Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1975, p. 14

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PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1975 - - • ' ^Kssss:®: N 7 E 0 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted . To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS; MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 FOR RENT AUTOS 1974 NOVA SPIRIT of America Hatchback, p.s., auto., chrome wheels, good on gas, 16,000 miles. Excellent condition $2,100.00 815-344-1491 3-13/3-19G '61 CHEV 3/4 ton pick-up com­ pletely rebuilt, 6 cyl. engine, body good, tool boxes $300 firm 815-344-1225 3-12/3-19G 1968 Mustang, 302 engine, air, stereo, new exhaust system. A-l engine. $475.00 After 2, 385-9528 G3-12/3-19 '69 Chevy Van, needs work, $550.00 or best offer. 385-5959 call anytime. G3-12/3-19 GETTING MARRIED must sell 1973 Matador, 4 dr. 304engine, take over pmts. 385-6927 3-5/3-12G 1973 Ford Van, low mileage, new radial tires, excellent con­ dition. Call 815-728-0549 or 385-4400. 3-5/3-12G 1974 PINTO 3 dr. runabout 5,200 miles $2,600.00firm. Call' 385-7460 3-5/3-12G 1972 VENTURA SPRINT, p.b., p.s., air, excellent condition $1,950 497-3947 3-5/3-12G 1971 Pinto, 2000 cc engine, auto, new tires, Ginger color, good condition, $1,075.00 or best offer. Studded snow tires with or without car. 338-0065. G3-7/3-14 1971 Ford Station Wagon, air conditioning, p.s., p.b., radio $1,175.00 1964 Cadillac Con­ vertible $425.00 344-0880 or 385-6314 3-7-TF-1-2 1970 FORD 250 Camper Special Auto, p.b., air EZ Load ramp tailgate, 15,000 original miles. 459-4407 G3-7/3-14 1971 El Camino with rally wheels andair conditioning,p.s. p.b. radio, good tires $1,475.00 344-0880 or 385-6314 3-7-TF-1-2 AUTOS 69 IMPALA custom, small V8 P.s., a.c., low mileage. Perfect cond. $900. 344-1446 after 6:30 G3-7/3-14 1969 Jeep Commando, 4 wheel drive, with plow, excellent con­ dition, priced to sell 815-653- 4056 3-12/3-19G 1970 GRAND PRIX a/c, p.b., p.s., good condition $2,000.00 or best offer 815-344-1703 3-12 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRD(, fully equipped, good condition $1,000 312-526-7468 after 5:30 weekdays, Weekends anytime 3-12/3-14 197.0 Mercury Marquis, must sell, make offer. 385-4908after 5:00 P.M. 312/3-19G BUSINESS SERVICES WE REMOVE junk cars & trucks free. Call collect 815-459-7134 2-28/3-12 FARMERS OR PART TIME FARMERS See us for any •FARM EXPENSES •CAR •TRUCK or •MACHINERY LOANS PRODUCTION CREDIT ASS'N 333 E. Jackson St. Woodstock, 111 338-0334 2-14 3-28 HALL FOR RENT Have your party, reception, shower or banquet at AMERICAN LEGION HALL 2505 Ringwood Rd. Ample Parking Call 385-0867 or 385-0652 3-5/3-19TF-1 Ask for... CUARANTEED WANT AOS • 3 Consecutive Days % 3 FREE if you are not satisfied with results you receive i You must call back on date of 3rd insertion Just Call 385-0170 (> 4ime$ 0NLV Re$. $10.90 $5.00 Save Minimum 3 insertions - 15 words or less 10c per additional word, per insertion. • Not offered to commercial accounts New 2 bedroom house, utility room, in McHenry area. For more information call 653-9553 3-12/3-19G Waterfront deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove re.; immediate occupancy, adults no pets. 385-3493 3-5-TF-1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 3-5-TF-1-2 INCOME TAX SERVICE Competent, confidential and. convenient. Your home or mine Robert Belzer 385-0705 3-5-TF-1-2 NEUMANN PAINTING SER­ VICE. Free estimates. Call 385-4219 3-12/3-21 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars. 459-0081. 3-5-TF-1-2 Snow Plowing. Commericalan<J residential. Immediate service 385-4351 or 385-4632 < , 3-5-TF-l-_j Office space for rent, panel­ led, carpeted and air condit­ ioned. Conveniently located onj Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455- 0320 3-5-TF-1-2 O O < • < > < > < > GRAIN CLEANING 815-675-2167 ;; 3-7/3-14'< > TIME AGAIN For B. & K. Kinds i i i i i i SERVICE-REPAIR- REMODELING Frozen pipes, thawed electrically Washer, Dryer Hookups Sump Pumps Water Heaters Free Estimates 385-3823 I POWER SEWER RODDING I SERVICE | 2-13/3-26 McHenry, new 3 br. home, 2 car garage, references and se­ curitydeposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925 3-5-TF-1-2 Two br. apt. heat furnished $215.00 carpet, range, ref. 1 yr. lease Call weekends 12 to 5 , no pets 385-8042 3-5-TF-1-2 2 bedroom apartment, 1)4baths, stove, refrigerator, dish-, washer, air conditioned, car­ peting, drapes, pet allowed. 