PROUD^ MOMENT -- TTiere were probably no happier and proud people in the large Marian homecoming crowd than Mayor and Mrs. Donald Doherty of McHenry, as they waved to their daugh ter, dolleen, newly crowned homecoming queen. Mr. Doherty is shown, marked by arrow. Looking right are Colleen's aunt, Miss Mercedes Bolger of Woodstock, and Mrs. Doherty. PLAINDEALER PHOTO PUBLIC PULSE (The Pfaindcaler invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of gener al interest in our commun ity. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full address and phone num ber. We ask too, that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in obiectionable taste.) (Editor's note: It has not been the policy of our newspaper to publish, in this column, letters written to other than the Plain- dealer. However, in the case of the following message sent to our office by the writer, R.S. Emerson, we are making an exception since the content is in defense of the reputation of the entire community.) DEFENDING McHENRY "F. Ward Just, Publisher, "Waukegan News-Sun, "Waukegan, Illinois. "Dear Sir: "I regret that the first let ter I have ever written to a newspaper must be one of crit icism, but I must say that your recent article concern ing the widespread use of'dope' by the students and teachers of HllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL DOES YOUR HOME QUALIFY? ALUMINUM SIDING FOR 50 LUCKY HOMES You can be among the 50 who will be chosen E for participation in a program of publicity for H.A. 5 Karns, Co. The size of your house is not important. E H. A. Karns, Co. has been appointed distribu tors for A4Coa Aluminum for McHenry County. To introduce Alcoa Al uminum Sidings, H.A. Karns Co. will install sid ing completely on each of the 50 selected homes and for those cooperating, the homeowners will save hundreds of dollars on the installation of Alcoa Al uminum siding. With Alcoa Aluminum siding, you choose from many beautiful colors. This fine protection for your home will not crack, dent, rot or peel and its insulation will keep your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. For the 50 homes se lected* 1)01 only is the price sharply discounted but terms will be arrang ed with no money down. If you think your home will qualify and if you would like Alcoa Alum inum siding on your home at a sharply reduced price, call 815-385-5117. Switchboard open 24 hours daily and Sunday. Leave your name, ad dress and phone number and a representative will call you for an appoint ment. Out-of-town, call collect. If a phone is not handy, drop a card or letter to P.O. Box 6, Mc Henry. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK the McHenry high school was one of the most flagrant ex amples of misleading and irres ponsible reporting that I have read in many years. "As a professional pharma cist I have more than a pass ing interest in the use of drugs by teen-agers. I have worked with our state and national phar maceutical associations in the distribution of literature to in form and educate teen-agers about dangerous drugs, and I am in daily contact with teens in my business, many who are now using drugs. My home is in McHenry and I have two children, one a senior in high school, so I am well awa-e of the nature and extent of this problem in McHenry. Based on this knowledge, I find your re porting consists of gross ex aggeration and sensationalism. "I find no evidence that your reporter made any attempt to verify his information with lo cal physicians, pharmacists nor anyone else having reliable knowledge about the extent of the drug abuse problem in Mc Henry. To use the unverified comments of 'about 20' stu dents as the basis for brand ing the faculty and entire stu dent body as 'dope addicts', which is the impression a lay man would get from your story, is malicious and irresponsible reporting. " The teen-age drug problem should be brought to the at tention , of parents, and pro grams of education sponsored for teens. As a responsible newspaper you should be sup plying true facts to the public, such as the fact that there is more dope addiction and exper imentation within a twenty square block area of my bus iness location in Waukegan than there is in the entire McHenry high school; such as the fact that I have more glassy-eyed teens coming into my pharmacy with forged or stolen prescrip tions and trying to buy glue, codeine cough syrups, etc., in FIRE PLACE LOGS WARM & COZY-. A Fire in your fireplace these chilly Fall nights X HAS * THE LOGS Logs nicK $39"" OAK $29 «« FREE CANVAS £5 LOG TOTE (wide they last) SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 ROSENTHAL'S HOME PRODUCT CENTER l SUN DA YS "•"••aOrvw^Ufc.Aw SAM to int CRYSTAL LAKE/ PMT»MC OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY one month than I had in over ten years of business in Mc Henry.1 "There is an old principle of law that one must come into court with clean hands when seeking justice. May I suggest that the principle of 'clean hands' should also apply to a