Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1969, p. 2

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Trip To Europe Told In Fi lm To Local Club The Friendship club of the First United Methodist church of McHenry began its October meeting by singing the Dox- ology, and then forty-eight members and three guests en­ joyed a very fine pot-luck roast beef dinner. Ruth and Cy Young were in charge of the program. Mr. Young introduced the Wilson family, Yvonne and Bill, and Bill's mother, who were guests for the evening. Mr. Wilson then showed slides and shared with the club their trip to Ireland and parts of England. Mr. Wil­ son was such a fine narrator that it was difficult to believe that club members were not actually with them on this won­ derful trip. The business meeting was opened by President Clyde Bai­ ley with words of welcome, and everyone was particularly hap­ py to welcome - back Velma Blackwell, Florence Johnson and Vaughn Jones, who have been absent from the meetings for some time because of ill­ ness. Clara Swanson's meditations were entitled "Autumn Coven- KAREN JUSTEN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Justen of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Karen Sue, to Randall Lee Funk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Funk of Wayland, Mich. Karen is a graduate of McHenry high school and attended Northern Illinois university. She is employed at Glen- view Naval Air station. Her fiance graduated from Wayland high school iij 1964 and served four years in the Navy. He is em­ ployed in Grand Rapids, Mich. A December wedding is planned. ant, and the Twenty-Seventh Psalm", which were both thought-provoking and inspira­ tional. A1 Mullere, after a little coaxing, told a few new jokes, which put everyone in a very jovial mood. Cards were signed by all members to go to hospitalized Ray Page and Walter Sims, with the hope and prayer they will both recuperate very rap- idy. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be on Sat­ urday, Nov. 8, at 6 p.m. in the church dining room. Helen and Morris Crouch will be in charge of the program. Hosts and Hostesses will be Norene and Virgil Sorenson, Velma Douglas, Mary Butler, and Mae and Harry Stinespring. Kishwaukee DAR Meeting On Conservation The Kishwaukee Trail D.A.R. meeting will be held Oct. 27, at 1 p.m., at Flowerwood, Crys­ tal Lake. Members are wel­ come to bring a guest to at­ tend the "Colonial Conserva­ tion" program. The National Society Daugh­ ters of the American Revolu­ tion conservation project in­ cludes the preservation of nat­ ural resources, forestry, riv­ ers, wildlife, and factors con­ cerning air and water pollu­ tion control. At the national s e v e n t y - e i g h t h C o n t i n e n t a l Congress in Washington, D.C., a conservation resolution was passed to support the con­ servation project. All citizens are urged to plant more trees, shrubs, plants and to continue the feeding of birds. Citizens are becoming more concerned about air and water pollution every day and efforts are need­ ed to combat these dangers. Committee greeters for the guest meeting are Mrs. R.O. Andrew and Mrs. R.E. Pickel. asm «m Halloween Party For Senior Cit izens Club With such pleasant memories of the smorgasbord dinner still so fresh in their minds, mem­ bers now look forward to the second annual Halloween party on Oct. 27. Costumes last year were very colorful and unique, and it is hoped that all mem­ bers will participate in the costume contest; however, those who prefer not to "dress" should come to the meeting any­ way. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. and it will be strict­ ly a fun night, with no business meeting. Following the judging of the costumes, Halloween re­ freshments will be served. Hold Christmas Crafts Class At "Y" Center In November The Lake Region YMCA will conduct a Christmas crafts class during the month, of No­ vember. The class is being re­ peated because of enthusias­ tic acceptance it received last year. The class will be held at the Crystal Lake Program center, 95 Grant street, on Mondays, Nov. 