S Holiday Hills Inez Young 385-4672 Cub Scouts To Solicit Canned Goods For Needy Dec. 13 is the day our Cub Scout Pack 458 will be col- "tecting canned goods for those Who are not as fortunate as we--so open your doors and open your hearts, and donate as much as you possibly can. Everything collected will be turned over to the Ladies Aux iliary, Post 4600, V.F.W., who are the sponsors of our Pack and they in turn will distri bute baskets to the needy fam ilies for Christmas. CI B SCOUT PACK MEETING Cub Scout Pack 458heldtheir Pack meeting Friday night, Nov. 28 at the V.E.W. Hall in McHenry. Den Chiefs Ken Boettcher and Bill Wise conducted a flag open ing ceremony. Cubmaster John Connell then welcomed the new Den Mothers Ruth ifenke, Bar bara Emmons and Lorna Tack- ett. The following new families were also welcomed into the Pack: Mr. and Mrs. Filip and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Hoff and Calvin and Mr. and Mrs. Frantz and Timmy. Jack Emerson and John Co^ nell presented awards to the fol-s lowing boys: Johnny Filip, Cal vin Hoff, Jimmy Tackett, Rich ard Hanke, Timmy Frantz and Joey Emmons, all received Bob Ca^ pins, Johnny Boettcher,Sil ver Arrow, Ricky Connell, Sil ver Arrow, Mark Boettcher, Silver Arrow, Ricky Connell, Silver Arrow, Mark Boettcher, Wolf Badge, Gold Arrow & Sil ver Arrow & Silver Arrow, Jay Wise, 1 year pin and Wolf Badge, and Tom Hughes a Sil ver Arrow. The theme for the month was Folklore. Den 1 chose Johnny Appleseed, Den 2 paul Bunvon and the Uebelos Den who also put on a skit, chose Davy Crock ett. Projects pertaining to the theme which the boys made were put on dislplay. The meeting was closed by the Cub Scouts saying their "Promise" and refreshments were served. CAROLLERS Dec. 19, the "angelic voices" you will be hearing will be those of our local Brownie, Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts. They will be carolling at various homes in the subdivision. Be sure to tell them how much you have enjoyed them if they stop at fur home. GIRL SCOUT FUND DRIVE During the next week-orAwo an adult representative of the Girl Scouts will be knocking at your door for their annual fund drive. Marge Connell is chair man of the drive here in Hol iday Hills and will have sev eral other women working with her. Announce Promotion On Hospital Staff CHARLES STOGSDILL Promotion of two Memorial Hospital for McHenry County staff members was announced by Bert Hanson, administrator. Mrs. Arlene Hosick, R.N., was named assistant director of nurses, and Charles Stogs- dill, staff member since 1952, was named chief x-ray tech nician. Mrs. Hosick has been in the nursing department at Mem orial hospital since 1964. She has served as assistant head nurse and as head aurse be fore receiving her promotion. Home to Small for ... WWYEAR'5 &E Al's White House is Available After 8:30 Phone 385-9892 ^ir^x d ThisChristmasGiveHer The Finest A Quaker Maid Kitchen! You'll be giving a gift that will give her pleasure for years... a gift of lasting charm. We can help you play Santa by installing her work-easy Quaker Maid1i> Kitchen. We can plan her Quaker MaitP Kitchen to fit her work habits f ". . . and our 17 beautiful cabinet styles and 38 lovely wood finishes make it easy to give her kitchen the look she wants. Come in or call us this week. . ̂ Quaker Maid* Means Quality Made COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING DESIGNING'INSTALLATION* FINANCING Keyline Kitchen 4614 W. Route 120-McHenry Phone 385-1720 B AH AM AN V AC ATION Dot and Don Gabriel have just returned from a combined bus iness trip-vacation in the Ba hamas. It must have been a great trip because t^ey came back all nice and tan and looking very happy. FIRST COMMUNION Sunday, Nov. 30, was an im portant day in the life of Chris tine Connell as she made her first communion in a 2 o'clock Mass at St. Patrick's Catholic church in McHenry. A party to celebrate the oc casion was held with her God parents, Grandparents and fam ily in attendance. COOKIE PARTY A cookie party was held at the Mahon home last Friday, Dec. 5 with the usual delicious as sortment of home made cookies exchanged and refreshments served by Mary Mahon, Helen Boettcher and Doris Filip. - H.H.P.O.A. DANCE , The H.H.P.O. A. dance held at the Johnsburg community house Saturday, Dec. 6, was well at tended with everyone there hav ing a good time. It was an es pecially exciting party