THE McHENBY PLAUfDEALEB TO BUY, SELL,SWAP 1 RENT OR HIRE • UIC him A M. hr f/T (Ik »*» TANNEN AGEN US. I 't S'tio pt Ascc* 12 F <1 i ft* Pd to SI 35 C«" r»•"| c; RM ?« 15 E 40 C/J51S) to $100 ct paid rc». 12 J?. 41 in* ly»t. Much P /T Ichr's asst. Nassau A»cncy I P/T--T»la#l»«na C ad. mict, $1.75 P/T~CUC. ratnl sm lypa. Prov raitina direct mail t SuPvjrv fxp. Ycu'h S. TE 2 7778 TUBE PfO St *150 V P NCY_IJ_E_4I A' ' ve LSECY--f»* pdMtlSO Eicell rovidcnt Aacncy^B4: St GAL/ help seiotui Agcncy GAL FR search tVO'hS RuBber_Co GAL 3 ;b whi:e W «?. Rm I FfcE PO 1125 RM ?C4 lit 40 ternisl to SI2S RW ?C4 '5 f 40 no Sat 190+ 42 SI, Rm 414 MD ofc SVO-125 42 SI, RmjjU r>PM ,~E»st Sida. nry, 475 5th Ay it $9#n. 1 Ml sK $525 mo , Pv< Aye pd. * cm E AGENCY RM :Ci CV FEE PAID S OPEN Present Rp4a I r • 3d !l W 42 Rm 7C0 (*a *s GALFrlday N3 E s: 52 55 hour. P/T Racatt Mon-Fr $50. 47 FayrouTMGR Tl Irn EDP, taxes, e PROVIOENT AGENCY I PROVIDENT AGEN PAYROLL CL h) t/ad to $105 *>.*411 M 1302 XEC d.cta sacy, It «ten, 1135 ns bkr fw pi WHITE AGENCY GA-LS/Men God A*-a-d i L'O a " 41 F * -a !GAL/man ret ti 1140 F Sacv--look publ dual hsr JSo! >PY DEADLINE IOtfloe Hour* Daily l:SO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. < | Friday Paper I I II I Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 0:30 a.m. j | Friday Paper Thursday 0:30 a.m. *No Refunds on Prepaid ads| I Situations Wanted, Wanted • to Rent must be paid In • advance. I Tile Plaindealer Is not re- Isponsible for errors In clas-5 slfled ads after the first In-| Jsertlon. Check your ad the| This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be ob tained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, S10 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 60604. first week and call our at- tcatlon to any mistakes. Phone 385-0170 I raone 385-0170 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Effective immediately, the deadline for straight classi fied advertising will be 4 o'clock Monday & Wednes day afternoons, as it is for classified displays. Straight classified ads will be ac cepted until 9:30 am. Tues day & Thursdays as in the past, but any insertions af ter 4 p.m. will not be classified. AUTOS I960 FORD. Good running con dition, $60. Call 653-6252. 1112-111469 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, bucket seats, console. $300 or best offer. Call 385-5772. 1112-1114 69 1969 BLACK JADE Fairiane. Vinyl top, power steering, V-8 engine, automatic transmis sion. $2462. Call 385-2680. 1112-1114 69 EDELBROCK high rise mani fold for 289. $45. Call 385-0210 101769TF AUTOS For Can COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY aai Seat Covers ROUTE ISO c el the River Bridge weekdays: 8 a.m. to • pj*. : • am. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 1969 OLDSMOBILE 88 con- vertible, full power, air con ditioned, stereo. Call 459-6270 1112-1114 69 1966 DODGE pick-up truck. 1968 Chevrolet station wagon, automatic with power steering. Call 385-7834 or 385-7063 af ter 6 p.m. 1112111469 1964 JEEP. % ton. 4 wheel drive. Call 385-3916 after 6 p.m. 1112-112169 AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Gall Sunderlage In surance Agency, 815-338-3328. U569TF12 1964 CHEVELLE wagon, au tomatic transmission, $500 or best offer. Will take compact wagon or bus in trade. Call 385-5024. 1024-1119 89 1956 CHEVROLET, 6, stick, driven to O'Hare daily, $65. Call 385-7490. 111469 1956 OLDSMOBILE. Call 385- 6394. 1114-1119 69 1960 BUICK Convertible, $50. Call 385-2345. 115 69TF12 1966 FORD Custom 500. Needs new fender. Best reasonable offer. Call 385-6314 after 5 p.m. 1114-1119 69 1964 PONTIAC. Call 385-5011. 