PAGE 6 - PLAIND>EALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1975 EARL WALSH SPORTS EDI There has been a lot of fuss recently about girls wanting to play on athletic teams with boys. It won't work. The girls are too rough. Just* read about a game between members of the "weaker sex ". One gal shoved another gal and the game ended in a don- nybrook. Now get this. One gal whacked another across the face with a bicycle chain. Wow' That's too rough for the boys. Think the bumper sticker read: "PITTSBURGH PIRATES IS BASEBALL BEST". They is, is they! We thought the State of Illinois was going to be knee deep in money when lottery was legalized. Somewhere we read where the State is now broke. It's all so confusing. Well, Marie, our favorite baseball teams gave us one happy day anyhow. / It is so comforting when people tell us it isn't the heat, but the humidity that throws us. 1 , It looks like the McHenry Library is going to be enlarged. And it isn't a bit too seon. The one time Mothers' Club .Started the library from scratch People donated money. Organizations gave proceeds of special events. Ice cream socials brought in a few dollars in earlier days. There were many gifts. More donations will soon be needed. Some may want to donate certain furnishings. However, what we started to say when we got carried away is that the library will have a room for historical items concerning our community. You may have something you would like to have placed in this room that will be of great in terest now and in future years. Please don't put the thought aside. We had pleasant association with Patty Pitzen when she worked in the City Hall one summer during her college years. It was generally agreed that to know her was to love her. On Saturday we saw Patty as the Jovely bride of Glenn May. 'Twas a beautiful wedding for two fine young people. We wish them continued happiness. Summer Recreation Program A summer Recreation program will be held, free of charge, at the city's Pearl street park every Monday through Friday, June 23 through July 31. Any children, ages 6-15, attending McHenry schools are welcome to par ticipate. Park director Cindy Bolger will coordinate and supervise activities from 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 each day. Activities include: Volleyball, Softball, kickball, basketball, bad minton. shuffleboard, croquet, chess, checkers and crafts. Competitive events will be held every Thursday and Friday afternoon. These events will be: Softball throw, shuf fleboard, croquet, volleyball, tennis, free throw, badminton and golf. E^ach child will compete in his or her particular age group. Instruction and practice will be available the week of each event. Trophies and ribbons will be awarded. n VYCITAL'S PRO HARDWARE 1228 N. Green St J COUPONS GOOD THROUGH JUNE 30, 1975 GREEN STREET MAIL • * * 4 4 4 * * * % * * * • • • * • • * • • • * 3.49 THERMOS BOTTLE NOW SAVE 1.19 C O M E S W I T H A H A N D L E D C U P . H A S S T A N D A R D F I L L E R A V A I L A B L E A N Y W H E R E speeial 0F ™E M thehmdt Osssj 16.95 STEAM & SPRAY IRON SAVE 6 .96 > u s M a n n i n g B o w m a n . v e r t h e c o t ; a r a n t e e f c i t e r 1 * r e p l a c e m e n t hole year. 999 _25 75c ELMERS . •GLUE ALL SesssO SAVE 3 IC H A N D Y T O H A V E A T A L L T I M E S J only 44c ()$$$ 'RUE IEM PER. 2.99 LONG HANDLE DANDELION DIGGER SAVE I . I I D I G S w e e d s A N D D A N D I C L I O N S W I T H O U T S T O O P I N G sssQsss 2.79 PINT sts() NAVAL JELLY SAVE 60C R E M O V E S R U S T Q U I C K L Y E A S I L Y . H E L P S P R E V E N T F U R T H E R R U S T 219 ;$$$() BERNZQMATIC 12.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS fHssst Kti »>u« «*( ^ 1.50 TRUE TEMPER. GARDEN TROWEL SAVE 6?.C E X T R A S T R O N G A N D S T U R D Y v t t h c o u p o n 88c now U . L . A N D C O A S T GUARD LISTED.. F O R E L E C T R I C A L O I L , P A I N T A N D G A S ' F IR F. S . 7 7 7 : t h c ojffp o n % • % % % % % % % % • * % % % % % % % * % t % • * % • % • WouMi LAKE FLOTILLA t-fc US.C& Avx Have heard there is a memory course for people who forget names. ^ We are a fit subject. There was a time when We could quickly run through the alphabet and catch a clue. Not any more. They must have changed the alphabet. LAKt REGION YMCA NEWS New swim instruction classes conducted by the Lake Region YMCA will begin on Monday, June '30. All summer classes are conducted in the clear, heated pool of the Lake Region YMCA on US Route 31, just south of Route 14. More new classes will begin on July 14, July 28 and August 11. Each two week session of instruction will meet on Monday through Friday for a total of ten days (with the exception of July 4). There are classes for 6 month old through 14 year old girls and boys. The National Progressive YMCA Aquatic Program is followed for all instructional classes. Beginners classes are scheduled for pre-schoolers 6 months through 3 years of age are from 3:30 to 4 p.m., 4 through 6 year olds from 10:30 to 11, 11 to 11 30 and 11:30 to 12 noon. Youth 7 years old and up will have beginners and polliwog instruction from 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. and from 9:30 to 10 :15 a.m. There is one instructor for every six pre-schoolers and one instructor for every ten youth. Deep water classes are scheduled for youth 7 years old and up according to their abilities. Minnows class is from 9:30 to 10:15,a.m.., Fish and Flying Fish classes from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. and Shark class from 11:15 to Noon. There is one instructor for every twelve deep water students. The Lake Region YMCA office is at 7315 S. Route 31 in Crystal Lake. Registrations and information are available 011 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., or call 459-4455. A home town booster is the man who helps make his hometown better as well as bigger. 