Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1975, p. 14

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PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALEKWEDNESDAYJ I'VE 25, 1975 to w-V j> w* <* » <«•- j w >«* * - ' SKjjjpSfc.. " p* ^ M*. 38iS* *9«ii *. f««h8P :?: WE- ; UNDT ucfoetifide tfcfibti ft/ay '**k, tot. H t " irmh* .m •mm&m * i T *Qnn,mn> u,f> •«' «*•» wmam W($. MmtxtHkf *•<<» «» <*«*<» mmm* wwm* «V iU, (< <~# ?«r. a *KSX HANOVER AGt ,. 1/mftJ Bt̂ f *AKC6M0* < •» «•» < /•> •-. ADMINISTRATOR 1&K ****** w?; Nt> cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards .of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance.. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1968 Bronco, 4 x 4 289, V-8 full metal top, many new items. $1,250. 815-455-3198 6-25/6-27 1968 Plymouth Fury III, p.s., p.b., air, new tires, runs great Needs fender. $275.00 385-6300 6-25 1954 Chrysler, 331 Himi engine, body good condition. $300.00 or best offer. 385-4569 6-25/7-2G 1974 Mustang II, Mach I, too many extras to list. 385-5284. 6/25-7/2-G May we help you reduce your Auto Premium? Call us for a quote Sunderlage Insurance Agency 815-338-3328 6/25-6/27 '69 Nova, excellent condition, many new parts, new tires, 8 cvlinder, stick, best offer. 385- 2496 " 6-25/6-27 1974 BUICK STATION WAGON. A/C, power steering & brakes, radial tires, much more. Ex­ cellent condition. $4500. Phone 815-385-2718 TF '69 BUICK 4 dr. 225 electra,. air, all options, new tires, plus mounted snows $850. Firm 653- 3400 private 6-25/6-27 1968 Ford Wagon, 9 passenger, air, p.b., p.s., automatic trans., good mechanical condition, little rust 385-3863 G6-25/7-1 1967 Ford Van, heavy duty $500. 385-0443 6-20/6-27G 1969 VOLKSWAGEN, automatic excellent condition, priced to sell $900 or best offer 815- 344-1369 6-18/6-25G 1970 Spitfire Triumph, runs good. 385-2616 6-18/6-25G Good transportation, cheap. Call 385-4043 6-18/6-25G 1930 Model A, partially re­ stored. $2,800.00 385-5534 G6-18/6-25 1974 Vega Hatchback, fully eq­ uipped, like new. Take over pay­ ments. 497-3110 6-13TF 1967 CHEVIE 2 dr. stick shift, 28f> en&'ne fair body $225 or offer Call 385-1068 G6-18/6-25 MECHANICS DREAM '67 Buick Wildcat. Body in good condi­ tion. Runs but needs work. Best ,/» offer Call 385-l615after 5 P.M. 6-18/6-25G 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $500 or best offer. Fair condition 815- 344-1062 6-25 1963 MERCURY runs good $100 385-5980 6-25 1971 PONTIAC LE MANS one owner original miles 19,000 Excellent condition $1,900 385- 8625 6-25/7-2G 1974 Ford F-10U, 302 V-8, Topper, Sr. West Coast Mirrors, Heavy duty step bump­ er, AM/FM stereo 8 track tape player, new snow tires, Low mileage. Call 653-9529 after 5:30 6/4-TF1-2 1973 Chevy El Camino, 4 speed FM radio and tape deck. Good condition. Call 344-0642 after 5 p.m. 6-25/7-1G MOTORCYCLES ,1973, 125 Kawasaki, low mile­ age, good condition. Ask for Bill 385-5578 6-25/7-2G 1971 Yamaha DT IE Enduro, good shape, low mileage, with helmet $500.00. Call after 6. 344-0591 6/25-6/27 1974 Suzuki, TS-185, like new, low mileage, Call after 6p.m., Monday thru Friday. $650 firm. 344-1673 G6-20/6-27'. 1973 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74 full dress much chrome. Imma­ culate condition. Low mileage $2,995.00 or best offer 385- 7388 G6-20/6-27 1974 Yamaha, 500 cc, excellent condition, 1,200 miles, only $1,400.00. Call after 4, 385-1527. 6-20 6-27G Honda 1974 CB 125 Bought new in March, 1975. 1705 miles sissy bar & pad, crash bar, 2 helmets, luggage rack, Must Sell. $700.00, 385-5393 6-25/6-27 MOTORCYCLES '72 HONDA, 450 stock, excel­ lent condition. $850.00. 