111469 1967 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 2 door sedan. Radio, heater, stick shift, new tires, clean. $1,000l Call 385-5566. |112-1114 69 BUSINESS SERVICES REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 115 69TF12 AUTOS AUTOS PRE-WINTER SPECIALS WINTERIZED AND READY TO GO 1969 DODGE Charger Demo. $32691 1968 DODGE A/T $1669 1967 FORD 4 Dr. A/T $ 879| 1967 CHEVROLET Low Mileage $1289 1965 COMET 31,000 Miles $ 777 1965 RAMBLER A/T P.S. $ 575 1965 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. A/T $ 689 1965 PLYMOUTH Sport Conv. Console) 995 A/T Full Power Tilt Steering 1963 DODGE 4 Dr. A/T $ 469) 1963BUICK $ 579 1964CHEVROLET A/T' $ 589 1962 dodge $ 298 1960 RAMBLER Stick(Runs Good $ 179 1960 FALCON A/T $ 9! 1959 FORD Sharp . - $ 1891 SUtyNYSIDE DODGE 4810 W. RT. 120 Opan nights McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0358 385-8030 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- CalT Airline Pilots • Mlmeo A Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3000 W. Pearl St. MeHenry, HI. 117 69TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. Al Otto, 2009 N. Rlngwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur day. 11569TF12 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTT CULTURE NATIONALLY A STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. A Charles St | 385-3380 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, \Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Tyfces of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRL 9 AM. to 9 PM. THURS. and SAT, 9 A.M. to 5:30 Pit -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 11769TF2 tfidxofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Ra., MeHenry Call after 4 p.m. 385-6027 10 3 69TF2 DAYCARE CENTER OPEN 6:80 ajn. to 5:80 pan. Monday - Friday Supervised activities of stories, music, games with Bible and Character Build ing Emphasis. Weekly, daily and hourly rates. Snacks and hot lunch In cluded. State licensed and ap proved. BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 509 Front Street (South on Route 81) Day Phone 385*0088 11769TF2 WETTELAND PAINTING fc DECORATING INTERIOR A EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the beet In decorating CALL 385-3973 11569TF12 JOE'S OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS SALES A SERVICE also Automatic Garage Door Operators. CALL 385-4010 11569TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Formerly Al's Welding Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment Fabricating 4021 W. Main MeHenry* I1L 815-385-6195 117 69TF12 PAINTING & DECORATING EUGENE HONNING Hoaniag * Carlson, Iae. MeHenry, 01. Established 20 years For Estimate CALL 385-4042 11569TF12 C. KREPPS CONSTRUCTION • Concrete Work • Patios • Driveways • Walks Call 385-8448 11569TF12 FOR SALE FOR SALE Second Hand Store * BARGAIN SALE ' Large building full of everything for the home. Furniture, appliances, dishes, tools, etc. A few antiques. OPEN FRI., SAT.. AND SUNDAY 10 A.M.-6P.M. Across from Morton Chemical in Rlngwood, Dl. 1114 69 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SNOW TIRES, size 8.25x14, wheels included. , Used only 3 months, both for $45. Call 653- 9888. 1112-1114 69 10 H.P. SEARS tractor, 2 years old. Lights, self starter, with 3 gang mower and 42" snow plow and snow chains. Full price $500 cash. Call 385-7706. 1112-1114 69 SMALL 2 piece sectional, brown vinyl upholstery, $45; portable sewing machine and sewing table, $30; 6 ft. alum inum Christmas tree and light wheel, $10. Call 385- 4801. 1114 69 FURNITURE from model apartments. Living room, din ing room, and bedroom. Shown on premises by appointment only. Call 312-566-6428. 