385-4520 spurgeons Warm Up to Savings 9 For a Limited Time! 72x90 fits JC97 ^47 full or twin to # Luscious Beacon specials! Fantasy acrylic in blue, yellow, green, or champagne, 72x90 5.97 102x90 fits full or queen 8.97 Adair, acrylic thermal blanket. Blue, gold, green, or white, 72x90 5.97 MacNeal, heavy acrylic red plaid, 72x90 7.47 Patriot, blue or brown and white striped acrylic, 72x90 7.47 Suzette, white acrylic with 5-inch Schiffli embroidery, 72x90 7.47 St. Mary's Shadow Flower screen print blanket, acrylic-polyester. Neva-Shed?, ex tra thick, lightweight. Blue or gold, 72x90 or Watercolor, blue or pink 6.47 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN & SAVE ON THESE EXCELLENT GIFT ITEMS \ FOX RIVER STONE CO. BANKAMEBICARII welcome 189 1656 9 Choose It and Charge It at Spurgeon's 4400 W. RTE. 120 - McHENRY Mon.-Fri.9:00 to 9:00Sat. 9:00 to 6:00in. 10:00-5:00 Community Calendar .JUNE 16 thru 20 (i i r I Scout Day Camp. Harrison Benwell Conservation Area. JUNE 16-23 Bible School For Two Weeks - - Zion Lutheran Church-4206 W. Waukegan Road. JUNE 18 Luncheon & Card Party -- Johnsburg Community Club Mall - Serving Starts at 12 Noon -- Sponsored By St. John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality. McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting - Spojnia Polish Camp -- 8 p.m. JUNE 19 Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America--Pot-Luck Supper. Installation of Officers -- K.C. Hall. JUNE 19. 20, 21 Annual St. Mary's Rummage Sale -- Montini School Gym. JUNE 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Regular Meeting- Oak Room -- St. Mary's Hall-7:30 p.m. JUNE 20 and 21 Annual Rummage Sale-St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul Avenue and Green Street- McHenry. JUNE 20-21-22 McHenry Moose Lodge - Friday Night, Entertainment -- Saturday, Dinner Dance -- 7 p.m. -- Sunday, Dedication And Enrollment Ceremony Frefreshments - 2 p.m. JUNE 20-21-27-28 Town & Country Program -- St. Patrick's Montini Primary Center And Parish Hall. JUNE 21 Lakeland Park Women's club Collection For FISH Lakeland Park Community House-8 a.m. to 11 a.m. JUNE 22 "House Walk Into Gracious Country Living" -- Dutch Creek Woodlands-Johnsburg-Noon until 5 p.m. - Benefit St. John's Restoration Fund. Annual Summer Social And Chicken Dinner-St. Peter's FLAG STONE - VENEER STONE LOCAL FIELD STONE & BOULDERS • IMPORTED BOULDERS In A Variety Of Colors • COLORED LANDSCAPE STONE • CRUSHED LIMESTONE • SAND GRAVEL Rt. 31 & McLeaft Blvd. - 5 Mi. So. of Elgin 742-6060 742-6064 SOUTH ELGIN PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNFSDAY, JUNE 18. 1975 Enjoy Outing House For Gracious Living Junior Girl Foresters Will The McHenry Junior Girl Foresters will travel to Dan delion amusement park near Milwaukee. Wednesday, June 25. Girls 6 years and under must have an adult chaperone. They will meet at the city park at 9 a.m. and return at 4:30 p.m. Call Mrs. John McGee or Mrs. Ronald Conway for bus reservations by Friday, June 20. Myrtle Oh man Makes Acquaintance Of Great Grandson THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY a Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich -- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION' fM*t< im Fret Press A Key NNA SUSTAINING _ MEMBER -1975 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Vear $9.00 1 Year $12.50 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County IFWC District Holds Meeting In Spring Grove The Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, District 4 held the post-convention meeting at St. Peter's hall in Spring Grove recently. Lotus Country Woman's club hosted the meeting. Forty club members of District 4 attended, and Lotus club was represented by f o u r t e e n m e m b e r s . Decorations were in red, white and blue and fresh Spring flowers. The pledge of allegiance was led by District 4 president, Martha Count, of Belvidere. This was followed by a meditation honoring Memorial day, called "Remember Me", presented by Lotus club President, Kay Smith. Roll call was taken and the minutes of the March district meeting were read and approved. Ms. Count was then presented a new gavel for the district, as well as a corsage made by President Kay Smith. A report was made that eighteen delegates were represented at the state convention held in Chicago. An announcement was made that a Spring style show would be held at the March, 1976, meeting. Each club will have one person entering in the following categories: Dress, coats and suits, sport clothes, etc. Money made from selling the Bicentennial plates will be., used for teaching visiting nurses, who will be trained for home visits. A motion was made that District 4 evaluate the convention and send post- convention copies to all twenty- six district presidents and they, in turn, evaluate and mail their evaluations to the state officers. The list of clubs who had entered the Care project was read. Frances Heinemann was nominated as Conservation chairman for District 4. A nominating slate and auditing committee was picked for the coming year. Dates of district meetings were announced as follows: Sept. 29, 1975, board meeting at Whispering Oaks, silent auc tion; Jan. 29, 1976, board meeting at Shady Lane, Marengo; March 31, 1976, board meeting, Pecatonica