Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1974, p. 12

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T^:m PAGE 12 • PLA1NDRALER-TUESDAY, DECEMBER .11. 1974 ••• •••• *:, 7«^*^<K • dafoetfcde ^ * sm&W?v " covw**' I Grohom-White I insumnci n 3 1' • -w»%wn{^» »yw*» a*** •*» •*» *"*" ttSTS • *{ tfcrtbti ft/ay t/7%eMwt0£tUtey/ ,Mv No cash refunds on prepaid ads. ( ards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To !i«;y and Garage Sales MCST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is , i :»t responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after tin first insertion. ( heck your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. o | I K K H O U R S : M O N . - F I H . 8 : 3 0 a .m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a .m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 ADMINISTRATOR m WAU. ^ * > yr (UM • tWANiM'* aownstutoi CAfAlNjIV^I^ iMAlVAGiikAfNT t» |WArHAUC I *» m+ H 0 N E 8 AUTOS 1970 Cadillac EI Dorado Coupe Dark grey, black top, red leather interior, Almost every available option including, tape, cruise, power door locks, etc. 35,000 miles. $3,000 or best offer. 815-385-1749 12-27 1-3G 1965 Willys Station Wagon, 4 wheel drive, excellent running condition, automatic transmis­ sion, good snow tires. 385- 5657 12-27 12-31 1967 Plymouth Station Wagon, runs, needs work, $125.00. 815-385-3815 after 4:00 p.m. 12-6TF 1971 Plymouth Fury III 4 dr. hardtop, p.s., p.b., air one owner $1,300.00. 385-4808 12-27 1-3G 1963 Buick LaSabre, 2 door, excellent condition, 60,000 miles, must sell $375.00 or best offer. 385-5543 12-24 12-31G 73 CHEVY CHEYNNE 10, all power, air, camper cab, under 10,000 miles $3,250.00 385- 4301 -12-31 1-8G 1965 Mercury, 4 door sedan, excellent condition. $350.00 Call anytime 815-653-3084 ,, „ 12-31 1-3 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES oooooooooooooooooo*! REMODELING CONTRACTOR •Full additions •Basements Finished •Reasonable •Satisfaction Guaranteed Call after 5:00 p.m. or weekends T.R. McMILLAN CONSTRUCTION 815-653-4276 feoOOOOOPOOOOOOPOOOOQ1 810 0. FRONT ST. McHENRY 315-2966 TREAT Y OCR SELF ij.20 i-i FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars. 459-0081. 12-4 TF1-2 We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day ser­ vice. Ca'l anytime. 38.5-5156 12-4 TF1-2 SNOWMOBILES - TUNE UPS and repairs. 385-1321. 11-22 tf 12 SNOW PLOWING- reasonable rates-rural driveways $3.00 to $7.00- Farms $7.00 to $10.00 Call Louis Pogany 815-678- 4303 12-27 1-8 Snow Plowing. Commerical and residential. Immediate service 385-4351 or 385-4632 12-27TF1-2 Phone 385-0170 to place ad. SNOWMOBILE I REPAIRS WEST SHORE MARINE SERVICE I 3302 | i W. WAUKEGAN ROAD I 1 McHENRY ILL. | 815-344-0416 gWill Pick Up & Deliver! Ask for GUARANTEED WANT ADS • 3 Consecutive Days I 3 FREE if you are not satisfied with results you receive • You must call back on date of 3rd insertion lust Call 385-0170 6 4imes «M0 ONLV 55.00 Save S5.M Minimum 3 insertions • 15 words or less 10c per additional word, per insertion. • Not offered to commercial accounts BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES "W ̂ JcDhinsan S '75 I •i \ I* Performance starts with j | power! That's why ^ | Johnson puts extra fj everything in their great f; H line of snowmobiles! §? P And it's all made in JR iv America. So mainte- p ® nance is simple, easy tf and readily available - if aV ft it's ever needed! ll If service is needed you &p xi can rely on our quality is II control engineers and f| Johnson's 51 years of outboard success! you need # 'help ... you can i depend on us! ' TRI MARINE 4019 E. Lake Shore Dr. Wonder Lake (815)653-3000 SHIP SHAPE CARPET CLEANERS Uses foam extraction Beautiful results Any living room up to 300 sq. ft. only $26 - McHenry 815-344-0722 10-30 1-22TF1 11-27 1-8 FOR SALE WOOD FOR FIREPLACE, ready to burn. $35.00 ton. Cail any­ time 385-3269 or 653-9075 Free Delivery. 12-24 1-10 SEASONED FIREWOOD, readyto burn. $45.00 per cord. Free delivery and stacked. 385-4351 or 385-4632 12-27 1-2TF WANTED TO BUY Wheelchair in good condition. Reasonable. Mail replies to Box 562, in care of McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry,, 111. 11-22-tf FOR RENT Waterfront deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, immediate occup­ ancy, adults, no pets. 385- 3493 12-27 1-3 In McHenry, 2-3 bedroom. Need kitchen and bedroom set, rest furnished. $190.00 Immediate occupancy, garage. Send replies to Box 565 %McHenry Plaindealer 12-271-3G 1 bedroom apartment, air cond­ itioned. Heat included. $155.00 Call (815) 385-1327 12-27 1-3 4 bedroom home in Genoa City No dogs, References. 