Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1975, p. 12

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T u PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1975 re<-non> u.p wSBBffii J Wiii^KlEwiy1 ***** » M* ***?& $&¥**> w» g«» iMT IMK I I H M *. <«mn llW llhliiniii i*. T WB^^W^P'WW) Ww. ' ' »:'6 • *'"'•'• ^y><; Wjw-K'flfcW:-!;: administrator I .MINI ADMINRSTtAtOS § WV ANCS MG* • -- mmrn No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealet is .lot responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. Ol TIC F. HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1972 Dodge Tradesmen Van, E300 stick shift; very good condition. $1,950.00 or best offer. Call Mike after 6:00 385-2501 ' 2-7 2-14 1971 Pinto 2000 cc engine, auto, trans.,, ginger color, good condition. $1,175.00 or best offer. Studded snow tires with or without car. 385- 0065 2-7 2-14G 1966 Chrysler Newport, 4 door sedan, 385-6290 2-7 1969 Chevelle, 400 cubic inch engine, new exhaust system, tires and brakes $925.00 or best offer. 1973 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup truck, auto., p.s. p.b. $2,900.00 or $500.00 and take over payments. 385- 3434 2-7 1970 Ford Station Wagon, very good condition $850.00 Call after 6:00 P.M. 385-7236 2-7 2-14G 1968 3/4 ton Ford utility truck good condition will sacrifice for $850.00 Call after 6:00 P.M. 385-7236 2-7 2-14G 1970 BUICK ELECTRA con­ vertible, new tires, stereo and shocks, air cond. p. seats, p. windows, going into service, must sell 385-2884 anytime 2-7 2-14G '73 CAMARO LT 350 AM/FM radio, tackometer, with air, many extras. Clean $2,700.00 or best offer 385-5959 2-7 1970 Austin America, excellent condition, 30 m.p.g. family has outgrown $550.00 385-1831 after 6:00 P.M. 2-7 1967 Chevy Impala, auto, p.s. good running condition, extra tires and 4 wheels $300.00 See after 3:00 P.M. 385-1772 2-7 '73 Dodge Maxi-Van, p.s. p.b. AM radio, excellent condition Low miles $2,795.00 653-9931 2-5 2-7 1974 LUV MIKADOpickuptruck yellow, under 4,000 miles, 20* m.p.g. AM radio, deluxe in­ terior, carpet, fabric/ seats, sport steering wheel, power, brakes, chrome exterior de- core, tonneau cover, 2 mount­ ed steel belted, studded snow tires $3,300.00 or take over .payments -497 - 3861 1-31 2-7G 1966 Mustang, auto, trans, recently rebuilt, mounted snow tires and wheels. $350.00. 653- 9030. 1-31-2-7-G '71 Opel GT. great car, low miles, asking $2,100.00 firm 385-2865 call anytime. Gl-31 2-7; '68 Pontiac, Bonlneville, many good parts, needs engine work, best offer. 385-5119 '69 Pontiac convertible * custom S needs engine, best offer. 385- 5788 G2r5 2-12 1972 Chevrolet, One ton, like new, 400 engine, After 6:00 P.M. 385-8951 2-7 2-14G ^66 CHE VIE PICKUP 6 cyl. stick good condition $700 385- 1163 > 1-29TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES ROOF REPAIRS, specialize wind damage and re-roofing, Free estimate, Experienced, guaranteed work. Call any­ time 385-7472 2-7 2-14 We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 2-5TF1-2 Snow Plowing. Commericaiand residential. Immediate service 385-4351 or 385-4632 2-5TF1-2 "SNOWMOBILES - TUNE UPS and repairs. 381) 1321. 2-5 TF -1-2 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars. 459-0081. 