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Women are encouraged to register early since the class is limited to the first twenty- two registrants. This creative class will feature complete in­ structions for making four, easy gifts and Christmas decora­ tions. Class members will be given a list of needed tools and equipment. Basic materials for projects will be provided by the YMCA. Persons interested in reg­ istering for the course should contact the YMCA, 95 Grant street, Crystal Lake, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat­ urdays from 9 a.m. to noon. School Nurses Plan Dinner Meet Nov. 5 The Northeastern division of Illinois Association of School Nurses will have a dinner meet­ ing Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at The Embers, which is located east of Elgin on Route 20, just east of Route 59. I.A.S.N. is an affiliate of the Illinois Education associa­ tion and all school nurses of Northeastern division, whether current members or not, are invited to attend. NE division includes McHenry, Kane, Ken­ dall, Will and Grundy counties. Reservations may be made by contacting Marie Schramm, 71 Mallery avenue, Elgin 60120. HARVARD HOSPITAL Michael Nielson was a patient during the past week in Har­ vard hospital. Lynne Beach Is Carried In Candlelight Rite Miss Lynne Elaine Beach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ len E. Noonan, Jr., of Crystal Lake, became the bride of Mr. Michael Louis Spenk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spenk of Meadowdale, in St. Paul's U* nited Church of Christ on Sat­ urday, Oct. 18, at a candlelight service at 5o'clock. Mr. Noonan is a former McHenry resident. Rev. A.G. Tozer officiated at t h e c e r e m o n y f o r w h i c h V e r - delle Schaefer, organist, played "Somewhere" from West Side Story just before the wedding march. The church was decor­ ated with white fuji mums, bronze dwarf mums and yellow daisies, with garlands of mums and daisies. The lovely bride wore an ex­ quisite formal length A-line gown of white linen made with high Victorian necklir*, short sleeves and center fro&t' of the gown was enhanced wMi Ven­ ice lace interlaced with white satin ribbon. Her camelot head­ piece of matching lace and rib­ bon held her cathedral illusion veil which formed the train. The bride's sister, Lana Jean Beach, was maid of honor. Julie Humphrey was bridesmaid. An­ other sister, Tracy Joy Beach, was junior bridesmaid while the Mary Larkin, Michael Major Wed Saturday Miss Mary Larkin of 3408 W. 1st avenue, McHenry, was a pretty bride on Saturday, Oct. 18, when she approached the altar of St. Patrick's Catholic church to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Michael Major. Miss Lar­ kin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Larkin and Mr. Major is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Major of 1918 W. Indian Ridge drive, McHenry. Kev. Michael Tierney offici­ ated at the 2 o'clock after­ noon ceremony, for which Mrs. Celia Vecchi was soloist. Bouquets of mums and glad­ ioli decorated the altar. Miss Larkin chose a floor length gown of white lace and bride's four year old sister, Toni Sue Noonan, acted as flow­ er girl. They were attired in formal length cage-type willow green chiffon gowns with flowing draped back from high ruffled necklines. A matching satin band accentuated the high cur­ ved waistlines in front and cuffs of long Victorian-type sleeves. Their matilla headpieces were dyed to match. James Callery of Meadowdale was best man. John LaDu<f of Grays lake and Crystal Lake was groomsman while the groom's At the meeting on Nov. 10 the club will be entertained by the McHenry Choral club, with a preview of its Christmas pro­ gram. On Nov. 12 will be a trip to Burlington, Wis. Members will meet at 11 a.m. at the East campus, where they will board the bus for Burlington. Deadline for reservations is almost here, so see Louise Giel and get tickets. Bus seats will be on a first come - first served ba­ sis. On Nov. 24 a very interesting program will be presented on Africa, a place where mast will never be able to go. Here is a chance to go by proxy and have a very enjoyable eve- nig. Tickets for the second an­ nual Christmas party will be on sale at the two November meetings. Seating capacity is limited. brother, James Spenk, acted as junior groomsman. The bride's mother chose a purple chiffon dress and the groom's mother wore an A-line beige gown. A reception for more than 150 guests was held at the American Legion home in Crystal Lake. After a week spent in Wiscon­ sin the young couple will live in Meadowdale. The bride, a Crystal Lake high school graduate in 1969, is employed in Crystal Lake and her husband, who graduated from Barrington high school in 1966, is employed as a dry waller. Miss Maziarka Feted At Shower A bridal shower honoring Miss Diane Maziarka was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Haynes. Relatives and friends who gathered to wish the couple happiness were Billie Wallace, Peggy Demarco, Edith 0*Roure, Betty Christianson, Mary Lou Clark, Emma Martens, Shirley S a n f o r d , V i r g i n i a M o s u r , Chrish Haynes, Joy Haynes, Jo Ann Cooper, Deborah Cooper, Jeandee Johnson, Dorothy Fab- co, May Martens and the moth­ er of the bride-to-be, Mary Maziarka. Hold Deanery Fall Meeting At Algonquin The next open deanery meet­ ing of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 30, at 