414- 279-3402 12-27 1-10 Room for single male over 40 years, use of whole house, $18.00 per week. Call 385-5958. 12-181-3 OTice space for rent, panel­ led, carpeted and air condit­ ioned. Conveniently located on Rre. 31 $65.00 and up. 455- 0320 12-4TF1-2 NEED SOMETHING DONE ! • Carpentry • Cement Work • Patios • Foundations • Rooting • Siding • Painting • Additions No job to small or unreasonable CALL i. S. BLAKE Construction 385-5593 German Sho^thair Pointer pups. A.K.C. Reg. $45.00. 385,- 3160 12-24 12-31 G AKC Reg. Tri-color Collie pup­ pies. Champ lines, male and female, 12 weeks old. Phone 815-653-6156 12-16 1-3 Riding Lessons, expert in­ struction. Beginners through Advanced. Group rates, indoor arena. Our Farm, McHenry III. 815-344-0951 12-4TF1-2 Two br.apt. heat furnished $215: carpet, range,ref. 1 yr. lease. Call weekends 12 to 5, no pets. 385-8042. 12-4TF1-2 McHenry, new 3 br., home, 2 car»garage, references and security deposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925. l?-4 TP 1-2 Office for Rent. Immediate occupancy at 4719 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-4619 12-4TF1-2 2 BR. APARTMENT IN McHenry, $185 includes wall to wall carpeting, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner. Plus security deposit. 385-1980 11-6 TF1-2 FOR RENT , Small furnished apartments and %P$leeping rooms 385-0266 12-4 TF1-2 12-11 1-22 i'i-29 i-»b (DECORATIVE PAINTINI "STANLEY" CUSTOM PAINT Homes - Offices - Farms All work guaranteed fSPECIAL CHRISTMAS PACKAGE" Call Today 815-923-2232 11-27 1-8 DON'S DAIRY FROST Will begin delivery service after 4:30 everyday thru the winter CALL 385-9734 12-27 2-7 Coach House on Pistakee Bay, shag carpet, appliances, new washer & dryer. Available Feb. 1st. $225.00 plus secur­ ity. 385-4563 12-31 Immediate occupancy 3 bed­ room ranch living room with fireplace, attached garage, nice1 yard, convenient location. $250. 00 per month T.P. Mathews, Gallery of Homes. 459-4800 12-31 TF1-2 Richmond, Illinois. 2 bedroom house with enclosed porch, base­ ment, Redecorated, years lease. $160.00 per month. Immediate possession. Adults preferred. In­ quire days 815-678-3231 12-27 1-3G In McHenry, 2 bedroom home, 2 car garage, fully carpeted, stove, and refrigerator. $225.00 per month 385-1457 12-31 1-8G 2 or 3 bedroom house, fenced in back yard, available Jan. 1st. Newly decorated Johnsburg school dist. Security deposit. 675-2435 12-24 12-31G AUCTION AUCTION 1000 Square Feet Store or Office 5000 W. Rte. 120 385-7131 12-24 12-31 Farm having been sold and discontinuing farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on premises located l'/2 miles Northwest of Spring Grove, 111., or 5 miles Southeast of Richmond, being on Clark Rd., 2 miles South of Rte. 173. Clark Rd. is 3 miles East of Richmond. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th at 10:30 A.M. 58 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTE1N DAIRY CATTLE, 41 milk cows, 6 fresh in last 30 days, 6 close springers, balance bred for year- round freshening. Herd will be pregnancy examined and results available sale day. ABS & NIBCO breeding used for over 20 years. Everything home raised and owner milked. There are some outstanding cows in this herd. Only in a complete dispersal can you Eirchase these kind; 2 heifers due in March; 10 heifers bred after ec. 1st; 4 heifers, 6 mo. old; 2-yr. old Reg. bull, purchased from Walworth County Home Farm. A good-handling, well-marked individual. Bangs & Anapiasmosis tested. FEED: 1000bu. good hard ear corn, 300 bu. Froker oats; 1200 bales 1st cutting alfalfa, timothy & clover hay; 400 bales oats straw; 15 ft. corn silage in 14 ft. silo. Easy loading. PMRY EQUIPMENT: 250 gal Dari-Kool bulk cooler; 4 Surge elec. pulsator milker units; Perfection milk transfer system; Patz barn cleaner for 85 ft. barn; Patz 12-16 ft. silo unloader; DeLaval No. 75 vac pump; 14" vac. line for 41 stanchions; 41 elec. cow trainers; 3 elec. fencers; 2 feed carts; FARM MACHINERY: J D. 3020 gas tractor with WP\ 3 pt. & interlock rear end, 2300 hours, a clean tractor; Ford NAA tractor with Superior step-in loader, recently overhauled; Farmall "H" tractor with 2-row cult.; 1974 J D. No: 336 baler with bale ejector & flotation tires, baled 3800 bales; J.D F145H 4-14 semi-mtd. plow; J.D RWA 11 ft. wheel disc, N.H 350 mixer-mill; NH. 611 ens. chopper with corn