385- 2872 after 6:30 G6-20/6-27 1974 YAMAHA 100 MX Excel­ lent condition $550.00 or best offer 385-5839 TF 1973 CL 350 Honda, excellent condition. Asking $650.00 or will trade for pick-up of equal value. Call 385-9433 after 6pm 6-25/6-27 BUSINESS SERVICES Lawn Clare Service. Residential and commercial, overgrown field mowing. 312-223-2498 S.J. Eng. Co. 6-18/6-25 Experienced roofer wants all types roofing work. Large or small including barns, reason­ able prices, references, insur­ ance. Call Jet at 385-0147 6-20/7-2 fpQILfM -ERVICE I GET READY FOR RIDING at reasonable rates * Tune ups * Chopper Parts * Customizing 385-7652 Ask for GUARANTEED UMNT ADS • 3 Consecutive Days • 3 FREE if you are not satisfied with results you receive • You must call back on date of 3rd insertion Just Call 385-0170 6 times 0NLV Reg. *10.90 $5.00 Save $SM J. & R. CEMENT CONTRACTORS • Patio • Foundations • Driveways t Sidewalks • Flat Work • General Hauling • Septic Systems and Back Hoe Work Call 815-385-3840 or 815-385-8604 BUSINESS SERVICES Wanted to buy Junk cars, day or night service. 385-3004 or 385- 7977 6/4-TF 1-2 $5 to $10 for complete junk cars, others free. Property "Clean up price quoted 385-5361 - 6-4/6-27-TF-1-2 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, 459- 0081 6-4-TF-1-2 We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 6-4/6-27 Seawalls and pi^rs. For es­ timates call Nusbaum Welding Service. 815-338-2968 5-23/6-27 LEE'S ROOFING: AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS SHINGLES AND SIDING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE 6-4-TF-1-2 m -4/6-27 RAY'S BLACKTOP 30 Day Special On Driveways Parking Lots Also Seal Coating Free Estimates 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed 815-385-8020 FOR SALE CLARINET, good condition with case $30 815-344-0689 6-25/6-27 *; 5-30/6-27, PERFECTION fh PAINTER owest * Interior & Exterior JO Prices Around * Free Estimates * Insured 815-385-5269 5-21/7-2 PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES at the VINCENT'S STRAWBERRY FARM Daily 7 am to 1 pm No children under 10 mi. north of Richmond, n o • ( > 3 °Ill. on Hwy. P - turn left {* on Hwy. O - Follow Nip-' * ^persink signs. * * 50c quart I 6-13/7-25 • Carpentry • Cement Work • Patios • New Homes - NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Roofing • Siding • Painting • Additions No Job to small or unreasonable CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 6-6/7-18 414-279 A conducted house sale Tty THE MOTHER LODE 815-338-0855 Fri & Sat., June 27 & 28 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2831 Lake Shore Drive Twin Lakes, Wise. (Take Hwy. 173, turn north on Hwy. 12 or County EM- WATCH FOR SIGNS) Complete contents of a large summer house. Sev­ eral bedroom sets, living room & den furniture, old wicker, freezer and the usual accumulation of ac­ cessories, utensils & glass ware. Also a vinyl boat, collapsible. 6-25 BUSINESS SERVICES 1HAMV BENSON & SON CEMENT & MASON WORK 8 * Patios * Sidewalks * Fireplaces • Driveways • Brick * Stone • Seawalls • Block FLATID0RK Free Estimates 8I5-385-7W3 or 815-653-5513 6-11/7-23 FOR SALE SWIMMING ANYONE two above ground Pools, 1 -10 ft. diameter x 30 inches $25. 1-12 ft. dia­ meter x 36 inches $50. Pool filter $25., Ladder $15., all in good condition call after 6 p.m. 385-0810 6-25- Blanket sale now in progress at Spurgeon's. Use our Lay- a-way plan now, and save on these excellent gift items. 