Woman's club. May 26, 1976, second annual post-convention meeting, Wonder Lake. Following the meeting, a delicious dinner was served by the Christian Mother's society of St. Peter's parish. The chairmen were Beverly Sch- mitt and Magdalen Miller. Mrs. Frances Shotliff was honored with applause for sixty-four years of membership in the club. RUMM AGE SALE A rummage sale will be held Friday, June 20, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, June 21, from 9a.m. to noon in St. Paul's Episcopal church, Green street and St. Paul avenue. There will be a great selection of bargains. THROUGH THIS PLAN THE CUSTOMER CAN EXPECT A NOTICEABLE IMPROVEMENT IN HIS OR HER HAIR WITHIN 2 WEEKS providing a place for a boat to be moored. A diving board on the balcony gives access to a swimming area created by natural springs. Upon entering the upper level one feels surrounded by nature. The house is built with an open design. Space is defined by seven foot solid partitions capped with pure glass which reaches the sweep of cedar decking. All of the rooms have sliding, bronzed glass doors which open onto balconies which overlook the water. One can also enjoy a thunderstorm, a snow storm, or star gaze through a continuous, vaulted, vistadome skylight located in the ridge of the timber roof. The house is flooded with natural light year around. This house was designed for Mr. and Mrs. Hurckes and their seven sons. The kitchen has an island cooking area and features double or extra large appliances and custom designed lighting fixtures. The Kitchen Band Plays Fourth Performance The McHenry Senior Citizens club kitchen band was en thusiastically welcomed at the Harvard Rest home, when members appeared there to give their fourth performance. Huge welcome signs greeted the band, also an open letter to Dolly and j the kitchen band expressing thanks for their continued interest in furnishing Special guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Blomgren of Scottsdale, Ariz., formerly of McHenry, aunt and uncle of the bride, and Edgar Borup of West Germany, the bride's uncle. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honored at two surprise showers. The first was given by the groom's sister-in- law, Mrs. James Thennes, at the American Legion hall. Fifty friends and ̂ relatives of the groom were in attendance. In addition to numerous household gifts, she received a handmade quilt from relatives of the groom. A second shower was given in the home of Mrs. Thomas Brozowski, hosted by Mrs. Brozowski and Miss Diane Leinen, for thirty friends and relatives of the bride. lower level, where the bedrooms are located, is reached by descending a wide, circular staircase. St. John.'s Restoration fund will benefit from the proceeds of the "House Walk." Tickets will be available at the door. Children under 16 will be ad mitted free when accompanied by an adult. The church will also be open for the afternoon and refreshments will be served. entertaining programs for the residents. It had the signatures of the entire staff of the Har vard Rest home, as well as the signatures of all of the residents.- S u c h h e a r t w a r m i n g gratitude pleased the band members, who then presented a super program. After its completion, a request was received for a special number, and the band then re-assembled and complied. At the conclusion, members were invited to share the refreshments and were sur prised to find that Mrs. Myra Richardson had prepared a beautifully decorated cake dedicated to' the band in scribed, "McHenry Senior Citizens club Kitchen Band, June, 1975". The band mem bers then enjoyed a social time visiting with the residents. SUMMER PUNCH Hot days are almost here. Here's an idea for a cool, sum mer punch-cranberry-apple drink, combined with bubbly soda, lemon slices and fresh mint leaves. OLD PLANT A huckleberry plant in Western Pennsylvania is the oldest living thing on earth. It covers several hundred square acres and is estimated by botanists to be over 13.000 years old. Silhouette's Beauty Salon 4719 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-2990 Illinois Federation of Women's clubs convention delegates, left to right, are Eva Freund, secretary of Lotus Country Women's club, and Martha Count, president of IFWC District 4. The convention was held at the Palmer House, Chicago. FOR NEW CUSTOMERS STARTING ON JUNE 1, 1975 The initial cost of $20 will include 2 appointments. The first appointment is to select the style, the shampoo, the cut and teaching the customers to use the driers to keep the style looking right. The second appointment, 2 weeks later is made to further develop the customers styling skills and to work out problems that may have developed. ROBERT HURCKES HOME nnouncim TWO NEW OPERATORS! MARGE MclNERNEY THURS. & FRI. 9 to 5 PAM BELL0N THURS. 