Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1969, p. 12

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m . 12 - FRI.. DEC. 12, 1969 - PLAINDEALER THE Mel * PLAINDEALER QIC He» » M hr |it» $»tn# nl Mtmy It F 41 I IN ri h lis c«i> n»t'l CO RM 704 15 E 40 rilflDf <lfKt (Mil r/T elk ty» let i TANNEN AGEN »CYJ515> ID 1100 * Mid nt». II E. *1 Much fyit bnftj W 42. Rm 1300 FEE FO"»m RM ?C4 15 t 40 /T tchr'i «»t, Nwsiu Agcnty I P/T--Tclwhon* ad voict, $1.75 P/t CLK. rtcnf sm tvp« Pr ». Youth TURE PfO hdp hfiptui.' Anncy. GAl~ F Kirch hf»in0 M Rubber Co NCY It E 41 SECY--»d lermst »o $!?J RM ?C4 IS E 40 ly»t ExCWl-l rovidtnt Aiency no Sjt m* 42 St, Rm 414 MO oK ftO-18 42 St,_Rm_4|4 }PM. E»it Sidt. f>ty. 47S 5th Av h) l/(d to SIOS 1307 reft* $140 F It t>d. 0 AGENCY RM 704 FEE PAID P o ^a.SShour.1 ̂ P/T RtCWt- '5 F 40 I OPEN KB WHITE GAL-Friday. C? en dent Retail bi«tf nec II W 42 Rm 700 (»9f»cvl XEC didi MCV, II »t»n, *135 (I. <M bkr fee od G A L S / M t f l Mon-Fr tM 47 PAYROLL-MGFTR Irn EOP. t«xes, eli PROVIDENT AGENCY PROVIDENT AGEN G0'dE « 157 WHITE AGENCY k ouil hsf PAYROLL CL FOR SALE MeHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY OULTUIB NATIONALLY A STATE AOCREUl'lIU) Lincoln Rd. A Charlee St. GOLF SET, 6 Irons, Wilsons: 3 woods and bag, $20; refrig­ erator, $10. Call 385-0627. 1210-1212 69 SSSSfS'1 to 5:«0 p.m. *PM* paper 4p.«U AUTOS Replacement Paris For Csis COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Seat Coven ROUTE 120 ef the River Ritdge : SuatotpA 9 un. to 1 pan. 1126 69TF12 1963 PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop, automatic transmis­ sion, 6 cylinder. Reasonably priced. Call 385-2234. 1210-1212 €9 AUTO INS I Cancelled INSURANCE Problems? declined - refused. J Financial responsibility. Let --lis help you. Sunderlage In- ~;|Urance Agency. 815-338-3328 12-3-69TF1-2 tHkEMOVAL of junk cars. Price '-depends on condition of I •Ihlde and distance. Call 815- <•48-7090. 12 3 69TF12 ;̂ 963 OLDSMOBILE 98 con­ vertible, full power, posi-trac- tilt wheel, AM-FM radio offer over $575. QUI 1123. 12 3-121269 SNOWMOBILES £ Nor and Used A D A M S BEPAIH SHOP tin Chapel HID Rd. McHeary, DL 385-0434 123-123169 AUTOS 1959 CHEVROLET 4 door se­ dan Good transportation. Runs good. Call 385-2818. 1210-1212 69 1965 JEEP wagon, 4 wheel drive, low mileage. Good condi­ tion. Call 815-653-7316. 12-101212 69 1965 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up truck, automatic trans­ mission with 36" camper top. Pay off balance. Call 385- 3134. 1210-1217 69 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, low mileage, like new, $1195. Call 385-0457. 1210-1212 69 1962 FALCON, good condition, new tires, $150. Call 385-7462. 1212-12 24 69 BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING & DECORATING EUGENE HONNINQ Honnlng A Carlson, Inc. McHeary, 111. Established 20 years For Estimate CALL 385-4042 1210 69TF12 * >3969 COBRA hardtop, fully »'loaded, like new. Call 385-7834 *;«r 385-7063 after 6 p.m. 1210-1212 69 I -'1963 Volkswagen, low mileage, running condition, sun -\roof, radio, looks sharp. $450. 