f . 2 , P g . 6 - Plaindealer - Fri. Nov- 7, 1969 I we Nancy's mother belongs to the voodoo era. Alas, millions of other Americans are milling around like sheep without at shepherd and looking to Uncle Sam to do their thinking. This is an insult to God Almighty, for the Bible tells us we were created in God's image. So we should use our own brains and logically pick our mates. By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE L-549: Nancy M., aged 20, is scared. "Dr. Crane," she began, "I am engaged to be married to a wonderful man named Terry. "We have dated for over a year and seem very compat ible. "But my mother opposes my wedding for she says our hor oscopes do not correspond! "She is an addict of astrol ogy. So she firmly believes Terry and I will get a divorce within a year, if we marry. "Why are so many people nowadays becoming fanatics over horoscopes?" HEED NAPOLEON "I am not a victim of cir cumstances, " wisely stated Napoleon Bonaparte, "for I make my own circumstances!" And that is the general mot to of men and women who do their own thinking and are not stampeded, like sheep. But for the past decade, most Americans have fast been losing their independence. They have been given Social Security num bers and zip codes. They have been trained to look to Washington, D.C., as the source of their welfare, till they have become almost idol atrous, worshiping Uncle Sam instead of God Almighty! alas, whenever people quit doing their independent think ing, they soon take orders un critically. Then they are easily stampeded by the so-called mystical powers of soothsay ers, with omens, horoscopes and sigri$ of the Zodiac. Do you horoscope addicts think the stars change an auto mobile that comes off the De troit assembly line in January so it has a very different "fu ture" or "personality" than one that is manufactured in June or September? Of course not! Same goes for babies! But if you wish to enjoy the daily newspaper horoscopes just for fun, well and good. But realize they are merely fairy tales. While teaching at Northwes tern university, I pasted each one of the various monthly hor oscope predictions on a separ ate piece of cardboard. The names of the months to which they applied were re moved but I had code numbers on the slips. Then I asked my students to pick out the specific month's horoscope that was supposed to fit them They couldn't do it beyond the law of chance! For all the monthly predic tions follow the standard for tune teller's pattern of patting you on the back in about 90 percent of the statements but then issuing a warning or crit icism in the other 10 percent. The 10 percent are merely to make you feel that you are not being "soft soaped" or flattered! Gullible people (who "flock" like sheep) crave reassurance, even via horoscopes. And they may actually do better on the days their horoscope prophe cies success. For they gain more con fidence thereby, even though their belief is based on an un scientific foundation. But pick your future husband or wife by proved, scientific rules, not the signs of the Zo diac, so send for the 200-point "Tests for Husband and Wife," enclosing a long stamped, re turn envelope, plus 20 cents. Since Nancy and Terry both rated "Superior" thereon, I advised them to get married and then play the game of mar riage as per the psychologi cal rules in that booklet! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclos ing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cov er typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) . CRACKDOWN ON POLLUTION Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie has directed state agencies to begin an intensified crackdown on wa ter pollution. The governor ur ged the Sanitary Water Board, at a meeting in Springfield, to take immediate action against the Metropolitan Sanitary Dis trict of Greater Chicago and against major water polluters in the Chicago area. He com mented: "This will be the most significant action to date in the state's war on pollution. By cooperating closely'with the at torney general and by providing evidence for vigorous court en forcement actions, the state is going to achieve effective con trol of water pollution.." A layer of microscopic moss grows on the bottom of pools in Antarctica, even under ice. VENDING MACHINES Cigarette vending machines stocked with improperly stamp ed cigarettes have been con fiscated throughout the state by agents of the Illinois De partment of Revenue. The cig arette tax rate was increased to 