J FG. 10- PIAINDEALER- FRI., NOV. 14, 1969 BEAL ESTATE JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE CO. His the Bast Buy for you! D E S P E R A T E ? ! -- Can be purchased w/$450. down plus Closing Costs. -- TO a qualified buyer we have this FRAME TWO STORY Older Home on an EXTRA LARGE LOT with TWO Bedrooms; a half basement; 1% garage. This home has a new gas furnace and water heater -- call us for even more Info $15,000.00 FHA W H A T A D E A L ! ! -- Owner will sell on Contract -- Home on Lakefront! What more could you want?? Well - here's more -- this one story older frame home with spacious CAR PETED LIV. RM., W. STONE FIREPLACE; attached 1% garage; enclosed and heated breezeway -- this house has been recently remodeled and decorated and property fenced for only $15,500.00 EASY GOING -- "SPLIT" In this FRAME TRI-LEVEL FURNISHED home, newly c a r p e t e d a n d h a s W A T E R R I G H T S ; T h i s T H R E E Bedroom with attached TWO CAR GARAGE is fenced in rear w/REDWOOD Listed at $21,500.00 Open Sunday -- 10:00 aon. to 5:00 pan. JOHN FUHLER E REAL ESTATE CO. »4- HEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE mimimiiiiihiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiftiniiiiiftiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinni POLLOCK PHILLIPS Offer BURTON'S BRIDGE BEACH SUBD. 8 room home on delightful wooded lot. 2,250 sq. ft. of living space includes a 17'x20' living room, 16' x 26' family room with fireplace, birch kitchen cabinets, basement finished into rooms plus many other extras. Open 7 days a T.P.MATHEWS PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS Comfortable 3 bedroom brick ranch with possi bility of 4th bedroom in basement. Located in the Johnsburg School District -- existing mortgage may be assumed with $3,900.00 down. WONDER LAKE AREA Attractive 2 flat on large lot -- may also be used as a large home. LAKE VILLA Waterfall house is delightful throughout -- defi nitely must be seen to appreciate its value. This 8 room frame ranch contains 3 bedrooms. Italian marble fireplace, 20' x 28' family room with bar, 13' x 16' heated and carpeted porch, blacktop driveway and beach rights. Many other extras for only $29,900. POLLOCK - PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE il 3402 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 815-885*2500 111469 Cooperating Member EXCLUSIVE LISTING SERVICE Member of the Nationwide FIND-A-HOME Service, Inc. Downtown 463 Route 14 3321 W. Elm St Crystal Lake, HI. (Formerly Amundson's) McHenry, Illinois 301 N. Main Street Crystal Lake, HI. 385-3250 459-0658 459-1730 1114 69 Pfi0PX-rO0trU0 rail patatp rn. "Where Service Comet First" THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it -- FIRST TIME OFFERED! -- Immaculate 2 BR Ranch. Large kitchen, 19* living room, utility room, screened- in porch, patio. PERFECT retirement home! $22,500.00 -- FIRST TIME OFFERED! -- Large 3 BR Ranch on 2 lots, 27' living room, colored fixtures 8c. ceramic tiled bath, full basement. Beau tiful yard with large evergreens and weeping wil lows. Don't miss this one! $23,000.00 -- FIRST TIME OFFERED! -- Beautiful 3 BR home ON THE RIVER! 19x27 living room, new wood kitchen cabinets, plus utility room, 20* porch facing river. Gorgeous view of water! $31,900.00 WATERFRONT: On 3 lots! Large 3 BR home, huge 22* LR, 24' family room, MANY EXTRAS! 27,700.00 rafipx-roBtpUo rral estate rn OPEN NOW * * * * * N E W * * * * * | WOODED - ROLLING - BEAUTIFUL F NOTTINGHAM WOODS f SUBDIVISION -- | In SPRING GROVE, ILLINOIS LOTS RANGE approximately % ACRE In size Priced from *3250.00 to $5500.00 NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Available for occupancy Our MAYFAIR MODEL HOME, has 1% baths, living room with patio doors, dining room, kitchen is roomy enough for breakfast table. All oak floors, full base ment and two car garage. City sewer, & water, and gas heat. Conveniently close to shopping center, schools and churches. $29,500.00. SEE US ALSO FOR BUSINESS PROPERTIES, EXECUTIVE HOMES ON ACREAGE, FARMS, and VACANT ACREAGE A. N. MAY, Realtor 9716 No. Route 12 Richmond, Illinois 60071 815 678-2861 1112-111469 HOURS DAILY • to 5 -- 12-5 pan. 385-7050 8717 W. Rt 120 MeHenry ( Across from Jewel Tea ) -800 Virginia St, Crystal Lake % 111469 WHY RENT? SEE KENT 1 / (Handymen's Special) 2 bedroom home, 1 car garage, attached, part base ment needs work. Gas heat, near lake. Owner out of state, says SELL NOW. Make offer. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR FOR BENT HEBE THE KENT E CORPORATION 8822 W. Elm 8treet McHenry, 111. McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office PHONE 885-8800 Since 1923 4 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME This lovely old home is ideally located close to schools and church on a quiet street in Johnsburg. Lots of elbow room in the 4 bedrooms, spacious living room, separate dining room, family-size kitchen with plenty of work space for mom, a fam ily room for entertaining, and a partial basement There's also a two car garage and many extras like carpeting, draperies, etc. All this on over an acre of land for only $27,500. WE ALSO HAVE 2 3-BEDROOM HOMES FOR RENT at $150.00/MONTH Ted C urry Realty, Inc. 3106 W. Rio. 120 McHenry* Illinois E Just East of the Bridge 815-385-7190 l£~ 111469 U14 69 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS McHenry 6 room aluminum sided, large living room, 4 bed rooms. Nice size shaded lot that backs to water. Lake rights. A must on your shopping list $7,300 A neat and dean 2 bed room home with 1 car at tached garage. Covered patio in rear on very large shaded site. Aluminum sided with Crab Orchard trim. "Attention Newly- weds! $13,900. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Tri-level model home on 95' xl35' wooded site. 3 bed rooms, unique kitchen/din ing room with good cabinet area and bar, attached ga rage, community water and a very nice area. Call today, $23,000. Island home - raised ranch with beautiful Indiana Lime stone fireplace In living room that enjoys a panor amic view of the lake and it's enjoyments. Don't hes itate. $35,000. FOR RENT: 2nd floor a- partment, 2 bedrooms. Se curity deposit required, $125.00 per month, in Johnsburg. See Oaf Ais DaSj M T.P.MATHEWS BEALTOBS 815-885-8841 111469 HEAL ESTATE McHenry Edgebrook WsijKtt 3 large bedroom ranch, ltt baths, 2% car garage, carpeting, custom drapes through-out % block to grammar and Jr. high, % mile to Sr. high and shop? ping. Buyer can assume 6%%, $17,300 loan. CALL 385-7490 111469 Male Help Wanted SERVICE & REPAIRMAN Mechanically Inclined Ironies technician required to pre-wir* and repair in tercom equipment Soma mechanical repair of small nWr* machines also r̂ quired. Knowledge of tran sistors helpfuL Win train qualified tndtvttnaL Good pay, free Insurance, car al» SCAN-AM CO. 1706 a. Rt 81, . m. 115-11769 ADVERTISING SALES REP RESENTATIVE for work ta» newspaper advertising depart- jj ment (sales layout) Good op. portunity for aggressta man with solid futons. be draft free. For appointment call Larry Lund, SK-OOTQ. 10-17-69TF1-2 BEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 8BBBB 3BEDROOM attached garage, full basement gas heat Low, low price of $13,500. 4BEDROOM in McHenry, near shopping, full basement $25,500. ESTATE SAYS SELL 3 bedroom home on 4 wooded lots. Nothing like this left for sale in the area. Call now. GLENN DRAPER Heart to 4410W. Rt 128 PHONE F.H-A. Financing Available 111469 TEAM Real Estate Co. • Sales • Residential • Farms • Lots • Commercial • Management * Financing Bill Dostal, Broker 815-885-4288 or eves. 815-885-4122 List With TEAM And Be Ready To MOVE TEAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY McHENRY. ILLINOIS 1U-3-69TF2 Country Landscape At Its Best Look to this lot to find the perfect setting for your new home. Just two miles north of McHenry, one will find the beautiful landscaping of this 107 x 183 lot. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. Call Now - 385-5839 REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS LIGHT MACHINE OPERATORS MATERIAL HANDLERS PACKAGING & SHIPPING INSPECTION HOOHSJ 7i30AJ4.it> 4 P.M. pine oTurUin* -- APPLY IN PERSON -- TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W Sheridan Lakemoor * McHenry, UliholB 11569TF1 s Fall or Pari lime S A L E S P E R S O N Get paid weekly. Sell nursery stock produced by McKAY NURSERY COMPANY, Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery, established over 60 years. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wise. No delivery. No investment required. Training provided by experienced landscape designers. Excellent opportunity for bard worker. WRITE: McKAY NURSERY CO Waterloo, Wlac. 117-111469 FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 New Listings • • • HARRY POSTAL RECENTLY SOLD HOMES-CLOSING IN NOVEMBER 5 - FHA 1 - VA (Gl) 5 - Conv. • FINANCING IS AVAILABLE* Pollock -Ph Mips Realty Service 3402 W. Elm McHenry 385-2500 VIRGIL POLLOCK WINN PHILLIPS IN YOUR TRANS ACTION CALL US • • • BARB ZAMASTIL LOOKING FOR A CAREER? READ THIS BASE SALARY - Start $8,215.00 to 89,966.00 over 3 year period. Merit & Incentive Payments up to an additional $250£0 per year. Time and one-half for all time over 40 hours per week, presently working 44 hours per week. Periodic salary adjustments. Uniform allowance. Seven Paid Holidays per year. Life and Hospital/Surgical Insurance paid on employee, available for dependents, If desired. Two weeks vacation, 3 weeks after 10 years. Twelve days per year sick leave. Pension Program -- 30 years service -- 50 years of age retirement on 50% salary. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of Rolling Meadows, Illinois, will conduct a written ex amination for the position of Police Patrolman on De cember 6, 1969, at Rolling Meadows City Hall, 3600 Kircboff Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, at 10:00 Applicants successfully, passing the written must pass an oral and physical examination, must be be tween the ages of twenty-one (21) and Thirty-five (35) years at the time of appointment and be a high school graduate or equivalent The minimum height is 5*8" and the maximum is 6*5", weight In proportion to the height Applicants must be United States citizens. Applications can be obtained at Police Department 3600 Kirchoff Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Board of Fire & Police Commissioners JAMES NIESEN. Chairman 1112-112869 JANITORS NEEDED from 4 p.m. to midnight 5 day week No Saturday or Sunday work Steady employment Excellent benefits Apply In MR. V. GRIMM 6:80 ajn. to 4 pan. Monday through Friday Morton InternationaL Inc. Research Center Woodstock, I1L ,v 117-1112 6& \ I, k i