1-Yor information call 385-8636. t- 1210-1212 69 1960 Austin Healey 3000, $539. .Call 385-1319 after 5:30 p.m. 1210-1219 69 JOE'S OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS SALES A SERVICE also Automatic Garage Door Operators. CALL 385-4010 il2-5-69tf2 C. KREPPS CONSTRUCTION • Concrete Work • Patios • Driveways • Walks Call 385-8446 12-3-69TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES REPAIR and servicing of small home appliances. Tom Zurek, 5203 W. Willow, Lakeland Park, McHenry, Call 385-8147 12-3-69TF1-2 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Formerly Al's Welding Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment Fabricating 4021W. Main McHenry, DL 815-385-6195 12-3-69TF1-2 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, ass, aluminum, lead, etc. Al Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur­ day. 12 3 69TF12 Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 HANDYMAN Moving, hauling, cleaning out basements, garages and trash removal and buy used furniture. Nothing too big. Call day or night 385-5772 12-3-69TF1-2 Shaping, Permanent*. Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONR EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled Instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRI. 9 AM. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 AM. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 12-5-69TF2 FOR SALE DISCOUNT PRICES on gifts for the home. Island Furniture Mart, Rt 176, Island Take, HI. 312-526-2210. 123 69TF12 CARPETING-NEW I was paid in carpet instead of cash. I NEED CASH. Sell all or part, 360 yards. 312-966-4313 1210 69TF12 ANTIQUE homestead cabinet sewing machine, mechanically like new, excellent condition. Man's bowing ball and leather bag, men's leather riding boots, size 7C, ladies riding shoes, size 5% narrow. Call 385-0330 1210-121269 WEED WORMS, 2 pair black bowling shoes, size 8, one re­ cord pole. Call 385-1950. 1210-121269 TOY SALE Demonstrator toys Reduced from 25 io 50% OFF Saturday and Sunday December 13th and 14th Starting at 9 a.m. 1804 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, IU. 385-1631 12 12 69 SEARS electric dryer in work­ ing condition. $20 or best offer. Call 653-9832 after 6 p.m. 1210-1212 69 Child's desk $3.50; rocker, $150; blackboard, $3; cor­ ner desk, $3; sled, $2.50; microscope set, $2; electric football game, $2; size 9 ice skates, $3; size 7 ski boots, $3; size 9 green rubber boots, $2; standard ironing board, $2; combi­ nation aluminum storm door 31%x79%" $4; 15" portable TV, $35. CALL 385-4400 1210-121369 THE T0BB4ER SHCP 3430 W ELM ST MaHENRY. ILLINOIS PhoM 385-0746 Just in time for Christmas giving. 1965 Ford Falcon Club Wagon, 9 passenger; New man's diamond ring; New man's wedding band, gold; New man and ladies watch, 17 jewel. Used tape recorder, Used gas range. CALL 385-3269 after 5 p.m. 121269 WARM winter coat zip lined, suits, dresses, all like new, [ size 14-18 Call 3854288. 1212 69 RECLINERS, TVs, rockers ft chairs at discount prices for Christmas. Island Lake Furni­ ture Mart, Rt 176, Island Lake, HI., 312-526-2210. 123 69TF12 size 4-1 HAMMOl gan. Used Spinet Call 385-3200 or 100 or- $900. 121769 JEWELRY: ring with .45 ct diamond, appraised value $400. Miscellaneous earrings, neck- ices, pins, etc. All cheap for sale. 3102 Charlotte Ave. nry. 12 12 69 OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 P.M. 1212-1217 69 efficient and economical, that's Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $L Nye's 121269 NEW Bell & Howell Super 8 movie camera, projector with screen and flood lights, used twice, sell for $100 or best offer. Color pak 2 camera, ft$2ft Call 385-8039. 