12 cents per package on Aug. 1. The confiscated machines contained cigarettes stampedat the rate of nine cents per pack age. "Because of the operation al difficulties encountered by vending machine operators in replacing their stocks with packages stamped at the 12-cent rate, the department extended the compliance deadline for these people to Oct. 1," said George E. Mahin, director of the Department of Revenue. Many of the vending machine operators failed to meet the extended deadline. Investiga tors turned up nearly 250 vi olations throughout the state, according to Mahin. The ma chines were picked up in Chi cago, Rockford, Joliet, Dan ville, Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, Silvis, Macomb-and Springfield and in Cook and DuPage counties. They were taken to bonded warehouses for storage. BUY IT... THRU THE WANT ADS llllHllllll.l.i.l.ijJLaL IL carpet uppermost in value costs less than ever before SALE: NOW THRU NOVEMBER 22nd Our biggest reductions on fashion's newest fine broadlooms occur right now. Annual event brings prices down with full co operation of Stevens Gulistan* Carpet GET OUR LOW, LOW ESTIMATE In view of these special low prices, don't make a move 'til you get our low estimate. Save time, save money We can visit you with full line samples. Or, call and give us the size of the area you wish to carpet and your estimate will be ready when you visit us. Telephone: 385-7531 'PLAZA SUITE'-- IN 1J LOVELY COLORS Surface of 100% continuous filament Nylon-501 *, textured with a multi-level pattern to go with any decor. Big value •DuPont Certification Mark 'PEOPLE'S CHOICE'-- MULTI-LEVEL LOOP ' A delightful and fresh approach in broadloom styling. Pile of 100% Du Pont Nylon-501 * in an 11 color choice. "DuPont Certification Mark BELLISSIMA --ALL-NYLON SHAG SURFACE Want a lively shag? Deep-dye, tandem tones make this carpet outstanding. Tall pile retains resiliency & fresh look. •STUART HALL'--THE EVERYWHERE CARPET Its Acrilan* acrylic pile is approved for use outdoors or indoors. Widens carpet horizons for home decoration. *T.M. of Monsanto 'CHANTECLAIR'-THAT RICH, LUXURY LOOK Classic richness with dimensional color excitement. Crafted with pile of pure Creslan* acrylic; in 10 fashion shades. *T M American Cyanamid Modacrylic fiber added 'L'AMOUR^FOR YOUNG-MINDED HOMES 100% Kodel* polyester pile wears ex ceedingly well in full-house situations. A bright splush in choice of 14 tones. 'T M of Eastman Chemical Products 'RIVERWIND'-MADE FOR ELEGANT DECORS Silken look of fine velour. Acrilan* acrylic pile is magnificent; choice of 15 gem-clear colors. A plush of beauty. T.M of Vonsanto. Modacrylic fibers added A95 sq-yd. G95 sq yd A95 sq yd. 795 | sq.yd. 795 f sq.yd ed 8?? 8?? Equivalent deep reductions on choice of Carpet Cushioning. I GREEN STREET MALL __• McHenry Drapery & Carpet Genu»ne 1253 N. GREEN STREET McHENRY 385-7531 2i/s QT. HI-BOY SAUCEPOT Extra-deep sauce pan is ideal for preparing aspar agus and other vegetables, as well as heating frozen food packets. High sides prevent boilover. Teflon II lined. Colorful PARTY SKILLET by West Bend Automatic -- just set the electric heat control for perfect cooking temperatures! Party-styled, with Avocado green or golden Harvest exterior . fadeproof, stain-resistant, dishwasher-safe. Lined with scratch-resistant Teflon II. Big 11 x 11" size, with deep cover AP for roasting. "i" Woodgraln Finish 6' They look and feel like expensive walnut they're automatic dishwasher-safe (top rack") Molded of virtually unbreakable plasti " SALAD BOWLS I? wi viimduy unoreaKaoie plastic, then finished to make impervious to salad oils and vinegar as well as detergents. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. ELM McHENRY 385-0722 L.S.D. Rescue Members Address MCHS Students ; ' I . * A large assemblage 3t Me Henry's East campus is shown in the organization, L.S.D. Rescue, which functions to assist drug gvirmas.i irri as :he> listen attentively to representatives of the addicts. PLAINDEALER PHOTOS Representatives from the or ganization. L.S.D. Rescue, spoke to iij'XTis of McHenry high" school las: week. This group re^s cr.sc addicts who are 'on L.S.D. arc wish to be rehabilitated. The speaker said the> give over the phone" and try to. r-onvinct addicts not to ta.se :r>e drug or talk them out o! a -bac trip". They also encourage addicts to eorne to the center arc rece.ve help there. Dosages o: \ :tanur. 