2-5 TF1-2 Light Hauling of all kinds. Base­ ments, attics garages cleaned. Reasonable 385-1140 2-5 2-28 INCOME TAX SERVICE Competent, confidential and convenient. Your home or mine Robert Belzer 385-0705 2-5TF1-2 R & S Const. Co., room" add­ itions. garages, roofing, con­ crete const., siding and rec. rboms Quality work, reasonable prices, free estimates 815-728- 0367 1-15 2-26 R SPECIAL Save 10% : Add a room • • • Basement Rec Room I e Roof Dormer Bedroom ! • Garage Conversions j © Porch Remodeling • • Family Room • O.E.A. Construction i 385-6566 or 344-0748 j NEED SOMETHING DONE ! • Carpentry • Cement Work • Patios • Foundatioas m Roofing • Siding • Painting • Additions No Job to small or unreasonable call J.S. BLAKE Construction 385-5593 1-24 3-7 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE *24 hour answering service and complete mailing service •Paging Service •Printing •Mimeographing •Typing •Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 60050 815-385-0258 J^-_0170Jop]ace ad^ AUTOS GET THE PARTS YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED THEM From COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 West Route 120 McHenry Illinois Phone: (815) 385-0778 Open Weekdays 8:00 - 6 p.m.? Sundays 9:00 - 1 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. BUSINESS SERVICES NEW HOMES QUALITY BuftT Ready to move in; financing available; 10 % down • Aluminum siding • Concrete work • Remodeling • Additions • Foundations • Custom Homes Free Estimates KENWAL INC. 815-678-4263 - -- - -- "\Ti7tF21 REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE Basements • Porches Family Rooms • Garages Room Additions • Patios & Repairs 0. E. A. Construction 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 .2-7TF-2 • Seawalls • Piers • Overhead Boat Hoists • Propellers Repaired • Trailer Hitches • Heliarc • Portable FREE ESTIMATES McHenry Welding 291- W. Rte. 120 - McHenry (Across trom Dup A, Suds) 815-3854929 o_7TF-2 fSNOW REPAIRS WEST SHORE jiji MARINE SERVICE I I 3302 | is W. WAUKEGAN ROAD8 1 McHENRY ILL | 815-344-0416 |Will Pick Up & DeliverJ 1-15 2-26? WATER SOFTENER REPAIR Free Estimate SERVISOFT - WOODSTOCK 338-3385 . 2-5 TF 1-2 FOR SALE SPECIALTIES By orderJIome Made spaghetti, lasagna, and hors' d' oeuvres. Call Wonder Lake 815-728-0526 After 6:00. 2-5 2-27 '75 Yamaha snowmobile, GPX 433 G, low mileage, heat gauges -f extras Excellent condition. Best offer over $1,300.00 815-' 385-2491 2-5 2-7 "WILL TRADE~ANYTHING for 5 month old female miniature dachshund full blooded, shots and housebroken. 653-4601 after 3:00 . 2-7 Ampex reel to reel Tape Re­ corder, Car cassette tapeplay- er, w/FM Radio, Best offer 815-385-6498 2-7 White 30" Crown gas range, good working condition $15.00 385-4073 2-7 Rocking horse $15.00; 16" side­ walk bike $20,00 Headboard flill size $10*00 Bed frame $5.00 312-497-3767 2-7 DRY FIREPLACE WOOD, cut, split, & delivered. Poplar $25; Cherry $30; Oak $30; Hickory $40 per ton Call anytime 815- 338-1665 or 815-338-4085 2-7 2-19 Seasoned Firewood Delivered and stacked $35.00 4x8 cord or ton $45.00 for 4x 16 cord _ 385-1321 2-7TF1-2 KITCHEN CABINETS, assorted sizes $10 to $20 385-4472 2-7 Vinyl floor covering, new in roll two 12 x 15 one 12 xl2 brick pattern $20 each 385- 4472 2-7 Car air conditioner, runs good complete $100.00 or best offer 385-1902 after 3:00 P.M. 2-7 Stenotype machine with in­ struction books and acc­ essories. After 5:30 Call 385- 7312 1-28TF1-2 2 rugs, 2 toned gold,short shags with pads, 1-12x12, 1-12x15, $150.00 for both, Sheridan air rifle, like new $30.00, Sears dishwasher $75.00, 653-9030. 1-31-2-7-G 2-1973 Ski-doo Olympic 400 cc, and trailer. $1,500.00 complete. 653-9394. 