FEMALE HELP WANTED^ FEMALE HELP WANTED I GARAGE SALE PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1975 DEPENDABLE mature woman to live in while mother is in hospital for an operation. 2 children and invalid mother 497-4392 6-11/6-13 REGISTERED NURSE i Cytometric Assistant. Busy | Full time, DaV Shift Optometric practice has open- ' - ing for experienced personnel. Young woman with knowledge of the many facites of Optome try, as well as, general office . routine. Please send resume [Apply personnel dept. the many facites of Optome- / u as well as, general office ! McHENRY HOSPITAL , Uutine. Please send resume and re fe rences to Box MA-3 J c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Mc Henry. 60050 6-6/6-11 r"EXPfR7fNCED GIRL FRIDAY , I Excellent starting salary. | | Accurate typing & Short- • J hand essential. Must be 1 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-2200 Extension 645 i conscientious, and be able I • to work with a minimum of | I iz 6-6/6-11| Supervision. Contact MR. OLSEN or •MR. RADKE 385-3499 SCAN-AM COMPANY 1705 S. Rte. 31, j McHenry, III. 6-11/6-13 HELP WANTED Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 6-4-TF-1-2 SECRETARY LOAN CLOSER Interesting position open for individual to process and close our buyers end loans. Applicant should have some experience in this area. Typing skills necessary. Call 815-459-5500 for appointment Robino Ladd Co. 451 Coventry Green Crystal Lake, III. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON PART OR FULL TIME SMITH & ZOLL REAL ESTATE 4103 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. CALL 385-6600 i For confidential interview. 6-4-TF-1-2 AVON o o < > < (EXCELLENT EARNINGS: * | < >Be an Avon Representative < i now. Sell family needs at < inew low prices, plus world < |famous cosmetics, frag- ,>rances. Call today: Mrs. Bauer ;; 815-385-5385 6/4-TF 1-2 6-11/6-13 SITUATION WANTED PAINTING - 2 college students experienced in exterior paint- ipg. Reasonable. Call 385-0066 or 385-2747. 6-11/6-18 School teacher and college age sons, will paint houses or seal blacktop driveways. Call 385- 0455 6-6/6-13 SINCE 1881 FEMALE HELP WANTED T Y P I S T SHIPPING DEPT. We have an immediate opening in our shipping dept. This is a permanent, full time position. We offer free benefits that include: • Free hospital and major medical insurance, • Free life insurance and pension plan. • Plus 10 paid holidays andi, paid vacation. By appointment only. CALL MR. KEN BIRD Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm 815-459-2400 INDUSTRIES, INC. ROUTE 31 NORTH CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 60014 An Equal Opportunity Employer 6-6/6-11| HELP WANTED 4406 W. Shore, Lakeland Park, youth bed, baby dressing table, box spring, camping equipment, games, toys, dishes, clothing, sizes baby to adult. June 12, 13 & 14th, Thursday, Friday, 9:00 - 4:00, Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 6-11 Garage Sale Continued. 2415 Mogra Drive, Riverside Drive to Kama, two blocks to Mogra Many new items. Wed. to Fri. 6-11 GIGANTIC MOVING SALE - furniture, bikes, games, cloth ing, tools, cleaning products, much more. June 14 - Junfe 15 4215 W. Lake Shore Dr. Won der Lake 653-5261 6-11 MOVING SALE 5511 South St. Richmond. Refrigerator, wash er, dryer, misc. 14th & 15th 815-678-7541 6-11 4705 W. SHORE DRIVE, Lakeland Park, 4 family. 9:30 -5:00, June 12, 13, Thursday, Friday. Camper tops, bikes, appliances, furniture, 3HPboat motor 6-11 •••••••••••••••••••• J Come and see our screen- J • house sale • J We've filled it to the top. J • Stop and buy a thing or two- * • The cheapest way to shop. • • • • We've items to many to • • mention. * • All of good quality, too; • J They're sure to get your • • attention-- • • We'd be honored having • • |212 S. Lily Lake Rd.j (off of 120) • Fri., June 13 & Sat., June 14, 9 am - 6 pm • 6-11/6-13 « •••••••••••••••••••• YOU! Between CHALET McHenry IN NEED OF LP.N.'S 3.00 - 11:00 P.M. 11:00 • 7:00 A.M. Apply in person 920 N. Seminary Woodstock, III. o < > < > < > ' • < > o o o A • < > < > 5-11/6-130 WE NEED YOU!! R.N.'s OR LP.N.'s Who care Full or part time All shifts Willing to work hard and give good nursing care. Supervision of Aides Rehab. Pay comparable to area 459-7791 CRYSTAL PINES NURSING HOME 6-11/6-13 SAVE MONEY BUY YOUR NEW NEEDS THROUGH THE WANT ADS. © MARRIED? I €3 WANTED TO RENT FAMILY DESIRES YEAR - ROUND three or f9ur bedroom house on the Fox River or chain of lakes. Lease with rent up to $400. month 815-385-6882 6-11/6-18G SMALL 2 bedroom house, in the McHenry area. 385-1256 6-11 CARD OF THANKS WE WOULD like to thank Fred Meyers and staff for the co operation they have given the McHenry Pigtail League 6-6/6-11 We would like to thank everyone who was so kind and thoughtful during our recent sorrow. The prayers, masses, cards, don ations, and visitations , were very much appreciated, and comforted us in our hour of need. The Family of Celia Justen 6/11 I WISH to thank everybody for prayers - cards - gifts, es pecially Father Baumhofer and Father Kulak also the hosp ital personnel who were so kind to me. CECELIA E. BLAKE 6-11 WORDS CANNOT adequately express my appreciation for a 11 the prayers, cards, visits and other kindnesses extended to me and my family during my re cent illness. Special thanks to Fathers Baumhofer and Kulak, all the nurses, aides etc. at McHenry Hospital. ELEANOR WAGNER 6-11 BOATS & MOTORS 24' Owen's cruiser with trailer $2,900 or best offer. Phone 385-2107 6-11 21' Century Coronado inboard, very good condition. Asking $1,800, 385-2745 6-11/6-18G 17 ft. fiberglass Sea Ray 75 horse Johnson, gator trailer, new mooring cover $1200 312- 526-8572 6-6/6-13G 16' Fiberglass, 65 HP Mercury good condition Asking. $850. Boat at Wonder Lake. 312- 495-2376 6-4/6-11G 16 Ft. fiberglass boat, 90 HP Evenrude outboard recently overhauled, trailer, $1,000.00 815-385-4420 6-4/6-UG 15' Chetck 35 HP Johnson, ex cellent condition $250.00. 385- 1418 6-11/6-18G £?l dome in and [00(1 ocrez oax coC[ection of$ tzufjj exfixeaiue announcements ana, acce±±ozie±. *J^e[icate aztujoz/z, just zigfit \^±entiment±, tasteful! cofozi and [ettezing carefully designed to m a£e it fio±si(j[e fox tfou to do zcg (it t(i uncj exac &)• INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS STATIONERY THANK VOU NOTES lO BRIDAL BOUTIQUE (0/2£ ^QcLzaxzr of often Jlfficu.[t to find any fiEacz sLxs. . . <xjEtddinq dccsa.i.oXLSA The McHenry Plaindealer HOURS: MON-FRI - 8:30-5:00 9:00-12:00 3812 W. ELM STREET McHENRY - ILL TELEPHONE (c 385-0170