6-18/6-27 7 HORSE electric start Inter­ national cub cadet tractor $300 utility trailer 4x6 $50 385- 2496 6-20/6-25 NEW - 4 FIRESTONE 500 wide oval tires 13". Original $40 each, $25 ea. or best offer 385-0489 6-20/6-27G One Sears 20" Rotary Lawn- mower, 3 HP engine, top con­ dition $40. 385-7434 6-25/6-27 Humidifier $20.00 wooden base cabinet $5; Toastmaster broiler $5; electric fan $5; 2 folding cardtable chairs $5.00 385-3151 6-25 36" self propelled gasoline cycle mower $70.00 paint­ ed kitchen cabinets suitable for basement $45.00 new motor­ cycle motor $90.00, motors and electric hand tools reasonable. 815-653-3302 6-25/6-27 -- > 15 pc. Whitehall Drum set, Ludwig heads, ZILDJIANhi-hat cymbals, good condition. $400. or best offer. 385-5839 TF Madden Sofa $300, Marble top table $75., Frigidaire flair elect, stove 2 oven $300, 1966 Pont. Wagon p.s. p.b., air $250, dining rm. set Italian Provincial $4,500., tandem bike, 2- double hung window $45., custom made drapes off white lined 1 pr. 36 x 84, 3 pr. 30 x 84, 1 pr. 32 x 58 $25. pr. 385-3885 6-25/6-27; Hillsboro Goose Neck Trailers, Grain dump trailers and flatbeds, 16 to 30 ft. in stock. Complete line of Braden winches. Adams Enterprises 3017 W. Rte.'120, McHenry Phone (815) 385-5970 Residence (815) 385-6130 6-4-TF-l BEDDING PLANTS Flowers, Vegetables, Ger­ aniums, Mums, and potted roses, Cactus and House PL'its. SCHLESSER'S GREEN HOUSE 211 E. Route 120 McHenry, 111. (East of Lakemoor) 6-4-TF-1 -2 FOR SALE Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off, will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 6-4-TF-1-2 Vegetable plants, 6" to 10" V.S. hybrid, popular varieties, 25 for 80 cents (average) 385- 9432 6-4-TF-1-2 15 ft. Self Contained Westwind Travel Trailer - Sleeps 6 - Gas stove - gas or electric refrigerator-lavatory - 2 bottle gas tanks. $1150 or best offer 1631 N. Park St., McHenry 385-5910 G6-18/6-25 90 Cinder blocks, 18x10 $25.00, 512 sq. ft. new Masonite sid­ ing, colorlok light gold, 12 x 16 x 7/16 Nom $200.00 385- 6639 G6-20/6-27 1966 LIBERTY Trailer 1U' x 50' refrigerator, gas range,air conditioner, and oil heat. Ex­ cellent condition. $3,000.00 Call 815-838-0795 G6-20/6-27 Wurlitzer organ, ^ood condition, $350.00 or best offer, one coffee table, 2 end tables $85.00. 344-1627 after 6. 6-206-25 8 ft. railroad ties, very good quality, $6.00 each. 20 or more free delivery. Ask about our guarantee 312-552-8316 6-25/7-18 Traynor custom reverb 100 watt lead amp, 2 cabinets, 2 - 12" speakers each, $500.00 for all 385-1879 6-25/6-27 Water Skis 2 pairs, 2 Slalom, reasonable, 728-0258 after 3:00 p.m. 6-25/6-27 Fl.OOO IJTU Sears air condi­ tioner, 3 years, used one year. Only $175.00 385-3035 6-25 55 gal. open head fiber drums, with lock on steel air tight lids, excellent for storage or moving. $1.00 each. Dura Wax, 4025 W. Main St., McHenry. 6-25/6-27 Lecithin! Kelp! B6! Cider Vinegar! Now all four in one cap sule, ask for VB6+ or VB6+- double strength, also try VB6+- Vitamin fortified, Bolgers Drugs 6/25-7/9 Cassette tapes, groups such as Foghat, Black Oak, Grand Funk, Jethro Tull. Call Bill. 385-9623 6/25 '68 Coleman Trailer, sleeps 8, 2 burner stove, icebox, sink, canopy,good condition. 344-1551 6/25 FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment, McHenry, $185.00 per month, plus sec­ urity deposit. 1 year lease, no pets. After 5 - 385-1980. 