1-31-2-7-G Sansuii 8 receiver, Gerrard turntable, JVC 8 track record­ er, 6 speakers, best offer 653- 9931 2-5 2-7 BUSINESS SERVICES DO YOU KNOW? WE REPAIR AND GUARANTEE ALL MAKES AND MODELS AIR TOOLS SANDERS IMPACT WRENCHES AIR CHISELS LOWNERS HYDRAULIC JACKS ALL MAKES & SIZES 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE, FAST SERVICE (USED TOOLS) PICK UP & DELIVERY, CALL ANYTIME4DAY OR NIGHT. THOMAS & SON AIR TOOL SERVICE 385*8960 i_2i TF2 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For Al l Your * TOWING NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS JWt iK ' " 1 ' - * TOW BAR RENTAL s2j£_PAY v.lffmm Two Phones For Service! TOWINC 385-5840 385 0258 2-7TF-2 FOR SALE Child's maple bed with match­ ing dresser complete. $50.00 385-8688 2-5TF Girls model Ranger 10 speed Like new. Wish to trade for 3 or 5 speed of comparable value, or sell Call 653-9529 after 5:30 1-31 New mens 10 speed Columbia. Call 653-9529 after 5:30 V 1-31 1973 Ski- Doo snowmobile, 440 cc, excellent condition, $525.00. Call after 5:00 P.M. 385-8106 2-5 2-7 2' x 4' Ceiling tile, excellent condition. 385-1140 2-5 2-12G Gulbransen Transistor electric organ. Model B, excellent condition. Paid $1,600.00 will sell for $800. Call anytime 497-4376 2-7 2-14G walnut grained laminated plastic dining room table with leaf and 6 chairs. Ex­ cellent condition. $30.00 385- 5916 2-7 Complete used garage door 16 x 7 $98.00 and 9 x 7 $45.00 complete electric used gar­ age door opener 2 transmitters $70.00 385-4010 2-7 3 WAYBEDSCOMPLETE, twir, bunk & trundle $50 385-8902 2-7 2-14G WOOD FOR FIREPLACE, ready to burn. $35.00 ton. Call any­ time 385-3269 or 653-9075 Free Delivery. 2-5 2-21 FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE Now is the time to get rid of that old water soft­ ener. It's worth $100.00i trade in on a new Serv-! isoft Water Refiner. , CALL TODAY SERVISOFT WOODSTOCK 338-3385 2-5TF1-2 GARAGE SALE MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO Furniture, clothes, 5 HP lawn vacuum, 21 ft. Sea Skiff Cris Craft inboard 327 engine; 2Y2 yr. old AKC reg. St. Bernard - champ­ ion lines- show qualtiy. Much more too numerous to mention 1802 N.Riverside Dr. McHenry Sat thru Tues. Feb.8 thru Feb. 11 385-3215 U a-? CLEARANCE SALE SNOWMOBILES NEW& USED JOHNSONS JX AND ROT ARIES Low, Low, Price. Used Machines $250.00 and Up. TRI-MARINE 815 •653-3000 * ? PETS FOR SALE Riding lessons, expert in­ struction. Bepinners through Advanced. Group rates, indoor arena, Our Farm, McHenry, III. 815-344-0951 2-5 TF1-2 PUPPIES, all kindsl year guar­ antee, 385-7897 2-7TF1-2 HAPPINESS IS: FINDING WHAT YOU WANT IN THE PLAINDEAI. KR'S CLASSIFIED WANT! AD SECTION TODAY !'.!! FOR RENT 4-Vi room apartment, near shop­ ping, McHenry, carpeted, heat included. $175.00 per month. 312-642-2460 2-7TF1-2 2 bedroom home, carpeted, air conditioned, with garage. 344- 0880 2-5 2-7 Building for rent 3000 sq. ft. zoned light industry. 815-385- 4004 or 385-6347 2-7 2-12 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate • 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 NOTICE MILLER FEED HAS GONE OUT OF BUSINESS McHenry Oil Co., will now be handling Purina, Wayne, and Evanger's Dog Food. They will also be handling Purina Horse Checkers and Omolene, Rabbit Food, and Wild Bird Seed. We will be at the same location. 4105 W. Crystal Lake Rd McHenry, Illinois 2-5 2-7 TAX RETURNS Established For 20 Years With m An experienced- staff to handle your indivi­ dual problems. • Computer verification at no extra charge. Phone 385-4410 FOR AN APPOINTMENT WITH Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY 2-5 2-7J. FOR RENT Panelled office, air conditioned heat and electric included, loc­ ated in Professional building. $100.00 per month Call 385- 5200 or 385-5572 after 6:00 2-7 2-12 Older house for rent, 3 bed­ rooms on Lily Lake, $200.00per month. Call 312-545-5460 2-7 2-12 Immaculate almost new, 3 br. Raised ranch, 2 car garage, Sunny side area. Immediate oc­ cupancy. Short term lease $310.00 per month, sec. dep. & ref. Gateway Realtors 385- 4810 2-7 3 Bedroom house, Johns burg 2y2 baths, built in range, car­ peted, 2 car garage, security I deposit, No pets, Available March 1 $260 month 312-546- 2211 2-7 2-12 4 BEDROOM HOME complete­ ly re-decorated carpeted, in Genoa City 414-279-3402 2-7 2-19 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE, in Country In Genoa City 414- 279-3402 2-7 2-19 EXCELLENT, efficient, econ­ omical, Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shamp- ooer $1. Ace Hardware. 