Consumer Forum B y Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott Tragedy often needs only a few seconds of carelessness...a tew moments of "I just didn't think anything like that would happen... » Take the case of a mother who was trying to remove some heavy grease stains from a dress. The telephone rang; she ran to answer it; it was a wrong number. But when she retur ned, she found her two-year-old daughter taking ajatal drink of cleaning fluid. Or the fathejjiVbo was in his garage preparing to do some painting. A neighbor called,, and the father walked to an adjoining fence to talk for a few seconds. He returned to find that his three-year-son had drynk from an open jar of kerosine used to clean paint brushes. Accidental childhood poisoning: It happens tens of thousands of times yearly in this country. Hundreds of children die. Hundreds more suffer permanent can take only a carelessness. injuries, moment It of Most accidental poisonings happen to children five years of age and under. In these years, children usually are fearless explorers...and usually they can't read. They often, too, are capable of much more ingenuity and physical prowess than we adults give them credit for. A child who is told that medicine is like "candy"...and who sees his mother's brightly colored pills on a high shelf...can more often than not find a way to get to the pills if he chooses. We can think we have taken precaution against our children being poisoned. But have we? Are our homes "poison-proof?" Most people are aware of the need to have all medications clearly labeled, in containers with child-proof caps, locked in a medicine cabinet. But what about our wide variety of household cleaning and care products that are poisonous? Where do we keep them? Under the kitchen sink or on a table in a workroom or garage? Have we put gasoline for our power mower in soft drink bottles? Do we leave candy-looking mojth- balls scattered loosely in drawers? Do we know that "ordinary" baby powder- talcum powder - can cause a serious type of pneumonia when inhaled? Do we leave our prescription pills, or tranquilizers, or sedatives, or aspirin in our jacket pockets or purses? The list could go on. If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then your home isn't poison-proof. But it's important to remember that your mind should be "poison-proof," too. Over 75 percent of childhood poisonings occur when an adult is called away and a child is left alone -- even for a few moments -- with a potential poison. Think poison- proof'.....over and over and over again. If your child, or anyone you know, does take a potentially poisonous substance, CALL A -HOSPITAL FIRST! (Then call your husband or wife or neigh bor.) Over 100 hospitals in Illinois are designated as of- PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1975 spurgeons FOR DAD FATHER'S DAY JUNE 15th! POPULAR BRAND SPORT JACKETS SIZES 36-46 REG. Reg. 38.88 to 49.99 NOW $1000 ^OOOO TO 28 ONE LARGE GROUP THIS WEEK ONLY SAVE 28% to 69% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES Many Jacket And Pant Sets Also Included On This Remarkable Sale DON'T MISS THIS ONE USE YOUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN NOW AND SAVE! FREE GIFT WRAPPING OF COURSE. Sale! Wrap Terry Robe Solid color terry wrap -- one size fits all! For home and beach! And, see our entire collection of robes in terries, Reg. 4.99 seersuckers, broadcloth -- £ jm no-iron, S, M, L, XL, 7.99 to £& 10.99 TIE OF YOUR CHOICE WITH EVERY SHIRT AND PANT PURCHASE TIE VALUES FROM 2.00 to 3.50 Sale! Gift Belts $o Reg. 2.59 ^ Leathers and leather-looks, all sizes in the group. Sale! Pajamas Reg. 6.99 533 Perma-press broadcloth pa jamas, prints and solids, sizes A, B, C, D. Reg. 5.99 pajamas 4.77 OTHER GIFT IDEAS! M e n ' s d r e s s a n d s p o r t socks, one size fits all, 890 to 1.39 pr. Swimsuits, S, M, L, 2.99 to 5.99 Buxton convertible billfold in kidgrain cowhide, $5 Buxton two or three-fold billfold in cowhide, 5.50 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHeniy Market Place Shopping Center STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 9 385-4100 I «••«*** • Sat. 9 to 6 Sun. 10-5 00 J HAUV 1 -- BankAmeu ficiaKPoison^Control Centers. Find^ihe"telephone number of the hospital so designated in your town or area and write the number on your emergency telephone number list. In Chicago, the Master Chicago Center for information, treatment and reference on poisonings is Rush- Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, (312) 942-5969. Be ready to tell the poison control center what potential poison the person has taken andtf> if possible, how much. Don't assume that vomiting is an automatically acceptable treatment. It is not always. In poisionings from petroleum- distillate products DO NOT attempt to induce