121269 DAY CARE CENTER OPEN 6:89 ajn. to 8:99 pjn. Monday - Friday Supervised activities of stories, music, games with Bible and Character Build­ ing Emphasis. Weekly, daily and hourly rates. Snacks and hot lunch in­ cluded. State licensed and ap­ proved. BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 599 Front Street (South en Route 81) Day 12-5-69TF2 OAK fireplace wood, split and delivered, $25 per ton. Birch llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllldFence and sSp^MSaiS""7 12-3-69TF1-2 ATTENTION GOLFERS Now is the time for best bargains in golf equipment. 1989 CIoMouts up to Vt off. PGA, Wilson, MacGregor, Spalding woods A irons. Large selection of golf bags and shoes. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB PRO SHOP Call S85-S4S5 or evening* 885-5855 115 69TF1 iiiiiiiinniiiiiiinnniiiiiiniiinniiiiiiniim §8 FT. POOL TABLE, $275 firm. Perfect condition. Call 385-5980 after 4 pm. or week­ ends 125-121269 LADY'S silver gray Persian Lamb jacket size 14-16, $50. Call 385-3372. 121269 ALUMINUM Christmas tree with revolving musical stand and revolving spot light $15; gray chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs, $15; cast iron one drain sink with faucets, $7; 6 pair sash curtain with valanve 36x34, tangerine; 2 pair fiber­ glass white drapes, 48x62; car­ pet sweeper. Call 385-8644. ' i. * 121269 BRACE yourself for a the first time you use Blue] Lustre to clean rugs. Rent electric shampooer $L Vyd- tal's 121269 FOR SALE FOR SALE HOTPOINT refrigerator freez­ er, console TV, breakfast set 2 Hollywood beds, dresser, ce-l dar chest misc. items. Harold Bell, Ringwood at Northwest­ ern railroad tracks. Call Ring- wood, 693-9003. 1210-121269 To serve you better McHENRY CARPET MART has moved to new location. 5010 Barnard Mill Rd., Ring- wood, 111. As opening special we offer reg. $6.95 100% nylon carpeting at only $4.50 per sq. yard. At the same location we have large building full of used furniture of all kinds: beds, dressers, chests, desks, mirrors, dishes, tools, pots and pans and antiques, etc. O A K F I R E P L A C E W O O D , split and delivered, $20 ton. Assorted weights. Discount cash | and carry. Call 385-3927. 1210-1212691 -- SPECIAL -- Used school desks -- $5.00 each. BLACK METAL 6 drawer desk with swivel chair and seating chair; also 5 drawer metal filing cabinet complete set $250. Call 385-2467. 1212-121769 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE BUYERS who would like to consider your farm, vacant acreage or estate property. Call Our Rural Property Dept. !T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS 815-659-2061 or 915-985-984L 1S899TF11 REAL ESTATE Opes1la|iftWMB«M> T.P.MATHEWS McHenry Nil* 2 bedroom modern kitchen, storms/ screens, good landscaping, in quiet area, lake rights. 811,75000 Income property, $&SOO an­ nually. 2 apartments, In Johnsburg. Tenant occu­ pied. Terrific investment Priced to sell $20^500. T.P.MATHEWS Wonder Lak* Charming brick cottage with fireplace. Knotty pine and carpeted living room, cheery dining room, 2 bedrooms, gas heat and hot water, 1 car garage, nice level area. $10,900. Roomy modern 2 bedroom ranch. Large kitchen with plenty of wood cabinets, utility room, 24 ft carpeted living room, attached heat­ ed garage. February oc­ cupancy. $14,500. «e DaSy 6 T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS 915-1 1212( BEAUTIFUL large Just 2 miles north Hie size 107x183 an ful landscaping, wfll any future home. Low i a progressive area are For information 5839. TWO BEDROOM HOME, Won­ der Lake, 4 lots, 2 car garage, gas heat full basement Lots of extras. Call 653-497L 121268 Read CALL 653-9819 Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday ELECTRIC MOTORS, % h.p. to 2 h.p. Used motors in goodl condition. Call 385-5280. 