WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 SECTION 2 - PAGF 1 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE CHAIN-O-UKES REGION SINCE 1 8 7 5 V 'Twice Told Tale .FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 4, 1929) In the razing of the Owen barn which has recently been com pleted, another of McHenry* s landmarks has been destroyed and memories of the early his tory of our city and its oc cupants have been, revived. The bam was located on the shores of the old mill pond adjacent to the McHenry public grade school, the property of C.S. Owen. The barn was built in 1842. The frame of the barn was cut from large oak timbers in the woods surrounding the then small settlement of a few pioneers and were run through the first saw mill in this sec tion of the country which was located on the south of the dam at the mill pond. There were no nails or bolts of any kind used in the barn, but the joints were mortised in various ways and oak pegs were used to take the place of the modern iron bolts. A beautiful pre-Thanksgiving wedding was solemnized at Spring Grove when Miss Julia Huff of Spring Grove and Mr. •Joseph P. Freund of McHenry were united in marriage. The ceremony took place at St. Pet er's church at Spring Grove with Father Weitecamp officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson of Ringwood celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday and enjoyed the day and evening with many of tneir rel atives and friends aronndthem. Main street^^West^McHenry, is to have a new restaurant on the corner of U.S. Highway No. 12 and Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Laurell are the new proprietors and they will open the new place in the Math Laures building. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 7, 1944) Mrs. Paul Rieger, a native of McHenry, died at her home near Cary Dec. 2, following a lingering illness. She was born in Chicago seventy years ago but had spent her entire life time in this vicinity until a few years ago when she moved to Cary. Alvin Miller has returned af ter three years duty in the South Pacific and is enjoying a furlough at his home in Ring- wood. A friendly smile and person ality have already won many friends in McHenry for Rev. Eugene Baumhofer who arrived about a month ago to take ov er duties as assistant priest at St. Mary's church. Father Baumhofer was ordained on Sept. 23 of this year at St. James Cathedral in Rockford. He had formerly been an ed ucator at DeLaselle high school in Chicago, St. George in Ev- anston, St. Thomas in Rock- ford and Cretin high school in St. Paul. Skating at Lily Lake this past week was superb. All the youngsters and the "young in spirit" were out skating all day and warming frosty hands and toes over a huge bonfire on the beach. The lake was fairly safe all the way across. Mrs. John King celebrated her eighty-second birthday an niversary at her home on Court street Dec. 4. Members of her family gathered at home to en joy a delcious dinner and an enjoyable, day. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 10, 1959) Harry Hettermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hettermann, of Johnsburg, received the beauti ful trophy awarded at the annual Kiwanis football banquet to the M.C.H.S. player voted by his teammates as "most valuable player of the year". The pre sentation was made at the din ner in the high school caf« The Viscounts drum and] corps will hold a mai show "The Wizard of the high school Jan. 2. Joseph Pesz, 27, of Rof Road, Rt. 3, McHenry, suffq ed severe head injuries as the result o! an accident while di' ing a tractor. The tractor. struck by a car throwing Pesz to the ground. Art Stilling, William Pi and Leo J. King of Mcl were among 300 from this who visited the Purina Rest farm at Gray Summit, Mo.,1r week. The 778 acre farm fs devoted entirely to farm re search projects. Mr. and Mrs. George Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freund have just qualified to attend the Case company's 1960 world premier to be held at Bal Har bour, Fla. About 7,000 dealers and their wives from the U- nited