Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1969, p. 12

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A PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER - FRi># NOV. 14, 1969 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEfi Full TKm« Days Piri Tim# Nights (6 to 11 pjn.) Op--lf far SOLDEREBS MAJOR COBP. Rtes. 14 and 31 Crystal Lake. HI. 115 69TF12 CLERK-TYPIST (Ptrsonntl) Duties Include tyring, tast­ ing and record mainte­ nance, Previous related experience 1WMa Permanent position with exceptional employee ben­ efits including profit shar­ ing. HOURS 8 ISO ua to 5 PJ*. thrcmf* Friday AEROQUIP BAROO DIVISION 381-1700 800 N. Hough St Harrington, HL an equal opporunity employer 1112-1114 69 FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Some typing necessary 5 day week. Pleasant working conditions. CALL 385-1072 McHenry Country Club 1112-111469 Ftmib Help Wanted W A N T E D Stenographer Typist 5-DAY WEEK Excellent chance for advancement Exceptional benefits. Pleasant working conditions. Write: BOX 266 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 1112-1114 69 WOMAN OR GIRL Must type. General office work. Apply la person ALTHOFFS 90S N. FRONT MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 117 69TF12 Read the Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED * Key Punch Operators Alpha-Numeric to $550 * Secretaries to $450 * Flexowriters to $425 * Systems Analysts Programmers * Computer Operators * Office Girls' All Kinds Immediate Placement to $600 * Executive Secretaries to $650 *Ex Servicemen Jobs of all kinds. * Accountants all kinds to $13,000 * Electronic Techs. to $800 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois CALL 338-3200 11-5-69 Female Help Wanted CLEANING WOMAN, exper­ ienced. Every 2 weeks. Must be thorough. Edgebrook Heights. Write to Box #265 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 1112-1114 69 LADIES wanted to sell fabu­ lous Penny Rich bra's. Ex­ tremely high earnings. New car furnished if qualified. Call 815-385-1949 between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. 1114-1119 69 SECRETARY McHenry County Building & Zoning Department. General office work. Typing and shorthand required. -- Apply at -- Court House Annex #2 2109 South Route 47 Woodstock, Illinois 1112-1114 69 BABY SITTER in my home from 2 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. for 3 girl's. Write to Box 268 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 1114-1119 69 ACCOUNTING CLERK Interesting detail work. Must have ability to work quickly and accurately with figures. Liberal benefit program In­ cluding profit sharing. HOURS S aan. to 4:88 pjn. Monday through Friday AEROQUIP BAROO DIVISION 381-1700 800 N. Hough St Harrington, DL an equal opportunity employer 1112-1114 69 PERSONALS H E L L O to s, our new friends in McHenry. Heidi's now open 7 days week. Will soon be opening a dining room for your pleasure. Come in and watch us grow. 1507 Meadow Lane 385-4853 11121114 69 BOATS 8e MOTORS INSIDE boat storage avail­ able. Triton Marine Service. Call 815-385-1076L 1029-111469 SITUATION WANTED CARD OF THANKS A million thanks to Sheldon Karon, from his McHenry friends, for spending time to explain the details of the con­ stitutional convention to us. 1112-1114 69 WE WISH to thank the uni­ dentified persons who reported the fire on the Martin Fartn, November 1st and also to the firemen who were very prompt in answering the call. CLINTON MARTIN and HENRY TOMLINSON 1114 69 PETS FOR SALE tim YORKSHIRE puppies, males and females. Good color, ex­ cellent pedigree, champion blood line. Price reasonable. Call 815-385-3926 10 10-112169 ST. BERNARD pups, AKC, shots and wormed, $125 and up. Call 338-4520. 1112-1114 69 AKC registered Poodle. Black miniature, $75. Call 385-8688. 1112 69TF12 GERMAN SHORTHAIR bird dog, female, registered, 575. Call 385-4478 after 4 p.m. 1112-1114 69 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, pedigreed, $30. Call 385-5314 after 7 p.m. 1112-1114 69 SHETLAND PONY. 6 years old, with saddle and bridle, $100. Call 385-4880. 1114 69 BEAUTIFUL Beagle puppies, good hunters, ideal pets. 6 weeks old. Reasonable. Call 385-7874. 1114 69 5 MONTH OLD registered Miniature Schnauzer, male, ears cropped, $50. To good home. Call 385-1251. 1114 69 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE -- Air con- ditioner, window fan, HO fiat car track, with cars, Tabog- gan, train set, lawn tools, clothing and misc. Call 385- 5472. 