1. The principal cause of a vessel colliding with another vessel or with a fixed object is failure of the operator to maintain an 1. Accurate compass course 2. Adequate fuel supply 3. Accurate Radio log 4. Efficient forward lookout 2. Gasoline soaked rags should be 1. Placed in the galley waste basket for disposal 2. Kept in the bilge for future use 3. Left on fueling dock for next customer 4. Placed in a tightly sealed metal container and disposed of on shore 3. Refueling is dangerous but if certain precautions are carefully observed many of the potential hazards of refueling can be controlled. These precautions include 1. Mooring securely to the fueling dock 2. Extinguishing all flames aboard 3. Grounding the hose nozzle 4. All of the above Answers fr ON £ ' FR ON Z fr on 1 Fueling --Inboard 17 Fuel up before dark, if possible. Be sure boat is moored securely. 2. Shut down all machinery that might cause a spark. Pull main switch. . 3. Put out galley fires. 4. F'ORBID SMOKING 5. Close all hatches, ports, doors. 6. Keep fire extinguisher handy. 7. Know your fuel jieeds and tell attendant. Dgn't fill tanks to full capacity. Leave room for gasoline expansion. 8. Make metal-to-metal contact with nozzle and fill opening to prevent static sparks. 9. Avoid spillage. 10. After fueling open all ports, hatches, doors. Let boat air out at least 5 minutes. Smell for gasoline. If any is spilled, wipe it up. Smell in bilges and below deck spaces before starting electrical equipment, stove, etc. Be sure your boat has the proper size of bilge ventilator. League pari McHENRY JR. YOUTH LEAGUE - MINOR CONDORS - Pictured above are the Minor Division Condors. Front row, left to right - Billy Herrmann, Mike Boro, Greg Murphy, Joe Condon, Donnie Ray and Carl Jernberg; Back row, left to right - Art Horton, Kirk Barnicle, Mark Pierce, Ron Goebel, Jamie HOwell, James Patterson and Coach Bob Belzer. The Minor Condors are sponsored by the Riverside S.A.C. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Talking it over together apart Pistakee Ladies Golf League A little golf quiz - Does your husband's face turn a deep shade of purple when you suggest a little round of golf for the two of you? Does he munificently throw you his smiling golf balls or generously donate his golf clubs with the Roman numerals? Does he go into a nervous affection characterized by alterante fits of laughing and crving, convulsive struggling, sense of suffocation or com monly called hysterics when he hears of your handicap - for nine holes? If the above questions are answered with a "Yes sir, that's my baby" - Honey, you got problems! It's no embarrassment to come out here and not win, but it is a crime and a shame not to try! Take a few lessons, practice. Practice to play. You'll not only play better, you'll lose weight and your husband will be so knocked out by your gorgeous figure he'll give you a "gimmie" on anything under 6 ft! The heat brought out the scantiest of golf attire today. A few of the girls even discarded their shoes. Heide Kuken and Dor Kreamcheck claimed it helped their game. Dor came in with low gross. Jo Ready captured low putts. Team No. 1 is back in 1st place with 9'£ points and Ethel Broderick's team next with 9. Next Thursday is the lun cheon with a meeting af terward. Awards to the lucky winners. PARK DISTRICT SOFTBALL THROW COMPETITION See how far you can throw a softball. Thursday and Friday afternoon, June 26 and 27, 1:30- 4:00, McHenry City Park. Age categories: Girls 8 and under, 9-11, 12-15.; Boys 8 and under, 9-11, 12-15. Trophies and ribbons will be awarded. Know$7/ J SI HE NOW EVEN THE YOUNGEST CAMPER can join in the excitement of two-way voice com munication with his own, pocket-sized walkie-talkie from General Electric. Mini-trans ceiver model 3-5950 has been designed with small users in mind, yet has-the same features as Dad's adult walkie-talkie #3-5960. Energy-saving "power on" controls, easily used push-to-talk switches, and telescoping antennas are standard equipment with both these units. Depending upon terrain and conditions, the adult model walkie-talkie can transmf* up to a mile. Both GE's adult and children's models transmit on CB channel 14, operate on 9-voIt batteries, and are compact enough to fit into any hiker's pack. These walkie- talkies need no license to use, so this summer everyone in the family can enjoy the fun of outdoor radio communication. Do you know what