vomiting. As a result of such action, the person could suffer damage to the mouth, throat and esophagus as well as develop an aspiration pneumonia. Call the poison control center. Remember, poison-proof your home, and your mind. Tragedy often needs only a few seconds of carelessness... ECONOMICALLY SPEAKING Those economic terms really aren't so hard to understand. A readjustment is when your neigh bor loses his job A recession is when one married partner loses their job A depression is when the other partner loses theirs QUEENS IN REHEARSAL - Karen Kalvelage, right, gets a lesson in a graceful way to stand from 1974 Miss Wonder Lake, Bunny Berndt. Watching, are hopefuls in the 1975 Miss Wonder Lake queen contest. From left. the\ are Denise Kiggins, Lin Karlson, Debbie Miller and Maureen F olliard. Jnet Schert was absent from picture. Winner will be named in judging scheduled for June 12. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD FATHER S DAY SPECIALS 3.12 OFF MEN'S LUXURY KNIT SHIRTS 88 REGULARLY $7 Great fit, smooth dress shirts in a rainbow array of solid colors. Machine- wash polyester shuns wrinkles, no ironing needed Half sleeves. 1412-17. SAVE 1.12-2.12 MEN. BROADCLOTH SHIRT CLASSICS REGULARLY $6 - $7 Get summer comfort in a great po yester-cotton blend; no i'oning needed. Pocketed short sleeve style in tan, blue, mint, maize S-M-I-rXL. SAVE 2.12 FASHION-WIDTH TIES FOR MEN E I e g a n t d <• - 8 8 signs, solids wrinkle-shu polyester. REG. $5 '£ pp.; f* >'•' , C r ;tf T~ hJ 'it!i~ if Mm 3.12 OFF COLORFUL KNIT SHIRTS FOR MEN REGULARLY $8 S u p e r - c o m f o r t p o l y e s t e r s i n l i v e l y f a s h i o n t o n e s w i t h c o n t r a s t t r i m B l u e , t a n , m i n t w i t h w h i t e t r i m ; w h i t e w i t h p e a c h o r t a n t r i m S - M - L - X L . 1.11 OFF COTTON KNIT SHIRTS FOR MEN 088 REGULARLY $3.99 P l e n t y o f z e s t y n e w s t r i p e s i n s u p e r - c o m f o r t a l l - c o t t o n k n i t s . C l a s s i c c r e w - n e c k p u l l o v e r s w i t h p o c k e t . M a c h i n e - w a s h . S - M - L - X L 3.12 OFF MEN S NEW VISA KNIT SHIRTS A 88 REGULARLY $8 S u p e r c o m f o r t , s u p e r n e a t n e s s i n 2 - w a y s t r e t c h t e x t u r i z e d p o l y e s t e r . S h u n s w r i n k l e s , p e r s p i r a t i o n , s t a i n . N o i r o n n e e d e d . 1 4 ' / a - 1 7 Li 3.12 OFF NEW SOFT-TOUCH SHIRTS FOR MEN REGULARLY $8 W o v e n t e x t u r i z e d p o l y e s t e r w i t h t h e f e e l o f l u x u r y . C o n t r a s t s t i t c h i n g , e p a u l e t s , p o c k e t s . M a c h i n e - w a s h , n o i r o n n e e d e d S o l i d s i n S - M - L - X L SAVE 7.12 FASHION-PLUS KNIT SPORTCOATS 88 37 REGULARLY $45.00 Z e s t y n e w p a t t e r n s i n w r i n k l e - s h u n n i n g p o l y e s t e r k n i t W i d e l a p e l m o d e l w i t h c o n t r a s t p o c k e t t r i m . M e n ' s r e g u l a r 3 8 - 4 6 ; l o n g 4 0 - 4 6 . S a v e ! V Save now. MEN'S HEATHER STRETCH SOCKS Ribbed crews of Orion acrylic-stretch nylon 1 size fits all REG. $1.50 1 Price cut. SUPER-BLEND UNDERWEAR 25 3for 3 REG. 3 FOR $4.25 Men's T-shirts, briefs in super shape-holding Da cron polyester blended with absorbent pima cotton. Tops .for comfort, wear. S-M-I-rXL. 1.01 OFF COMFORT-KNIT SHIRTS FOR MEN REGULARLY $5.99 G r e a t f i t f o r s p o r t s o r l e i s u r e . E a s y - g o i n g p o l y e s t e r - c o t t o n s t a y s n e a t , h o l d s f i t a f t e r m a c h i n e w a s h i n g . W h i t e , l i g h t b l u e , t a n , m a i z e . M - L - X L SAVE 2.12 DOUBLEKNIT SLACKS FOR MEN 13 88 REGULARLY $16.00 M e n ! G e t i n t o p a t t e r n e d s l a c k s f o r a l i v e l y l o o k . W e a r d o u b l e k n i t p o l y e s t e r , f o r w r i n k l e - s h e d d i n g c o m f o r t . N o i r o n n e e d e d . 3 2 - 4 0 . I SAVE 1.11-2.11 MEN'S KNIT CASUAL SLACKS Great - fitting, QRft wrinkle - shun polyester. Sol- REG. ids. 3240. 99 . |10.99 SAVE 1.00 MEN. SWIMWEAR AT LOW PRICES /I00 TANK TOPS REG. $5.00 4«° TRIIIS TRUNKS REG. $5.00 G r e a t m a t e s l o r S u m m e r . T a n k t o p s o f c o l o r f u l p r i n t c o t t o n f o r c o o l c o m f o r t T r u n k s o f s r p t g f i t t i n g L a s t e x " r u b b e r - n y l o n b l e n d S - M - L - X L . 1 SAVE 1.12 - 2.12 LUXURY SHIRT HITS FOR MEN 6 8 8 REGULARLY $8 - $9 A s u p e r b b l e n d o f • p o l y e s t e r - n o i l s i l k f o r a n e l e g a n t n e w l o o k M a c h i n e - w a s h . T a i l o r e d w i t h c o o r d i n a t i n g b u t t o n s . T a n , b l u e , g r e e n S - X L . I Father's Day Specials STORE HOURS M on thru F ri. 10 a m 9 p.m. S a t u r d a y 9 3 0 a m 5 p m §unday 12 Noon 5 p.m.* • Our Garden Shop Opens at 10 a.m. on Sundays Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 FREE PARKING