Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1969, p. 27

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i %> Friday, Dec. 12,1969 -Plaindealer-See.2, Pg. 11 --•Twice Told Tale FORTY YEARS AGO , (Taken from the files of Dec. 4, 1929) •i Miss Gladys Louise Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb of Chicago, formerly of McHenry, was united in mar­ riage to Mr. Herbert Ruhling at the home of his parents Nov. 29. With some very convincing • and some rather far-fetched arguments at his command, Winfield H. C as low, the "Main Street Crusader" spoke to a capacity house of more than 500 people at the Community high school auditorium. His audience was a mixed one, composed of merchants, businessmen, far­ mers and housewives including many strange faces, denoting that visitors from neighboring cities had traveled far to see ' in person the man whom they heard speak over the radio from : stations WORD and WCHI. I Lester Carr of Ringwood shot i^a red fox near his home last t; week and collected a bounty of r $3. t* Living on tea and coffee and !' an occasional cigarette, Jene r Boizt, 17 years old, was found , Wednesday night of last week near Lily Lake. The black hair- f ed young lady had been living | in a vacant cottage near the < lake for three weeks. She was ^scantily dressed having only a bathing suit, a thin dress and shoes. People in the vicinity [ had seen the girl bathing ev­ ery day even in the near zero weather. Marie Tonyan, 19 year old daughter of William B. Ton- ^ yan, died Nov. 29 at St. Jo­ seph's hospital, Elgin, follow­ ing an operation for appendi- - citis. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. (V7, 1944) Mr. and Mrs. John Hay were > pleasantly surprised by about [ fifty friends at a party held at their home Monday evening. The Hays have since moved to Mc­ Henry and are now residing on Richmond road. The McHenry County 4-H Federation was represented by | Shirley Neal of Ringwood, i chairman of the County 4-H ; ambulance committee and Home * Adviser Clara Graves Sweeney • at the dedication program at ; Vaughn General hospital, Hines, ; Illinois, recently. The county • 4-H Federation have had an ; asphalt tile floor laid in the * hospital chapel, which was com- ' pleted just prior to the ded- J ication. • Having sold our place of bus­ iness, we extend a cordial in- tion to out* farewell party. :ree eats and drinks. Come and ; meet the new owner Dec. 13 ; from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mr. and I .Mrs. Henry Nell, i On Wednesday, Nov.29,Lily- i moor lost one of its oldest , and most beloved residents, { Mrs. Mary Kennedy Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan were among the first property owners in the Lilymoor subdivision. She passed on after an illness that kept her bedridden for the past ; three months. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 10, 1959) j A little note from Sharon * Sells Wilkins, daughter of the popular Van Sells, from Bail­ ee ton Spa, N.Y., tells us how -much she enjoys reading week­ ly through the Plaindealer about old school friends in McHenry. A large crowd gathered at the McHenry community high school last Thursday evening where they enjoyed the twelfth annual football banquet spon­ sored by the Kiwanis clubs of McHenry and McHenry town­ ship. Dr. Leonard Pawlikowski, toastmaster, moved the pro­ gram along in a friendly pleas­ ing fashion to introduce the g u e s t - s p e a k e r , C h a r l e s "Chuck" Mather, a member of the Chicago Bears Coaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Wonder Lake welcomed a girl at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on Dec. 4. Members of the Girl Scout Troops 454 and 478 of Hol­ iday Hills travelled to Chicago by bus to visit the Museum of Science and Industry on Dec. 5. Mr. and Mrs. James Larkin and children have returned from a trip to California where they visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Kraus, and family at Santa Ana. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Carter Givens of Stover, Mo., spent a few days last week in the William Jor­ dan home and other guests for a day were Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ ion Faverty of Chicago. Out of town folks here to help Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer celebrate their fifty- eighth wedding anniversary Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Wagner of Grayslake, Pet­ er May and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ nold May of Spring Grove. The actual date was Nov. 30. Guests in the Robert Thomp­ son home during a past week were Miss Estelle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton of Woodstock on Satur­ day and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Amos and Mrs. George Reichow of Sargent, Nebr., on Tuesday. The Gerald Hogan family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schoenholtz of Carpen- tersville enjoyed their Christ­ mas dinner in advance at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Schoenholtz,Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Low and Bobby were Sun­ day visitors in the Leslie Ol­ sen, Jr., home in Crystal Lake where the birthdays of Richard Olsen and James Kline were celebrated. McHenry folks will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Tillie Jerak, a former McHenry resident but now of Chicago, is a patient in Christ Community hospital, 440 W. 95th street, Oak Lawn, where she has been confined the past few weeks. Her brother, Peter J. Schaefer, and wife spent a few days recently in Chicago where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Jerak's granddaughter and on the day following the wedding ac­ companied the bridal party in their bridal attire to the hos­ pital to visit Mrs. Jerak and take several pictures of the group. Captain and Mrs. Ronald Bankneiter and daughters of Great Lakes, formerly of Mc­ Henry, were dinner guests in the LeRoy Smith home Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes and Mrs. Irene Lisowe of Lake Geneva were guests in the Pe­ ter J. Schaefer home Saturday evening where cards were en­ joyed and lunch served. Mrs. Harvey Frank and daughter, Mary Beth, of DeWitt, la., spent the past weekend in the homes of the former's brothers, Norbert Yegge of Mc­ Henry and Louis Yegge of Wood­ stock. On Sunday Mrs. Frank and Mary Beth attended the In­ ternational horse show in Chi­ cago where Mary Beth was pre­ sent at a luncheon reunion of her classmates at Hickory Hill riding academy which she at­ tended last summer. The McHenry County Past Oracles club held its Christ­ mas party at the McHenry Coun­ try club Tuesday of last week when forty-four members and guests were present for a lun­ cheon and exchange of gifts. Ten members of the Catholic Daughters of America motor­ ed to Downey Wednesday eve­ ning of last week with a treat of sweets and fruit and to en­ tertain the Vets with games at their annual Christmas party. Making up the crowd were Ber- tilla Freund, Helen Heuser, Ce- lia Oakford, Laura Weber, Joan Freund, Irene Guffey, Rose Staines, Ann Rodenkirch, Fran­ ces Widlhelm and Elizabeth Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Macik, son, David, and Mrs. Marge Evans of Chicago were Sunday guests in the William Jordan home and helped their son, Richard, celebrate his birth­ day. Our word "khaki" comes from a Persian word "kahk" meaning dirt or earth. This color was made originally by dipping white uniforms in thin mud -or muddy water, to make them blend with the earth. They're On The Way They're Here U Christmas Treesl 1000 to choose from McHenry Fence and Supply 2017 W. Ringwood Rd. McHeniy pick up your 1970 auto license plates the Home State Bank IN OUR LOWER LEVEL FROM DEC. 1 THRU FEB. 28 IT'S SIMPLE . . . CONVENIENT • Present your 1969 car identification card. • Bring the 1970 application form sent you ... we have forms if you haven't re­ ceived it. • Check or money order to Paul Powell. Sec. of State for fee applicable to your size car. ^ • Fep of $1.00 to Home State includes notarization and all services. YOU TAKE HOME YOUR NEW PLATES AND IDENTIFICATION CARD Home State Bank of Crystal Lake 40 GRANT ST. / CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS PHONE 459-2000 " ' Serving Crystal Lake Since 1915 HOURS / DAILY AND SAT. 9-3 / FRI. EVE.. 6 8 / NOT OPEN WED. MEMBER F.D.I.C. A* GT* CHURCH SERVICES MOUNT NOPE cirritcii United Mrthodist 1015 West Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. Willis H. Walker Pastor Worship 11 a.m. School 9:45 a.m. MV1 Tues. 7:00 p.m. IUMYF Wed. 7?00 p.m. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN West of the John O. Mclntyre, Church School 9:30 a.m. for 1st adults and 11:00 for (3-5) Worship -- 11:00 a.m cllltles available. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Father G W. Cains Pastor Winter Schedule Sunday Masses -- 7:00. 9:00. 11:00 a.m. Summer Schedule Sunday Masses -- 6:30. 8:00. 10:00. 