States, Canada and fif teen foreign countries are ex pected to attend. '11. LONG LIFE ENDS -- One of the largest maple trees in the McHenry community came down this past week after a delicate job that lasted about a day and a half. The tree, located in the Gieslik yard at 1908 Orchard Beach drive, w»s approximately 100 feet high and 554 to 6 feet in diameter. Taking a well earned rest after the task of taking down the tree in a space about 40x50 feet, are Steve Lundy and Roger Pawlikowski, employees of a local tree surgeon firm. - PLAINDEALER PHOTO County Girl Delegate To 4-H Congress Jean Rich, Harvard, is one of forty-one outstanding Illinois 4-H*ers who attended National 4-H Congress in Chicago, No vember 30 - December 4. Jean has been an active 4- H'er and supporter for the entire ten years she has been in 4-H club work. She has ser ved In various offices and as a Junior Leader in two 4-H Clubs, the Harvard Prairie Toppers and the Humming Sew ers. Her main projects in her 4-H career have been Dairy, Foods and Nutrition, Clothing, Arts & Crafts and Photography. She has achieved many top a- wards in 4-H in addition to 4-H Club Congress. Among them are State Project Honor, State Outstanding "I Dare You" award, 4-H Dairy medal, 4-H Veterinary Science medal, and 4-H Food and Nutrition medal. Jean was also active in oth er phases of her community life. She was Valedictorian of her High School Graduating Class. In addition, she won a trip to Florida to represent the Illinois Youth of Grange. She is presently enrolled at I.S.U. and has achieved the dean's list for superior grades the last two semesters. Mr. Smith says more than fifty businesses, professional associations and foundations support nation-wide 4-H pro grams and honor outstanding members in Chicago each year. ^CLIIB NEWS The Busy Three 4-H club met recently at Ringwood for Achievement Night. Don Etten, Mike Eppers and Russ Rudolph received the jun ior leadership awards. 4-H seals were awarded those mem bers in their first, third and fifth consecutive years in club work. Prize money was given to the winning members. Patty Madden FROM wcckh human in teres t and person- HOTOS in th i s fu l l oovora iM' paper SMALL ptrv- ' rUfUSTMAS 1* iTMAS | AYA -- MMCCS McHenry's Most Complete Cosmetic Selection GIFT SUGGESTIONS *Balmain *Lanvin *Myrurgia *Replique *Chanel *Dubarry *Coty *Dorothy Grey *Rubenstein *Max Factor * Rev I on *Tussy *Jean Nate *D'Albert *Shu I ton HOUSEHOLD GIFT SELECTION BEIUTLEY jSuttbeam 021XOS©' IMC. How to go broke It's easy. Own a busi ness. And have a fire-- with no fire insurance. Or have a customer take a million-dollar fall on a loose stair--with no liability protection. Your Country Com panies agent is highly trained in business in surance. He knows how to cut a businessman's worries with a protec tion package that plugs all the loopholes. So call me soon. I'll break my back to keep you from going broke. Your Country Companies Agent Servisoft Owner | Phil Meier | invites you I to learn how | Soft Water | Pays For i Itself § •' 1 < i i . • Clothes wIII last about Ys longer. • Cooking utensils stay bright -- no more Ime in the coffee pot! | M • Coffee and mixed drinks taste |- better when made .with soft water! | • Save 25% on your water | heating bills. Fewer plumbing repairs, too. | Learn the facts on how soft water | | pays for itself, it makes life more § | pleasant, too! Ask Phil Meier, | | 338-3344, for specifics on this 1 j money-saving reminder from the S 1 "SOFT TOUCH" people! | ^ ° SERVfSOFT. LIGHTS ON SPECIALS 50 Yuletide LIGHTS l3» • Indoor-Outdoor 100 Yuletide lights *4*7 • 35 Speedy Flasher LIGHT SET *2S 50 Lite Set 5 WAY TWINKLING INDOOR * $077 OUTDOOR i- ALSO AVAILABLE *BOWS *CARDS *GARLAND *ROPING *TINSEL *WRAPPING ronco ELECTRIC SCISSORS $5.95 Reg. FUNG HOISERY CHRISTMAS GIFT BUY! SIX TRANSISTOR JADE RADIO Reg. $4.95 $422 EIGHT TRANSISTOR JADE RADIO Reg. $5.88 $499 8rnm S'«flJLA^l WEEK' 'Knotted Everia; Pick - n*CKLA ; t i n -- Cil° Cfj I ^ 20 *7.35 Wis* WNSCENTER SPECIALS J 0 %OFF On any $3.00 Purchase of the items listed below! 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