2-7 1 bedroom apartment, all ut­ ilities furnished.' overlooking Pistakee Bay. 385-7574 2-7 2-14 McHenry, new 3 br. home, 2 car garage, references and se­ curity deposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925 2-5 TF1-2 FOR RENT One bedroom house, lots of room, in Fox Lake, near Lake & near Rt. 12. Carpeted $150 00 per month. First & last month in advance plus utilities. Call 385-1489 after 5:00 P.M. 2-7 2 bedroom apartment upstairs right in town carpeting throughout. $160.00 per month First and last month in ad­ vance plus utilities. Call 385- 1489 after 5:00 P.M. •0 - 2-7 2 bedroom with dishwasher, washer /dryer, refrigerator, garbage disposal, air condition­ ing electric stove, fully carpet­ ed. References no pets. Agent 815-344-1183 2-7 New Quadro home in McHenry, 2 bedrooms 1% baths, fully car­ peted, colored appliances in kitchen, 1 car garage with stor­ age space, private patio, in park like setting. $265.00 per month Call between 8:30 and 5:30385- 1346 after 6:00 P.M. 385-7226 1-31 TF1-2 1 bedroom apartment, all uti­ lities paid, references required security deposit, no pets $165.00 month. 815-653-4816 2-5 2-12G Small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 2-5TF1-2 ANTIQUES For sale, Early American Ant­ iques, furniture, lamps and de­ corative items. Couch, chairs and king sized bed. 459-4686 2-7 Office space for rent, paneT^ led, carpeted and air condit­ ioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and 19 455- 0320 •4 2-5 TF-1-2 Two br. apt. heat furnished $215.00 carpet, range, ref. 1 yr. lease Call weekends 12 to 5 , no pets 385-8042 2-5TF1-2 4 room apartment, 1 bedroom, all remodeled. Also Sleeping room. 385-8190 or 653-9641 "Kj2-5 2-1J SLEEPING ROOM for employed mature gentleman, monthly rates, references. 385-4398 Gl-31 2-7 SUBLEASE- 1 br. shag cptg. central air cond., refrig., stove, rbage disposal, pool rights 190 385-1359 after 3 pm. 2-5 2-7 Northfox Condominium, 2 bed­ rooms, $250.00 per month, sec. ' dep., ref., no pets. Call any­ time 414-724-5022 2-5 2-7 Sleeping room for working adult Private entrance and T.V. hook­ up. 385-2044 2-5 2-7 AUCTION YESTERDAY'S TREASURES Antiques and Collectibles 1113No. Fourth St., McHenry, 111. ( Behind Landmark School) Tuesday thru Saturday 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Sunday - Monday By chance or appointment. 815-385-0309 V* -J-WELCOME TO CHARLIE'S AUCTION In McHenry at KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1304 N. Park Ave. Rte 120 General Merchandise Consignment' Welcome After 4:00 Pm. 2-7 2-28TF-2 Ask for. GUARANTEED WANT AOS • 3 Consecutive Days f 3 FREE if you are not satisfied with results you receive • You must call back on date of 3rd insertion Just Call ijiiiiMiniiiiiiitiinniiiiiiiiiiiimtiiiiintimiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiininiuinimiimniiiiith We wish to announce our niw | FAMILY NIGHT DINNER DISCOUNT | From 4:00 P.M. to closing 1 SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY , 1 (> 4imes ONLY You and your family can enjoy your total meal for 10% less- • Re$. 85.00 Save $5.90 SO "Take advantage of us." I BARON OF BEEF 1 I 3709 IN. Elm St. McHenry, III. j (McHenry Store Only) . 2-72-14 1 iiimiiiiiiimiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin? Minimum 3 insertions • 15 words or less 10c per additional word, per insertion. • Not offered to commercial accounts r t

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