. 16 OZ. CAN AMICO EVER-READY Lighter Fluid > JO REG 47c BLACK PAPERMATE Flair Pen REG. 57c 4 OZ Elmer's Glue-All 3" X 150' Record ing K -* ;i, H ENVELOPES Switcheroo Stationery K31 ̂ REG. 59c IIAf i--rarfl each lor NATIONAL Bowl Brush PLASTIC HANDLE REG 88c \ Bendiface • BOZO THE CLOWN • POP-EYE • MICKEY MOUSE COPPER FINISH • GALLANT YANK • COWGIRL • FLASH / JF Ass't. It takes just one visit for you to discover Osco's big variety of fine departments, each filled with famous brands and fine quality products. But the thing that makes your shopping a real pleasure, is knowing that you can get this quality at wonder fully low Osco prices ... all in one convenient shop ping trip. REG. 47c Hooded Dust Pan DEDICATED ?*in cream Sfc" beauty ana co** U/VA TOILET, KITCHEN, CLOSET Air Freshener