Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1969, p. 8

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PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. NOV. 7, 1969 THE MeHENnV PLAINDEALER I TO BUY, SELL,SWAP 1 I RENT OR HIRE i •it» stmoBB i; F7i F&CYJ5I5) to $100 Mid nt». 12J. 41 Art ot h 'VMSW' IS E 40 nhlnt #ir«ct null «Ti5» P/T--T ad.jraict, SI sm typt. fuif bnfis W 42. Rm 1300 Me twlplui: A«*ncy GAL r Kirch TUBE PfO FEt Pu t!25 NCY It E 41 IS t 40 tariNst to $125 RM X4 \J E 40 no Slt fO+ Rubbtr ? win . KB WHITE GAL •lis. B G-A-L-S/Mtx I. I Ml tit io. d eli. PKrtf Ave. AGENCY RM 204 IS F 40 42 St. Rm 414 MO ok SW-18 42 St,_Rm_4J4 PM. E*t> Si4t. 475 5lh Av It) f/M to *105 nss-to SI 1302 OPEN nec Iwwcv) EC «kt» tocy, It tttii, J1J5 (I. int hkr ftc pd duhS < V'» WHITE AGENCY ••••1^40 [Y fee paid » ttiifnl Retail bkgd ' 11 W 4? Rm 700 (i f t f r 52 55 hour. Gold Awr4 fj 41 E 4} Rm 152 ret to 5140 21 F P^DP" PROVIDENT AGENCY outi h« MENT AGEN payrollH |c" FT DEADLINE Office Hour* Daily 8:30 tun. to 6:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 0:30 a.m. Friday Paper Thursday 0:30 o.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be paid in' advance. The Plalndealer' Is not re-| sponsible for errors In das-E S tifled ads after the first ln-| sertion. Check your ad the! first week and call our at-J teatlon to any mistakes. Phone 385-0170 This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be ob­ tained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, 210 South Dearborn 8t, Chicago. III. 60604. 1 AUTOS CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Effective immediately, the deadline for straight classi­ fied advertising will be 4 o'clock Monday & Wednes­ day afternoons, as it is for classified displays. Straight classified ads will be ac­ cepted until 9:30 a.m. Tues­ day & Thursdays as in the past, but any insertions af­ ter 4 p.m. will not be classified. AUTOS EDELBROCJC high rise mani­ fold for 289. 545. Call 385-0210 101769TF AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 11 5 69TF12 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury and 1967 Ford 500 Galaxie. Call 385-6409. 1017-1112 69 1964 CHEVELLE wagon, au­ tomatic transmission, $500 or best offer. Will take compact wagon or bus in trade. Call 385-5024. 10 24-1119 69 1962 FORD, V-8, 4 door, auto­ matic. Call 385-4794. 1031-117 69 1960 VALIANT, 4 door, stan­ dard transmission, $150. Call 653-9602. , 115-117 69 1960 BUICK, $85. Call 385- 2345. " 115 69TF12 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge AMU weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 1967 INTERNATIONAL truck, 4 speed transmission, 35,000 miles, with 10% ft. West Wind camper, sleeps 6, $2100. Call 815-653-5533 after 6 p.m. 11769 1963 OLDSMOBILE 98 con­ vertible, full power, posi-trac- tion, AM-FM radio, tilt steer­ ing wheel. Good all around condition. Call 385-1123. 115-1112 69 1964 DODGE DART GT. Ex­ cellent condition. Low, ac­ tual miles, snow tires also, $500. Call 385-6255. 117 09 1967 BRIDGESTONE, 175 cc, motorcycle, $275. 1954 Inter­ national Travel-all, excellent condition, $395. Call 385-8925. 10 31-11-7-69 BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur­ day. 115 69TF12 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Formerly Al's Welding Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment Fabricating 4021 W. Main McHenry, 111. 815-385-6195 117 69TF1 2 BUSINESS SERVICES MCHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE NATIONALLY & STATE ACCREDITED IJncoln Rd. ft Charles St. 385-2200 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and AH Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES , WED., and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. lo 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 11769TF2 FOR SALE SAFER winter driving. Two like-new Riverside snow treads 7.35x35 whiteline, mounted 5- lug wheels, balanced. $47.50 complete. Call now Wonder Lake, 653-7376. 