PAGE 18 - PLAINDKALKIM KlltW. MAKC1I 21, 1975 A Wig, Maybe? head and still think she's Woman can never be man's handsome. equal until she sports a large -Record, Columb'a, S.C. bald spot on the top of her Before there was a gasoline shortage we boilt cars as if there were one. It's what a carshould ba EUROPA MOTORS 3 2414 W. RTE. 120 3 385-0700 i r Ringwood News 653-9008 653-9262 728-0295 Larry Fry Tells His Experiences As AFS Student It was a most enjoyable evening for those who heard Larry Fry speak on his ex periences while spending a year in Holland as an AFS exchange student. Larry spent his senior year of high school in Holland, learning the language and about the country. While he thoroughly enjoyed his ex periences that year. Larry was still very glad to be an American and return to his home. CANASTA CLUB The Canasta Club met at Bill and Shirley Cristy's home Saturday night with high scores going to Muriel Benoy and Art Christopher. ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soddv of Kenosha were weekend visitors with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and the Charles Brennans. Mr. and Mrs. Colby and Mr. and Mrs. Larsen of Northbrook were also recent visitors. Althea Walkington spent Wednesday afternoon, evening and part of Thursday of last week with son. Jay Walkington. and family, in Addison. Phyllis and Dick Zell and son, David, left last Friday and returned home on Sunday. They spent the weekend with the Harold Meyer's family in Elma, Iowa. Walt and Doris Low spent probably their last weekend snowmobiling in the Coloma, Wis., area with the Freunds and Adamses of McHenrv. DRAPERY CLEANING SAIE 20% OFF FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH Treat Your Draperies To The Finest Drycleaning Care At A Special Price McHenry's Finest s\" , Fabric Care Specialists DRIVE-IN Gem Cleaners : 3004 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Ph. 385-2231 Come in and browse, you'll get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gifts. 3012 W Rte. 120, McHenry East of New Bridge - Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30. Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 Complete planning and installation of fixtures and accessories. SAVE 20* COLOR •A*17 ' uuijESBBc Reg. 39' PAAS EASTER EGG COLOR KIT Discount Price Limit 1 Coupon Exp. 3-27-75 5AVt $1.26 Reg. $2.65 CLAIR0L NICE'N EASY HAIR COLORING Discount Price Limit 1 Coupon Exp. 3-27-75 kuWk INFLATION-EKJHTER COUPON bAVt 26* Reg. 52'| PLAYING CARDS Discount Price 26* if Limit 2 Coupon Exp. 3-27-75 1 is ITUWtTtf IT INFLATION-! IG W S A V E 1 5' Reg. 10' 'I POSTAGE STAMPS | Discount Price E ! 5/45' Limit Coupon I .xp. j . |P Reg. 10' 'I POSTAGE STAMPS | Discount Price E ! 5/45' Limit Coupon I .xp. j . Reg. 10' 'I POSTAGE STAMPS | Discount Price E ! 5/45' Limit Coupon I .xp. j . rWivi»BMI r SAVE _ I • I . UJ kJU Reg. $1.97 G.E. MAGICUBES Discount Price *J27 Limit 1 Coupon Exp. 3-27-75 H :r cor pox w*b. INFLATION-FIGHTER COUPON W* imUAIAIA Discount Counpon \ INFLATION-FIGHTER C OH PON Agency Drugs JhueVaSw H A R D W A R E S T O R E S t> FREE bEllVERY "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. 385-4426 McHENRY JhwL̂ aSuz HARDWARE STORES Agency Drugs RUSSELL STOVER ASSORTED CHOCOtATES 1 LB. BOX *2.95 2 LB. BOX *5.85 EASTER BASKETS Discount Price EASTER CARDS CHOCOLATE CREAM EGGS 5 Oz. EASTER BASKETS Discount Price TO HER FUDGE NUT EGGS EASTER GRASS Discount Price ] imnxs snxnixF They said it was beautiful but almost too warm for the snowmobiles, even tho they had about 2 feet of snow to travel on. Doris Low and grandsons, Lee and Scott Miller, had lunch with Doris' mom, Mabel Thomas, on Monday. Doris' aunt and uncle were also there from Hinsdale. "500" CARD CLUB The Paul Walkington at tended their "500" card club at the home of Helen and Lou Winn at Richmond on Satur day, March 15. High scores were made by Millie Thomas and Walt Wilcox and low scores were made by Althea Walkington and??? we forgot. \ BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday supper was held at the Clayton Bruce home to help Clayt celebrate another year (of remembering how many years he's adding up). All his children, grandchildren