Ringwood News 653-9008 653-9262 728-0295 Three Families Homeless After Tragic Fire The tragic fire that gutted the former Welter building in downtown Ringwood on Monday of this week left three families homeless, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopp and their four boys, Mrs. Betty Goldsmith and her six children, and Mike Lorsch and Richard Orton. More details next week as to what can be done to help the families. APPRECIATION The semi annual rummage sale at the church last week was a huge success. Our ap preciation goes to all those who donated in anyway. VISITORS Sue (Fossum) Thornton and daughters are spending a surprise two or three days with Sue's mom, Bobbie Fossum in Johnsbure. Linda and Bill Bellikas and son Nicky had supper with Linda's parents Walt and Doris Low and they spent Saturday night there too and were present for a birthday and anniversary celebration on Sunday. McLAKE WOOD 4-H CLUB On March 10, the McLake Wood 4-H club met at the Bender home at Wonder Lake. Ben Jacobs, our president, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. The pledges were led by Doug Byron. Kim Rich and Danielle Byron acted as secretary because our Cindy McDonald was sick. Treasurer's report was given by Peter Bender. Committee reports were given. They were Share the Fun, Danielle Byron; Federation, David Byron. Under new business it was decided to sponsor Kim Rich in a swim marathon for charity. We are going to pay ten cents for every lap she swims in forty-five minutes. Debbie Piper and Renea Thorson are to find places to go on trips. Mrs. Byron, our leader, announced the following Junior Leaders: Bub Jacobs, Beef; Danielle Bryon, Sewing; Dave Christopher, Recreation; Dave t Byron, Small Engines; Pete I Bender, Crafts, Kim Rich, Horses; Lee Walkington, Horticulture. Sherrie Cristy gave a demonstration on how to make Easter Eggs and decorate an Easter Tree. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bender. Next meeting will be at Donna Doherty's, April 14, at 7 o'clock. Lee Walkington, Reporter LADIES "500" CARD CLUB Mae Wiedrich was hostess of the Ladies "500" card club held in the home of her sister, Flora Carr, on Wednesday of last week. Blanche Howe held all the lucky cards for the day and ended up with high score and Vera Frey just couldn't seem to get the right cards so she ended up with low score. Better luck next time, Vera. MARCH BIRTHDAYS The March birthdays in the Low family were celebrated <S> 1975 Honor Council Member C. R. (Chuck) Peterson McHenry, Illinois Ph.(815) 385-1331 Quality Quality is a word which describes the ideal you seek whenever you make a buying decision. It is not always the easiest thing to find, nor is price always a reliable yardstick in measur ing the wisdom of your choice. Still, in the long run, quality, or lack of it, has a way of making itself known. Quality is something you'll recog nize whenever you meet an agent from The Bankers Life of Des Moines. And when that agent is a member of one of our national honor clubs -- Premier Club, Honor Council or Executive Cabinet, you can be doubly certain. Known since 1879 as a company of integrity with a corps of professional agents, The Bankers Life of Des Moines enjoys nationwide acceptance. The reason is quality -- a quality line of modern insurance services and quality representation. The Nick Parrinello Agency Rockford, Illinois Quality. It shines through! THE BANKERS LIFE. DES MOINES, IOWA 50307 with a delicious pot-luck dinner on Sunday at the home of Patti Miller and sons, Lee and Scott. Birthdays being celebrated were Bobbie Low on March 8 and Sue (Low) Erwin on March 29 (Sue had to bake her own birthday cake this year) and Dan Hansen, friend. Those attending were Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hansen and son, Dan, all of Woodstock, Mabel Thomas, Bob and Sue Low and son, Bobby, Ed and Sue Erwin, Donna Lynn and Marcie all of McHenry. Pam and Dan Kehoe of Elkhorn, Wis., were there as were Linda and Bill Billikas and son, Nicky, of Dubuque, Iowa. ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Several of the snowmobiler and the square dancer friends of Walt and Doris Low stopped in on Sunday evening to wish them a happy anniversary. 'Twas 31 years and was real nice to be remembered on such an occasion. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Chris Price on March 30. Audry (Andreas) Smith and Nancy Parsley will celebrate on March 31, as does Krystal Harrison on April 1. Laura Ackerman and Rusty Cerny will share their special day on April 2, Kathryn Pearson and Arthur Walker celebrate on April 3 and Mary Baker and Candida Bounds will share April 4. Happy birthday to all of you and many, many more to come. THINGS TO bT REMEMBER E Maundy Thursday-March 27- E -Maundy Thursday will = celebrate the Lord's Supper E and Agape feast at 7 p.m. at E Ringwood church. Bring your E family and friends for = fellowship and worship. Good Friday-March 28 - E Community Services at E Woodstock Assembly of God E Church. The "Seven Last E Words" at 12:30 p.m. Also at E McHenry United Methodist § church at 8 p.m. Easter Sunrise Service- E Sunday March 30-7:45 a.m. E Breakfast~8:15 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Regular Worship-9:15 a.m. No E Sunday School. Easter Vacation-March 30 = through April 4. School E resumes April 7. * * * * = A nation is as strong as E its average citizen and no E stronger. Lose Water Weight with | A "Natural" Water Pill | NEW ODRINIL, a natural "water prll" ^ can help you lose excess weight. = uncomfortable body bloat (pullmess in = ankles, arms, stomach) due to excess ^ water retention during pre menstrual = cycle ODRINIL is a gentle diuretic = compound contains natural herbs in a = tablet that is ellective and fast acting = Helps, eliminate excess water usually = caused by pre menstrual bloat = f ODRINIL "Golden Water Pills" are = guaranteed to help you lose that = uncomfortable water bloat and = temporary weight gain or your money jjjjj will be refunded No questions asked E ODRINIL is sold with this guarantee by = Bolger's Drug Store 1259 N. Green Street Mail Orders Filled Bible Church . Will Present Easter Cantata The Wonder Lake Bible church cordially invites the public to hear the senior choir's rendition of "Easter Song", by John W. Peterson, a well known gospel composer. The cantata will be given Sunday evening, March 30, at 7 p.m. Admission is free. The church is located at 7501 Howe road, Wonder Lake. The choir said, "There is a spontaneous 'Easter Song' which bursts forth in over whelming joy at this great season when Christians everywhere commemorate the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is a song of divine power--a song of new life--a song of hope and a song of adoration. Cast Speaks Out At "Fiddler" Rehearsals "It's really becoming ex citing, now that we are putting the singing and dancing up on stage," is what Sandy Clark says about the upcoming spring musical at McHenry high school. Sandy plays the second- eldest daughter, Hodel, in "Fiddler on the Roof". In the play Sandy is to marry the radical student, Perchik, who is played by Masatoshi Wada, this year's foreign exchange student from Japan. Adds Sandy, "Working with "In the resurrection, the Christian sees the literal fulfillment of God's redemptive plan for man and is thrilled anew with the words of the Lord in John 11:25, "I am the resurrection and the life!' " Masatoshi is a great ex perience in itself. He's terrific." Carol Leighty, who portrays Golde, Hodel's mother, adds to the attitude of certainty that surrounds this production. "J have become increasingly impressed and certain of an excellent production with every rehearsal. Of course, the play is still taking shape, but its development thus far insures a tremendous finished product. Also, I am working on a Jewish accent for the show. It was a little difficult at first to pick it up, but the more I use it, the more natural and easy it becomes" With all of this student confidence, one wonders what the director thinks. In this case, that refers to Marguerite Vandagriff, who is making "Fiddler" her sixth production in McHenry. Her experience has told her that "with every play I do, I work with kids with such enthusiasm and interest that it just about leaves me ten miles behind them. This musical is - a great chance for so many talented individuals, and 1 can't stress enough the quality of this production." Obviously this show has a lot going for it. The longest run ning play on Broadway is a good beginning, but when you' add all of this enthusiasm and talent, the show is made even better. "Fiddler on the Roof" will be presented April 24-27. PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1975 recent auto show in Chicago" which hosts the United States' largest display of foreign and domestic cars, climaxed by a meet ing of Subaru dealers at McCormick inn. * HERE AND TH|RF IN BUSINESS AT Al'TO SHOW Phil Hoaglund of Europa Motors, 2414 West Route 120, McHenry, is shown at the The best years can always be ahead. aiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiijimiiiiimiinnniiiiiinunmiinniniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiMnimrg FOR WOMEN ; v | ...SHAGS | ...NATURALS E ...LAYER CUTS j Y o u ( A V T e l l | The Difference _ \ JANE'S STYLING FOR MEN = 3317 VV. Elm St., McHenry By Appointment = 815-385-7771 E Tlllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||||!