1112-112869 ATTENTION GOLFERS • Now is the time for best . | bargains in golf equipment | ' 1960 Closeoute up to Vt off. * | PGA, Wilson, MacGregor, 9 Spalding woods A irons. Large selection of golf bags and shoes. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB FRO SHOP Call 385-3435 ̂ or evenings 385-5855 I 11568TF1X FOR SALE TROPICAL fish equi plus fish, pumps and acces: ies. Aquariums, 55 gallon, 110 gallon, two 30 gallons, 10 gal lon, 2 gallon. $200 or best offer. Call 385-2470. 1114 69 CARPETS a fright? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $L Nye's. 1114 69 GAS STOVE, automatic wash er, gas heater, 25,000 B.T.U. Call 385-6360. 1114 69 OAK fireplace wood, split and delivered, $25 per ton. Birch wood, $32 per ton. MeHenry Fence and Supply, 385-1469. 11569TF12 THE proven carpet cleaner Blue Lustre is easy on the budget. Restores forgotten col ors. Rent electric shampooer $1. Vydtal's. 1114 69 KOEHLER Gasoline Engine good condition. $35.00. 385- 4282. 1015 69TF * trT' "*' fen i , K FOR SALE MAYTAG 40" stove. Good condition. Have for paying for ad. Call 385-1358. 1114 69 GAS RANGE, cash register, mixmaster, table saw, electric broiler, white barrel chair and other misc. items. Call 385- 2506. 1114-1119 69 2 FAWN colored step tables with matching free-form cof fee table. 2 modern brass table lamps with orange shades. 192" x 84" Kelly green cotton drapes, lined. 150"x84" Nutmeg fibreglass drapes, lined. Draperies never used. Call 385-4253. 111469 BUILDERS SAMPLES, sofa, chair, three tables, 2 lamps. $189.00. Call 312-566-6428. 1112-1128 69 MOVING SALE. Friday, No vember 14. Gas range, refrig erator, dresser, treadle sewing machine, swag lamp, light fixture, beds, hot plate, toaster (sandwich), jars, crocks, jugs, misc. 3013 W. Rt. 120. Me Henry, Illinois. 1114 69 SAFER winter driving. Two like-new Riverside snow treads 7.35x15 whiteline, mounted 5- lug wheels, balanced. $47.50 complete. Call now Wonder Lake, 653-7376. 11121114 69 LARGE drop leaf formica di nette set, 4 chairs. Excellent condition, $35. Call 653-9526. 1114 69 CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Ladies fur coat, Bison, $75; two wool dresses, size 12, $8 and $10; automatic 22 rifle, $55; box camera, duaflex, $5. Call 459- 4979. 1112-1114 69 PORTABLE baby bed, like new. Call 653-6083 after 6:30 p.m. 1112-1114 69 FOR SALE. Acme 12 ga. and 20 ga. Loader. Dies for both. 3855839. 1029 69TF WE HAVE stereos, TV's, ap pliances, furniture, carpeting, rugs, at discount prices. Terms. Come see us. Island Lake Fur niture Mart, Rt. 176, Island Lake, 111. Call 312-526-2210 1114 69TF12 FRESH country eggs. Some day Farm, 1205 S. Rt. 31, Me Henry, call 385-6285. 1114-112169 G.E. ELECTRIC RANGE with 2 ovens, white, very modern, $75; double bed, light oak, with bookcase headboard com plete, $35; Zenith 24" T.V., $35; Hotpoint refrigerator, $35; large rose colored chair, $25. Call 385-2290. 1114 69 4 HORSE POWER Red Devil snow blower, $65; one milk can, leaf catcher, antique chair, 100 years old. Call 815-653- 5896. 1114-1119 69 EARLY AMERICAN Maple Furniture from 5 Model homes. Living room, Bedroom, and Dining room. Huge dis count, will seperate. Call 312- 566-6428. 1112*112869 2 SETS of wrought iron, bunk beds - like new. 1 ten pound Co2 Fire extinguisher, one oxy gen tank, double stage regu lator, fully equipped. Call 385-0013 after 6 p.m. 1112-1114 69 % BED complete, 2 antique tables, beautiful bassinette. All items reasonable. Call 385-8688 115 69TF12 GIRL'S aqua velvet dress, size 7. Worn very little. Excellent condition, $5. Call 653-5866 after 5:30 p.m. or weekends. 