115-117 69 DAVENPORT and chair, bed­ room set, electric range, re­ frigerator and many house­ hold items. Call 385-4793. 1115-11769 19# CjtfctiLACrNeeai trans­ mission work, $125. Call 385- 1406. 117 6f BUSINESS SERVICES REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve­ hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 115 69TF12 Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 AUTOS AUTOS Kuaaaea \1 SUNNYSIDE DODGE IN MCHENRY YOUR DIRECT FACTORY OUTLET STILL HAS 69"» BELOW DEALERS COST & Drive home in a new Dodge Make your 1st payment next year. 1963 BUICK 2 Door ALL POWER 695.00 1967 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR 995.00 1967 CHEV NOVA 4 DOOR Auto Trans. 1395.00 1964 DODGE 4 DOOR Auto Trans. 495.00 1964 CHEVE CORVAIR Auto Trans. 495.00 1962 DODGE 4 DOOR Auto Trans 395.00 1965 RAMBLERSPT. COUPE AIR 995.00 1968 DODGE 4 DOOR ALL POWER 1795.00 1964 CHRYSLER 2 DOOR H.T. 895.00 1964 FORD WAGON 495.00 30 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Sunnyside Dodge 4810 W. Rte. 120 McHENRY PH. 385-7220 Open Nights and Sundays PAINTING & DECORATING EUGENE HONNING Honnlng A Carlson, Inc. McHenTy, 111. Established 20 years For Estimate CALL 385-4042 115 69TF12 1 * HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS •PIERS 5 New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds i TF1 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 115 69TF12 £fidxofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry Call after 4 pan. 385-6027 10 3 69TF2 ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS inducting: 10 piece living room set, lamps, tables, etc. $125.00, bunk beds, $85.00; kitchen set with 6 chairs, $40.00; bar stools, $5.00 ea.; Speed Queen gas dryer, $25.00, double bed and dresser, $15.00; bassinette, $5.00 PHONE 385-2184 115-117 69 I \ BED complete, 2 antique ables, beautiful bassinette. All items reasonable. Call 385-8688 115 69TF12 FOR SALE KOEHLER Gasoline Engine - good condition. $35.00. 385- 4292. _ 101569TT FOR SALE. Atme 12 ga. and 20 ga. Loader. Dies for both. 385-5839. 1029 69TF OAK fireplace wood, split and delivered, $25 per ton. Birch wood, $32 per ton. McHenry Fence and Supply, 385-1469. 11569TF12 COMPLETE SET OF Pho­ tography Encyclopedias. Like New. Phone 678-7061. Ask for BUI. 10-15-69TF CLEAN expensive carpets with the best Blue Lustre is America's favorite. Rent sham- pooer $L Vycital's. 11769 13 CUBIC FOOT Jordan up- right freezer, good condition, $175. CaU 385-4152 after 5:30 p.m. 115-117 69 BOYS 26", 5 speed bike. Best offer takes it Call 385-3533 11769 ATTENTION I GOLFERS | Now is the time for best F U R N I T U R E • Repairing • Stripping C. KREPPS CONSTRUCTION • Concrete Work • Patios • Driveways • Walks CaU 385-8446 11569TF12 OAK firewood, $20.00 per ton. Delivered and stacked. Also expert tree work, fully in­ sured. Call 459-9158. 115 69TF12 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 865-0258 S85-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person­ alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service e Western Union Telegraph 8500 W. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 117 69TF2 J. & DECORATING Service. Over a decade of experience, to fill all your decorating needs. We specialize In inter­ ior and exterior painting and paper hanging for homes, offices and stores. Fully In­ sured and free estimates. Call 459-9158 115 69TF12 * Refinishing BART YEGGE 8810 W< Mala Street McHenry ' i after 5 p.m. CALL 385-0159 WETTELAND PAINTING 8c DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the best In decorating CALL 385-3973 115 69TF12 I • bargains in golf equipment j I960 Closeouts up to Vi off. | . PGA, Wilson, MacGregor, f Spalding woods & irons. Large selection of golf bags and shoes. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB PRO SHOP Can 885-8485 or evenings 885-5855 . 115 69TT13| DAY CARE CENTER OPEN 6:80 ajn. to 5:80 pan. Monday - Friday Supervised activities of stories, music, games with Bible and Character Build­ ing Emphasis. Weekly, daily and hourly rates. Snacks and hot lunch in­ cluded. State licensed and ap­ proved. BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 509 Front Street (South on Route 81) Day Phone 885-0088 117 69TF2 • ONE NEW SNOWMOBILE 1968 Johnson, 16 h.p. 15 inch belt, $695. ONE USED SNOWMOBILE 1968 Trade Winds, 20 h.p., electric start 15 in. belt' New cover, $795. FREUNDS CAMPER 1701 W. Rt 120 McHenry, 111. 885-6888 11-117 69 G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, 3 years old, 12#, 2 speed, runs perfectly. Maytag wringer wa- ;her, runs perfectly. Clean -oll-a-way bed, complete. Call >15-653-5176. 117 69 jTORE-WIDE lamp sale, up o 30% off. Come see. Beaut­ iful furniture at discount jrices. Island Lake Furniture .vlait, 2 miles west of Rt 12 >n Rt. 176. Qdl 312-526-2210. 11569TF12 TREAT rugs right they'll be a delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. Nye's 117 69 FOR SALE -- Mini-Bike - 3.5 h.p. Excellent condition. Gen­ eral Electric 40" Electric Range. Call 385-4981. 117 69 PRESTIGE GRENOBLE sil­ verware, setting for 9; person­ al collection of milk glass; fancy pony saddle, breast strap and bridle. Call ONLY Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 815-648-4009. 117-111269 Accordian and Case -- Italian Marinucci - 37 Piano keys -- 80 bass. $90.00. Accordian and Case - Dallape Professional - 41 piano keys, 120 bass. Ex­ cellent condition $200.00. Or­ ange Leather Swivel Lounge Chair & Ottoman, $75.00. Call 385-2426. 117 69 • 7 Mm Magnum Remington model #700, with Bausch and Lomb. 2Vx x 8 Vari­ able scope -- minute of angle accuracy. Excellent Condition. Fired only 50 times. $200.00 • R.C.B.S. 7 Mm, 3 die rifle set and Wilson adjustable case gauges. $20.00 • Humidifier, Sears Deluxe. Walnut grain with gold mesh front All automa­ tic controls. Excellent con­ dition, cost over $80.00 new yours for only $40.00. CALL 385-5645 115-11769 JFOR SALE FOR SALE 13QS9QQOOS9QQO(SOQCS9ESOOQQCSSQSSOS90DBSOOOOOSSQOOl COLD WEATHER SPECIAL PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE £2=3SS533ii $1.39 gallon ! FOB SALE GIRL'S aqua velvet dress, size 7. Worn very little. Excellent condition, $5. Call 653-5866 after 5:30 pm or weekends. 102469TF12 WATER SOFTENER, semi­ automatic, stOl In the box. 385-3093. 10 31-11-7-69 BLONDE Hammond coord or­ gan, good condition. Call 385- 4751. 115-11769 CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS Milk cans decorated to individual order. Stools, towel racks, planters, made from milk cans. Call 385-4406 or 385-5597 117-111269 BEALESTATS BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of •" The size 107x183 and ful landscaping, will < any future home. Uw taxes IB a progressive area are a pta*. For Information phone 365- 8-6-69TF12 4 BEDROOM HOME, Fox Ri­ ver, near Tomasello's, 1912 Itir ver Terrace Dr. Shown Satmv day and Sundays. CaU 312- 674-7354. 115G9TF12 UNABLE TO TAKE WITH US. Mediterranean sofa with 4 chairs, black leather pad­ ded bar, Singer golden touch and sew sewing ma­ chine, Fisher credenza ster­ eo console, 8 track tape player. Misc. rec. room furniture including rocking chair, 2 comodes and cock­ tail table. 