338-7671 after 4:00 3-7-TF-1-2 2 BR APT, in McHenry, $185 month plus security deposit. Newly remodeled kitchen, car­ peting, air conditioned. Lease 385-1980 after 5 3-5-TF-1-2 Small house, couple preferred, references required. 385-4433 3-5-TF-1-2 New 2 bedrm. 1% bath apart­ ment with refrig - range - dishwasher and disposal. Fully carpeted-private patio and att­ ached garage $275.00 a month Call 385- 2769 - 3-5-TF-1-2 500 sq. ft. store or office. Center of McHenry, Air condi­ tioned $175. Call 815-385- 1327 3-5-TF-1-2 3 bedroom house, large kitchen, family room, 2 car garage. $325.00 per month. 344-0880 2-28-TF-1-2 Overlooking Pistakee Bay, large 1 bedroom apartment, new appliances, carpeting, fire­ place, all utilities furnished. 385-7574 or 385-9572 3-12-3-21 FOR RENT New yuadro home in McHenry, 2 bedrooms 1% baths, fully car­ peted, colored appliances in kitchen, 1 car garage with stor­ age space, private patio, in park like setting. $265.00 per month Call between 8:30 and 5:30 385- 1346 after 6:00 P.M. 385-7226 3-5-TF-1-2 2 BR. apt. Wz baths, refrig­ erator, stove, dishwasher air. cond. pool rights andpetallow- ed $235.00 month 344-1788 after 4 P.M. 3-5-TF-1-2 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Wonder Lake $165.00 month. Adults - no pets, 1 month security de­ posit. 653-6746 between 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. 3-7/3-14G 1 bedroom apartment with fire­ place $200.00 month, 2 bedroom apartment $230.00, both have all appliances, laundry, rec. room and swimming pool. 385- 7599 3-7-TF-1-2 2 Bedroom home in Wonder Lake $170 per month, security deposit, references required 459-7807 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 3-12/3-14 SMALL HOUSE McCullomLake $175.00 month plus security. References required 653-4596 3-12/3-14 ORCHARD APARTMENTS, W. Washington, Round Lake, 2 bed­ rooms, carpeted, deluxe appli­ ances, heat, gas and water in­ cluded, $205.00 no pets. Phone 312-328-6674 after 6:00 P.M. and weekends. 3-5/3-14 LARGE 1 bedroom apartment, semi - furnished, utilities included $155 month 459-3621 3-12/3-14 Business property, space flexible. 385-3093 2-26-TF 1-2 NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Carpentry • Roofing • Cement Work # Siding • Patios • Painting • Foundations « Additions No Job to small or unreasonable CALL J.S. BLAKE f CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS Available now 1 bdrmfrom $185. Fully carpeted deck, stove, refrig. & air cond. furnished. Adults. 1 year lease & sec. dep. required. No pets Apts. shown by appointment. Call LEE J. C00NEY 385-4345 3-5-TF-1-2 GARDEN QUARTER APTS. NOW RENTING 1 & 2 br. apts. from $200 per mo. includes shag cptg. stove, refrig, disp. a.c., pool rights, 1 yr. lease & sec. dep. required. Call 385-2181 3-5/4-161 FOR SALE 1969 Pontiac Catalina, air con­ ditioned, p.b., p.s. 1973 Skir- oule snowmobile, RT 300 excel­ lent condition. $425.00 653-9283 ' 3-12 Floor model T. V., Sears Silver- tone all channels, $25.00, anti­ que couch, best offer. 385-6838 3-12/3-14 Double door refrigerator and freezer, gas range and electric range. Reasonable. Call after 5, 653-6252 3-12 Moving must sell, heavy duty chain saw, mens roller skates and case, size 10, wedding dress, head piece and veil,pic­ tured in Bride's Magazine size 10. Must call by Friday. 385- 3215 3-12 COLONIAL COUCH & CHAIR, needs reupholstering best offer. 385-3845. G3-7/3-1* New men's 10 speed Columbia bicycle $75.00. Call 653-9529 after 5:30 p.m. G3-7/3-14 Hay for sale, $1.25 per bale, will deliver. 385-4013 3-7/3-12 2 YR. OLD Kenmore washer & dryer, excellent condition. $200.00 385-3298 3-7/3-14G 12' Aluminum boat and trailer, 2 motors, 3% HP and 7Vi HP. 385-2562 3-5/3- 12G China cabinet, sliding glass doors above, drawers, doors below; dining table; Herculon reclining chair. 815-385-4689 3-5/3-12G Garrard turn table, Bogan am­ plifier, tuner and speaker. Best offer. 