11:30 a.m. Holydays -- 6 a.m., 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 N. Front Street 3854)083 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services -- Sunday School 8:30, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:35, 10:50 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Even. Worship SHEPHERD of the HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 404 N. Green St., McHenry Rev. Roger W. Schneider 385-7786 - 385-4030 Miss Janice Wick Parish Worker 385-5800 Family Worship and Sun­ day School -- 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery, facilities available. 5 WONDER LAKT BIBLE CHURCH Box 2, Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard Wright, Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor­ ship. Junior Church 5:30 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal 6:00 p.m. Youth Meetings 7:00 p.m. Bible Fellowship Hour. Wednesday evening prayer service 7:30 p.m. BINOWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Raymond E. Parker Minister Sunday -- 10 a.m. Church Service 11 a.m. Church School 3:30 p.m. Jr. Hi M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi M.Y.F. GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Lawrence W. Wiclc, Pastor Church School--9:45 n.m The Service--11:00 a.m. May thru Sept., 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Serv­ ice. ST. FRANCIS POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH Flanders Rd., east of Ringwood Rd. Sunday Masses: 10:00 a.m. Confessions: First Sunday of each month, before Mass. Father John Strzalka Pastor 111 3:'i ii* mm We Decide >, About Refined? Some things are absolutely essential to manhood. One of them is knowing how to tie a necktie. Obviously any ability must be acquired before there are regular demands for its use. That's why someone else decided that we must learn to tie our own tie. All religious education is built on the same principle. Faith and moral under­ standing must be gained before doubt and temptation are encountered. Our parents, Our Church train us for constructive living. Of course, there is nothing illogical in the oft-heard contention that, when a per­ son is old enough, he can make up his own mind about religion. That 's exactly what millions of us have done! But in almost every case our parents gave us adequate and continuing prepara­ tion for that decision. With the guidance of the Church we learned the value of faith and spiritual perception. Then we to make our vital decision from knowledge and experience! .Sfrnshurg. Vn Scr iptures selected bjy the American B»Me S o c i e t y Sunday John 10:22-42 Monday John 11:1-53 T uesday Isa iah 2 : 2 - 4 ' , Wednesday Isa iah 9 : 2 - 7 T hursday Isa iah 11:1-9 Fr iday Saturday Isa iah • Isa iah 3 5 : 1 - 1 0 7 : 1 0 - 1 6 ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Edmund Petit - Pastor Rev. Michael Tierney, Associate Pastor v Sat. Eve. (Sun. obligation ful­ filled 8:30 p.m.) SUNDAY - r:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and 12:1! During summer: 10 a.m. M*3S in church hall. Holydays -- 8:00. 7:00, 8 00. 9 00 a m 6:30 pm. and 8 00 pm Saturday - 4-5:30, 7-8:30 p.m. Con­ fessions Thursday (Be­ fore First Friday) ii? t t <ailp\Ei2> t <iip t *<siz> t <iiz> t <ii? t <xi?~ CHAIN O'LAKES EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 4815 N. Wilmot Road Rev. Clarence E. Mason 497-3000 - Church 497-3050 - residence Sunday School -- 9:45 a.m. Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wed. Service--7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH RICHMOND 5700 Hill Road Pastor, Ernest Gouge Phone 678-3712 Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11 a.m. Training Union, all ages, Sunday, 6:30 p^n. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. Evening 7:30 p.m. Affiliated Southern Baptist Convention A Growing Church for a Coming Lord. Choir at 6:30 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Crystal Lake Ave. at Lincoln Pkwy. Dr .Clarence E. Fretz, Pastor SUNDAY --7 a.m. Men's Prayer Band 9:45 a.m. Bible School (Classes for all ages and Nursery) 11 a.m. Morning Worship (Junior Church & Nurs­ ery during Worship) 5:30 p.m. Free Church Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Evening Worship (Joyous gospel singing & message). WEDNESDAY--7:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study CRYSTAL LAKE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meeting In Odd Fellows Hall Ridgefield Road Crystal Lake, 111. Robert Strain, Pastor Church Tel. 459-9350 Parsonage 459-4513 Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Bible School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Christian Training Hour. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3706 W. St. Paul's & Green McHenry, Illinois Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar The Vicar: 385-7690 . Bishop's Warden: 385-1703 Mr. John Licastro Sunday Services-- Holy Eucharist 7:30 a.m. Family Eucharist 9 a.m. Church School & Coffee Hour. Wednesdays- Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-- Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Meetings-- Bishop's Committee: First Thursday. Episcopal Church Women: Second Thursday. St. Paul's Altar Guild: Secqnd Wednesday. SPRING GROVE CHURCH United Methodist 8102 North Blivin Spring Grove, 111. Rev. Willis H. Walker Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Johnbsurs Rev. John Donlinc Pastor Rectory phone: 385-1477 Convent phone: 385-5363 Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00, 9:30,10:46 and 1200 Holydays -- 6:30, 8:00, 10:00 St 7:30 p.m. Confessions -- Saturdays & for First Fridays: 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Herman F. Graef 385-0859 385-1616 Sunday Worship -- 7:45 & 10:30. Nursery services provided at 10:30. Education For Eternity -- Sunday School - children & youth 9 a.m. Adult Bible Study - Sunday, 9 a.m. at 3913 W. Grand Membership Class - Thurs­ day 7 p.m. CHRIST THE UNO CHURCH 5006 E. Wonder Lake Rd. SUNDAY MASSES - 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 noon CONFESSIONS - Saturday- 4:30 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 7:30 p.m. EVENING MASS - Saturday 8 p.m. - Fulfills Sunday Ob­ ligation. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois David Allin, Pastor Sunday -- 8 & 10:30 a.m. Worship Nursery facilities available FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3717 West Main St. McHenry, Illinois Church Ph. 385-0931 Raymond L. White, pastor Parsonage Ph. 385-1352 David E. Scott, Associate Pastor, 385-8735 Church School 8:30 a.m Nursery thru 6th 9:45 a.m. Nursery thru H.S. 9:45 a.m. Adult Classes, "Foundations in Christian Faith," and "Adult Bible Studies." 11:00 a.m. Nursery Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m. ST. MARY'S THOLIC CHURCH Eugene Baumhofer Reir. Matthew Rudden Asst. Pastor Sundj^ Masses -- 6:30* 8:00, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45 11:00, 12-noon. Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Confessions -- Saturday aft., 4-5 p.m. Thursday before First Fridays, and days before Holy- days; 3-4 In afternoon and 7-8 in the evening. ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8:00 (9:15 - summer only) 10:30, 11:45 Confessions: Sat. 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. WOODSTOCK BIBLE CHURCH Rt. 47 & 120 Intersection Woodstock, Illinois M. R. Thomason, pastor Phones: Church 338-3006 Home 568-8870 SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; Dan Tomano, Supt. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Family Prayer & Bible Hour ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 West John Street McHenry, Illinois Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Serv. 6:00 p.m. Youth Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangel Wednesday -- 8 p.m. Bible Study Prayer Meeting. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Lincoln Rd: & Eastwood Lane (EastWood Manor) Sunday Serv. - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve. Meeting - 3rd Wed. of each month at 8:00 p.m. Reading Room - In the Church edifice - Every Saturday from 2-4 and the 3rd Wed. of each month from 7-7:45. A l l a r e w e l c o m e t o a t ­ tend our services and to read, borrow or purchase books on Christian Science during the Reading Room hours. Payion Chevrolet. Inc. 908 N. Front McHenry, Illinois Tonyan Construction Company. Inc. General Contractors McHenry. Illinois Trent Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 4611 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois Guettler Service. Inc. 818 N. Front St. McHenry, Illinois McHenry Garage Jeep Sales & Service 926 N. Front St., McHenry Brake Parts Co. 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois George R. Jusien & Son Funeral Home Robert A. Justen, Funeral Director 3519 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois Peter M. Justen & Son Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois Fury Motors, Inc. Imperial Chrysler, Plymouth, Valiant 2508 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois McHenry State Bank Serving McHenry Since 1906 McHenry, Illinois McHenry Savings 8c Loan Association 1209 N. Green Street Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois \

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