head, N.H. short hopper blower; N.I 7 ft. mower with cond hitch; N.I. hay conditioner; 1974 Lindsay 24 ft. wood beam harrow; J.D 10 ft quack digger; N.H. No. 56 Roll-a- Bar rubber tooth rake; 2 Kasten forage boxes on heavy gears; N.I. No. 300 2-row pull picker; 2 new 16 ft bale basket racks on gears; green chop wagon; McC. 10 ft. grain drill; 8 ft. cultipacker; M.H 7 ft. combine; 52 ft. mow conveyor: J.D No. 33 manure spreader; McC. 4-row planter with disc openers; Mayrath 40 ft. elevator- trail sprayer with 200gal. fiberglass tank; 1973 MC flail chopper; 3- pt. rear blade; 4 & 6 ton bulk upright feed bins; molasses lick tank; wooden hay feeder; usual wagon load small items; 2 calf crates; 300 gal. overhead tank; 10 bales baler twine; elec. welder; many other items. EUGENE HERG0TT, OWNER Auctioneer: Gordon Stade. McHenry, Illinois - 815-385-7032 Clerks: McHenry State Bank. For credit see clerk before sale. Not responsible for accidents Lunch available. Southgate Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Fully carpeted, private decks, stove, refrigerator, air conditioner furnished One year lease. One bed­ room $180.00. 2 bedrooms f-210.00. Apartments shown oy appointment. Lee J Cnonev Call 385-4345 12-4 1-15 HELP WANTED Real Estate Sales Associates. Join the fastest growing, professional real estate sales organization in McHenry County. We have openings for aggressive people in our McHenry, Woodstock, and Crystal Lake offices. We will train Let's talk about it Call Chris or Dave Byrnes. Byrnes Bros., Inc. Realtors. 459-5400 11-8-TF 1-2 385-0170 get the job done 385-0170 ********************************* SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WItH A GARAGE SALE. Call 385-0170 to place your ad. ******** ************************* PET CENTER GOT A R FQR YOO - ^ GIVE AWAY IYr. old medium sized female dog, all shots, spayed housebroken. 385-1619 12-31 HELP WANTED Sell Auto Insurance PartTime 312-395-6648 12-4TF1-2 3 black kittens, litter trained. 385-7240 12-31 LOST LOST 4 Month old Male, Cock-a-poo vicinity of A&W December 26 th brown collar, red flea collar. 385- 5482 12-31 AVON To buy or sell CALL OUR DISTRICT MANAGER MRS. BAUER 385-5385 12-4 TF1-2* R F A L E S T A T E JUST REDUCED By Owner, 5 br. brick home, plastered walls, Ig. kitchen w-sliding doors to Ig. deck; living room w-frplc., dining room, 2 baths, Ig family rm. w-bar, fireplace & sliding doors leading to roof­ ed patio, finished rec. room, large lot. $46,500. Call for appt. after 5:00 or weekends. 8 5- 653-4276. NO BROKERS tf 1-2 REAL ESTATE Mchenry 2 br. home, detached garage, city sewer and water. assume mortgage at 6 3/4% interest, $5,000 down $22,500 no brokers 385-1457 1 G12-27 1-3 New 4 bedroom, 1-% baths, 2 car attached garage, split foyer. In Sunnyside. $1,500.00 down $225.00 per month to qualified buyer. 312-262-8880 12-27 1-3G HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSES Full Time and Part time positions available starting January 8,1975 PM and Night shifts Apply Now Contact Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. COMPUTER OPERATOR Brake Parts Company is currently interviewing for an experienced Computer operator. The need has arisen for a Computer operator with one to two years ex­ perience with Honeywell equipment. Prefer 06/2000 experience. Will be responsible for complete control of Computer Operations. For an interview apply in person or phone (815) 385-7000 • • BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL An equal opportunity employer M/F 12-27 1-3 USE WaTtTDST-J 1 1 | 12~31 ADULT ART CUSSES To be held once a week evenings, starting Jan.fbth They will include instruction in drawing, perspective and portrait sketching, in a variety of mediums for beginning artists who just want to learn basic drawing technique. CALL LORI WILHELM, for further Inform­ ation. Must enroll before January 1st. Ten week course 3 hr. sessions; $35.00. 385-8111 Days or 385-381$ after 5:15 P.M. and weekends. # 12-18 TF 1-2 SECRETARY TO THE PRESIDENT Work for the President of a fast growing Company Challenge, responsibility, and excellent salary ($200 per week ) can be yours if you have good typing skills (70 w.p.m.) shorthand (100 w.p.m.) plus a pleasing personality. If this is what you are, or want to be. Call Now 312-362-6000 fob, brokers, Inc. We never chrage the job seeker a fee. Licensed pri­ vate employment agency 611 S. Milwaukee Avw. Libertyville, Illinois 12-31 1-3 # <

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