6/4-TF 1-2 I Panasonic Hi Fi set, eight I | track tape player, AM/FM' | I radio with turn table, & | • speakers, good condition • 1 $150.00, Sony reel to reel | I tape player, need reverse J | fix w/ speakers $100.00, I | Sears Hi Fi console, one | • speaker out, AM/FM radio I • turn table $25.00, Zenith • • black/white TV, works ! I good with antenna $25.00. J | 815-344-1030 7J •GARDEN QUARTER Apartments of McHenry Now renting 1 and 2 bed­ room apartments, from $195.00 per month. In­ cludes deep pile shag car­ peting, stove, refrigerator, master TV antenna and pool 2 bedroomunitsalsoequip- ped with Hot-Point dish­ washer. Children and pets permitted. Walking dis­ tance to downtown McHenry and North Western Com­ muter station. Management by McLennan Co. Realtors 815-385-2181 or 312-631-6400 6-18/7-30 FOR SALE a iWHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING" L_ " """"I I I-- -- C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L | I SERVING YOt R AREA - I JL 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE | ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-Mcllenry Phone: 385-0170 I W E A R E N O W T A K I N G ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE: Minimum 3 insertions - 15 words or less 10£ per addit ional word, per insertion • Not offered to commercial accounts fuuniHionoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni 111 -- I I I I I NOW OPEN PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES AT HEIDER'S BERRY FARM -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE-- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE^1^36^67(^ 6-4-TF-1-2 1 mile east of Woodstock on Rte. 120., V2 mile north j on Queen Anne Rd. 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Containers | furnished. NO children under 7 I pii! 6-13TF! 815-338-0287 FOR RENT Duplex, 1 bedroom, ref., stove, w/w carpeting throughout, all utilities except electric. $170. per month. 4307 Wilmot Road. 385-4010 6-25/6-27 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 6-4-TF-1-2 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2,000 sq. ft. zoned light industry $300 per month, plus utilities. Call 385-5534 6-4-TF-1-2 Office Space, heated, carpeted, air conditioned. Furnished. On Main Street in McHenry. Suitable for life ins. sales, accountant, sales rep, attorney etc. . .monthly rental $100.00 McHenry Realty, 3918 W. Main St., McHenry, IL Phone: 385- 5922 6-4-TF-1-2 1 bedroom apartment, heat furnished, air conditioned, stove & refrigerator $158.00 Call (815) 385-1327 6-4-TF-1-2 Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455-0320 6-4-TF-1-2 Large 2 bedroom apartment, heat furnished, range, refrigerator and carpeted. $215.00 per month. 385-5925 or 385-8042 6-4-TF-1-2 Office in heart of McHenry, air conditioning and all utilities furnished. $65.00. Call (815) 385-1327 6-18TF 2 bedroom house, large family room, fireplace, across from beach in Sunrise Ridge, Wonder Lake, $220.00 , references 312-297-6799 , 6/25-6/27 Looking for a young lady to share house and expenses. Reply to Box MA-5, % McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry 6/25-6/27 McHenry Apartment on Fox River for couple. 16 x 20 car­ peted living room with large picture windows overlooking private patio, large yard with shade trees and river, kitchen with stove and ref. 2 bedrooms, $250. all utilities included. 344- 0757 after 5. 6-18/6-25G For Sale or Rent with Option to buy • in McHenry. 3 bedroom ranch, Vi brick! with 20'x 24'family room? with fireplace, newly • painted inside and out. 1 y2 car attached garage, close to schools and shop-1 ping, large lot, available July 1. $275.00 per month. 