THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKE S REGION SINCE 1875 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1969 SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 Ringwood News Phyllis A. Ackerman 653-9008 Hold Open House for Rev. Parker Sunday Dec. 14 Open house for the Minister, Ray Parker will be at the new parsonage Dec. 14 from 2 to S p.m. Just drop in and visit a few minutes with each one this joyous Christmas season. Rev. Parker is located in one of the new apartments (in the former Muzzy building) at 5024 Bar nard Mill road or the second building from Ringwood gro cery. That same evening, Sunday Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. a pot-luck sup per is planned. Please bring the whole family and a salad, casserole or dessert to pass. Helen Wallace will show us some more of her slides of Af rica. This will be at the church. Do come and enjoy the wonder ful food and fellowship, beside that exciting trip to Africa. The following Sunday, Dec. 21, the church school Christ mas pageant is at 7:30. The children are preparing a pro gram for us that will be a de light and inspiration for the joy and wonder of Christmas. There will also be a candle light service on Christmas Eve at 10:30 p.m. Do make your Christmas season complete by joining us Christmas Eve at the Ringwood church. The reg ular church services are ev ery Sunday morning at 10 a.m. W.S.C.S. of Ringwood church had its Christmas meeting in the home of Mertie Harrison, on Wednesday afternoon. Co- hostess was 11a Hogan. A de licious dessert and coffee was enjoyed followed by an enjoy able Christmas program. CARD CLU# The Paul Walkingtons play ed 500 at the meeting of their card club at the Glenn Benoy home in A lden on Saturday night. FAREWELL TO COLUMN READERS As most of you probably know by now, the Brennans have mov ed from Ringwood. It was with mixed emotions that we packed our belongings to move, but we were also happy to move into our home now. We now reside at 3902 White in Solon Mills, and have a lovely big home. Before we had been here too long, our little Linda twisted her foot at school, and after picking her up and taking her to the doctor, and x-raying it, found it to be a fracture of her right ankle. So now, Lin- NOW OPEN Main Street Variety 3909 W. MAIN ST. TOYS-RADIOS-APPLIANCES AT DISCOUNT PRICES --LAYAWAYS-- Open 9 am - 8 pm Mon. thru Sat. 9am - 6pm Sundays da is hopping around on crutch es until she will be getting a new dast to replace the splint she now has on. It had so much swelling, that they couldn't put the cast on at the time, so now's the time. Linda has missed a couple days school due to the foot fracture, but is mi -nng quite well. Now for the column writing. I will not be able to report any news from Ringwood, as I don't live there anymore, so Phyllis Ackerman is going to give it a try. Now if you don't get a call from her, give her a ring. She will be most happy to get any news you might have for the paper. It will be in good hands. Good luck, Phil, and Pll keep in touch. AROUND TOWN Clara Tonyan and Phyllis Ackerman had coffee with Lor Brennan and daughter, Linda, last Wednesday morning. Linda Brennan has a broken foot as of a week ago. Sorry Linda, and we all are hoping you recover real soon. Linda's ad dress is Box 16, Solon Mills, 111. 60080 The Chuck Aokermans and three of the five children, Resae, Ralph and Rodney have just returned home from a va cation in Florida while visiting relatives. Understand you dug your own oysters. Alas the brave hunters are home. Charles Petska of Ring- wood, Roger Peska also of Ring- wood went to Cornell, Wis. Didn't see any meat boys. The Leonard Ackermans went hunt ing and didn't do any better. Guess we'll have to try closer to home. Hear they did quite well. Hansen Named To Head Fox Valley Hospital Council Bertram G. Hansen, admin istrator of Memorial Hospital of Woodstock, was elected pres ident of the Fox Valley Hos pital Planning council at a re cent meeting at the-St. Charles • Country club. Hansen succeeds George P. Edwards, board president of Sherman hospital and retiring couneil president, who was commended by the or ganization for the outstanding service he performed during the council's initial year of oper ation. The council, formed in De cember, 1968, is made up of thirteen hospitals in Kane, Mc Henry, DuPage and DeKalb counties for the purpose of better utilization of health care to patients served by these hos pitals. Robert J. Rodgers of St. Charles, president of the board of trustees of Delnor hospital, was re-elected vice-president, James D. Anderson, admin istrator of Central DuPage hos pital, Winfield, secretary, and BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Bill Baker on Dec. 5, and to his sister, Laura Baker, on Dec. 7, and to Doris Brennan on Dec. 5. I am hoping to bring you some of the news around town, so if you have anything you want in the paper please call me at this number. 