Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1969, p. 8

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PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. OCTOBER 24, 1969 QVlcGullom cJ?a(ce EVE LEVESQUE 385-0941 FORMER SCRIBE COAXED OUT OF HIBERNATION Hello out there in Readers- ville, from shore to shore and all over the world. Been quite some time since we last kick­ ed the news around, so it's a- bout time for one more col­ umn, at least. The job is wide open and can be had by con­ tacting this reporter or the Plaindeaier. "Muy gracias" to those great gals in the front office of the PiairxJealer who have put up with me during a very neces­ sary absence. And sincere thanks and appreciation to Bon­ nie Morris who had no prev­ ious experience with journal- i sm and found she could turn a neat phrase with aplomb. We sure wish she had kept at the >ob but with a house full of active little boys and the pres­ sures of maintaining a family, the chores conflicted. She cer­ tainly is to be commended for her months of pounding the keys. A story that had to be writ­ ten is what coaxed me out of hibernation. What else, but the marriage of a fine young man who is much much more than the son of wonderful friends. \S"hen handsome Don Nelson married beautiful Cynthia Ir- vin of McHenry, the story had to be told. The formal announce­ ment appeared in last Friday's edition of the Plaindeaier. HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS WED OCT. 11 Red tressed, petite ana love­ ly Miss Cynthia Irvin was pret­ ty as a picture on her fath­ er's arm as she came down the aisle of Nativity Ltrtheran church, Saturday, Oct. 11, to meet her bridegroom, Donald 0. Nelson, at the altar. She is the daughter of Bonnie and Ri­ ley Irvin, 812 W. Route 120, Mc Henry, and the local groom* s parents are El ma and Earl Nel­ son, McCullom Lake road. Brunette and picturesque in yellow was Wendy Irvin as she played the role of maid of hon­ or for her sister. Don's broth­ er, Dr. Ken Nelson, Chicago, served as best man. It was a beautiful fall wedding utilizing the colors of yellow and white. Most thrilling for both fam­ ilies was the attendance of the Battle Creek, Mich., relatives and the appearance of First Lt. James Irvin, UJS. Army, who ushered for his sister. Doctors Cliff and Don Nelson and their charming wives-- Gladys and Marleen--plus pro­ geny, were on deck for the nup­ tials. Grandma Elsie and Grandpa Clayton Nelson who de­ parted our shores some years back for Michigan were also present for the orchid occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson postponed their wedding trip to a later date and are residing in Wonder Lake. Wedding recep­ tion story follows. POST NUPTIAL RECEPTION FOR NEWLYWEDS Garbed in pretty party frocks and suits, persons from all over the area gathered last Saturday night to welcome newlywedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Cynthia) Nelson. The assembly consisted of about 100 guests which included relatives and friends. The catered food was superb and we understand many local gals are watching their cal­ ories this week because of over­ indulgence. In addition to the many who paid homage were May da and Gene Shigley. Mrs. Shigley was one of the first to hold Don after his entry into Flowering Shrub Sale FIELD FRESH! PLANT NOWI Special $1.99 each Reg. $3.00 - $5.00 each Pussy Willow - 4-5 Potted Autumn Olive - 4-5' Potted Excellent Fruit for Birds Prunus Tomentose - 4' Potted Dwarf Flowering Cherry Forsythia - 3' Potted Red Weisela - 3' Potted - All Other Flowering Shrubs 3 of one kind - 10% Off 12 or more mixed varieties - 20% Off S H A D E . . . F L O W E R I N G A N D O R N A M E N T A L " It's Planting Time! Green Ash - Washington Hawthorne Sugar Maple - Norway Maple New Improved Locust Varieties Flowering Crabapples (10 Excellent Varieties) Plus Many More Outstanding Shade Trees 1 OWCI'WOOI I (iKKTH \ i «, \f'.m S * f ROUTES 14 & 176 PHONE 459-6200 OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TO 5 AMPLE FREE PARKING this world. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parenti added to the festivity-- especially Lois, in her mocha chiffon gown which extracted high praises. Ed Car or was official judge in a most unusual contest be­ tween his beautiful wife, Bar­ bara, and Mrs. James (Sandy) Conway. Cynthia and Don, who can at­ tribute their romance to the campus of Mc Henry high school, have a lot going for them and we wish them ever> happiness. HAPPY NEWS FROM ABROAD HUMBLE APOLOGIES That particular caption was not meant as a pun, but we did have exciting news from our daughter, Chrys, from Europe. And equally happy news from Corporal Jeff from Vietnam, hence the headlines. Lt. Chrys, U.S.A.F. came home the end of September and we had six delightful days with her, after completion of her studies at Goodfellow A.F.B., Texas. She left Oct. 1 and wended her way through Europe, renewing friendships