||i||||||||f||fi||||||||||i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||7= ! THINK ABOUT IT! ! BOB JUSTEN- On the first Good Friday in the year 33A.D. - the world witnessed a cruel crucifixion. The last words heard from the cross - "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" - meant little or nothing, at the time. All was in turmoil when tranquility was needed most. His followers thought everything He stood for, everything He preached and practiced - the virtues of mercy, thruth, love, compassion and hope- all appeared lost. They were mistaken! Three days later, the glory of Easter was evident! Only then was His prediction and promise of ressurection remembered! Despair dis appeared!' HE HAD RISEN FROM THE DEAD AS HE SAID HE WOULD! It is a beautiful story, the most meaningful story of all time. Actually, it is the most important thing in life we ought to be thankful for . . . Are you thinking ahead to those spring home itnproteinent projects? If not. now is the time to be planning and thinking about those projects. Jot down a list of nifUgrials and ideas and see us for helpful planning and suggestions. Our quality products will enhance your home and make living more comfortable and enioyabile. rA V ALEXANDER A ^ LUMBER -- 9 I I H N o r t h I r u n t M . - M c l l o n r v . l l l . 5bod S totes NEW HOURS. Von thru Fn. 8<i.m 9p m Sat. 8a m 7p m bun 10a.m 5p.m 3718 W Elm Street, McHenry let Jewel Help You Plan A . i m 1 • p m. * PRICES EFFECTIVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, THURS . MARCH 27 THRU SUN , MARCH 30, 1975, AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN COOK, LAKE, DUPAGE AND MC HENRY COUNTIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS AND ELGIN) ONLY SMOKED MEATS, LUNCHMEATS, POULTRY, AND FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAILABLE AFTER SIX P M WEEKDAYS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Set Your Holiday Table With Delicious Jewel Meats! U S D A GRADE "A" POPULAR BRANDS -- EXCLUDING SELF BASTING 18 22 LBS Our Shelves Are Stocked With Easter Holiday Goodies! JEWEL GRADE "A" Large Eggs DOZEN HenTurkey* WITH EACH '3.00 PURCHASE REFRESHING Coke, Tab, Or Fresca + DEP REG $1 39 «. $1 59 < DEP 16 OZ RETURNABLES C.MOKE.D HAM °°V1 rnOtUD - ADOt0 FULLY COOKED 681851 Ham Roast MARY DUNBAR ^ Orange 120z Juice REG 53c JEWEL MAID Split Top 24 oz Bread LOAF REG 65c JEWEL COUNTRY MANOR Sliced Ham SMOKED OR FRESH Polish Sausage ONLY AVAILABLE IN JEWELS WITH CHEF S KTICHFN ARMOUR STAR WIENERS OR Corn King, lB Franks PKG AMERICAN^ |Potato Salad Potato Salad S LB • CREAMY CTN JLOD Macaroni Salad A Lovely Gift! Easter Lilies MIN 4 BLOOMS Tom Turkeys WITH A $10 00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING TOBACCO HOUOR OR PRICE OF TURKEY GOV'T. INSP. -- SMOKED HAM FULLY COOKED -- WATER ADDED Shank Ham Roast 7 9 LBS 66' U S D A CHOICE BEEF SMALL END Rib Roast OR Beef Round Rump Roast 29 1 GORTONS Ocean Perch 1 LB PKG GOVT INSP -- BONELESS PORK LOIN Rolled Pork Roast lb 79e $139 Dress Up Your Easter Feast With Fresh Produce Treats! FOR YOUR HOLIDAY MEAL Sweet Potatoes EXTRA FANCY Golden Delicious Apples DELICIOUS Asparagus LB LB Why Not Give Tour Budget A Boost With Those Special Jewel Coupons! ESE3I5 *ARCH JO "" SAVE 50c GOOD THRU SUNDAY ON A 17 OZ BTL OR 4 ? $ REGULAR OR E*TRA BODY H£% RIVLON HI* ,Wi Balsam Hair Conditioner WITH THIS COUPON PRICE WITHOUT COUPON S2 09 "fa GOOD THRU SUNDAY MARCH 30 1975 SAVE 35' ON AN 8 OR CONTAINER 769 SMOWII TO SMOWIR Talc WITH THIS COUPON PRlCi WITHOUT COUPON SI 16 ^/'RR ... ^ 03 GOOD THRU SUNDAY MA»(.H 30 1975J SAVE 20 ON A 6 4 OZ TUBE Of REFRESHING Close Up Toothpaste WITH THIS COUPON PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 98C CJOCD THRU SUNDAY «/A*CH 30 19755 SAVE 25< •I. !.' GOOD THRU 5UNOAT MARCH 30 1975 SAVE 50' S3 GOOD THRU SI)NDA* ANARCH 30 1975 _ SAVE 40« ON A 6 0 / BO* OL 780 ' | ON A PKG OF SINS A i OX (tMININf HfGIINf I |V NAVY COfMf Of f BLACK OR SUNTAN OR BUGf I Massengill Disposal Douche I Velvetouch All Nude Pantyhose I THIS COUPON I WIIM ™ IS COUPON PRICE Wl! COUPON 6 3 PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 99c XGCZME . + ON A 10 OZ BTL Of PPJJ SOOTHING r-7 Desitin Lotion WITH THIS COUPON PRICE WITHOUT COUPON S' 44 GOOD THRU SUNDAY VARCH 30 '975 SAVE 50' ON A 60* OF 12 778 SOOtHiNG Preparation H Suppositories WITH THIS COUPON PKIC( WITHOUT COUPON $2 o i M' XLS GOOD THRU SUNDAY MARCH 30 ^97T>WSSW SAVE 45 WI 490 ! ON A L 2 OZ TUBE Of SKIN CARE Clearasil WITH THIS COUPON PRICE WITHOUT COUPON SI 43 /Si i