2 are given. The speaker stated that they cannot help anyone until the user determines his problem. Once he has identified it he can start to solve it without the use of drugs. Both men had been addicts and are no longer on drugs of any kind. They have also stopped smoking cig arettes, they stated. During a question and answer period they stated that the reason for stop ping was that they found drugs lid not solve any problems for them. The first part of the presen tation was a description and def- PERSONALS Sister Mary Alma of St. Mary's, Notre Dame, IncL. spent a recent weekend with her sis ter, Mrs. George Phalin. She also enjoyed a visit from an other sister, Mrs. Frank Schmitt of Oakland, Calif., re cently. Miss Florence Carey has re turned from a two weeks visit with her sister. Mrs. J. Al bert W.oll, in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Wheeler Mueller of San Diego, Calif., who has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Carl Lobitz, left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in St. Louis. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Schoewer of Rockford spent Tuesday in the home of his brother, Fred, and wife. Grace O'Connor, June Bright and Jaye Tighe of Oak Park spent a recent day in the Harry Lawrence home. Mrs. Martha Emmerson and Mrs. Edia Antonson have re turned from a trip through Mis souri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan, stop ping to call on relatives in Michigan and Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis returned last week by plane from Salem, Ore., where they spent a week with their daugh ter, Mrs. William Arnett, and family. Mrs. Walter Ilaufe and Mrs. Tom Sensiba of Neenah, Wis., spent a recent evening in the Fred Bienapfl home. The Thomas Murphy family, who came here recently from Bremerton, Wash., are now making their home in Johns- burg while he is stationed at Great Lakes. They stopped en- route to visit Mrs. Murphy's brother, Bill Weber, and fam ily in Golden, Colo., arriving with the big snowstorm. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett have returned from a trip to Dallas, Texas where they were called by the death of her be jCi- •2.". Edmund Switzer, who passed away after a three months ill ness at the age of 62. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirfs, duaghters, Sherrie and Terrie, and Mrs. Emma King spent a few days the past week in the Everett Klinker home in Mor ris. Mrs. James Wagner of Mil ton, Wis., spent a recent day with her father, Herb Simon. The Louis Girding family of Glandorf, Ohio, were weekend guests of Mrs. Girding*s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, and their daughter, Sister El eanor of Glendale Heights, was a visitor on Sunday. inition of the various drugs, their effects on the system and the abuse to the human system. One item the speaker mention ed was that a young man on drugs could not communicate with his fellow human beings and spent four hours in a clothes closet "talking to his clothes". Students expressed interest on the background of these vis itors, how they became addict ed, and how they were cured. The views expressed by the visitors are not those of the McHenry public -schools. In an attempt to bring different in formation to the students, the schools plan a series of meet ings on drug information. Sher iff Carroll spoke to the stu dents on "Drug Abuse" Tues day. Sheriff Carroll has had wide experience and has be- 3 4 o q a f t ' 8 boutique m the c(; ̂ Woodstock The Bride Beautiful will find we can do so much more to make her day complete perfection * Beautiful Bridal Gowns *An array of bridesmaid gowns. *Understated fashions for the Mothers of the Wedding. *Trained Bridal consultants to guide you in secluded privacy. *Our convenient location saves you time in fittings. his first cigarette maybe A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH Representing the Rescue organization in McHenry were Messrs. James and Kinney, who gave a forthright presentation on drug use to students. come an expert on the sub ject. He explained the different drugs in McHenry county. *Prices are modest, to the most descriminating. *Many bridal gowns available for immediate purchase in all sizes. . . and we believe everyone deserves. happiness . . . We enjoy doing second weddings and informal ones too! Think of us for special occasion formats. No Charge for alterations OPEN MON. & FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M. ^Moqa ft's d i s t i n c t i v e a p p a r e l -R/iifM Qoutiqiw in the ot ̂ lVoodfitock *118 N. Benton 815-338-1210