102469TF12 EXCELLENT XMAS GIFT. Like new, 20 volume set of Encyclopedia of Photography. Cost new, $80, asking $40. Phone 678-7081, ask for Bill. 1112 69TF1-2 HOTPOINT apartment size electric range, $40 or best offer, 2 end tables with lea ther insert. Call 385-8181. 1112-1114 69 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things .. . SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phoni 385-0170 MCHWT.IH. BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-89TF12 3BJL FRAME RANCH HOME full basement, gas heat, modern kitchen, 1 bath, carpeted lr., panelling* Located in Holiday Hills near MeHenry. Will con sider contract and/or trade (Various). 312-658-4541 or 312-658-4259 c/o MR. SUMMERS 115-11769 NOW'S THE TIME! Let our buyers consider your farm, vacant acreage or rural property. CALL OUR RURAL PROPERTY DEPT. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS 653-2061 or 385-6341 1017-103169 OWNER WANTS OFFER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY available. This 3 bed room -- 1 year old split level - .convenient in-town lo cation - can be yours today. 2 <vr garage, carpeting, kitchen appliances, large paneled family room and patio. Asking $29,500. PLEASE! I'm looking for a new family that will love me for the holidays. I have a large kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, carpeted living room and a 120 x 125' fenced yard plus a full basement. I can be bought today for only $19,500. BUDGET CONSCIOUS? m A large wooded lot surrounds this charming "Ginger bread House." Two bedrooms, large country kitchen, full basement and Lake rights. Yours today with a low down payment -- $19,900. ZONED COMMERCIAL This 5 Acre site near intersection of two main high ways is being offered at a low price of $16,000 -- Call for particulars. BUILDING IN SPRING? We have several building sites on the water -- in the country -- and near town -- that can be bought today for Spring building -- prices range from $1,500 to $15,000. WE HAVE MANY BUYERS INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A HOME IN THIS AREA. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME, CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION. - • TUNE IN OUR DAILY RADIO SHOW AT 11:55 A.M. ON WIVS FREE FOR THE ASKING -- Our November Homes For Living magazine with pictures and information of currently available homes for sale in the MeHenry County area. Just call or write: NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY SERVICE NCORPORATFI FINANCING AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU •Barbara Lencionl • Jennie McDermott •Norma Hlnman •Marvin H. Rodewald *Don Schutt 3815 W. Elm St., MeHenry, HL (Corner Rt. 120 A Rt. 31) Call us anytime -- 385*2340 -- Area 815 Open 7 Days a Week Exclusive Listing Service in MeHenry, Illinois Associated Listing Service in Crystal Lake, Illinois NATIONAL MULTI-LIST SERVICE - NATIONWIDE 1114 69 4 BEDROOM HOME, Fox Ri ver, near Tomasello's, 1912 Ri ver Terrace Dr. Shown Satur day and Sundays. Gall 312- 674-7354. 11569TF12 JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS This 3 bedroom ranch home with full basement is located near West Campus making it especially suitable for your growing family. 24' x 12' rec reation room in basement and 28' x 10' cement patio provide ample space for family fun. $22,000 NEAR HILLTOP SCHOOL All brick ranch home with 2 bedrooms up and 2 in the basement. Exceptionally well built home located on y2 acre. Needs decorating. $26,500 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE HOME IN WORTHMORE A perfect delight located on channel. $47,900 EARL R. WALSH REAL ESTATE | 3429 W. Elm Street MeHenry, Illinois Phone: 385-3300 or 385-4434 1114 69j A