23" RCA color TV, never used, black and white Philco portable TV, 2 hanging lamps, and chan­ delier, Victor adding ma­ chine, cash register, type­ wri te r , ca lcu la tor . Cos t over $8,000, sacrifice $2,000 or willing to separate. CALL 812-625-7880 117-111269 NOW*S THE TIME! iM our buyers your farm, vacant or rural prupeily. CALL OUR RURAL PROPERTY DEFT. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS 658-2661 er 886-6841 1017-10 SIM MORGE automatic gas dryer, >20; wringer washer, $10. Call 385-9608. 115-11769 8 Rooms of T*uralUire 2 full" size and 2 single beds, dressers, chairs, lamps, sofa, T.V., 86 piece set of Syracuse china, crystal goblets, clothing, 20* aluminum extension ladder, wheelbarrow and garden implements. HAROLD "WJ- Ringwood, TO. 658-6008 Located at Northwestern R.R. tracks and Ringwood Rd. 11769 1UGS a sight? Company com­ ing? Clean them right with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ;hampooer $L Ben Franklin. 11769 3BJL FRAME RANCH HOME full basement gas beat, modern kitchen, 1 bath, carpeted lr.,' panelling Located in Holiday Hills near McHenry. Will con­ sider contract and/or trade (Various). 812-6584541 or 812-658-4259 c/o MR. SUMMERS 115-11769 Open 7 days a week HQ T.P.MATHEWS McHsnry Retirement Ranch home, 2 bedrooms on large land­ scaped lot in McHenry Area. ONLY! $11,750. Brand new 3 bedroom split level home with finished family room, large cabinet- ed kitchen. Private lake and beach rights. Just $25,000. Low maintenance on thfc aluminum and crab or­ chard veneer ranch home. 2 large bedrooms, attached garage. Ideal for retire­ ment ONLY! $13,900. T.P.MATHEWS R & R CUSTOM FENCE BUILDERS Specializing in all types of fencing. 385-1078 6601 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. Rudy Ficken Ron Parlow 117 69TF2 JOE'S OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS SALES & SERVICE also Automatic Garage Door Operators. CALL 385-4010 115 69TF12 Sunnyside Dodge 4810 W. Route 120 McHenry, DL 365-7220 •1029 69 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things ... SIDING- INSULATION- ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER USED FURNITURE Tables, lamps, chests, liv­ ing room suite, dishes, ba­ by play pen, odds and ends. 9 iun. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday 5010 Barnard Mm Rd. Ringwood, UL 11769 BLACK & WHITE Zenith 20T' console, remote control, tele­ vision. Call 385-4219. 11769 REAL ESTATE 5221 SHORE DRIVE IN McHENRY Beautiful, big lot for sale on good terms -- or will joint venture with reliable builder. Wiite: D. TRIMMER 4422 Temecula Blvd., San Diego, Calif. 115-11769 Wonder Lake Precious cottage with 2 bedrooms, spacious cabinet kitchen, cheery enclosed porch and garage. All In apple pie order on neat cor­ ner lot near store. $12£00. Versatile tri-level model home. Newly carpeted liv­ ing room and 3 bedrooms, wood cabinet kitchen with island sink. Attached ga­ rage. Young area with towering oaks. Immedi­ ate occupancy. $23,000. flee Our Ada Dally a Sanday la the m 816-886-6841 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Lake, DL 815-668.2661 11769 IT PAYS TO USE CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ESTATE SAYS G"T 3 bedroom home on 4 wooded lots. Nothing like this left for sale in the area. Call now. HERE'S A REAL BUY for only $7,800. 2 bedroom home, large lot good 2 car garage. Good for a summer retreat. 4 BEDROOM in McHenry, near shopping, full basement, $25,500. GLENN DRAPER REAL ESTATE Next to McHenry Market Place 4410 W. Rt 120 McHenry, M. PHONE 885-5661 F.H.A. Financing Available 11769

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