3 to 7:30 - SAT. 9 to 5 WE'RE REALLY GOOD . . . T R Y U S ! . Visit Our Green House Mrs. Myrtle Ohman of 4510 W. Lakewood, McHenry, is spending two weeks in Indiana, making the acquaintance of her new great-grandson, one- month-old Michael Joseph Poor. Michael Joseph is the son of Courtney and Judy (Robertson) Poor of Wakarusa, Ind. He is their first child. Mrs. Marilyn Robertson of- Winnemac, Ind., is the baby's grandmother. Parish-Spring Grove-Serving 12 noon to 3 p.m. - Church Hall. Community Auction And Barbecue - Holiday Hills Beach, River Road - 12 Noon Until Dark - Holiday Hills Property Association. JUNE 24 Day of Recollection, Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic of America- Convent, Mun- George Brown Daughters Benedictine delein-Rev. Officiating. Order of Eastern Star - Stated Meeting - Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. Sharp. JUNE 26 Johnsburg Pigtail League -- General Meeting - Pistakee Highlands Community Club, Hilltop and Luella -- 7 p.m. McHenry Garden Club - Garden Tour And Picnic Lunch - Lake Forest -- Leave Roller Rink at 10:45 a.m. JUNE 28 Richmond-Pioneer Club- Annual Strawberry Festival In Court Yard On Broadway - Starting At 10 a.m. until ? - Rain Date June 29. The two story cedar and glass home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurckes is one of the three architecturally unique homes in Dutch Creek Woodlands which will be open to the public during the "Housewalk into Gracious Country Living" Sunday, June 22, from 12 to 5 p.m. The most unusual feature of this home is its construction steel pilings which allow the waters of Dutch Creek to flow under the entire house, Miss Blomgren Lovely Bride St. Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake, was the setting for the Saturday, June 14, wedding of Linnea R. Blomgren and John B. (Jack) Thennes, both of McHenry. The Rev. John Holdren officiated at the 1 o'clock afternoon ceremony in a church decorated with floral arrangements of spring flowers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Blomgren of 3207 W. Fairway Funeral Arrangements Corsages O C K £ Z A 1213 N. Third St. OU7£Zi | McHenry = Open Friday E Evenings & Sundays E Plant Doctor In Residence ^Pfionz 385-2300 E rTi 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mlllllllllllllllr J AXE'S STYLING FOR MEN AND WOMEN Hairstyling is not just an expensive hair cut. Hairstyling is an important part of good grooming. Without a good cut a good style is impossible. But styling is more than just a good hair cut. It is understanding your hair, knowing how to keep it looking good and being able to style it easily. Without good styling techniques a good hair cut can be wasted! By Appointment 815-385-7771 3317 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois IMIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU^ drive, McHenry, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes of 1212 N. Court street, McHenry. Special music at the ceremony was presented by soloist, Rochelle Santapoalo, friend and colleague of the bride. The pretty bride chose an imported white silk organza gown fashioned with a deep satin border enhanced with Venice lace. The gown was designed with a scoop neckline, cap sleeves, fitted bodice and an A-line skirt which flowed irrtc a court length train. Her bouffant, illusion, cathedral length veil bordered with Venice lace was attached to a Juliet cap. The headpiece was designed by the groom's aumt, Miss Vandalena Diedrich. Mrs. Thomas (Laurie) Brozowski of Mundelein, at tended her sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. James (Rita) Thennes, sister- in-law ol the groom, Mrs. Mark (Lori)Bringe of Wonder Lake, a friend of the bride and Miss Diane Leinen of Evanston, a colleague of the bride. The attendants wore floor length gowns of peach knit crepe with cut-away sleeves and matching jvkets. The matron of honor's ^own was a deeper shade of peach. They wore flowers in their hair and each carried a basket of daisies, carnations and baby's breath. James Thennes of McHenry, the groom's brother, served as best man. Groomsmen were Thomas Brozowski of Mun delein, the bride's brother-in law, Dennis Meyers of McHenry, a friend of the groom, and David Thill, a cousin of the groom. Ushering duties were handled by Gary Thennes of McHenry, the groom's brother, and Rick Borup, a cousin of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Blomgren chose a floor length print gown of yellow, green and tangerine with bone color accessories. The groom's mother wore a mint green formal length gown with matching accessories. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at Loras hall at St. Thomas church for 150 guests. When the couple returns from a two-week honeymoon trip to Jamaica and Florida, they will make their home at 835 Ridge avenue, Evanston. The bride is a 1972 graduate of MCHS and graduated from Evanston Hospital School of Nursing in 1975. She is em ployed as a registered nurse. The groom graduated from Marian Central Catholic high school in 1967 and served two years in the armed services. He works as assistant manager of an Osco Drug store in Niles. Dinner for the immediate families and the wedding party was held at a Grayslake restaurant the night before the wedding. KIM MARIE CROOK ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Crook of 7710 Oakwood drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kim Marie, to Kevin J. Sheahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Sheahan of 475 W. Judd street, Woodstock. Kim Marie is a 1975 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school, Woodstock, and her fiance is a 1974 graduate of the same school. The young couple are planning an Aug. 16 wedding at Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake, this summer.