312-428-1351 312-428-5442 6-20/6-25] CRYSTAL LAKE Darlington Court 1 & 2 bedroom apartments immediately available.' Fully carpeted and draped with private patio or bal­ cony, swimming pool and picnic area. Just minutes from shopping, schools & the Northwestern com­ muter train. One bedroom from $195.00/2 bedrooms from $225.00 Model Apartment Open 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Sunday LOCATED AT Darlington Lane and Virginia Street Just south of U.S. 14 on Virginia. In Crystal Lake PHONE: 815-455-0540 DRAPER & KRAMER, INC. 6-4-TF-1-2 REAL LSTATE Liquidation sale by Attorneys, 24 subdivided 60' lots with sewer and water, in Lakeland Park, McHenry. Ofen be sold individually, will furnish list on request 312-346-1770 6-25/6-27 For Sale: Apartment building in Johnsburg, 2 units, good inflation investment, low taxes. Phone 385-6291 6-4-TF-1-2 McHenry area, one acre plus, zoned light industry. Terms .available. Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co., 312-372-2040, extension C. 6-4-TF-1-2 VACANT LOT on wide deep channel 75x60x150 excellent lo­ cation, reasonable $5,500 in Pistakee Highlands. 312-497- 3801. G6-20/6-27 For Sale by Owner. •» 1 bedroom, all year around home, water rights, Emerald Park. 385-4049 or 385-2309 6-18/6-25G For Sale by Owner. 2 Bedroom all year round home. 1% blocks from lake. McCullom Lake, Mc Henry. Will accept contract from responsible party. $17,000 312-867-5994 6-18/6-25G 2 BEDROOM newly remodeled home, many extras included. River rights, mid twenties 385- 1167 6-18/6-25G 5 ACRE PARCELS, woods and tillable Southern Wise. Twin Lakes Area $14,900. $500 down 7Vgk interest Call 414-877-2786 6-6/6-26 5 ROOM HOUSE, 960 sq. ft., triple track aluminum storms, McHenry, gas, water, sewerage $20,000 312-428-9555 G6-18/6-25 2 LOTS Lakeland Park, all im­ provements, Lake privileges. High wooded lot. Pistakee High­ lands 312-428-9555 G6-18/6-25 Whispering Hills, custom built, 3 bedroom brick cedar frame ranch. Full basement, large landscaped lot, appliances and drapes. $39,900.00 312-497- 3317 6/27 & 7/3 3% ACRE PARCELS vacant Southern Wisconsin, Twin Lakes Area $9,500, $500 down V/flo interest Call 414-877-2786 6-6/6-26 PRICED FOR FAST SALE - condominium - McHenry - all appliances, central air, two bedrooms, 1% baths, fully car­ peted, pool, patio, ground level 815-385-4815 G6-18/6-25 IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM YEAR ROUND RANCH on Channel Fish & Boat from backyard Scenic Lot Pier & Boat Hoist $34,500 VENTURE REALTY 312-253-4800 Arlington Heights, III. 6-18/6-27 QOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOS BOB'S CUSTOM HOMES ARE BUILT FOR QUALITY COMFORT AND RELAXATION 815-385-0804 1 5-14/6-25 1 1 WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent, small 2 bed­ room house in McHenry area. 385-1256 6-25 FAMILY DESIRES YEAR - ROUND three, or four bedroom house on the Fox River or chain of lakes. Lease with rent up to $400. month 815-385-6882 G6-20/6-27 REAL ESTATE Condominium deluxe, 2 bed­ room l^baths, Whispering Oaks 385-8924v IG6-25/7-1; HORSES FOR SALE Palamino and white, registered pinto gelding, 8 years old, 15 hands, good trail ij#>rse $500. Registered Appaloosa gelding 6 years old, trained for west­ ern pleasure, quiet disposition $650., 2 year old registered black and white Pinto filly $300. 2 year old Quarter type (% horse-% pony) well broke, ex­ cellent disposition, childs pet; $200., 4 month old Appaloosa colt, solid colored now with good chance of coloring, well built,; good blood lines $150. 385- 8341 for appointment. 6-20/6-27G* MALE HELP WANTED Man experienced in spray finishing. Apply in person. H.E. Buch, & Sons, Inc. 3012 W. Route 120, McHenry, III. 6-18-TF-1-2 -</

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