sidereal time is? Sidereal time, of which we hear little, is an accurate measurement of time. It's the measurement of time de rived from observation of the meridian transits of the stars and differs slightly from so lar time. The mean sidereal day, for example is only 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. The time required for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun is the sidereal year. The sidereal year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.5 seconds. Every fourth year, as the reader probably knows, the extra hours--over and above the 365 days, are combined into an added day --in Leap Year. But the ef fect of this small time diver gence has no hoticeable bear ing on our weather. Two for the road! Men who tingle to their toes really radiate socks-appeal Scottish soldiers are credited with bringing the art of knitting to Great Britain during the 15th century. After learning the skill on campaigns in Spain and France, they spent the time between intermittent border skir mishes knitting socks and other apparel. Of course, dad no longer knits his own socks. In fact, he probably doesn't even think much about them, and that's a shame because today's hosiery offers more practical fash ion value than ever before. In a hosiery rut? If he is in a hosiery rut, a well-thought-out Fath er's Day gift is a perfect way to get him out of it. A "dumb" gift? Not at all. As with any gift, the key to putting socks in the "most appreciated" cate gory is to make certain your choice suits him. Be fore buying anything, con sider his interests, activi ties and other clothing, suggests the National As sociation of Hosiery Man ufacturers. For example, if his wardrobe is basically brown, blue socks will end up in the bottom of his drawer. Brown socks will be worn. But don't get just plain brown socks -- he prob ably has more of those than he needs. Instead try a pattern, but again con sider his taste. If he's con servative, don't buy the wildest pair on the shelf. To coordinate with his business suits, pick a neat, quiet pattern, like a simple geometric in two closely related colors or a single color pair witfy surface in terest in a new light, silk like nylon. For casual wear, go bolder. A tradi tional favorite is the ar- gyle with overplaid. Spice up wardrobe Is he an athlete? Basic white isn't basic any more in athletic socks. Spice up his tennis or golf wardrobe with color-coordinated sports socks. Whatever his favorite game, he'll appreciate socks designed with spe cial comfort features. Cushion soles or feet ab sorb the shock of running, jumping or just plain walking. Other socks fea ture wicking action to keep his feet dry or a degree of support to keep his feet and legs in action longer. Be a sport Even if he's strictly an armchair athlete, you might consider a pair of sports socks featuring stripes in the colors of his favorite team. With just a little thought and a little time at the hosiery counter, you can find socks that are exactly right for dad. FOX RIVER STONE CO. FLAG STONE - VENEER STONE LOCAL FIELD STONE & BOULDERS • IMPORTED BOULDERS In A Variety Of Colors • COLORED LANDSCAPE STONE • CRUSHED LIMESTONE • SAND GRAVEL Rt. 31 & McLeafr Blvd. -i 5 Mi. So. of Elgin 1742-6060 742-6064 SOUTH ELGIN WHATEVER DAD'S FAVORITE ACTIVITY, there's a sock designed with his comfort and taste in mind. For bicycling, consider the popular striped athletic sock with a cushioned sole to absorb shock. A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners-Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds-30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buy! Maico-Zenith-RadioEar Qualitone _ R0BT. STENSLAND & ASSOC. 3937 W. Main St. 385-7661 Behind-the ear AID (1 Reg. $239 '199 ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 MEN WITH SUITCASE SAVVY know that head-to-toe com fort and versatility are top priorities in packing. Underfoot, the Sole leather Council advises -- take along quality shoes that let you cover each day's itinerary with a light comfort able step. To keep vacation feet "traveling on," side-step the aches due to strained or tired muscles by walking in shoes with a genuine leather sole. It makes just plain shoe- sense to look for the Sole Leather Mark, a hide-shaped sym bol appearing on the soles of shoes telling you they're genu ine leather, leather, the natural fiber, is better because it's flexible, bending and stretching to the many changing posi tions of traveling feet, and because it "breathes" to keep feet cool, dry and lively whether traipsing over concrete city streets or hilly country roads. THE LAST OF THE QRJG/NAL ATLANTA BRAVES IS THE KNUCKLE8ALLER. PS/fL memo WHO is IN His MID-THIRTIES BUT 5AYS HE FEELS LIKE HE'S IN HIS TWENVES. LAST YEAR, PHIL WAS ONE OF ONLY TWO 20-GAME WINNERS IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE MESSERSM/TH OF THE DODGERS WAS THE OTHER). * P . NLEKRO HAD A NIFTY E.R. A. OF 2.36 LAST YEAR, HURLED 302 INNINGS TO BECOME THE LEAGUE'S TOP WORKHORSE/ PHIL HAS ADDED ANOTHER PITCH TO HIS ASSORTMENT.. A SCREWBALL, BUT HE STILL BAFFLES BATTERS WITH HIS V KNUCKLER QO% OF THE T/ME. " -Y/