653-9008. Thank vou. See you next week? &BOD CALL 385-8420 Santa Claus Will Be In His Hut In The City Park Dec. 12, Friday - 6-8 Dec. 13, Saturday - 1-4 Dec. 14, Sunday - 1-4 Dec. 15, Monday - 6-8 Dec. 16, Tuesday - 6-8 Dec. 17, Wednesday - 6-8 Dec. 18, Thursday - 6-8 Dec. 19, Friday - 6-8 Dec. 20, Saturday - 1-4 Dec. 21, Sunday - 1-4 Dec. 22, Monday - 6-8 Dec. 23, Tuesday - 6-8 < < < < i \ < i < i < < < < I < < 4 II I ( I H t See Our Complete Lines of WALL PANELING CEILING TILE Sedcon Garage Door Operator OzitB CARPET • TILES for that Game Room, Den or Study -Pre-Cut BACKBOARDS tLtr slutr Hit' tH/boy?ucaKff-ye&â - "to kĵ cuuthM -̂ PING PONG TABLES •Unfinished *Easy to assemble A gift the entire family will enjoy for that new Basketball Set (Mounting Material Available) PLYWdOD SHEETS and LEG SETS for mounting that New. Road Racing or Electric Train Set ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424 Sister Kita Mary, administra tor of St. Joseph Mercy hos pital, Aurora,treasurer. Peter Pierdinock, executive director of the Planning council, announced that results of a hos pital questionnaire have been tabulated and in early 1970, which will pin point critical areas in the Valley's health care facilities and provide direction for the planning group. Sherman administrator, Har old W,. Salmon, and John A. Graham, assistant administra tor, submitted the hospital's proposal for new construction, planned for early 1970, es timated to cost $3 million. It was pointed out that the Metro politan Planning Council of Chi cago has recommended that Sherman give first priority to the addition of eighty patient beds to relieve the shortage of medical and surgical beds in the area. Special guests at the council meeting were Don Goetz, as sistant director of the National Accelerator laboratory under construction at Weston, and also Ivan Alton, chief planner and architect of the project. Mr. Goetz spoke briefly on the impact of the laboratory on the area. He stated that 1,700 persons will be employed, one-third of whom will be new to the area. The remaining num ber will be technicians, sec retaries, typists, and clerks hired from adjacent commun ities. Mr. Alton presented slides of the 6800 acre^site, showing pre sent constrdction and plans for completion of the laboratory, which will consist of 26 build ings. SERVICE NEWS Ten wood lead pencils are sold for every one, of any other writing tool. Navy Ensign Warren L. John son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry G. Johnson of 5101 Foun tain lane, McHenry, has com pleted a four-week Flight Sys tems course at the Naval Air station, Pensacola, Fla. The course provided him with instruction in basic aerodyna mics, aviation physiology, air navigation, physical fitness and swimming. He will now proceed to the next phase in the Naval Aviation program. OPEN 6 NIGHTS AND SUNDAY TOO! spurgeonsJi Drpdrtmeni Store OPEN 6 NIGHTS AND SUNDAY TOO! GIFT FAIR: SHOP AND COMPARE! SAVE HERE ON ELECTRIC HELPERS FOR HER, FOR HIM, FOR THE HOME !!! il New! Schick Electronic Hot Lather Dispenser! 1588 Greatest gift invention of 1970 . . . here now! Give him warm, comfort able barber shop feel every day! Model 300. Kindness* 20 Instant Hair Setter by Famed Clairol! ]988 The exciting idea that takes the wait and-hold still out of beauti ful hairdo's. 20 heat-at-once roll ers in modern case. Model K-20. Deluxe Capri Consolette® Hair Dryer by Lady Schick 2188 Nothing touches her hair but warm air: no hose or bonnet. 4 settings dry hair fast, com fortably. Portable/ compact, travels easily. Model 307. Great New Mini-Broiler by Toastma&ter R Thinks Big! New Compact Mixer Is a Real Sunbeam Mixmaster® 922 Thumb-tip speed con trol, large full-mix beat ers, ejector and built in mixing chart. Heel-rest convenience. Model H. See-Thru Clear Glass Percolator by Proctor ll88 "Lift-Out" Bowl for easy cleaning, brews up to 11 cups, keeps it hot. Cool handle. Fully automatic. Pretty! Model 70503. 12 88 Works like an electric oven! Au tomatic thermostat controls temperatures 200 to 425' . Re movable tray and rack. Big, portable! Model 5211. Purse-Size Portability Sunbeam® Flair Hair Dryer 12 88 Stylish molded plastic case holds large cap and collapsible hose. 4-posi^ tion heat control. Beige case. Model HD14 Shot of Steam Is a N e w S u n b e a m ® E x c l u s i v e 19 88 Touch a button, get in stant extra steam to wipe out stubborn wrin kles. Use dry or regular, too. Many features. Model SD 36. IfVfJ'-.NC. 8-Push-Button Blender by Waring! 1988 Fingertip speed control for every job! Special 5-cup container, Flexi- grip lid, cord storage. 4 colors. Model CC-8 Lady Sunbeam "Twin Head" Shaver Is Gift-Cased 8 88 Micro-twin head: one for underarm, other for legs. Fast, safe, smooth grooming. Soft blue, so feminine. Model LS4. HOURS: Mon-Fri 9-9 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-5 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < CHARGE WITH SPURGEON S OWN OR ANY MIDWEST BANK CARD