1210-121269 LAKE MOOR J? AUTOS AUTOS •f •! f ? F. f. } V ) } f . ? f } } ? F «L ;F <F_--f THE BELLS ARE RINGING SUNNYSIDE DODGE PRE-CHRISTMAS SAVINGS THESE CARS ARE WINTERIZED AND READY TO GO 1969 DODGE Charger Demo $2929 1967 FORD Auto. $ 895 1965 COMET 31,000 miles 1965 RAMBLER P.S., auto, power brakes, Air Cond. 1963 BUICK 1960 RAMBLER Stick 1967 CHEVROLET low miles 1965 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1965 PLYMOUTH Sport Conv., con­ sole, suto. full power, tilt steering 1967 CHRYSLER Newport, 4-dr sed., Like new, 27,000 miles 1960 FALCON Auto. 10 MORE BARGAINS ffalcofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry Call after 4 p.m. 385-6027 12-5-69TF2 $ 895 $ 995 $ 595 $ 79 $1395 $ 895 $1095 $1995 $ 99 o Poyments ' t i l Next Year On The Spot Financing TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient Person­ alised (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mlmeo A Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 9899 W. Peart St. McHeary, DL 12-5-69TF2 SAVE $ $ $ $ for Christmas Dolls, doll clothes, shoes, hangers, knit pillows and slippers. Reasonable. 811W. Souihside McHenry, HL 385-0536 or 385-5689 12 5-121969 Complete your Holiday Shopping at the PINK LADY GIFT SHOP 'Me H«niy Lily Lak* i - J FMTZSCHE ESTATES Cut Your Own! CHRISTMAS TREE any size $3.50 Bring Your Saw 360 ACRES LEVEL FARM LAND FOR CASH A farm that produces 100 bushels of corn per acre. Soil bank payment $4800 on 74 acre base in 1969. Hie 286 acres is at very low cost Farm should gross $27,000 with 80 per cent corn. Located midway between Crystal Lake and McHenry on blacktop. FOR INFORMATION WRITE: WHITE PINES, RED PINES, SCOTCH PINES. and M.L.MAGEE 415 W. TOUHY DESPLATNES, ILL. or call 319-763-6767 In the McHenry Hospital. Proceeds benefit projects of the Woman's Auxiliary, to the McHenry Hospital. 125-122469 KOEHLER Gasoline Engine good condition. $35.00. 385- 4292. 1015 69TF BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Home too Small for nyside Dodge ttHYEAJfttiVE Al's Write House is Available After 8:30 Phone 385-9892 -- 2 P.M. till dark -- Saturday and Sunday all day. WHOLESALE BY THE 100 FRITZSCHE ESTATES 815-385-1079 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things ... SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER J Phon. 385-0170 MCHWTT. M. 1212-121769 LAKE VILLA New on the Market I! 3 BEDROOM RANCH family room with fireplace, BOAT BASIN with beautiful VIEW OF LAKE. House in excellent MOVE IN CONDITION, Low $30"s. Immediate Occupancy!! RANCH with large living room overlooking PETITE LAKE on CHAIN O^LAKES, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen with breakfast area and built-ins, cherry wood panelled rec. room with wet bar. Mid $50's. McHENRY Immediate Occupancy!! RANCH with 3 bedrooms on beautiful PTSTAKEE LAKE with large pier and 2 boat slips, all fenced in property with garden room attached to garage. Mid $20*s. Immediate Occupancy!! COLONIAL with 4 bedrooms overlooking PISTAKEE BAY, separate dining room, new kitchen with built-ins, EXCEPTIONALLY large game room. EXCELLENT MOVE IN CONDITION, $50*s. Call for further details 385-0780 WINNETKA L. RINGER 999 Linden 446-7274 Winnetka 273-4465 1210-12121 &

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