newspaper. Before going into other cities and counties in search of sensationalism you should make sure your own area is above reproach. "The stupidity of an obviously inexperienced reporter, unable to recognize when some teens are pulling his leg, might be overlooked, but the ethics of a newspaper which places 'get ting the story' above getting the facts must be seriously ques tioned. " If you are afraid of stepping on some toes in your own area you should confine your outside activities to such stories as that of the 'Bull Valley Mon ster' which anyone with or dinary intelligence will know and accept as amusing non sense. At least you will avoid damaging reputations. "I have been a contract ad vertiser in the News-Sun for several years. However, as a pharmacist more familiar with the facts than your reporter, and as a resident of McHenry, I feel that a confession of ir responsible reporting and an apology to the faculty and stu dents of the McHenry high school is in order. Unless such public confession and apology is forthcoming you may consider my advertising contract can celled as of Nov. 5. "Very truly yours. "R.S. Emerson, R. Ph. "3718 W. Lee Street, "McHenry, Illinois. "Owner-Chief Pharmacist, "Hutchison Parmacy, "1412 Grand Ave., "Waukegan, Illinois. Outstanding Value a Replacements * a. *"•»« Foam-padded seats and con toured backs in heavy-duty washable vinyl. Several colors to choose from. High back styles $15.98 set. •Only merchandise which we have personally com pared and checked, and found to be a truly great value, will be given this indorsement. You can put your trust in us . . . FRANKLIN McHENRY, ILLINOIS •Mlumimi.iJ.uHi HAPPINESS IS: FINDING WHAT YOU WANT IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER'S CLASSIFIED WANT AD SECTION TODAY !!!!' PREPARE FOR ANNUAL MARCH OF DIMES DRIVE "The development of a vac cine against rubella (German Measles) gives us one more preventive weapon in our fight to conquer birth defects," Mrs. George Hollenbeck said this week. The new vaccine and other preventive measures were the focus of a two-day March of Dimes program orientation meeting that Mrs. Hollenbeck attended recently in Chicago. She is Hebron chairman of the McHenry county chapter of the National Foundation - March of Dimes. Other volunteers from the county attending the meeting were Mrs. Joseph Schwert- hoffer, Mrs. Joseph Heneghan, Mrs. Philip Wertz and her daughter Sue, Tap chairman. Sue served as a guest on a pan el discussing teen activities. According to Mrs. Hollen beck, the 1965-66 epidemic of rubella damaged or destroyed some 50,000 American babies during pregnancy. At the meet ing approximately 400 vol unteers from Illinois and neigh^ boring states learned how their local chapters could help pre vent another epidemic by assisting in immunization pro grams with local health depart ments and medical societies. "We want to see thatas many boys and girls between one year of age and puberty as possible are vaccinated against rubella. If children cannot catch rubella, they cannot spread the disease to pregnant women," said Mrs. Hollenbeck. Scientists at 111 March of Dimes Birth Defects centers are studying the causes and pre vention of birth defects, as well as the improvement of diagnos tic, treatment and rehabilitation techniques. The national volun tary health organization also offers professional and public health education and patient community services. The local chapter of the March of Dimes is presently organizing for the annual func vraising campaign in January. Pr?,, Oct. 31, 1969- Ptaindealer - Sec. 2, Pg. 3 TAZEWELL SEEKS RENOMINATION TO COUNTY OFFICE Richard L. Tazewell is an nouncing his candidacy for the Republican renomination to the office of McHenry County Su perintendent of Educational Service Region, recently re named by an act of the legis lature to replace the name County Superintendent of Schools. The primary election is on March 17, 1970. Mr. Tazewell and his wife, Mary, reside at 1306 Garfield road, Harvard. A wise person is one who learns to do one thing, very well. DON'T BE A ft •WBwim '•f READ THE x CLASSIFIEDS ^TODAY !!!! AZ FREE ESTIMATES & PLANNING SERVICE INSURED. 385-0830 BUILDING & REMODELING ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING SHINGLES ADDITIONS DORMERS STORES & OFFICES KITCHENS, BATHS CONCRETE WORK MASONRY If you're coming to Chicago for a rest don't come to Sherman House. There's-tpo much happening at Sherman House. For instance, there's the famous College Inn, headliningthe most exciting names in show business. And to go with the College Inn, Chicago's most lively and memorable restaurants and lounges--the Well of the Sea, the Celtic Cafe, the Dome and the f Scuttlebutt. So if you're coming to Chicago to be turned-on, not off, come to Sherman House. And leave the rest to us. Sherman House a MetroAmerica hotel ?ndolph-Clark-LaSalle • Chicago 606< Reservations: (312) FR 2-2100 ^ Bfckafrl • •' !*». / J ?->• . 75M BROUHAHA SELLS BEAUTIFUL JEWELBV& OTHER. THINGS JUMJOfeS ( 12ZON.<5K£EN-McHENKY