she had secured when she was a student in France during her junior year in college. She reported to her duty sta­ tion on the island of Crete, south of the coast of Greece, Oct. 15. En route, from Ath­ ens to Iraklion, she "rode a bus through the most rugged and picturesque country I've ever seen. We even had to stop the bus once so that a little black mama goat could finish feeding her little black baby goat and get off the road." Chrys is happily established at her new location and for those who would care to correspond, the current address for the next 18 months is -- Lt. Chrys Levesque -- Box 805 -- 6931st Security Group -- APO New York, 09291. The ecstatic news for us from Vietnam reveals that son, Cor­ poral Jeff, has had 33 days lobbed off his time in the east and is due to arrive home in plenty of time for Christmas. We had planned to delay that most important holiday but it will not be necessary. He de­ parts from the far east, Dec. 7 and just might make it home for Dee Dee's birthday, Dec. 14. A LITTLE DISA 'N* DATA So many have inquired as to the physical improvement of Mrs. Theresa Schultz. Would you believe, she is doing fab­ ulously! Originally, she became ill Dec. 26, 1968. Had brain surgery and a carotid endar- tectomy (not necessarily in that order), was recovering beauti­ fully and was a victim of a stroke in March. Recovery pro­ gressed and then she fell and suffered a broken hip this past summer. Recovery was very good. She is walking with a "bird cage" but with super­ vision, doesn't even need that. humble apologiest- Toall the exciting news e- vents which have transpired in local families but we must ad­ mit to having lost touch with the local scene. We bee Cor your forbearance and would be most interested in YOUR re­ sponse. ORCHID OCCASIONS Bobby Michels turns 9, John Mass will be 5, Betty and Lar­ ry Murray (courageous guy be­ cause of his serious illness) will be wed 26 years and Paul­ ine and Ray Etten mark 22 years of togetherness, all Oct. 25...Timmy Hoc in welcomes 9 years and natal day coograts to Jean Reid, Oct. 26...Eileen and Peter John Klapperich chalk up 18 beautiful years, Norma Jean Argy turns 5 and Tony Hocin should be greeted with happy birthday, Oct. 27..JJatal day congrats to Betty Roeske, Oct. 28....Six candles on the cake for Michelle Powers, Oct. 30. Best wishes to all. Thanks for listening and if we don't chat again, don't tor- get to turn those clocks back, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2 a.m. If you are like our family, you will do it Saturday night when you go to bed. Thanks for reading. Your comments will be most appreciated. Where do we go from here? REVOKE POSTAL PRIVILEGES FOR MAILING ABUSE The Post Office department last week revoked the post of­ fice box privileges erf eight dealers in sexually-oriented materials. U.S. Rep. Robert McClory (R.-Lake Bluff) re­ ported that the action was taken under the administrative au­ thority of Postmaster General, Winton M. Blount, to deny the use of rental boxes to individ­ uals who use them for immoral or improper purposes as de­ termined by the Department's „ General Counsel. Five of the affected firms have been using rental boxes in California post offices and mailing sexually-oriented ma­ terials throughout the United States. They are: Collectors Publications, City of Industry; John Amslow & Associates, Culver City; G & M Enter­ prises, Hollywood; Athens West and Athena Books, both of Los Angeles. The remaining boxes which were ordered closed in­ clude those rented by Central Sales, Baltimore, Md.; Mar­ ion John Shiflet, Detroit, Mich.; and Superb Sales, York, Pa. Each of the dealers has been either arrested or indicted on charges of violating Federal or state pornography statutes. Rep. McClory is a member of the House Judiciary com­ mittee which is currently hold­ ing hearings on proposed legis­ lation designed to toughen fed­ eral criminal laws on pornog­ raphy and to improve post of­ fice rules relating to the mail­ ing of sexually provocative ma­ terials. w HI [ * . 1 " - •J n jL •1 ||B Pearce Konold, Robert Campbell, Mrs. Shirley Campbell, Mrs. Winifred Clau­ sen, Mrs. Loretta Ramage, Mrs. Marian Krelmier, Phil­ lip Mowrer, and Mrs. Nancy OPEN BETHEL BIBLE SERIES AT CITY CHURCH Ervin Staveteig shown above, will be the first teacher in the congregational phase, of the Bethel Bible series to begin at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, on Oct. 29 at 8:30 p.m. Hie Bethel Bible series is an interdenominational six- semester course designed to give an overview of the Bible in a two-year period. The course was written by Pastor Harley Swiggum of Bethel Lutheran church, Madison, Wis., and is used internationally. In addition to study materials, lectures and discussion periods, the course includes artistic draw­ ings designed to help the stu­ dent coordinate and recall the main thoughts in each lesson. As a prerequisite for a con­ gregation's