8 p.m. It will be held in the parish hall at Algon­ quin, with members of the Al­ tar and Rosary of St. Margar­ et Mary parish as hostesses. Reports will be given on the workshops and program from the recent diocesan convention in Rockford. Guests for the eve­ ning will be representatives of the Newman club from North­ ern Illinois university campus in DeKalb. This promises to be a most interesting program since Newman provides re­ ligion, education and social ac­ tivities on the non-Catholic campus not only for Catholics but for all religious groups. There are more than 7,000 Catholic students on Northern's campus alone this year. Everyone is welcome to the deanery meeting and en­ couraged to bring a friend. New officers and chairmen are especially encouraged to come and get acquainted. MR. AND MRS. DONALD VAN CLEAVE WED RECENTLY -- Barbara Krohn of McHenry and Donald Van Cleave of Fox Lake were married Saturday, Sept. 18, in St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, in a double ring ceremony. LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Miss Stall smith Initiated Into Epsilon Omicron Miss Charley Stallsmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Stallsmith, 2719 Iroquois trail, McHenry, has been initi­ ated as a pledge of Epsilon Omicron chapter of Delta Zeta sorority, Western Illinois un­ iversity, Macomb. Miss Stallsmith, a sopho­ more, is a Student Government representative majoring in speech pathology. The sockeye salmon spawns only in streams that have lakes. bridal mist taffeta, the bodice fashioned with oval neckline and elbow length sleeves. The skirt was a modified A-line with detachable, lace-edged train. Her heacfcriece was a lace and pearl trimmed pillbox with imported illusion bouffant veil. MR. AND MRS. DONALD O. NELSON MARRIED -- Miss Cynthia F. Irwin and Mr. Donald O. Nelson ex­ changed nuptial vows in Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, in a 2 o'clock ceremony performed Saturday, Oct. 11. They are making their home at Center drive and Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake. KOTALIK STUDIO PHOTO Terri Larkin, her twin sister, acted as maid of honor and Margaret Major of McHenry was matron of honor. Brides­ maids were Joyce Savini of Elgin and Janice Major of Mc­ Henry. Peggy Major, the bride's godchild, acted as flower girl. The attendants wore floor length gowns of willow crepe with orange and yellow floral trim. The bodice was fashioned with ruffled neckline and bish­ op sleeves and the A-line skirts with floating back panel. Their headpieces consisted of willow velvet bows with willow bridal illusion veils. Dave Zeiger of Wonder Lake, a friend, served as best man and groomsmen were Steve Ma­ jor and James Larkin of Mc­ Henry, brothers of the groom and bride, respectively, and Mike Zvonar of Normal, 111., a friend. Mark'Wohnrade, godchild of the bride, was ring bearer. Mrs. Larkin selected a bro­ cade green and beige dress with matching accessories and a corsage of gold roses. Mrs. Major wore a lace beige dress, matching accessories and red and pink roses. A reception for 250 guests followed the ceremony at 4:30 o'clock atthe V.F.W. clubhouse. Later, the couple left on a hon­ eymoon trip to Rockton, 111. The newlyweds will make their home in Apt. 4, 1883 Ma­ ple lane, Elgin. The bride graduated in June of 1969 from St. Therese School of Nursing, Waukegan. The bridegroom completed one semester at Elgin Community college, and was discharged Sept. 24 of this year from the Army. BRIDAL COUPLE -- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jabcon are shown following their marriage Oct. 11, at Christ the King church, Wonder Lake. The bride is the former Jackie Specht. DON PEASLEY PHOTO PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER- FRI. OCTOBER 24, 1969 Fish Fry Friday $1.50 5 until 9 p.m. Fresh Ocean Perch Golden French Fries Tangy Cole Slaw - Also Serving Chicken and Steaks - PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BAY RD. PHONE 385-9854 IT'S STARTED COME IN AND SIGN UP TODAY! 1330 N. RIVERSIDE, McHENRY SttfUt FIRST PRIZE ONE YEAR SUPPLY OF COSMETIC $200.00 Value £ Our First Week's Winners 1 - DOLORES BLAKE - 3716 W. Maple 2 - MARGE COOPER - 3010 W. Marylane 3 - FRANCOUNLEY - 319 N. Glenwood 4 - ELEANOR CREUTZ - 4906 W. Fountain Ln. 5 - MONA HAUPT3311 Waukegan ffoad 6 - LILLIAN JOHNSON - 1131 Manchester Mall 7 - BEVERLY KUHLMAN - 3817 Waukegan Rd. 8 - PAT SEATON - 3804 W. Grove Ave. 9 - BETTY SMITH - 3301 W. Elm Street 10 - BETTY WENTZEL - 211 N. Dale - ALL FROM McHENRY _ c f l i f ) i n t o t o m e l h i arm m sen Street f ! i nj Gjjly ' Machine Washable Vicuna * long Robes •Short Robes •Long Culottes $12.00 and up 1216 North Green McHenry

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