and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Macy from next door were there. SHOWERS A surprise baby shower was given by Janet and Jennifer Bauer and Noreen Schmitt at the Roland Bauer home for Lynn Bauer on Monday evening. Among the many gifts was a stroller with extra seat (rumble) which Kevin said he could occupy. Bootie cakes, ice cream and coffee were served by the hostesses. Pam Chambers was honored at a surprise shower given for her by her sister, Sandy Bauer. Many lovely gifts were received. A luncheon was served with a special bassinet cake was given to Pam by one of her godparents. Needless to say the Chamber baby will come into the world very well dressed. BIRTHDAY We have another birthday to add to our books. As we found out Bill Raycraft celebrated his birthday on March 13. Did that make you 40 yet? VOLLEYBALL ANYONE? Anyone who would be in terested in volleyball and would like to try his hand at beating his neighbor or just plain stretching the muscles, you can join in on Thursday nights at our junior high multi-purpose room at 7 or so. So sweethearts, lovers or husband and wives come on out. MAUNDY THURSDAY Maundy Thursday services at the Ringwood church on Thursday, March 27 at 7 p.m. A service of Holy Communion and Agape Feast, this will commemorate Jesus's last supper with His disciples. WANTED Wanted for craft projects both sizes of dishwashing detergent bottles. Seems there are some dolls in the making and one person just can't use that much dish soap. CAN THEY?? Contact Doris Low or Althea Walkington for more information. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Loren Harrison, Mrs. Leo Smith and Alan Walker on March 23. Daphnee Bruce and Brent Leh- mkuhl will share their bir- thdates on March 24 as does Robin Fossum and little Earl Betts on March 26. Resae Ackerman and Marion Harrison's special day is March 28, Happy birthday to all of you. OOPS!! almost missed little Cherie Spencer, her special day is March 27 and Richard Bounds, Albert Mecham and Amy Olson will celebrate their special day on March 28. Happy birthday to all of you too. ANNIVERSARIES Walt and Doris Low will celebrate about 31 years on March 23. Sure hope they have many more happy years. THINGSTO REMEMBER Rummage Sale -- Friday March 21- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday March 22 - 9 a.m. to noon. United Methodist Sewing Circle - Thursday March 27 at the home of Arlene Pearson at 10:30 a.m. until??? Maundy Thursday ~ March 27, 7 p.m. at Ringwood Church. Good Friday - March 28. Easter Sunday ~ March 30 - Ringwood Church Sunrise Service -- 7:45 a.m. Breakfast at 8:15 a.m.; Easter Service at 9:15 a.m. Cite Seven For Achievement At Western State Seven McHenry students were among the 1,791 under graduate students at Western Illinois university, Macomb, who were cited for their scholastic achievement during the fall quarter. Cited for honors were Kyle Wilson Curie, 4213 W. South street, a freshmen; Lawrence K. Fergen, 1904 N. North avenue, a senior; Cary Hill, 2608 Manitou, a junior , Laura J. Malinowski, Route 2, a senior; Don Alan Mayer, 4720 Park View, a senior; Vicki Lee Peterson, 2815 N. Magellan drive, a sophomore, and Betsy Ann Stephensen, 2305 W. Country lane, a sophomore. Students are honored for compiling a quarterly grade point average of 3.5 or better, based on 4.0 equals straight A. Ace is the place with the Helpful Hardware Man ...and this week I have these Sale items available for you. ACE 3.5 HP ROTARY TILLER '219.95 Features reverse vertical shaft drive. 4-cycle Briggs engine, rewind start. Extra-heavy gear case, adjustable roller bearings. 16 forged, |self-sharpening tines, 14" dia. 10" wheels. 215-200-033 7 2 2 3 8 n AMES* HANDY ^ SPADING FORK AMES* LEVEL HEAD RAKE AAM REG. 6.40 '5.49 Great for gardeners. 4-tine head is welded, tempered and built-to-last. D too handle. 1 8 - 9 3 4 I S T L D ) 7 0 0 9 1 REG. 4.50 $3.83 Economical, functional design is easy-to-handle, American made. Welded steel teeth. 1 8-838(S1 4C) 7 0 068 PREMIERE'S GARDEN PAK '1.59 Ideal for hundreds of soil build ing uses. Seasoned peat moss in 3 peck unit. 70583 A C E H A ••• A R E 3729 W. Elm Street, McHenry, 111.