involvement in the Bethel Bible series, the pastor of a participating congregation must attend an intensive two- week training program at Mad­ ison, taught by the author of the course. The pastor, in turn, trains a class of ten teachers from within the congregation for a period of two years, after which they are assigned their own classes within the congre­ gation, according to Pastor Roger Schneider. Over 20,000 teachers have been trained within the United States to lead in the congregational phase of the program. Shepherd of the Hills Luth­ eran church is currently com­ pleting the teacher training phase of the series and will now begin the congregational phase with the following thirty students in the first class: Mrs. Stella Rortvet, James Boelens, Mrs. Mary Jane Boelens, Mrs. Melody Engelbrecht, Mrs. Mir­ iam Miller, Dr. William E. Kohl, Mrs. Ingrid Schubert, Robert Petersen, Mrs. Pat Pet­ ersen, Mrs. La Verne Hromec, Larry Richardson, Mrs. Gayle Richardson, Mrs. Loraine Hagemann, Joseph Karls, Mrs. Virginia Karls, Mrs. Candace Benjamin, Mrs. Susan Kagel, Mrs. Ruth Kagel, William Smock, Mrs. Julia Smock, Mrs. Trudy Poirier, Dr. Carl A sizable waiting list has been established tor future Bethel classes in the parish. The sec­ ond class will begin in Jan- nary of 1970. OFFER INCENTIVE AWARDS FOR BEST CANDY SELLERS The YMCA is offering In­ centive awards for high producers of candy sales. A special trophy, which is on dis­ play at the "Y** office, will be offered to any group, person or family who sells ten boxes or more of thin mints. An additional incentive for each salesman wil l be ana- ward of $1.00 credit toward the YMCA program of his choice for each twelve boxes of mints sold, or a YMCA tee shirt for twelve boxes sold, a YMCA sweat shirt or tote bag for twenty-four boxes sold, a one year's youth membership for sixty boxes sold, or one one- year's family membership for 180 boxes sold. Persons interested in par­ ticipating in the sale should con­ tact the Lake Region YMCA, 95 Grant street, Crystal Lake, week days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Sponsort Hearing Aid Course Raymond Z. Rich, president of NHAS, explains that the course has been designed to educate persons Interested in hearing problems and the use of hearing aids. Study includ­ ed proper fitting of hearing aids, and the evaluating of their effectiveness. Technical aspects of hearing aids, such as circuitry, frequency re­ sponses, sound physics, and ear anatomy were also cover­ ed to provide a comprehen­ sive view of the subject. The inauguration of the col­ lege course is only part of the NHAS efforts to accommodate the public need for informa­ tion about the hearing field. The Society has recognized the importance of reaching the many hearing handicap­ ped persons In the countrv w h o a r e r e l u c t a n t t o s e e k corrective help. Over 80,000 copies of the popular NHAS booklet "How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid for You" have been dis­ tributed in the last few years. The booklet answers the most commonly asked questions about hearing aids and hear ing aid dealers. Such ques­ tions as, "If I wear a hearing aid will I become too depen­ dent on it?", "Can I wear a hearing aid that cannot be seen?", and "How can I make sure that I choose a reputable hearing aid dealer?" It also features a special section ex plaining how to determine if there is a hearing loss, and what can be done about it. HUNTERS I In many cases where par­ ents are sending a son or daugh­ ter to college, two can and do live cheaper than one. 1 You must have an ILLINOIS FIREARMS OWNERS Identification Card FOR Further Information Call or Visit McHenry Gun Center 3 13622 W. ELM STREET 385-7320 | 97? CRICKET BOX ^~)3outi(jue South American Poncho Color Coordinated Canister Sets Imported Mugs foison Rings India Rings and Bracelets Pierced Earrings Leather, Suede, Felt Hats Black Light Posters Beer Can Lighters Beer Waste Paper Baskets & Coolers Children's Toys "Oft India* Gypsy Dresses ' t * Newport Design Potted fosters EASY CHRISTMAS LAY-A-WAY PLAN OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday 10-6 Friday 10-9 Wednesday 2-6 75 rcuid J ox J2 at* Watch For The Opening Of CRICKET BOX NUMBER 4 in Libertyville on November 15th os\A M ̂\ecs\rvc,-Xn fry To Day yfltr 0 L Model DCDN Advertising Copy By: Joan Lingeman Grade 5 Valley View Dr 7 cr wear, Try (S3 Automatic Dry Cycle. No guesswork! Dryer stops it­ self when clothes are just-right dry. Durable Press Care. Proper temperature plus end- of cycle cool-down bring Durable Press items out of the dryer ready to put on or put away without ironing. 1 *176°° a]b\ve,ftc& The bright new ideas are Electric. Lee & Ray Electric 1005 N. Front, McHenry Ph. 385-0882 ' To\(e W away Y_ee qxA, ^ooy Rays ?>We. -Hieyfci Km« to eWtuc. S*Vore. f\n& do, so come otA e\e«1ft QtAiftWift "Tor vnaxioWs Ctovd 2>yers

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