385-1755 after 5:00 P.M. 3-5/3-12G APPALOOSA MARE, 10 yrs. old, good riding horse $225 Call 728-0533 after 5 p.m. 3-5/3-12G EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE dinette set, 48" rd. table, one 12" leaf, 4 avocado upholstered chairs, exc. cond., Walnut port, bar like new; New adj. mesh dress form; ladies beige coat mink collar size 18; lrg. authen­ tic milk can with cover 385- 4249 3-12 FOR SALF. 3-7/4-18 BUSINESS SERVICES Russell Rhoton Blacktop Service • Driveways •Parking Lots •Seal Coating •Free Estimates 385-6445 3-12/4-23 ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 > r > v V r f - r i - r r r i - i - i ' > BUSINESS SERVICES •WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING I SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE I WE ARE NOW TAKING • ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT I WITH OWNER & SAVE! ! -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- - GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367^0676^ 3-5-TF-1-2 I RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REGISTERED NURSES 3:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. - 7:00 A.M. Full time or part time positions available Apply Personnel Dept. FOR SALE Garage Doors - like new 16 x 7 $100.00, 8 x 7 $55.00 also 10 x 7's Garage door section re­ placement $30.00, Electric gar­ age door opener $70.00 385- 4010 3-17-TF-1-2 For Sale: 20" Lawn Mower, Briggs & Station Motor excel­ lent condition $40.00 344-0649 3-12 r BOATS & MOTORS 1974 20' Larsen, 188 1/0. Calkins trailer with brakes. $4,750.00 385-6801 3-12/3-19G TAX RETURNS Established, For 20 Years With m An experienced- staff to handle your indivi­ dual problems. • Computer verification at no extra charge. Phone 385-4410 FOR AN APPOINTMENT WITH Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. ROUTE 1£0 McHENRY 3-5/3-28 MACHINISTS Set up and operate New Britain Chuckers and Turret Lathes. Experience Necessary. Good wages and benefits. Apply in person KEMPER VALVE & FITTINGS CORP. North Old Rand Road & Rt. 12, Wauconda, II.. McHenry Medical Group Needs R.N.'s and LP.N.'s FULL TIME OR PART TIME Call Personnel: 385 1050 or apply 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, III. MALE HELP WftNTED WANTED, one male lead vo­ calist for rock band. We have PA system 312-639-4594 2-28/3-12 Man for work in Marina. Must have mechanical ability. Apply in person. Kramer Boat Co., 82 N. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, III. 3-12/3-14 FEMALi HFLP WANTED Responsible mature WOMAN for inner - office secre-l tarial duties. Typing, book-j keeping, filing, recorc keeping essential. Short­ hand helpful. Write resume! stating qualifications to j Box M3 c/o McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, 111. 3-12/3-14* HELP WANTED WANTED Dependable man for General Plant Work. Hours: 8 AM to 3 PM 5 Day Week - Paid Holidays' Profit Sharing Fund Starting Salary - $3.00 Only an on-time, neat individual need apply. Phone for intefview. 385-5000 DURA WAX 4025 West Main St. McHenry McHenry A 3-12f Sell Autcr Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 3-5-TF-1-2 I LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL SERVICE? CHECK THESE CL^Singjg^^^ I HELP WANTED WANTED 4 Live in Custodian for 36 unit apartment complex. Must be mechanically in­ clined (Plumbing and elec­ trical) Duties Include: Gen­ eral Cleaning and upkeep of building. MAYLINE APARTMENTS Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 « 3-12-TF-1-2., IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For Men & Women We have openings in our advertising dept. now. $600.00 to start. If accept­ ed, company will train. For Interview Call Mr. White 455-3332 between 9 & 5 3-12/3-14 AVON Is TV the most exciting part of your life7 Avon offers an exciting al­ ternative. Sell quality pro­ ducts in your own Ter­ ritory. Excellent earn­ ings, too. Call: MRS. BAUER g 815-385-5385 g 3-5/3-28 DAY WAITRESS Knowing bar Apply in person LA PETITE CUISINE 220 West Route 120 Lakemoor McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-7495 3-7/3-12 HELP WANTED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT We are offering an outstanding opportunity, to an am­ bitious person who is detailed minded, and wants to learn electrical and sheet metal drafting, Excellent benefits and starting salary. For Interview Call Ken Steiner 312-546_-&225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and Laboratory Ovens and Furnaces 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 3-12/3-14 McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, III. Phone 385-2200 Extension 645 \ 3-12/3-14& 3-12/3-14 Employment Opportunities • DAY SHIFT • TOOL MAKERS EXPERIENCED • TOP WAGES Apprentice MACHINISTS With Welding Experience • NIGHT SHIFT • Experienced TURRET LATHE OPERATOR & SETUP Please Call (815) 338-2711 T. R. JONES •• Machine Company 357 E. JUDD ST. - WOODSTOCK AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER i

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