3008 Parkside, off River Rd. 1112-111469 Garage Sale, November 15th and 16th. Air compressor, elec­ tric lawn sweeper, flush doors, clothing, toys, Christmas de­ corations, lamps and many other items. 650 Surf Terrace, Wauconda. Call 312-526-2605. 1112-1114 69 Experienced secretary, book­ keeper, what have you, you name It I can do it seeks employment at home. Write to Box 264 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 1C 31-1126 69 WILL DO IRONING In my home. Charge by the hour. Call 385-6572 between 9 am. and 3:30 p.m. 1112-112169 To Late To CUsatfy BASEMENT and Garage Sale. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, November 15th. 1412 W. Bay View Lane, Sunnyside Village. Good clothing, toys, etc. 111469 GARAGE SALE -- Nov. 14 & 15. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cloth­ ing 25c each piece. 219 S. Barreville Rd. McHenry. 1112-1114 69 FOR RENT TOY male Poodle stud servicO. Call 385-0679. 1114 69 WANTED PUPPIES, Utters only. Will pick up If brought to McHen­ ry area. Good home guaran­ teed. Call 385-7897. 115 69TF12 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Sunday, November 2nd, late afternoon. Black male, Scotty, called McTavish. Tele­ graph Rd. Wonder Lake. Re­ ward. Call 653-5417 or 385- 7000. 1112-1114 69 NOTICE IN McHENRY it's Karon who's carin'. Vote November 18th. 1112-1114 69 ANDREW C. TILLMAN, 617 W. Amanda, McHenry, Illinois. Get in touch with us, or items will be sold for storage! Fritzsche Estates, C. H. Fritz- sche, 601 Amanda, McHenry, 111, 1114 69 Room with kitchen privileges, pets allowed, telephone priv­ ileges. Call 497-4101. 11569TF12 4 ROOM HOUSE, 1 car ga­ rage. References and security deposit. 815 West Blvd. Call 385-7708. 111469 2 BEDROOM duplex in Har­ vard. Basement and yard, $115. Call McHenry 385-1327 1114 69 OFFICE in McHenry. Excel­ lent location, air conditioned and all utilities furnished, $55. Call 385-1327. 1114 69 GARAGE apartment, unfur­ nished. No children or pets. References. $110 month. All utilities paid. Call 385-7041 or 385-3539. 1114 69 4 BEDROOM HOME, Fox Ri­ ver, near Tomasello's, 1912 Ri­ ver Terrace Dr. Shown Satur­ day and Sundays. Call 312- 674-7354. 115 69TF12 STORE FOR RENT. Good Elm St. location. 3412 W. Elm, Call 385-2145. 11569TF12 Wanted To Rent 2 BEDROOM house or apart­ ment, have 3 children. Need immediately. Write to Box #267 c/o McHenry Plaindeal­ er. 1114-1119 69 NOTICE NOTICE ' WAITRESSES • Openings for Evening Hours PART-TIME & WEEKENDS • MAN OR WOMAN • For General Light CLEANING Weekdays-Full or HeH-Deys PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON The CZECHO LODGE Rt. 14- Crystal Lake- 459-0125 ANNOUNCING Heidi's Pizzeria Open 7 days a week Monday through Thursday -- 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. Friday and Saturday -- 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday -- 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. ! -- Good for -- .LrS?_{ 1 CUP COFFEE AND ROLL November 17th only 1 1507 MEADOW LANE 385-4853 , mam* J O B ' S D A U G H T E R S Fall Style Show WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 7:30 PJML Fashions from Hogan's Apparel Masonic Hall 1309 N. Court St. McHemy, HI. $1.00 Refreshments Served Door Prizes 1112-1114 69 We have stereos, TVs, appli­ ances, furniture, carpeting, rugs, at discount prices. Terms. Come see us. Island Lake Fur­ niture Mart, Rt 176, Island Lake, 111. CaU 312-526-2210 111469TF12 FOB SALE APPROXIMATELY 52 - 8 ft 4 tube flourescent lighting fix­ tures. 118 volts, 60 A.C. cycle; also assorted 4 ft and 6 ft single and double tubes, 118 volt, 60 A.C. cycle fixtures. To be sold to highest bidder F.O.B., Hilltop school. Fix­ tures available for inspection any week day from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For additional in­ formation contact Mr. Blank, McHenry Board of Education office. Call 815-385-7210. 1114-111969 GREEN ACRES ANTIQUES, 9111 Wondermere Rd., Wonder Lake, 111. Tak^-120 to Thomp­ son then north to Wonder- mere, call 815-653-7497. Open Saturday, Sunday & Monday. We buy, sell and trade. 1114-111969 MALE HELP WANTED MAN for general all around work in sausage factory. Will train. Paid vacation and holi­ days and other benefits. Koe- nemann Sausage Co., Volo, 111. Call 385-6260. 1114-111969 To Late To Classify FOB BENT 2 BEDROOM furnished house, 2 car garage, on the Fox Ri­ ver, in Johnsburg. Available Nov. 15th. Adults only, $175 month with utilities. Call 815- 385-5854. 11-14-69 GABAOE SALE GARAGE SALE: Kitchen ta­ bles, chairs, bedroom furniture, Venetian blinds, TV's, lamps and misc. household items. 