Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1969, p. 12

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V PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER - WED. OCT. 22, 1969 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted ACCOUNTING CLERK Interesting detail work. Must have ability to work quickly and accurately with figures. Liberal benefit program in­ cluding profit sharing. HOURS 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday AEROQUIP BARCO DIVISION 381-1700 500 N. Hough St. Harrington, 111. an equal opportunity employer 10 22-1024 69 NURSES AIDE 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. WE NEED YOU NOW Apply In Person VALLEY-HI NURSING HOME 2406 Hartland Woodstock, Illinois William Morefleld, Adm. 10 22-1024 69 ASSEMBLERS Openings for Women for Light Machine, Bench Assembly and Packaging of Paper Air Filter MIDDLE AGE woman or re­ sponsible teen-ager, to super­ vise 3 school-age children for working mother, in my home, from 2:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. Li- ving-in conditions, if desired. Call 385-4975 or 459-5076. 10 22-1024 69 Automatic Wage Increases and Complete Benefit Program Which Includes Free Life and Medical Insurance for Employee and Family Apply FARR CO. 500 S. Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-6600 10 22-10 24 69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ••••••• HI ILLINOIS COIL SPRING COMPANY FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 O A K EXECUTIVE SECRETARY A challenging position is now open within our organization for a qualified secre­ tary. -Must have excellent shorthand and be able to handle a variety of assign­ ments with minimum supervision. S E C R E T A R I E S We have several permanent positions in our sales department for secretaries with good typing and shorthand skills. Requires substantial telephone contact duties. C L E R K - T Y P I S T (nights) To perform light typing duties in our shipping department from 5 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Full range of company paid benefits including profit sharing. Write or call Personnel Director O A K MANWPACTVMN* CO. A DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NSTICS cow* |Soulh Main Street Phone 459-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY iUPLOTU 1022-102469 FIRST AND SECOND SHIFT ASSEMBLERS Excellent openings available from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. 4 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. -- NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. -- • Excellent starting pay • Automatic increases • Night shift premiums • Paid vacations • 8 paid holidays • Incentive system • Free life insurance • Hospitalization • Pension plan • Job security PERSONNEL OFFICE OPEN 8 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON INTERNATIONAL REGISTER COMPANY Root# 12 Spring Grove# I1L 815-675-2321 N E E D S H E L P ! We have several openings tor ambitious young men to learn a well paying trade with a steady future in the Spring Making Industry. OPENINGS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR M A C H I N E O P E R A T O R S Paid Holidays and Vacations Hospitalization, Surgical, and Liff Insurance EXCELLENT WORKING ATMOSPHERE , 'an equal opportunity employer'7 141S N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY 385-1090 1015-22-29-691 26 Draftsmen JR SH DESIGNERS We hjvc many l ine fl ialt inq lObv t lectrical. Mechanical. Structural. Plant Layout, Tool and Die. Mechanical wilt be woiking with cams, gears, etc I lectrical wil l be working with punted cncuit and schcmatic drawings. Some ireld l iaison S12b S?10 wk. JR. Draftsmen 1 or more years experience in I lectro-Mechamcal, Detail and L a y o u t . T i i i l i i i n reimbursement. To $9,000. 