for Clar ind me who were the happy recipients of a wonderful prize. Orchids to Dennis Kosup and his wife, Sue, for the superb job they did on planning the dance. TENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY W endy Young celebrated her tenth birthday last week with a • party for the following friends: Judy and Terri Abbink, Leslie Jende, GiGi Smith, Ruth Ann Strossner and Kim kiValters. BIRTH-DAZE^ Happy birth-daze to Penny Walters on the tenth, to Mel- anie Schroeder who will be 5 years old on the eleventh, and to Dotty Gabriel who celebrates her birthday on the fifteenth. %*£ • Eleven Schdols Lined Up For Rubella Drive Eleven community schools in McHenry county have formally contacted the Ail-Out Rub-Out Rubella headquarters to line up students in the eligible group for vaccination to whip rubella. School superintendents who have not inquired about the a- vailability of vaccine should do so promptly, since the schedule must be prepared and advance work completed to smooth the way for the State Public Health department immunization team during the week of Jan. 19. An. (estimated 10,000 young ster sv are in the kindergarten through third grade, those be- CHEERFUL WISHES Cheer^il wishes are sent to Marge Potratz who is in a hos pital in Madison, Wis., from her many friends in Holiday Hills. Sec. 2, Pg. - Plaindealer - Wed. Dec. 10,1969 ing sought for this immuniza tion program. The participating schools to- date have about 7,300 students in the K-3 age groups. This data will come as superinten dents provide necessary data to the McHenry County Depart ment of Health's office when ex pressing willingness to partic ipate. Schools lined up by weekend included Spring Grovef Kicn- mond, Union, Cary, Fox River Grove, Prairie Grove, Hebron, Wonder Lake, Johnsburg,v Mc Henry, Huntley and Crystal Lake public schools. A Z FREE ESTIMATES & PLANNING SERVICE INSURED. 385-0830 BUILDING & REMODELING ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING SHINGLES ADDITIONS DORMERS STORES & OFFICES KITCHENS, BATHS CONCRETE WORK MASONRY rcWtTil ARLENE HOSICK, R.N. The hospital has one other as sistant director of nurses.un der Mrs. Georgina Andelfinger, director of nurses-Mrs. Caro lyn Stratton, R.N. Stogsdill joined the staff when the hospital was a forty-five bed hospital seventeen years ago. At the time he began work, x-ray technicians also did the laboratory work. Now the hospital has a lab oratory department with seven staff members and a total of five people in the x-ray de partment. • 4 levels of jet spray scour, rinse-* even big loads get sparkling clean 4 cycles include rinse and dry so you cpm rinse now and wash later, plus a special plate warming cycle Reg. $24.95 LIGHTWEIGHT 7 1/4- pound vac: easy to handle FLEXIBILITY 3 - w a y s u c t i o n , 2 s p e e d m o t o r ACCESSORIES Handle any job with 5-pc. set SWIVEL NOZZLE Get full suction in -tough spots OUR CLASSICAL GUITAR Full-size; rich resonant tone; ^ g| A Q n y l o n s t r i n g s . V t f o w w N O T R A D E - I N R E Q U I R E D ! N A T I O N W I D E S E R V I C E POLISHERS "9 "lampooer fteor Polisher STEEL WOOL PADS RUG DOLLY T U R B O - S P R A Y \ W A S H A C T I O N WARDS 4-CYCLE SIGNATURE® PORTABLE DISHWASHER MAKES DISHWASHING A PLEASURE INSTEAD OF A CHORE! Handles large, family-size loads New-design upper rack raises with the lid - makes dish loading easier Sequential timer signals phase of wash operation; easy-roll casters $179 OUR CHRISTMAS STEREO RECORD Festive tunes sung by Bing A4 Crosby, others! VI TINY RECORDER USES CASSETTES! SAVE CLOCK RADIO Insert cassette Reg. $59.95 Wake up - - p l a y , r e A O d o z e o f f t o r a 6 O i l 0 0 cord anywhere! vjg,||0 dio! Solid state. Outstanding Quality Supanor in v'ai <e I Iadutive Features Lab Tested Approved NEW SIGNATURE£ SHAMPOOER . . . EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR QUICK, EASY FLOOR AND CARPET CARE! • Trigger action prefoaming: whips soap into lather before hitting surface ... prevents oversoaking and stops waste QO • 120 ounce dispenser; 2 speed motor, 9 piece accessory kit vO5J«0O TERRIFIC PHONO FOR YOUR TOTS! P l a y s a l l s i z e records. Light A<|(| f| f w e i g h t . B l u e . V l w o U l REG.$400.00 CONSOLE STEREO Get phono FM/AM, FM stereo % radio; 8 track tape player; our a A A (1 QO f i n e s t 6 s p e a k e r s y s t e m ! Y w D w a t S o Y^tfcWARDS Route 14 Phone 459-3120 Crystal Lake %