1410 N. Riverside Dr. 1114 69 Female Help Wanted WAITRESS, part time, for lunch hours. Call 385-8124 or 385-2824. 1114-111969 DENTAL ASSISTANT wanted. No experienc necessary. Write to Box 269, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 1114-112169 FOR FAST RESULTS 385-0170 AUCTION AUCTION ESTATE AUCTION LOCATION: 2113 Lincoln Avenue, Venetian Gardens, Fox River Grove, Illinois SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16,1969 1:00 pun. Sharp 6 pc. Cherry Wood BR suite, like new; Admiral TV; Cold- spot refrig.; elec. oven/range; Grundig Majestic shortwave radio; 3 pc. sectional sofa; Stitchmaster dec. sewing mach.; Baldwin Monarch piano; kit table, 4 chairs; occasional chairs; end tables; lamps; elec. fan; floor polisher, Telescoptic dining rm. table; fireplace acces. & basket; camera; outdoor grill; fireplace wood; usual kit appliances, dishes, etc.; gar­ den tools; & items too numerous to mention. Buyers number system will be used. Estate of CECELIA NEAL HOME STATE BANK, CRYSTAL LAKE. EXECUTORS SALE MANAGED BY: WIESER & ASSOC., REALTORS A AUCTIONEERS MICHAEL J. WIESER ROBERT L. BRENNAN 815-385-4880 815-653-9045 McHenry, Illinois TERMS: CASH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOB ACCIDENTS 1114 69 PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIk MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free; The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY PART WELSH CORGI puppies, 5 weeks old. To good home. CaU 459-3119. 111469 3 MONTH OLD female (found Monday) mixed~toreed~pop ̂ py. Tan with black markings. Call 385-5877. 111469 YEAR OLD male Fox Terrier and Beagle. Needs room to run. CaU 385-7303. 11469 8 MONTH old part Beagle and Fox Terrier, small. Very good with children, housebroken. Has first shots. Call 385-4868. 111469 KITTEN KORNER has 5 blondes and a brunette -- kittens, that is. Half Persian, half pleasure. Bundles of "Purr." Good inside or out Call 385-8971 after 6:30 pjn. 111469 THREE 7 week old black bunnies. CaU 385-1006. 11 469 6 WEEK OLD female mixed breed puppy, use to children. Call 385-6538. 11-14-69 Time To Spare By GERALD ANDREWS - Retirement Adviser Know Your Social Security Office The other day I paid a visit to our local Social Security office. 1 wanted to have another look at the organization and keep up-to-date on what's hap­ pening in this government de­ partment. As always, the staff was obliging . . . listened to my questions; told me about the l a t e s t r e v i s i o n s o f t h e S o c i a l Security program, handed me a batch of literature on the sub­ ject; and invited me to return any time 1 need information or have a problem. Also, knowing my occupa­ tion, they asked me to remind my readers about the place of the Social Security office in the lives of retired people. I didn't really need the re­ minder. Still, it puts a little more authority behind my own advice to you. Which is that you should get to know the personnel down at your local office. After all, Social Security checks don't arrive out of the blue. There's a lot of organi­ zation behind the envelope that arrives in your mailbox. You can help your own cause by keeping in contact with the people who will handle your case. That's why it's good to get acquainted with them be­ fore retirement. They'll be able to act in your benalf more quickly and effectively. Another reason is to prevent losing out on benefits for which you are eligible. The changes in the law that I mentioned may not be clear to you. That's when a few knowledgeable answers to a few pertinent questions can be so helpful. Putting in a personal ap­ pearance is the best way to maintain this connection. Fail­ ing that, however, it's a good idea to send a letter outlining your situation and presenting the facts about yourself. If you're in any doubt about the address, the post office will give it to you. Alternatively, you can look in the telephone d i r e c t o r y , w h e r e t h e S o c i a l Security- Administration is listed under U.S. Government. Savings •FIRESTONE •GOODRICH •GENERAL •DELTA IN ALL SIZES BUY FIRST TIRE AT REG. PRICE GET THE SECOND TIRE AT PRICE I TRACTOR TRUCK, & PASSENGER TIRES AND BATTERIES IN ALL SIZES! McHenry Tire Mart 3921 W. Main St. Ph. 385-02941 IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SNOW POWER OF 'JEEP'4-WHEEL DRIVE THIS WINTER. YOU'LL NEED THIS SHOVEL TO KEEP M0VIN6/ Jeep' 4-wheel drive JL The 2-Car Cars. ! me- pM,T 6ET m0UT IJj ! 9TOP IN fZ>RA PESAO P>RlS£ ArtP-you* FREE SHOVEL TOPAY! McHenry Garage and Jeep' 926 N. FRONT McHENRY 385-0403 f

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