24 Technicians JR SR JR ENGINEERS ELECTRO MECHANICAL Opportunity galore lor tech school gratis :o launcn careers. Will be working with engineers, piololype building. bread boarding, circuit design, i n s t r u m e n t b u i l d i n g , instrumentation, calibration in:! repair, quality control and assurance test, model making and machining $12b $?Kiwk Plant Layout Mechanical Design Oepattmen! Provides an exceptional opportunity loi a Draftsman with 1 "or more yrs. exp. related to plant layout $9,000. SR. Engineer EE or M.E. with E.E. exposure. Must handle engineering problems which should be revolved in time than those assigned to development groups ~»nd engineering trouble-shooting. Will have a diversion of assignments covering all operation. To $15,000. Become Design Engineer1 Y o u ' l l s u p e r v i s e d e t a i l d r a 11 s men --get involved in research and development o> new products then take over the project as soon as you'ri ready to move up! Further your education wrth the aid of tree tuit ion. S825S900. CHEMICAL Lab Tech Chemical Research H.ipidly cxp.mdinq company with brand now lab. modern I a c i I i t i c s . s c i c n l i l i c t ightuiq. Mjttc lor mutations do viscosity Oiidies. ctc No degree required1 Call lot details. $700 mo. Lab Tech-To Assist Q.C. Manager c .rowing l it in needs you to ti l l I his expansion opening. Apply your valuable knowledge to t h e i r n e w p r o d u c t i o n o p e r a t i o n s I w o w e e k s vacation alter 1st year' $8,000 fall now* Expansion! R&D Chemist Ciowing l irm's expanded research department has once aiiam realigned its stall. Also become involved in some lech service and troubleshooting while watching your $$$ grow1 $1 J.000. Chemical Troubleshooter Handle a variety ol assignment', in the plant ajjd in the lab* l lun quality control on law materials and finished products get involved in new product development free tuit ion included in benefits. $10,000 ' N6 *• College? T hat usually counts as three strikes against you. but this dynamic l irm will pay your lull tuit ion to pick up that d«9ree and take over a key position in the chemical department. $700 Advance T o Research! Make that important move now! Your wil l ingness to learn and alertness make you a lespccted member ol this lop research team Special orientation they want you to know the operation. Tuition, proli l sharing. $750-$800. ACCOUNTING No Experience! Here's your golden chance to learn general accounting procedures Groom for a management position $6 75. HDP Accountant Learn accounting applications in the computer dept. Any background' $9,000 No Degree! See the countryside with car and expenses furnished' National f irm offers a $50,000 l ife insurance policy! $800 Tired Of Travel? Enioy the comforts of being home' Auditing know-how qualif ies for tnis outstanding opportunity to join the company's professional ranks. $13,000. Planning Acct. Assist in devising long range financial plans for this solid f irm Top $$'s for I man with know-how. $7-$850. Assist Controller He's moving up soon and wants to tram his own successor' $800 Controller Get things done your «My Tikl complete charge of accounting and administration. Excellent potential. $15,000 Tired Of Cost? Move up now tor exposure to special protects m direct contact with thi General Accounting manager. $11,000. Ass't Supervisor Twin In ail accounting operations and groom lor management at the same time! No degree! $700. J 1017-1024 69 DATA PROCESSING Know .360?- Advance! Move up now for full exposure to 360 programming activit ies. Light background is all you n e e d . N e x t s t e p t o programmer/analyst, and then to systems. $775. Programmer To Supervisor famous national f irm with all promotions Irom within $10,000 Staff Supervisor Assist the LDP manager' Any c o m p u t e r b a c k g r o u n d ' $12,500. Programmer To Systems! D e s i g n s y s t e m s a n d programming in Fortran for research applications. Advance t o S r . S y s j e m s a n d Management. $13,500. Cobol Programmer B e i n v o l v e d i n c o d i n g , updating, operating systems inventory, order entry, and accounting activit ies using the 3 6 0 3 0 D O S 6 5 K w i t h COBOL. Excellent variety position for the go-getter. 100% tuit ion included among the excellent benefits. $900. mo. Ready For Programming? A d v a n c e n o w ! S p a c i a l o r i e n t a t i o n p r o g r a m familiarizes you with all the procedures. Advance to programmer analyst and then of systems. $9,000. Lead Operator Operate the 360 TOS and DOS in manufacturing and accounting applications in COBOL while taking charge of total operations. Tuition included among the benefits. $700. mo. MANUFACTURING ASSISTANT FOREMAN Be this top man's right hand, assisting in light supervision of quality and production control Here's your chance to advance steadily to an important posi­ tion in the Production Dept. Any light tech. background does it I $7,500. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE A great career launcher -- you'l l recerve complete training • n reliabil i ty engineering as a test technician with this international f irm Excellent shot at Management in your near future! $500 $600 21 Foremen These Foremen jobs are l isted with a variety of large manufacturing companies in all a r e a s o f e l e c t r o n i c s , m e c h a n i c a l , f a b r i c a t i o n , welding, machine shop," tooling, foundry. Must be able to supervise and direct up to 100 men and women. Presently a supervisor and musl know how to handle people. TIME STUDY TO JR. I.E. Advance now! Be groomed for all-around Industrial Engin eering activities. Nationally famous firm, $700. SUPERVISE QUALITY CONTROL Supervise lead inspectors end entire Q.C. lab activities. Inno­ vations in this department will be rewarded with a position on the upper level staff as Plant Supervisor. $11,000. Industrial Engineer R e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e development of standards, utilizing work factor or M. T. M. ail methods, tooling and manufacturing feasibility |new and present equipment J from design conception to finished product. 812,000. "OUR SERVICE IS FREE TO APPLICANTS" Hours: MON. TUES. WED. & FRI. 9 to 5 p.m. THURS. 9 to 9 p.m., SAT. 9 a.m. to 12 noon future personnel Inc. ' Coventry Professional Building, Coventry Lane, Suite No. 126 Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone815-459-9010 Future Personnel Inc. These positions are merely a sampling of the hundreds available. If you don't see the position for which you qualify, come in or call* A specialized' counsellor will assist you. Our service is quick, confidential, and highly professional " TECHNICAL HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WORTS TRANSIT 385-1500 10169TF12 FOR RENT FOR RENT 1 bedroom house including garage, gas heat. Middle aged or elderly couple pre­ ferred. Immediate occupancy. Wolfus Farm, Richmond, HI. Call 815-678-6821. 102269 BEDROOM, 6 room lower a p a r t m e n t , e n c l o s e d f r o n t porch. Walking distance to schools. All utilities, rugs & gas range furnished. Excellent references including bank re­ quired. $200 a month. . Call 3851140. 1017-102269 2% ROOM apartment, utili- ' ties furnished. Private en­ trance. No children pr pets. I Only $125 and security. 3308 | Pearl St. See Mr. Beaton. 1022-1024 69 PETS FOR SALE YORKSHIRE puppies, males and females. Good color, ex- sellent pedigree, champion blood line. Price reasonable. Call 815-385-3926 10 10-112169 STORE FOR RENT. Good Elm St. location. 3412 W. Elm, Call 385-2145. 10-17-69TF1-2 MALE and female black AKC Labrador Retrievers. 8 weeks old. Call 459-6223 or see Dar- lene Covey, 10605 Okeson Rd. Hebron, 111. after 6 p.m. 1015-1024-69 PETS FOR SALE YEAR OLD female Collie, loves children. Must go to a good home. Call 385-1172. 1017-102269 COLLIES, adult male, 8 week old puppies, AKC, all colors- Call 459-7692. 10 22-10 24 69 INTELLIGENT 4 month old female AKC German Shepherd Puppy. Has had shots and is housebroken. Call 385-6147. 102269 Wanted To DESPERATE -- need a house for a family of five. Call 385-5236. 10 22-1024 69 Wanted To Boy COUCH or Love Seat Must be in good condition and rea­ sonable. Call 385-3445 after 6 p.m. 101569TF12 FOREMOST^/" ( l< * A M E R I C A S D I S C O U N T L I Q U O R S U P l R M A R K f T S SALE AT McHENRY STORE ONLY 4512 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday THESE VALUES! SIR ECHO Blended Whiskey 6*1 FIFTH Kentucky Tavern 8 Year Old Straight Bourbon OLD STYU BEER 79 24-12 bz. BOTTLES Plus Dep. CIGARETTES Reg.-King Filter 3 39 CARTON 1/2 GALLON Southern 100 PROOF LIQUEUR COCA- COLA 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES F FTH three,. Father5 QUART Plus Deposit Kahlua Coffee Liqueur POPULAR BRAND GIN OR iVODKA FIFTH Light or Dark 2 98 FIFTH THREE FEATHERS Blended Whiskey FIFTH MEISTER BRAU BEER Draft or Reg. mm ̂ ̂ ,189 CALIFORNIA BRANDY 319 12-12 Oz. Cans 4512 W. FIFTH 120 - McHENRY PAY LESS - GET MORE1 Open 9 A.M. To 11 P.M. 7 Days A Week Advertised Beer 4 And Beverages Not Iced

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